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Egoist God Anonymous 21/08/23(Mon)04:54 No. 14793 ID: 619747

File 162968726350.jpg - (28.36KB , 750x307 , DVZz7-GVwAEaRf6.jpg )

Imagine God is an egoist. After all, if man is modeled after God, and man is inherently self-interested, it would make sense for God to be so too. Why would humanity matter to God? What use would man serve to God? If God doesn't care about us, are we essentially godless?

Anonymous 21/08/31(Tue)09:46 No. 14799 ID: 041363

god for me is a guy in lab suit looking into a telescope, hes probably an ordinary guy in "god land", and the same for his god infinatly

Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)20:16 No. 14823 ID: a5b5d8

Wait, what if God also believes in a God above him?

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