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Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)07:08 No. 20456 ID: 6a08e5

That doesn't even slightly mean that it happened because it was posted here.
He posts porn here ffs. He also posts porn in his tumblr. Think about it for a little bit.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:27 No. 20460 ID: f45bf4

the drama between one guy who acts like he knows him and one guy who knows the main reason to why he does this.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:39 No. 20461 ID: f45bf4

I guess i should add this but he was being treated like shit and had haters telling him to delete his acc so i back this guy up
But it is true that it may not be because of this site or maybe it is. There are many ways that his contents are spreaded so in the end this drama is between two ppl proving there point.

Anonymous 16/11/18(Fri)05:58 No. 20462 ID: 2c56f9

Just to make clear, because I know my english sucks:
What I tried to say is that the drama gotta end.
I also think no one should respond for him. (Informing that he doesn't do commissions is another story)
All the time some dumbass has to complain about petty and then it becomes a clusterfuck.
For this case, for example, it's not like someone went post his porn or ask for his porn on his personal or work tumblr.
He also posted porn in there so it wouldn't make a difference if it was posted here.
Sorry for the long post, I just suck at making myself clear.

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)09:59 No. 20463 ID: 995f20

I want anal fart girl boys flash sex music

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)19:55 No. 20465 ID: b2da8b

thread is getting clogged again, admins pls descend upon us again

Anonymous 16/11/23(Wed)10:50 No. 20468 ID: 646665

why is the gif on R34 so different from the flash in terms of water placement?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)11:18 No. 20471 ID: f45bf4

is this thread dead?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:11 No. 20473 ID: a5d3d7

It's because of the korean internet censorship laws. The police has legal means to block access to certain websites containing "harmful materials". This includes porn.
porn includes ㅡ8's work.
It is probable that his tumblr is getting blocked and he can't access it without using some shitty VPN. Which is why he's making new blogs so frequently.

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:24 No. 20474 ID: a5d3d7


Also, There is this "아청법". Law against child pornography which prohibits not only real kiddieporn, but also drawn or fictionalized depiction of minors getting it on. This means you can get into trouble for watching some JAV starring a adult pornstar dressed in a schoolgirl outfit. Or from reading a eromanga with schoolgirl uniform drawn in it.
Not to mention that penalty for distributing illegal porn has increased very much so these years.
Because of this, I'd say ㅡ8 is acting very rationally changing his blog so often. Espesically so that he gained this kind of international cult-fame now.
Even more so getting caught by the police drawing porn could possibly mean social death in Korea. His actions are not at all weird.

So in short, just give him a break. Situation in Korea is pretty shitty.

wowo 465 16/11/28(Mon)17:51 No. 20479 ID: d7621b


Anonymous 16/12/03(Sat)05:18 No. 20482 ID: 0c5a48

his life has gotten alot fucking worse
let us pray that he doesn't get killed out there

Anonymous 16/12/04(Sun)16:06 No. 20483 ID: 674b88

Explain plz?

Anonymous 16/12/05(Mon)10:04 No. 20484 ID: 1951d7

What, did he get caught up with the whole cult controlling South Korea thing?

Anonymous 16/12/08(Thu)22:19 No. 20488 ID: b06420

i think he might be memeing at this point but look

Anonymous 16/12/08(Thu)22:26 No. 20489 ID: b06420

i know you lurk here
cheer the fuck up, everything's gonna be fine

what+if+no+habanero 16/12/08(Thu)22:27 No. 20490 ID: dda3c7

he deactivated his tumblr again

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)04:17 No. 20491 ID: 65f857

holy fUCK

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)04:40 No. 20492 ID: 65f857

What happened now?

I saw his blog recently and now it just disappears...

Did someone see what was his last posts?

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)07:46 No. 20493 ID: 97fda9


Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)08:38 No. 20494 ID: a51013

File 121qwq.swf - (26.30KB )

notting happen :D

I just tried to fix the tumbler blog error
Accidentally deleted.
Haha I'm lying.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)09:22 No. 20495 ID: a4e243

At this point if it freaks him out so much maybe he should just stop? He either needs a long break or he just totally stop. It's starting to worry me how freaked out he gets and how much more rapid the freak outs are becoming.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)10:48 No. 20496 ID: 674b88

You have anxiety.

Don't worry though.

Whenever you think that people hate you, remember that there are more people who love you.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)22:13 No. 20498 ID: 0222c5


Anonymous 16/12/10(Sat)05:00 No. 20499 ID: f9102a

Any one has this? Any one has swf?

Anonymous 16/12/10(Sat)10:53 No. 20501 ID: 0222c5

I don't know what to say about this...

Anonymous 16/12/11(Sun)05:10 No. 20507 ID: b1f257

-8 reopened his lastest tumblr...

