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Cryomancer 24/08/02(Fri)17:48 No. 829204

File 172261369122.png - (953.55KB , 1266x712 , cnn.png )

how come CNN didn't refer to jan 6 as an "intrusive, but mostly peaceful protest?"

r000t 24/08/02(Fri)22:55 No. 829213

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the blm riots were for equal rights
considering how many protest locations there were, the actions of the police, and the anger behind them
jan 6 was to stage a coup and install :nigra: as president in an election he lost

yes, CNN airwolfed up with the headline
no, that doesn't mean your false equivalency has any ground to stand on

it's not that difficult, anon. now skedaddle on back to facebook.

zeneslev 24/08/03(Sat)00:07 No. 829214

Blacks already have above equal rights. They are rioting because they want me to pay them even more EBT so they can spend it on crack. :nigra:'s gotta start spending his advertising money now, seems like Kamala is gonna be the candidate. The DNC is soon lol.

Lorf 24/08/03(Sat)00:11 No. 829215

yea, definitely had nothing to do with a knee on a man's throat for 7 minutes while he was begging for a breath, and a couple centuries of being first slaves, then second-class citizens
'muricans make fun of pajeets with their caste system and wonder why they can't fix it, while completely overlooking their own

derp 24/08/03(Sat)01:04 No. 829219

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Reimu Hakurei 24/08/03(Sat)05:53 No. 829241

Was that a nervous lol? I think it was.

Moot 24/08/03(Sat)09:02 No. 829244

I'm black and I can confirm this, except that political stuff, gtfo of here with that nasty

Cryomancer 24/08/04(Sun)06:33 No. 829257

Watch the trial, Chauvin's knee was not on Floyd's throat.

Marisa Kirisame 24/08/04(Sun)18:14 No. 829258

This thread Airwolfing sucks.

Novice Equestrian 24/08/05(Mon)03:05 No. 829264

neck. fine, you're still a rtard though.

Cryomancer 24/08/05(Mon)15:21 No. 829270

Because they were fighting for something evil so the media wasn't sympathetic, now go back to 28chan you airwolfing boomer tier Tea Party flaggit

Mudkip 24/08/07(Wed)00:32 No. 829278


I know to a zog noglover like yourself they seem evil, but actually they were trying to stop the steal and it's a great shame they were unable to do so.

symbion 24/08/07(Wed)00:40 No. 829279

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I wonder how they missed that DJT was never legally elected president, and that hos entire term is null and void.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/08/07(Wed)00:45 No. 829280

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Dude, don't engage. It's just a dumbAirwolf who just realized they can troll people anonymously on the internet. Just ignore and move on.

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