*temp count 0 *temp rank 0 *temp str_picked false *temp dex_picked false *temp agi_picked false *temp sta_picked false *temp cha_picked false *temp int_picked false *temp wil_picked false *temp per_picked false *temp custom_mc false *temp add_alcohol_picked false *temp add_nicotine_picked false *temp claustro_picked false *temp add_allergy_picked false *temp deep_sleeper_picked false *temp delusions_picked false *temp dependent_picked false *temp fear_heights_picked false *temp hear_imp_picked false *temp klepto_picked false *temp night_blind_picked false *temp pet_owner_picked false *temp short_fuse_picked false *temp vis_imp_picked false *temp vege_picked false *temp comma false *temp challenges "" *temp hold_loc "" *temp described_raising_skills false *set gender "unknown" *set ath_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ccw_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set cook_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set craft_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set drive_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ele_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set emp_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set hth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set int_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set lead_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set med_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set pers_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set rang_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set scav_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sci_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sea_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set stealth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set surv_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ze_part 1 Thursday, May 10, 2012 In the middle of the coldest day of the spring, you ponder the Apocalypse. Whether or not the reports prove true seems too early to determine, but the news and social media buzz with the threat of a virus and the potential pandemic brewing in remote areas of the world. So-called experts span the news channels, attention-starved parasites stuffing the audience with fear before devouring them. [i]Is it really anything to be worried about?[/i] Snow falls outside, despite the calendar reading May, and ploughs and salt trucks deal with the white roads and piles of ice. Only days ago, a horse named "I'll Have Another" won the Kentucky Derby, and Major League Baseball is in full swing. The price of milk hasn't changed, and hardware stores report no shortage of end-of-the-world supplies. The only real impact is a TV channel showing 24-hour marathons of a reality TV show about doomsday preparation enthusiasts. Sitting at your desk, you stare through the window at the sudden snowstorm outside, the people walking by, cars zooming down the street. Life goes on. You live in the… *fake_choice #Big City—I live in Nightfall, Colorado, population 92,000+. *set v_loc "city" *set location "Nightfall" Nightfall—smaller than Boulder but still a thriving, multicultural community on the east side of the Colorado River. You live in a quaint brownstone sandwiched by other row homes in the middle of the block. Through the front window, you spot pedestrians braving the cold weather and the heavy flakes of snow now collecting on car tops and sidewalks. #Suburbs—I live in a residential community outside of Nightfall, Colorado, population 14,000+. *set location "Chipper Ridge" *set v_loc "suburbs" Chipper Ridge—a small, wholesome community outside of Nightfall. The houses look the same, and every five blocks ends with a shopping center: coffee shop, mega-convenience store, wireless store, and the like. The only distinguishing feature of Chipper Ridge is its claim to having Colorado's largest Southwestern US souvenir shop, a landmark you've never visited. Through your front window, you spot a few neighborhood kids playing in the snow collecting on the well-cut lawn across the street. #Country—I live out in the countryside, a distance outside Nightfall, Colorado, population 4,000+. *set location "Stodgy Farms" *set v_loc "country" Though you live in Stodgy Farms, you don't live [b]on[/b] a farm, but the tiny town has its share. Your house sits off the main avenue running through the community, and from your window, you spot a woman on horseback riding the shoulder of the road. Snow collects on the swing in your field, and a light dusting coats the grass. *comment end/ *set loc_visible true The end of the world—could it ever really happen? [i]Am I prepared?[/i] Who can predict their preparedness for apocalyptic conditions? You lift a magazine from your desk. The main article's title reads "Do you have what it takes to survive the Zombie Apocalypse?" *label SurveyChoice *choice #I don't want to take the survey. My profession tells me all I need to know. *set custom_mc false *goto PickProfession #I take the survey to gain a better insight into all of my attributes and skills. *set custom_mc true *if attributebonus Attribute bonus activated. *set stat_pool 20 *goto BuildCharacter #I want to customize my character's attributes and skills [Advanced Players]. *set custom_mc true *if attributebonus Attribute bonus activated. *set stat_pool 200 *goto CustomCharacter *label CustomCharacter *if stat_pool > 0 [b]Current Attributes[/b] *gosub DisplayAttributes Remaining attribute points: ${stat_pool} Which attribute would you like to adjust? *choice #Strength—physical power, allowing you to lift more and strike harder. Crafters and laborers also require strength for their work. Impacts Close-Combat Weapons, Crafting, Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Scavenging skills. *set stat_hold "str" *set stat_desc "Strength" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Dexterity—quickness, hand-eye coordination, and reflexes, in such actions as throwing a baseball accurately or shooting a gun. Dexterity is also a prime attribute for Athletics, Cooking, Driving, Electronics, and Ranged Weapons. *set stat_hold "dex" *set stat_desc "Dexterity" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Agility—measures movement, ability to dodge, and flexibility. Impacts Athletics, Close-Combat Weapons, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Scavenging, and Stealth. *set stat_hold "agi" *set stat_desc "Agility" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Stamina—physical durability for such things as withstanding pain, the elements, and disease. Survivalists find this attribute important. *set stat_hold "sta" *set stat_desc "Stamina" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Charisma—measures social ability and physical appearance, as well as the ability to lead, persuade, or intimidate others. *set stat_hold "cha" *set stat_desc "Charisma" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Intelligence—mental acuity, problem-solving, and learning potential. This attribute also increases gains during periods of learning and is a prime attribute for Cooking, Crafting, Driving, Electronics, Leadership, Medicine, Science, and Search. *set stat_hold "int" *set stat_desc "Intelligence" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Willpower—mental resistance and impulse control, as well as sensing emotion in others. Willpower is a prime attribute for Empathy, Intimidation, and Survival. *set stat_hold "wil" *set stat_desc "Willpower" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #Perception—ability to detect with the senses. Perception also contributes to intuition and searching areas for hidden objects or concealed individuals. It impacts Empathy, Ranged Weapons, Search, and Stealth. *set stat_hold "per" *set stat_desc "Perception" *gosub ChangeAtt *goto CustomCharacter #I'd rather choose my attributes another way. *gosub ResetAttributes Which method do you choose? *goto SurveyChoice *else *goto ConfirmAttributes *label ChangeAtt *set temp_val {stat_hold} Remaining attribute points: ${stat_pool} Current value of ${stat_desc}: ${temp_val} How much do you want to raise or lower the attribute? *fake_choice *selectable_if (({stat_hold} <= 50) and (stat_pool >= 20)) #Raise by 20. *set {stat_hold} +20 *set stat_pool -20 *selectable_if (({stat_hold} <= 60) and (stat_pool >= 10)) #Raise by 10. *set {stat_hold} +10 *set stat_pool -10 *selectable_if (({stat_hold} <= 65) and (stat_pool >= 5)) #Raise by 5. *set {stat_hold} +5 *set stat_pool -5 *selectable_if (({stat_hold} <= 69) and (stat_pool >= 1)) #Raise by 1. *set {stat_hold} +1 *set stat_pool -1 *selectable_if ({stat_hold} >= 39) #Lower by 1. *set {stat_hold} -1 *set stat_pool +1 *selectable_if ({stat_hold} >= 35) #Lower by 5. *set {stat_hold} -5 *set stat_pool +5 *selectable_if ({stat_hold} >= 40) #Lower by 10. *set {stat_hold} -10 *set stat_pool +10 *selectable_if ({stat_hold} >= 50) #Lower by 20. *set {stat_hold} -20 *set stat_pool +20 #Cancel. *return *label BuildCharacter Every living person is a combination of molecules combined in just the right way. Our experiences complement natural abilities and deficits to create unique individuals. Humans prioritize certain categories of physical and mental makeup. Rank the following in order of priority (1 