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Anonymous 16/03/06(Sun)14:32 No. 18920 ID: 91afba

At what point can I just toss money at you, -8?

Seriously, your work is beyond awesome.

Anonymous 16/03/10(Thu)12:54 No. 18961 ID: 055863

Minus8, I know about your "new" tumblr, but I can't ask you questions on it so

Can you please share the music/remixes that you make? I liked a lot the one of the new Rosalina flash

Anonymous 16/03/10(Thu)13:04 No. 18962 ID: 055863

Well I found it kinda fast, fuck


Anonymous 16/03/11(Fri)18:58 No. 18967 ID: d68fe5

hold the fuck up, where's the new flash?

Anonymous 16/03/12(Sat)22:26 No. 18974 ID: bb4894


dunno if it'll work cross-thread like this...

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