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climbing Anonymous 20/03/13(Fri)16:32 No. 34052

File 158411353038.jpg - (42.08KB , 770x675 , buck tick.jpg )

anyone here like mountain climbing and what is your experience in it?

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Anonymous 20/03/13(Fri)16:36 No. 34054

actually this is dangerous a bit

Anonymous 20/03/13(Fri)17:04 No. 34055

Mountain climbing is cool thing for risky people. I have plan to visit one mountain in Canada so I need to prepare special tools like walkie-talkies. I found pairs of them on https://thebestwalkietalkies.com/waterproof-walkie-talkies-review/

Anonymous 20/03/14(Sat)13:32 No. 34064

Resident climber here.

Now by climbing I assume you're talking vertical faces. If you've never tried it before get yourself to a centre and book yourself on a beginners course.

I'll follow up later.

Anonymous 20/03/15(Sun)21:25 No. 34089

File 15843039452.jpg - (48.92KB , 668x567 , k7kTN.jpg )

You replied to a fake like factory samefag, Anon.

Anonymous 24/09/25(Wed)13:19 No. 41097

File 172726314571.gif - (337.16KB , 200x200 , 1903000.gif )

Get more upper body strength

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