is my best feature; 8 is my worst): *set rank 45 *label CheckAttributesRank *set rank -5 *set count +1 *if count = 8 *if not(str_picked) *set str +5 *if not(dex_picked) *set dex +5 *if not(agi_picked) *set agi +5 *if not(sta_picked) *set sta +5 *if not(cha_picked) *set cha +5 *if not(int_picked) *set int +5 *if not(wil_picked) *set wil +5 *if not(per_picked) *set per +5 *if attributebonus Since you activated bonus Attribute Points for this character, you may now adjust your points. *goto CustomCharacter *else *goto ConfirmAttributes *else *goto AttributesChoice *label AttributesChoice Which Attribute would you rank as number ${count}? *choice *if not(str_picked) #Strength—physical power, allowing you to lift more and strike harder. Crafters and Laborers also require strength for their work. Impacts Close-Combat Weapons, Crafting, Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Scavenging skills. *set str + rank *set str_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(dex_picked) #Dexterity—quickness, hand-eye coordination, and reflexes, in such actions as throwing a baseball accurately or shooting a gun. Dexterity is also a prime attribute for Athletics, Cooking, Driving, Electronics, and Ranged Weapons. *set dex + rank *set dex_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(agi_picked) #Agility—measures movement, ability to dodge, and flexibility. Impacts Athletics, Close-Combat Weapons, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Scavenging, and Stealth. *set agi + rank *set agi_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(sta_picked) #Stamina—physical durability for such things as withstanding pain, the elements, and disease. Survivalists find this attribute important. *set sta + rank *set sta_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(cha_picked) #Charisma—measures social ability and physical appearance, as well as the ability to lead, persuade, or intimidate others. *set cha + rank *set cha_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(int_picked) #Intelligence—mental acuity, problem-solving, and learning potential. This attribute also increases gains during periods of learning and is a prime attribute for Cooking, Crafting, Driving, Electronics, Leadership, Medicine, Science, and Search. *set int + rank *set int_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(wil_picked) #Willpower—mental resistance and impulse control, as well as sensing emotion in others. Willpower is a prime attribute for Empathy, Intimidation, and Survival. *set wil + rank *set wil_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *if not(per_picked) #Perception—ability to detect with the senses. Perception also contributes to intuition and searching areas for hidden objects or concealed individuals. It impacts Empathy, Ranged Weapons, Search, and Stealth. *set per + rank *set per_picked true *goto CheckAttributesRank *label ConfirmAttributes Here are your current attributes. Do you agree with the assessment or wish to change them? *gosub DisplayAttributes *choice #I agree—this is the best representation of my attributes. *goto PickProfession #I disagree—I should redo my attributes. *gosub ResetAttributes Which method do you choose? *goto SurveyChoice *label ResetAttributes *set count 0 *set stat_pool 180 *if attributebonus *set stat_pool 200 *set stat_hold "" *set stat_val 0 *set temp_val 0 *set rank 45 *set str_picked false *set dex_picked false *set agi_picked false *set sta_picked false *set cha_picked false *set int_picked false *set wil_picked false *set per_picked false *set str 30 *set dex 30 *set agi 30 *set sta 30 *set int 30 *set cha 30 *set wil 30 *set per 30 *return *label PickProfession The magazine turns to the topic of professions. One's profession reveals much about his or her knowledge, experiences, and numerous skills. Some professions prepare people for handling the harsh life of apocalyptic survival, some professions increase one's ability to deal with other survivors, while yet other professions are perfect for rebuilding society in the aftermath of a civilization-altering event. (- Many professions have preferred skills which can improve at an easier rate and may reach master level. Non-preferred skills may only reach a superior level of ability, usually enough to accomplish most feats. -) *label SelectPro What profession best describes you? *set hold_loc "ConfirmSkills" *choice #Bank Robber. Bank Robbers make a living the old-fashioned way—stealing it. Bank Robbers generally focus on several skills aiding their craft, such as Ranged Weapons and Intimidation. They must be quick on their feet, able to evaluate situations, control crowds, plan elaborate heists, and flee on foot or by vehicle when the time (or police) arrives. While money may be useless in the Apocalypse, the skills of a Bank Robber are not to be overlooked. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 35 *set dex 65 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set cha 50 *set int 60 *set wil 50 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set dex +5 *set cha +5 *set profession "Bank Robber" *set bank_money 97214 *set bank_robber true *set preferred_skill_1 "intimidation" *set preferred_skill_2 "driving" *set int_max_lvl 7 *set drive_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 2 *set craft_level 1 *set drive_level 3 *set ele_level 2 *set hth_level 1 *set int_level 4 *set lead_level 1 *set pers_level 1 *set rang_level 3 *set sea_level 2 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 11 *if not(custom_mc) *set scav_level 1 *set craft_level 2 *set ele_level 3 *set hth_level 2 *set pers_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *goto DisplaySkill #College Student. College Students hold a great deal of aptitude in many skills but lack focus in any one area. Youth provides better-than-average physical attributes, and students generally have some skill level in all categories and a greater potential for learning. Another advantage possessed by College Students is the potential for direct learning toward specific fields. (- College Students start with less skill levels than other professions but have reduced costs in raising skills up to Level 3 -) *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 50 *set agi 50 *set sta 60 *set cha 50 *set int 60 *set wil 40 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set per +10 *set profession "College Student" *set college_student true *set bank_money 312 *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 1 *set cook_level 1 *set craft_level 2 *set drive_level 2 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set int_level 1 *set lead_level 1 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 2 *set scav_level 1 *set sci_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 6 *if not(custom_mc) *set cook_level 2 *set ccw_level 2 *set stealth_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Con Artist. Con Artists gain the confidence of their victims and use them for personal gain, be it money or power. They are experts in manipulation and coercion, typically through direct contact. When a con goes bad, they have the ability to evade danger and escape threats. Though zombies are not the best marks for a grifter, enough of the living will be left in the Apocalypse to manipulate. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 45 *set agi 40 *set sta 50 *set cha 65 *set int 60 *set wil 60 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set cha +10 *set profession "Con Artist" *set bank_money 19940 *set con_artist true *set preferred_skill_1 "persuasion" *set preferred_skill_2 "search" *set pers_max_lvl 7 *set sea_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 1 *set ccw_level 1 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 1 *set emp_level 3 *set int_level 2 *set pers_level 4 *set rang_level 1 *set scav_level 2 *set sea_level 3 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 15 *if not(custom_mc) *set ath_level 2 *set cook_level 1 *set craft_level 1 *set drive_level 2 *set ele_level 2 *set hth_level 2 *set lead_level 1 *set med_level 1 *set stealth_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Engineer. An Engineer designs and constructs complex devices and equipment. This profession covers a variety of engineering specialties, such as mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering. Higher-level Engineers can craft more dynamic tools, lead design teams, and spot flaws in the designs or constructions of others. If you're concerned with having the most optimal doomsday shelter, seek an Engineer. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 65 *set agi 50 *set dex 50 *set sta 60 *set cha 40 *set int 65 *set wil 40 *set per 50 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set cha +10 *set profession "Engineer" *set bank_money 4201 *set engineer true *set preferred_skill_1 "crafting" *set preferred_skill_2 "leadership" *set craft_max_lvl 7 *set lead_max_lvl 7 *set craft_level 5 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 2 *set lead_level 3 *set pers_level 2 *set scav_level 1 *set sci_level 3 *set sea_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 12 *if not(custom_mc) *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 2 *set int_level 1 *set scav_level 3 *goto DisplaySkill #Hacker. A Hacker has an understanding of computer systems, networks, and programming. They possess abilities to crack into secure systems, modify electronics, build computers, and program software. The Hacker community is another advantage of this profession, as information, even private, is quickly disseminated throughout the network. When civilization is on the brink of collapse, Hackers will be tied into the latest sources of information. