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Stories from Developer Hell Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/11/01(Thu)19:20 No. 5151

File 154109645052.png - (36.83KB , 500x500 , 1332212036913-1.png )

Oh man, I’d never heard of hurd and because of a post on /b/ I went down the goddamn rabbit hole last night. Originally developed by a fucking Anglican friar who was kicked off the project and replaced by the head of the GNU Project Richard Stallman. And even though GNU has gone on to do cool shit, since the original goal was to develop a crowd-developed completely free operating system they can’t kill hurd since it’s the kernel, even though the damn thing has been in development since 1990. So hurd can’t be cancelled for ideological reasons and has been lumbering on as a zombie until today.

This story is amazing to me and I’d love to have more like it. So what are your stories, or stories you know of, that of developer hell? Projects far past their original due date, too vast or esoteric in scale to be practical, the craziest and weirdest shit that coding has to offer. Lay it on me /pr/ofessionals.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/11/09(Fri)20:39 No. 5154

Hurd's got nothing on Xanadu.
Xanadu is basically HTML but with two-way multilevel links (you can link to documents, paragraphs, and words) and version control. It's been in development since the sixties and all there to show for it is a wholly unimpressive "demo" where you can click on a document and jump around.
I suspect it may actually be a low profile scam.


It's interesting how it somewhat parallels Hurd's history, though. Both projects wanted something revolutionary and ambitious, but their ambition made them make progress too slowly, and they were eventually overtaken by a less ambitious, more realistic project that achieved completion, success, and widespread popularity in a fraction of the time.

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/11/10(Sat)01:51 No. 5155

>wanted something revolutionary and ambitious, but their ambition made them make progress too slowly, and they were eventually overtaken by a less ambitious, more realistic project that achieved completion, success, and widespread popularity
So, in other words, Duke Nukem Forever.

Yet amazingly even less interesting (or entertaining).

Basement Dwelling Neckbeard 18/11/10(Sat)14:42 No. 5156

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>Originally developed by a fucking Anglican friar
Oh shit, that post was for real? I thought anon was making a joke about RMS (pic related). I'll have to go apologize for my newfaggotry.

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