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)03:33 No. 20511 ID: 2aeb3a

If you got trouble with tumblr, witch I hear happens a lot
create a gnusocial instance.
And if you fear the laws you can always use Gnunet (tor but better)

here's a small manual if you are interested

Love your art continue the good work.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)05:52 No. 20513 ID: bbaed2

Every time Minus8 gets too much attention on Tumblr he nukes his site. If you're really a fan don't follow his page and just save the url or something.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)15:09 No. 20514 ID: 5d3337

I think you all got the wrong idea. He might be deleting his tumblr to cover his tracks. If he's constantly changing locations, it's harder for them arseholes over there to find his porn. I think his emotional posts are a running joke.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)18:22 No. 20515 ID: 8fa1ff

File msf.swf - (2.36MB )


Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)18:48 No. 20516 ID: 0ba68d


Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)19:00 No. 20517 ID: 82c3a0


i like pigtails the most

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)19:26 No. 20518 ID: 6b6c17

Your work is one of the most squeezed my semen in my life,minus8

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)21:10 No. 20519 ID: 674b88

It's really good :)

It's kind of heavy though XD
My computer is REALLY good but it still lags at times.

Thanks for coming back :)

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)02:50 No. 20521 ID: 5a1e7e

dem butts!

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:27 No. 20522 ID: bada9b

I just want you to know m8 that every time I see a new submission, especially one of the long ones (Ankha, rythm heaven, koopa girl, mabel, etc) my day gets 100x better and I wake up feeling great the next morning

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:28 No. 20523 ID: bada9b

Meant Bon Bon but that too

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:33 No. 20524 ID: f8d674

Why is -8 so godlike goddamn
Best of luck my man

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)07:05 No. 20525 ID: 674b88

I'm these two guys.

I just wanted to let you guys to know that if you're like me and the flash is slowing down or having problems, I made a video version of it.

Here it is :)


You can download it directly from here:

Thanks again Minus8 :)

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)07:16 No. 20526 ID: 7f3f68


This is great. Any chance of separate versions with each character?

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)08:49 No. 20528 ID: 899863

File Sprite_312.swf - (65.63KB , Sprite 312.swf )

Good stuff like always!

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)09:05 No. 20529 ID: 068bb5

Making it so it doesn't repeat the same character twice in a row would be cool, but hey.

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)11:40 No. 20530 ID: 561355

link to the full song
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anw6cFmR9hM&index=8&list=RDJaLpzyw4q3w <<

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)21:41 No. 20531 ID: 6652f7

Would also love it if we could separate them out! Otherwise, this. is. the. SHIIIIT!!!!

(as in awesome. This is awesome.. thank you.)

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)11:20 No. 20532 ID: c2ce7c

File msf_charselect.swf - (2.36MB )


made a quick hack of this drunk af. hold down the number keys 1 through 6 to control which girl it is.

-8 i love you a lot. sorry for ruining your art. please keep making it.

extra Rosebank Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)11:38 No. 20533 ID: 44a37d

nice but I wish I didn't have to hold it.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)12:07 No. 20534 ID: c2ce7c

File msf_charselect_2.swf - (2.36MB )


your wish is my command, dude.

it still only polls keyboard events at the start of each animation. so just hold down the key for a little bit.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)17:14 No. 20535 ID: 8fa1ff

File tems.swf - (5.89MB )

:3 hoi

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)18:34 No. 20536 ID: 82c3a0


i love you

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)18:49 No. 20537 ID: 59386c


im stunned

fucking incredible

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)22:16 No. 20538 ID: 7069b9

You are a fucking God.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)22:35 No. 20540 ID: 0964e5

i cant help my laugh at this faping is not posible

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)00:15 No. 20541 ID: c3d512


Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)04:52 No. 20546 ID: cc4cc1


Amazing! Sasuga minus8

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)05:04 No. 20547 ID: 6f4b2a

2 godlike flashes in like 2 days wtf

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)06:29 No. 20548 ID: 674b88

Making the vid right now. It looks great, but I'm curious. What's with the shading in the BJ scene?

Is this unfinished? Is there gonna be more XD?

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)06:59 No. 20549 ID: 674b88


Ok so it's done. Sorry I kind of had the bitrate a little too high so the filesize is kinda big.

Here it is on PH: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58521473ab46d

And DDL: https://www.mediafire.com/?msh6trmnmy8bi92

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)07:13 No. 20550 ID: f2e5c5

Any one has this file

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)07:34 No. 20551 ID: e83607


Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)11:13 No. 20552 ID: 49537e

But who did the voice acting?

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)15:44 No. 20553 ID: 03e532

it was featured on e621 sooner than on here, so it could of been a fan flash

its not common for minus8 to use voiced dialog

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)16:18 No. 20554 ID: fcaa7a

Soundclip used in the flash:


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