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 60 *set agi 50 *set sta 45 *set cha 50 *set int 65 *set wil 50 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set agi +10 *set profession "Hacker" *set bank_money 429940 *set hacker true *set preferred_skill_1 "electronics" *set preferred_skill_2 "scavenging" *set ele_max_lvl 7 *set scav_max_lvl 7 *set craft_level 3 *set ele_level 5 *set scav_level 2 *set sci_level 2 *set sea_level 3 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 17 *if not(custom_mc) *set ccw_level 2 *set drive_level 2 *set lead_level 2 *set pers_level 1 *set scav_level 3 *set sci_level 3 *set surv_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *goto DisplaySkill #Health Care Professional. Which type of Health Care Professional? *choice #Doctor. This profession covers all aspects of healing the human body, focusing on Physical and Emergency Care but also covering specific sub-specialties such as Cardiology and Orthopedics. Doctors are trained to deal with patients and possess empathy. They have general scientific and management knowledge, as well. Medical care is a primary concern in a post-apocalyptic setting, and Doctors are the most trained to heal the wounded and care for the sick. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 55 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set cha 60 *set int 65 *set wil 40 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +5 *set per +5 *set per +10 *set profession "Doctor" *set bank_money 42201 *set prof_health true *set doctor true *set preferred_skill_1 "medicine" *set preferred_skill_2 "science" *set med_max_lvl 7 *set sci_max_lvl 7 *set craft_level 2 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 2 *set lead_level 2 *set med_level 5 *set pers_level 1 *set scav_level 1 *set sci_level 3 *set sea_level 2 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 10 *if not(custom_mc) *set ath_level 1 *set ccw_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set drive_level 2 *set int_level 2 *set pers_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Nurse. Much like doctors, Nurses provide health care to individuals but focus more on the patient's quality of life, general care, and the healing process. In an Apocalyptic setting, Nurses can perform emergency medical care but also may guide survivors on ways to prevent injury and maintain peak fitness. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 40 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set cha 55 *set int 60 *set wil 60 *set per 65 *if attributebonus *set per +5 *set wil +5 *set int +10 *set profession "Nurse" *set bank_money 4201 *set prof_health true *set nurse true *set preferred_skill_1 "empathy" *set preferred_skill_2 "medicine" *set emp_max_lvl 7 *set med_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 1 *set craft_level 1 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 4 *set int_level 1 *set lead_level 2 *set med_level 4 *set pers_level 2 *set sci_level 2 *set sea_level 1 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 12 *if not(custom_mc) *set craft_level 2 *set ele_level 3 *set sea_level 3 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Social Worker. Devoted to the quality of life of their patients, Social Workers work with clients to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Social Workers perform counseling, link clients to services, advocate on behalf of clients in health-care matters, and develop policies to support social welfare. In dealing with clients, they have to be persuasive and empathetic in order to handle a wide variety of backgrounds and lifestyles. In an Apocalypse, Social Workers show their skills in helping people cope with the dangerous, ever-changing civilization and chaos that could destroy the mental health of even the strongest survivor. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 40 *set agi 40 *set sta 50 *set cha 60 *set int 60 *set wil 65 *set per 65 *if attributebonus *set per +5 *set wil +5 *set cha +10 *set profession "Social Worker" *set bank_money 4201 *set social_worker true *set preferred_skill_1 "persuasion" *set preferred_skill_2 "empathy" *set pers_max_lvl 7 *set emp_max_lvl 7 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 5 *set lead_level 2 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 4 *set sci_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 11 *if not(custom_mc) *set ele_level 3 *set pers_level 5 *set sea_level 3 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Homemaker. A Homemaker may not seem like an ideal profession for a survival setting, but managing a family, raising children, and running a household provides experience in numerous life skills. Homemakers are cooks, crafters, plumbers, managers, and more. They possess a variety of experiential tools, making them well-prepared for surviving and supporting others. (- Homemakers are a jack of all trades and master of none. They have no preferred skills but have reduced costs in raising skills up to Level 5 -) *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 55 *set agi 55 *set sta 55 *set cha 55 *set int 50 *set wil 50 *set per 50 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set per +10 *set profession "Homemaker" *set bank_money 15504 *set homemaker true *set ath_level 1 *set ccw_level 1 *set cook_level 3 *set craft_level 2 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 1 *set emp_level 2 *set int_level 2 *set lead_level 2 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 2 *set scav_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 17 *if not(custom_mc) *set ele_level 2 *set hth_level 1 *set lead_level 3 *set med_level 2 *set sci_level 2 *set sea_level 3 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Laborer. The Laborer is a catch-all profession for those who perform physical labor, from construction to sanitation workers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, iron workers, and those who work with their hands. They have considerable skills in Crafting, Driving Vehicles, and Scavenging. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 65 *set dex 60 *set agi 55 *set sta 50 *set cha 40 *set int 50 *set wil 45 *set per 55 *if attributebonus *set str +5 *set agi +5 *set int +10 *set profession "Laborer" *set bank_money 4201 *set laborer true *set preferred_skill_1 "crafting" *set preferred_skill_2 "scavenging" *set craft_max_lvl 7 *set scav_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 3 *set ccw_level 2 *set craft_level 4 *set drive_level 3 *set ele_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set lead_level 1 *set scav_level 3 *set sea_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 10 *if not(custom_mc) *set ccw_level 3 *set hth_level 2 *set int_level 2 *set lead_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Mixed Martial Artist. Mixed Martial Artists are students of unarmed fighting and self-defense who participate in Close-Combat competitions. Their training and devotion to martial arts includes surviving in harsh circumstances, ignoring pain, and enduring the mental stress of physical altercations. *set profession "Mixed Martial Artist" *set bank_money 2201 *set mma true *set preferred_skill_1 "hand-to-hand combat" *set preferred_skill_2 "athletics" *set hth_max_lvl 7 *set ath_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 3 *set ccw_level 2 *set hth_level 5 *set int_level 3 *set sea_level 1 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 17 *if not(custom_mc) *set str 65 *set dex 50 *set agi 65 *set sta 50 *set cha 45 *set int 50 *set wil 50 *set per 45 *set drive_level 1 *set ccw_level 3 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 1 *set med_level 2 *set stealth_level 3 *set scav_level 1 *if attributebonus *set agi +5 *set str +5 *set dex +10 *goto DisplaySkill #Movie Star. Movie Stars are actors and actresses who have achieved notoriety for their craft. They have great skill in performing and interacting with the public and possess a variety of abilities needed to step into any role they may be chosen to act in. While zombies might not be too star-struck to attack, a Movie Star's fame can help when dealing with other survivors. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 50 *set agi 55 *set sta 50 *set cha 65 *set int 50 *set wil 50 *set per 50 *if attributebonus *set agi +10 *set int +10 *set profession "Movie Star" *set bank_money 2194215 *set movie_star true *set preferred_skill_1 "persuasion" *set preferred_skill_2 "athletics" *set pers_max_lvl 7 *set ath_max_lvl 7 *set ccw_level 1 *set drive_level 1 *set ath_level 2 *set emp_level 4 *set hth_level 1 *set int_level 2 *set lead_level 1 *set pers_level 4 *set rang_level 1 *set sea_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 16 *if not(custom_mc) *set ele_level 2 *set drive_level 2 *set lead_level 2 *set scav_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *set sea_level 3 *goto DisplaySkill #Police Officer. Police Officers are peacekeepers, enforce laws, investigate crimes, and protect people and property. Putting themselves in harm's way on a routine basis, they're trained to use a variety of weapons and learn physical methods to detain people. Most policemen and women patrol an area within a city or township, requiring adequate driving ability to navigate streets and highways and the utilization of high Search skills in order to find crimes in progress. