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We are in the process of fixing long-standing bugs with the thread reader. This will probably cause more bugs for a short period of time. Buckle up.

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

WebM is now available sitewide! Please check this thread for more info.

r000t 24/08/07(Wed)22:43 No. 829292

File 172306343935.png - (43.58KB , 833x552 , rip.png )

Best known for having a spaghetti coded furry website, repeatedly defending zoophilia/cub content, having to buy back his own website from a "weird bratz company" and being at least 400 pounds.

RIP Dragoneer / Preyfar / firepyro / Sean Piche

zeneslev 24/08/08(Thu)21:35 No. 829299

File 172314571694.jpg - (128.15KB , 724x655 , Cabin-Car-mobility-scooter.jpg )


Miku Fanboy 24/08/09(Fri)05:37 No. 829303

File 172317465313.jpg - (125.99KB , 567x825 , 119689527946.jpg )


Homicide 24/08/09(Fri)09:37 No. 829304

File 172318904464.jpg - (739.68KB , 857x1200 , dc45d0d26d246b12c8b5937fdff1d92a_1114db3bf53382a2f.jpg )


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