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 60 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set cha 50 *set int 50 *set wil 50 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set int +10 *set cha +10 *set profession "Police Officer" *set cop true *set preferred_skill_1 "intimidation" *set preferred_skill_2 "search" *set bank_money 4201 *set int_max_lvl 7 *set sea_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 1 *set ccw_level 2 *set drive_level 3 *set ele_level 1 *set hth_level 2 *set int_level 2 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 2 *set rang_level 4 *set sea_level 3 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 12 *if not(custom_mc) *set ath_level 2 *set ele_level 2 *set med_level 2 *set scav_level 2 *set stealth_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Professional Wrestler. A Professional Wrestler is part athlete and part actor, combining strength, speed, acrobatics, and showmanship to defeat foes and excite crowds. They're well-rounded fighters who learn to use Close-Combat weapons as part of their matches and often employ theatrical performances in order to persuade spectators and intimidate opponents. *set profession "Professional Wrestler" *set bank_money 2201 *set wrestler true *set preferred_skill_1 "hand-to-hand combat" *set preferred_skill_2 "persuasion" *set hth_max_lvl 7 *set pers_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 4 *set ccw_level 3 *set emp_level 1 *set hth_level 4 *set int_level 2 *set pers_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 14 *if not(custom_mc) *set str 60 *set dex 55 *set agi 65 *set sta 55 *set int 45 *set cha 60 *set wil 40 *set per 40 *if attributebonus *set agi +5 *set str +5 *set cha +10 *set drive_level 2 *set ele_level 2 *set lead_level 1 *set stealth_level 1 *set scav_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Scientist. In the aftermath of a global pandemic, Scientists will be called upon to research the cause of infection and develop a treatment or vaccine. After the fall of civilization, Scientists must locate or even build their own tools to study bacteria and viruses. Their study of science also provides medical knowledge and a keen skill of observation. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 40 *set dex 40 *set agi 40 *set sta 50 *set int 65 *set cha 60 *set wil 60 *set per 65 *if attributebonus *set int +5 *set str +5 *set cha +10 *set profession "Scientist" *set bank_money 9201 *set scientist true *set preferred_skill_1 "science" *set preferred_skill_2 "crafting" *set sci_max_lvl 7 *set craft_max_lvl 7 *set craft_level 2 *set ele_level 2 *set lead_level 3 *set med_level 2 *set scav_level 1 *set sci_level 5 *set sea_level 3 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 13 *if not(custom_mc) *set cook_level 1 *set craft_level 3 *set ele_level 3 *set scav_level 2 *set sea_level 4 *goto DisplaySkill #Soldier. *set prof_military true As a current member of the United States Military on furlough, you specialize as a… *choice #Combat Medic. These military personnel are trained to apply medical care in the field of battle, often in less than ideal situations. While not as skilled in medicine as Doctors, Combat Medics are adept at trauma and emergency care, while still maintaining skills in defending themselves in combat and surviving harsh environments. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 60 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set int 65 *set cha 40 *set wil 50 *set per 55 *if attributebonus *set int +5 *set dex +5 *set per +10 *set profession "Combat Medic" *set bank_money 3201 *set medic true *set military_rank "Specialist" *set preferred_skill_1 "ranged weapons" *set preferred_skill_2 "medicine" *set rang_max_lvl 7 *set med_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 2 *set cook_level 1 *set craft_level 2 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 1 *set emp_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set med_level 4 *set rang_level 2 *set scav_level 1 *set sci_level 3 *set sea_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 6 *if not(custom_mc) *set hth_level 2 *set scav_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Infantry Soldier. United States Army Infantry Soldiers train in many distinct areas of combat and survival, making them well-suited to an Apocalyptic setting. They're experts in Ranged Weapons, skilled in Close-Combat Weapons and Unarmed Fighting, and schooled in all manners of face-to-face combat. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 65 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set int 50 *set cha 40 *set wil 55 *set per 60 *if attributebonus *set per +10 *set cha +10 *set profession "Infantry Soldier" *set bank_money 3201 *set military_rank "Sergeant" *set infantry true *set preferred_skill_1 "ranged weapons" *set preferred_skill_2 "survival" *set rang_max_lvl 7 *set surv_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 2 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 1 *set hth_level 2 *set lead_level 1 *set med_level 1 *set rang_level 5 *set scav_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 12 *if not(custom_mc) *set drive_level 2 *set craft_level 1 *set int_level 1 *set lead_level 2 *set sci_level 1 *set sea_level 3 *set surv_level 3 *goto DisplaySkill #Military Commander. This is a term used to convey one who manages soldiers and leads them into battle. This profession also implies one skilled in developing strategies for attack and defense, maintaining and organizing military equipment, as well as inspiring and commanding others. *if not(custom_mc) *set str 45 *set dex 50 *set agi 40 *set sta 50 *set int 60 *set cha 65 *set wil 55 *set per 55 *if attributebonus *set per +10 *set cha +5 *set wil +5 *set profession "Military Commander" *set bank_money 3201 *set commander true *set military_rank "Captain" *set preferred_skill_1 "leadership" *set preferred_skill_2 "intimidation" *set lead_max_lvl 7 *set int_max_lvl 7 *set ath_level 1 *set ccw_level 1 *set craft_level 1 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 1 *set emp_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set int_level 3 *set lead_level 5 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 2 *set rang_level 2 *set sea_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 9 *if not(custom_mc) *set int_level 4 *set med_level 2 *set scav_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Teenager. At first look, a high-school age individual may not be suited to surviving the end of the world, dealing with the living dead, or handling the harsh conditions of the Apocalypse. Today's Teenager sits on the edge of oblivion, waiting for an opportunity to break out of their homes and schools and venture into the new world, learning as they go. (- Teenagers start with less skill levels and attributes than other professions but have reduced costs in raising skills up to Level 5. They may only select one preferred skill. -) *if not(custom_mc) *set str 45 *set dex 50 *set agi 50 *set sta 50 *set int 50 *set cha 45 *set wil 45 *set per 45 *if attributebonus *set per +5 *set agi +5 *set dex +5 *set int +5 *set profession "Teenager" *set teenager true *set bank_money 312 *set ath_level 2 *set ccw_level 1 *set cook_level 1 *set craft_level 2 *set drive_level 1 *set ele_level 2 *set emp_level 1 *set hth_level 1 *set med_level 1 *set pers_level 1 *set scav_level 2 *set sci_level 1 *set sea_level 2 *set stealth_level 1 *set surv_level 1 *if custom_mc *set skill_points 8 *set str -5 *set dex -5 *set agi -5 *set sta -5 *set int -5 *set cha -5 *set wil -5 *set per -5 *if not(custom_mc) *set ccw_level 2 *set pers_level 2 *set stealth_level 2 *set surv_level 2 *goto DisplaySkill #Custom Profession or Background. You break the mold, not fitting into another profession or background, but your skills make you an interesting pick for Apocalyptic survival. This includes doomsday preppers, street magicians, other athletes, scholars, or practitioners of non-conventional professions, or even a blank-slate background for those wishing to customize. [i]Note: this option starts with no skills, all of which must be assigned by you in the next few screens in order to create whatever type of character you can imagine.[/i] *if not(custom_mc) *set str 50 *set dex 55 *set agi 50 *set sta 55 *set int 55 *set cha 50 *set wil 50 *set per 55 *if attributebonus *set agi +5 *set str +5 *set cha +5 *set wil +5 *set skill_points 50 *set other_prof true What do you call your profession? (Examples: Chef, Gymnast, Salesperson, Film Director, Writer) *input_text profession *set custom_prof true In what industry is your profession? *choice #The Arts (Singer, Dancer, Musician, Actor). *set other_prof_industry "arts" Do you identify as a Movie Star? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Movie Star prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, I am a Movie Star. *set movie_star true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 2194215 #No, I am not a Movie Star. *goto DisplaySkill #Combat Specialist (Mercenary, Assassin, Ex-Military). *set other_prof_industry "combat specialist" *set bank_money 4201 Do you identify as a member of the US Army? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Military prologue] *choice #Yes, as a Combat Medic. *set medic true *set military_rank "Specialist" *set prof_military true *set other_prof false *goto DisplaySkill #Yes, as an Infantry Soldier. *set military_rank "Sergeant" *set infantry true *set prof_military true *set other_prof false *goto DisplaySkill #Yes, as a Military Commander. *set commander true *set military_rank "Captain" *set prof_military true *set other_prof false *goto DisplaySkill #No, I am not a member of the US Army. Do you identify as a Mixed Martial Artist? [answering YES gives the option to choose the MMA prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, I am a Mixed Martial Artist. *set mma true *set other_prof false #No, I am not a Mixed Martial Artist. *goto DisplaySkill #Communications (News Anchor, Journalist). *set other_prof_industry "communications" *set bank_money 4201 *goto DisplaySkill #Criminal (Hit Man, Car Thief, Bank Robber). *set other_prof_industry "criminal" *set bank_money 97214 Do you identify as any of the following criminal professions? [answering YES gives the option to choose that profession's prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, as a Bank Robber. *set bank_robber true *set other_prof false #Yes, as a Con Artist. *set con_artist true *set other_prof false #Yes, as a Hacker. *set hacker true *set other_prof false #No, I do not identify as any of these criminal professions. *goto DisplaySkill #Education (Teacher, Superintendent). *set other_prof_industry "education" *set bank_money 3201 *goto DisplaySkill #Entrepreneur (Internet Mogul, Product Developer). *set other_prof_industry "entrepreneur" *set bank_money 14201 *goto DisplaySkill #Financial Services (Banker, Accountant). *set other_prof_industry "financial services" *set bank_money 14201 *goto DisplaySkill #Government (Politician, Public Service Worker). *set other_prof_industry "government" *set bank_money 11201 *goto DisplaySkill #Health Care (X-ray Technician, Ambulance Driver). *set other_prof_industry "health care" *set bank_money 4201 Do you identify as any of the following health professions? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Health Care Professional prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, as a Doctor. *set prof_health true *set other_prof false *set doctor true *goto DisplaySkill #Yes, as a Nurse. *set prof_health true *set other_prof false *set nurse true *goto DisplaySkill #Yes, as a Social Worker. *set social_worker true *set other_prof false *goto DisplaySkill #No, I am not a Health Care Professional. *goto DisplaySkill #Hospitality (Hotel Manager, Chef, Waiter). *set other_prof_industry "hospitality" *set bank_money 3201 *goto DisplaySkill #Information Technology (Programmer, Network Security Expert). *set other_prof_industry "it" *set bank_money 11201 Do you identify as a Hacker? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Hacker prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, I am a Hacker. *set hacker true *set other_prof false #No, I am not a Hacker. *goto DisplaySkill #Law (Judge, Attorney). *set other_prof_industry "law" *set bank_money 22201 *goto DisplaySkill #Law Enforcement (Detective, SWAT Team Member). *set other_prof_industry "law enforcement" *set bank_money 4201 Do you identify as a Police Officer? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Police Officer prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, I am a Police Officer. *set cop true *set other_prof false #No, I am not a Police Officer. *goto DisplaySkill #Military (Navy SEAL, Special Ops). *set other_prof_industry "military" *set bank_money 4201 Do you identify as a member of the US Army? [answering YES gives the option to choose the Military prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, as a Combat Medic. *set medic true *set military_rank "Specialist" *set prof_military true *set other_prof false #Yes, as an Infantry Soldier. *set military_rank "Sergeant" *set infantry true *set prof_military true *set other_prof false #Yes, as a Military Commander. *set commander true *set military_rank "Captain" *set prof_military true *set other_prof false *goto DisplaySkill #No, I am not a member of the US Army. *goto DisplaySkill #Pharmaceuticals (Pharmacist, Drug Salesperson). *set other_prof_industry "pharmaceuticals" *set bank_money 14201 *goto DisplaySkill #Retail (Salesperson, Shop Owner). *set other_prof_industry "retail" *set bank_money 4201 *goto DisplaySkill #Other (Parkour Expert, Doomsday Prepper). *set other_prof_industry "other" Do you identify with any of the following professions or backgrounds [answering YES gives the option to choose that profession's prologue] *fake_choice #Yes, I am a College Student. *set college_student true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 312 *set skill_points 45 #Yes, I am an Engineer. *set engineer true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 4201 #Yes, I am a Homemaker. *set homemaker true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 15504 #Yes, I am a Laborer. *set laborer true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 4201 #Yes, I am a Mixed Martial Artist. *set mma true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 2201 #Yes, I am a Scientist. *set scientist true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 9201 #Yes, I am a Teenager. *set teenager true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 312 *set skill_points 35 *set str -5 *set dex -5 *set agi -5 *set sta -5 *set int -5 *set cha -5 *set wil -5 *set per -5 #Yes, I am a Wrestler. *set wrestler true *set other_prof false *set bank_money 2201 #No, I do not identify with any of these professions or backgrounds. *set bank_money 2201 *goto DisplaySkill *label DisplaySkill Profession: $!{profession} *if preferred_skill_1 != "" *line_break Preferred Skill 1: $!{preferred_skill_1} *line_break Preferred Skill 2: $!{preferred_skill_2} *gosub_scene ChangeStats SetSkills *if not(custom_mc) *gosub DisplayAttributes *label SkillLevels *if ath_level > 0 Athletics (${ath_level}): *set skill_level ath_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if ccw_level > 0 Close-Combat Weapons (${ccw_level}): *set skill_level ccw_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if cook_level > 0 Cooking (${cook_level}): *set skill_level cook_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if craft_level > 0 Crafting (${craft_level}): *set skill_level craft_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if drive_level > 0 Driving (${drive_level}): *set skill_level drive_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if ele_level > 0 Electronics (${ele_level}): *set skill_level ele_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if emp_level > 0 Empathy (${emp_level}): *set skill_level emp_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if hth_level > 0 Hand-to-Hand Combat (${hth_level}): *set skill_level hth_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if int_level > 0 Intimidation (${int_level}): *set skill_level int_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if lead_level > 0 Leadership (${lead_level}): *set skill_level lead_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if med_level > 0 Medicine (${med_level}): *set skill_level med_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if pers_level > 0 Persuasion (${pers_level}): *set skill_level pers_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if rang_level > 0 Ranged Weapons (${rang_level}): *set skill_level rang_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if scav_level > 0 Scavenging (${scav_level}): *set skill_level scav_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if sci_level > 0 Science (${sci_level}): *set skill_level sci_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if sea_level > 0 Search (${sea_level}): *set skill_level sea_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if stealth_level > 0 Stealth (${stealth_level}): *set skill_level stealth_level *gosub levelConvert *line_break *if surv_level > 0 Survival (${surv_level}): *set skill_level surv_level *gosub levelConvert Untrained skills: *if ath_level = 0 *line_break Athletics *if ccw_level = 0 *line_break Close-Combat Weapons *if cook_level = 0 *line_break Cooking *if craft_level = 0 *line_break Crafting *if drive_level = 0 *line_break Driving *if ele_level = 0 *line_break Electronics *if emp_level = 0 *line_break Empathy *if hth_level = 0 *line_break Hand-to-Hand Combat *if int_level = 0 *line_break Intimidation *if lead_level = 0 *line_break Leadership *if med_level = 0 *line_break Medicine *if pers_level = 0 *line_break Persuasion *if rang_level = 0 *line_break Ranged Weapons *if scav_level = 0 *line_break Scavenging *if sci_level = 0 *line_break Science *if sea_level = 0 *line_break Search *if stealth_level = 0 *line_break Stealth *if surv_level = 0 *line_break Survival *goto {hold_loc} *label ConfirmSkills Do you want to keep this profession or choose again? *choice #Keep this profession. *goto CheckPSkills #Choose again. *set skill_points 0 *set ath_level 0 *set ccw_level 0 *set cook_level 0 *set craft_level 0 *set drive_level 0 *set ele_level 0 *set emp_level 0 *set hth_level 0 *set int_level 0 *set lead_level 0 *set med_level 0 *set pers_level 0 *set rang_level 0 *set scav_level 0 *set sci_level 0 *set sea_level 0 *set stealth_level 0 *set surv_level 0 *set skill_points 0 *set rank "" *set profession "undeclared" *set other_prof_industry "" *set morality 50 *set bank_robber false *set college_student false *set medic false *set con_artist false *set doctor false *set engineer false *set hacker false *set homemaker false *set infantry false *set laborer false *set commander false *set mma false *set movie_star false *set nurse false *set cop false *set wrestler false *set scientist false *set social_worker false *set custom_prof false *set prof_health false *set prof_military false *set other_prof false *set bank_money 0 *if teenager *set str +5 *set dex +5 *set agi +5 *set sta +5 *set int +5 *set cha +5 *set wil +5 *set per +5 *set teenager false *gosub ResetPSkills *goto SelectPro *label ResetPSkills *set ath_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ccw_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set cook_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set craft_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set drive_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ele_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set emp_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set hth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set int_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set lead_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set med_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set pers_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set rang_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set scav_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sci_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sea_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set stealth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set surv_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set preferred_skill_1 "" *set preferred_skill_2 "" *return *label DisplayAttributes *stat_chart percent str Strength percent dex Dexterity percent agi Agility percent sta Stamina percent cha Charisma percent int Intelligence percent wil Willpower percent per Perception *return *label levelConvert *if skill_level = 1 [i]Basic[/i] *if skill_level = 2 [i]Beginner[/i] *if skill_level = 3 [i]Adept[/i] *if skill_level = 4 [i]Advanced[/i] *if skill_level = 5 [i]Superior[/i] *if skill_level = 6 [i]Expert[/i] *if skill_level = 7 [i]Master[/i] *return *label DisplayChallenges *set comma false *if add_alc *set challenges &"Addiction to Alcohol" *set comma true *if add_nic *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Addiction to Nicotine" *set comma true *if allergy *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Allergy to Pollen" *set comma true *if claustrophobic *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Claustrophobic" *set comma true *if deep_sleeper *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Deep Sleeper" *set comma true *if delusions *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Delusions" *set comma true *if dependent *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Dependent Child" *set comma true *if fear_heights *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Fear of Heights" *set comma true *if hearing_impaired *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Hearing Impairment" *set comma true *if kleptomaniac *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Kleptomaniac" *set comma true *if night_blindness *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Night Blindness" *set comma true *if pet_owner *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Pet Owner" *set comma true *if short_fuse *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Short Fuse" *set comma true *if vege *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Vegetarian" *set comma true *if v_impaired *if comma *set challenges &", " *set challenges &"Visual Impairment" *set comma true *if a_count = 0 Challenges: None *return *elseif a_count = 1 Challenge: ${challenges} *return *else Challenges: ${challenges} *return *label CheckPSkills *if (preferred_skill_1 = "") and (homemaker = false) *if teenager *set current_skill 1 What is your preferred skill? *gosub SelectSkill Preferred Skill: $!{preferred_skill_1} Is this your preferred skill? *choice #Yes, this is my preferred skill. *goto Challenges #No, I want to choose again. *gosub ResetPSkills *goto CheckPSkills *else *set current_skill 1 What is your first preferred skill? *gosub SelectSkill *set current_skill 2 What is your second preferred skill? *gosub SelectSkill Preferred Skill 1: $!{preferred_skill_1} *line_break Preferred Skill 2: $!{preferred_skill_2} Are these your preferred skills? *choice #Yes, these are my preferred skills. *goto Challenges #No, I want to choose again. *gosub ResetPSkills *goto CheckPSkills *else *goto Challenges *label SelectSkill *fake_choice *if preferred_skill_1 != "athletics" *allow_reuse #Athletics. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "athletics" *set ath_max_lvl 7 [b]Athletics[/b]—a measure of physical fitness and acrobatics. A higher skill means you can evade attacks better, climb ropes faster, leap over higher fences, and perform other more difficult physical feats. Athletics is based on Agility and Dexterity. *if preferred_skill_1 != "close-combat weapons" *allow_reuse #Close-Combat Weapons. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "close-combat weapons" *set ccw_max_lvl 7 [b]Close-Combat Weapons[/b]—the ability to use swords, knives, axes, clubs, and other melee weapons. It's also the skill used for throwing weapons. At the Basic level, you know how to hold a weapon effectively. At the Master level, you can block, parry, riposte, and perform other moves with close-quarters weapons. Close-Combat Weapons factor Agility and Strength. *if preferred_skill_1 != "cooking" *allow_reuse #Cooking. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "cooking" *set cook_max_lvl 7 [b]Cooking[/b]—the art of preparing food to be eaten. At the Basic level, you can fry an egg without burning down the kitchen. At the Master level, you can be an executive chef at a five-star restaurant. In survival situations, the skill provides bonuses to nourishment from food and allows a player to salvage nearly spoiled food for consumption. Players with Cooking benefit from high Intelligence and Dexterity. *if preferred_skill_1 != "crafting" *allow_reuse #Crafting. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "crafting" *set craft_max_lvl 7 [b]Crafting[/b]—allows players to create simple items, from weapons to tools. At advanced levels, more intricate items can be made, such as complex traps or electronics, from less sophisticated parts. A high Crafting level requires greater Intelligence and Strength. *if preferred_skill_1 != "driving" *allow_reuse #Driving. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "driving" *set drive_max_lvl 7 [b]Driving[/b]—allows players to operate and steer vehicles. At higher skill levels, one may drive more complicated vehicles. At the Advanced level, a player can attempt to hotwire a car or drive an eighteen-wheeler. At even higher levels, boats, military vehicles, helicopters, and planes may be piloted. Driving utilizes Intelligence and Dexterity. *if preferred_skill_1 != "electronics" *allow_reuse #Electronics. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "electronics" *set ele_max_lvl 7 [b]Electronics[/b]—provides knowledge of all varieties of electronic equipment and devices: radios, computers, smartphones, and gear. Building electronics becomes possible at higher levels. Electronics is based on Intelligence and Dexterity. *if preferred_skill_1 != "empathy" *allow_reuse #Empathy. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "empathy" *set emp_max_lvl 7 [b]Empathy[/b]—provides an inherent understanding of human emotion, allowing players to sense motives, determine if someone is lying, and gain greater relationship bonuses. Willpower and Perception factor into Empathy. *if preferred_skill_1 != "hand-to-hand combat" *allow_reuse #Hand-to-Hand Combat. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "hand-to-hand combat" *set hth_max_lvl 7 [b]Hand-to-Hand Combat[/b]—the ability to attack and defend without the use of weapons. This skill incorporates all manners of unarmed physical combat, such as Boxing, Martial Arts, and Wrestling. Though weaponless attacks on the living dead may not be effective, the Apocalypse hosts numerous threats from the living as well, and an adequate Hand-to-Hand Combat skill may save one's life when a pistol is empty. High Agility and Strength benefit Hand-to-Hand Combat. *if preferred_skill_1 != "intimidation" *allow_reuse #Intimidation. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "intimidation" *set int_max_lvl 7 [b]Intimidation[/b]—used for face-to-face confrontations and to manipulate someone through words and actions. Intimidating someone starts a battle of wills, and winning the contest may coerce one into performing an action or giving up vital information. This skill uses Charisma and Willpower. *if preferred_skill_1 != "leadership" *allow_reuse #Leadership. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "leadership" *set lead_max_lvl 7 [b]Leadership[/b]—used to provide direction to groups of people, rally and inspire them, and have them obey commands. Those with high leadership can command larger groups of people and instill devout levels of allegiance. High Leadership is dependent upon Intelligence and Charisma. *if preferred_skill_1 != "medicine" *allow_reuse #Medicine. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "medicine" *set med_max_lvl 7 [b]Medicine[/b]—this skill provides knowledge of medical treatment, both emergency and long-term care, and also includes the ability to use diagnostic tools. Having at least one skill level provides first aid knowledge, while superior or greater levels allow surgical intervention if resources are available. Intelligence directly affects Medicine. *if preferred_skill_1 != "persuasion" *allow_reuse #Persuasion. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "persuasion" *set pers_max_lvl 7 [b]Persuasion[/b]—the ability to use words and gestures to alter a person's mood or action. Typically, subversive means are used to influence people. The target of Persuasion may have the willpower to resist. Persuasion is based on a person's Charisma. *if preferred_skill_1 != "ranged weapons" *allow_reuse #Ranged Weapons. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "ranged weapons" *set rang_max_lvl 7 [b]Ranged Weapons[/b]—allows the use of pistols, shotguns, bows, crossbows, rifles, and submachine guns. Basically, any weapon fired at a distance utilizes this skill. Ranged Weapons also affects weapon care and maintenance, though making or modifying weapons falls under the Crafting skill. Ranged Weapons is based upon a player's Dexterity and Perception. *if preferred_skill_1 != "scavenging" *allow_reuse #Scavenging. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "scavenging" *set scav_max_lvl 7 [b]Scavenging[/b]—measures the ability to find usable items and resources in all settings, from the deep forest to abandoned buildings. Adept scavengers creep into fallen houses and locate food, ammo, and clean water where others would search and leave empty-handed. *if preferred_skill_1 != "science" *allow_reuse #Science. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "science" *set sci_max_lvl 7 [b]Science[/b]—an understanding of the fundamental theories and laws of the scientific world, including biology, chemistry, and physics. Higher-level scientists also learn laboratory skills and the use of investigative tools and techniques. *if preferred_skill_1 != "search" *allow_reuse #Search. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "search" *set sea_max_lvl 7 [b]Search[/b]—provides a means to scan an area in order to detect hidden or out-of-place objects or people, and to find hidden snares and traps. This does not cover finding hidden food or water in an Apocalyptic setting; that action is covered by the Scavenging skill. Search will uncover a hidden gunman in an abandoned store, track an injured animal through dense woodlands, or locate a hidden passage in a series of tunnels. *if preferred_skill_1 != "stealth" *allow_reuse #Stealth. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "stealth" *set stealth_max_lvl 7 [b]Stealth[/b]—the ability to move silently and remain concealed from sight. The higher the level, the better the chance of creeping through a room without being noticed, even over broken glass, in well-lit areas, or among highly alert enemies. *if preferred_skill_1 != "survival" *allow_reuse #Survival. *set preferred_skill[current_skill] "survival" *set surv_max_lvl 7 [b]Survival[/b]—measures how well an individual can survive outdoors and withstand the rigors of an Apocalyptic setting. This skill also measures the ability to camp in the wild, live in extreme weather conditions, hunt, fish, train animals, and locate fresh water in the wilderness. *return *label Challenges Some individuals have Challenges, either inherited through genetics, as a result of illness, or developed through the course of life. Though these disadvantages can cause difficulties for most people, they often grant opportunities for growth in other aspects of life. When a deficit occurs, people develop ways to compensate. Some perceived Challenges may even be positive. *label ChooseChallenges Which Challenge do you have? *choice *if not(add_alcohol_picked) #Addiction to Alcohol. You require consumption of alcohol at routine intervals. Though you avoid complete intoxication, you drink alcohol frequently and try to remain under the influence as much as possible. Drinking alcohol lowers performance and judgment. However, if you fail to consume alcohol each day, you experience withdrawal symptoms, which lowers your performance more significantly. Are you sure you have an Addiction to Alcohol? *choice #Yes. *set add_alcohol_picked true *set add_alc true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *set temp_sta -5 *set temp_agi -5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(add_nicotine_picked) #Addiction to Nicotine. You use nicotine frequently by smoking cigarettes, and you require its consumption. Normal use of nicotine lowers physical performance, though lack of nicotine consumption causes withdrawal, which greatly lowers performance and affects mood. Are you sure you have an addiction to nicotine? *choice #Yes. *set add_nicotine_picked true *set add_nic true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *set temp_sta - 10 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(claustro_picked) #Claustrophobia. You are afraid of confined spaces and crowded areas. You avoid these places at all costs. When forced into such areas, you experience anxiety or even panic. Lacking the willpower to handle such events, you will flee the area or take other drastic measures. Are you sure you have Claustrophobia? *choice #Yes. *set claustro_picked true *set claustrophobic true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(add_allergy_picked) #Allergic to Pollen. When exposed to pollen, you have a serious physical reaction: sneezing, breaking into hives, runny nose, and difficulty breathing. When affected by the allergic reaction, your performance is diminished, and you are often distracted by the symptoms. Are you sure you are Allergic to Pollen? *choice #Yes. *set add_allergy_picked true *set allergy true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +2 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(deep_sleeper_picked) #Deep Sleeper. You sleep through even the most disruptive circumstances. Attempts to awaken you are often ignored. When you do wake up, you are groggy and unable to perform even basic tasks for a considerable amount of time. Though you sleep in an extremely relaxed state, you gain no additional benefits from sleeping. Are you sure you are a Deep Sleeper? *choice #Yes. *set deep_sleeper_picked true *set deep_sleeper true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(delusions_picked) #Delusions. You suffer from psychosis-like Delusions, which are false beliefs, such as being followed or hearing voices. Delusions may be disruptive and distract the individual, though normal life functions are possible. Treatment with therapy or medication can reduce the prevalence of Delusions. Are you sure you have Delusions? *choice #Yes. *set delusions_picked true *set delusions true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +6 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(dependent_picked) #Dependent Child. You are taking care of your eight-year-old nephew. While looking after a child is by no means a weakness like an addiction or phobia, caring for a Dependent Child in a survival situation presents extra obstacles, and therefore is a challenge not all survivors may wish to undertake. Are you sure you have a Dependent Child? *choice #Yes. *set dependent_picked true *set dependent true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +7 Your nephew's name is… *label ADN *fake_choice #Johnny. *set dep_name "Johnny" #Marcus. *set dep_name "Marcus" #Stevie. *set dep_name "Stevie" #Logan. *set dep_name "Logan" #Another name… Your nephew's name is… *input_text dep_name *if ((dep_name = "Tommy") or ((dep_name = "tommy") or ((dep_name = "Ben") or ((dep_name = "ben") or ((dep_name = "Dante") or ((dep_name = "dante") or ((dep_name = "Jaime") or ((dep_name = "jaime") or ((dep_name = "Nathan") or ((dep_name = "nathan") or ((dep_name = "Parker") or ((dep_name = "parker") or ((dep_name = "Reilly") or ((dep_name = "reilly") or ((dep_name = "Woody") or ((dep_name = "woody") or ((dep_name = "Brody") or (dep_name = "brody")))))))))))))))))) This name is reserved. Please choose another. *goto ADN *if ((dep_name = "Bailey") or ((dep_name = "bailey") or ((dep_name = "Jillian") or ((dep_name = "jillian") or ((dep_name = "Madison") or ((dep_name = "madison") or ((dep_name = "Rachel") or ((dep_name = "rachel") or ((dep_name = "Rosie") or ((dep_name = "rosie") or ((dep_name = "Sifer") or ((dep_name = "sifer") or ((dep_name = "Gina") or ((dep_name = "gina") or ((dep_name = "Thelma") or (dep_name = "thelma")))))))))))))))) This name is reserved. Please choose another. *goto ADN *if name_call = "unknown" *gosub BuildName *gosub YourName *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(fear_heights_picked) #Fear of Heights. You have an unusual Fear of Heights, avoiding high places at all costs. You even avoid climbing normal heights. When forced to high places, you suffer anxiety or panic, and when overwhelmed by fear, you become confrontational with others and flee the situation. Are you sure you have a Fear of Heights? *choice #Yes. *set fear_heights_picked true *set fear_heights true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(hear_imp_picked) #Hearing Impairment. You have difficulty hearing without the use of a hearing aid, and even with the aid, your hearing is reduced. Though you're able to communicate with others effectively, discerning multiple noises or soft sounds is typically beyond your ability. Are you sure you have a Hearing Impairment? *choice #Yes. *set hear_imp_picked true *set hearing_impaired true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(klepto_picked) #Kleptomania. You have an uncontrollable urge to take items you do not own. You have a constant need to steal—a need compelling you to take things not for financial gain but to relieve you of the impulse. In situations in which stealing is possible, only an act of willpower will quell this urge. Are you sure you have Kleptomania? *choice #Yes. *set klepto_picked true *set kleptomaniac true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(night_blind_picked) #Night Blindness. You have an abnormal inability to see in darkness or even low-light conditions. At night, you're effectively blind and have reduced abilities to view an area, shoot a weapon accurately, or do any action relying upon sight. Are you sure you have Night Blindness? *choice #Yes. *set night_blind_picked true *set night_blindness true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not (pet_owner_picked) #Pet Owner. You own a pet, either a dog or a cat, which you must care for during the tumultuous period of post-civilization. Of course, a pet can provide many benefits, such as the hunting skills of a Labrador Retriever, the protection of a German Shepherd, or the morale boost from a cuddly feline. However, pets can get into trouble, require supervision, and must receive attention, which can detract from your own survival needs. Are you sure you are a Pet Owner? Note: You will select the breed in the next screen. *choice #Yes. *label PetChoice Which type of pet do you own? *choice #Labrador Retriever. The most popular breed of dog in the world, Labradors are generally well-behaved and good-tempered dogs, great for companionship for young and old. However, they're often trusting of strangers, bark when nervous, and have large appetites. Are you sure you own a Labrador Retriever? *choice #Yes. *set labrador true *set pet_breed "Labrador retriever" *set dog_owner true *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #German Shepherd. Strong, courageous, trainable—these are the qualities of the German Shepherd. They are loyal, intelligent, and respond well to training in a short period of time. They have varied temperaments, some being unstable, can be overly protective of their human families, and may be aggressive towards other animals or strangers. Are you sure you own a German Shepherd? *choice #Yes. *set germanshep true *set pet_breed "German Shepherd" *set dog_owner true *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #Siberian Husky. Siberian Huskies are medium-sized dogs with a wolfish appearance, known to be an active, resilient, and energetic breed. Huskies enjoy vigorous work, such as pulling carts and sleds or carrying packs. Because of this, they require exercise and often exhibit rowdy behavior when confined for a period. They are strong-willed and require companionship. When left alone or not exercised, they may howl or destroy objects. Are you sure you own a Siberian Husky? *choice #Yes. *set husky true *set pet_breed "Siberian Husky" *set dog_owner true *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #Irish Wolfhound. The Irish Wolfhound are large, gentle, and calm dogs with varied, often quirky personalities. They're generally easy-going, reliable, and respond well to obedience training. They can be fearful of strangers, aggressive towards other animals, and are not normally territorial. Are you sure you own an Irish Wolfhound? *choice #Yes. *set wolfhound true *set pet_breed "Irish Wolfhound" *set dog_owner true *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are small dogs known to have a variety of dispositions, from timid and mellow to bold and feisty. They're often very loyal and charming to their owners, providing entertainment and companionship. As a small dog, they need care and protection, can be overly suspicious and aggressive, can be loud and bark incessantly, and are prone to bad social habits. Are you sure you own a Chihuahua? *choice #Yes. *set chihuahua true *set pet_breed "Chihuahua" *set dog_owner true *set small_pet true *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #House Cat. Cats provide affection and companionship to their owners—important ways to boost morale during stressful periods of life. However, cats may not be as loyal as other domestic pets, and caring for and protecting one takes effort in a survival situation. Are you sure you own a house cat? *choice #Yes. *set cat_owner true *set small_pet true *set pet_breed "cat" *set pet_owner_picked true *set pet_owner true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +3 *gosub NamePet You have a male ${pet_breed} named ${pet_name}. *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto PetChoice #On second thought, I don't want a pet. *goto ChooseChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not (short_fuse_picked) #Short Fuse. You have an uncontrollable bad temper. When insulted or wronged in any way, you have great difficulty in controlling your response, which may include fighting or other inappropriate behaviors. Great willpower is needed to resist the impulse to react in a negative way when wronged or challenged. Are you sure have a Short Fuse? *choice #Yes. *set short_fuse_picked true *set short_fuse true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(vege_picked) #Vegetarian. You abstain from eating meat and animal byproducts. You will not eat fish, poultry, or other meats, though you consume eggs and dairy products. In a post-Apocalyptic setting, diet is already restricted due to food shortages, so choosing to limit your food options presents a unique challenge. Are you sure you want to be a Vegetarian? *choice #Yes. *set vege_picked true *set vege true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if not(vis_imp_picked) #Visual Impairment. You have difficulty seeing without the use of corrective lenses (glasses or contacts). Without correction, performance is reduced for any action requiring vision, from driving a car to aiming a weapon or even reading a sign at a distance. Are you sure you have a Visual Impairment? *choice #Yes. *set vis_imp_picked true *set wearing_glasses true *set v_impaired true *set a_count +1 *set temp_sp +4 *set temp_per -5 *goto FinalizeChallenges #No. *goto ChooseChallenges *if a_count = 0 #On second thought, I have no Challenges. *goto CalculateSkillPoints *if a_count > 0 #On second thought, I have no other Challenges. *goto FinalizeChallenges *label NamePet What is your ${pet_breed}'s name? *choice *if dog_owner #Max. *set pet_name "Max" *return #Charlie. *set pet_name "Charlie" *return #Zeus. *set pet_name "Zeus" *return #Winston. *set pet_name "Winston" *return #Rocky. *set pet_name "Rocky" *return #Luna. *set pet_name "Luna" *return *if cat_owner #Tiger. *set pet_name "Tiger" *return #Shadow. *set pet_name "Shadow" *return #Lucky. *set pet_name "Lucky" *return #Felix. *set pet_name "Felix" *return #Oscar. *set pet_name "Oscar" *return #Whiskers. *set pet_name "Whiskers" *return #Fluffy. *set pet_name "Fluffy" *return #Another name. *input_text pet_name *return *label YourName What does ${dep_name} call you? *choice #My first name… Your first name is… *label MCName *fake_choice #Alex. *set firstname "Alex" #Angel. *set firstname "Angel" *if gender = "Female" #Danielle. *set firstname "Danielle" *if gender = "Male" #David. *set firstname "David" *if gender = "Male" #Elijah. *set firstname "Elijah" *if gender = "Female" #Fiona. *set firstname "Fiona" *if gender = "Female" #Heather. *set firstname "Heather" *if gender = "Male" #Jacob. *set firstname "Jacob" *if gender = "Female" #Jasmine. *set firstname "Jasmine" *if gender = "Male" #Jayden. *set firstname "Jayden" #Jude *set firstname "Jude" *if gender = "Female" #Kayla. *set firstname "Kayla" #Morgan. *set firstname "Morgan" *if gender = "Female" #Mia. *set firstname "Mia" *if gender = "Male" #Michael. *set firstname "Michael" #Sam. *set firstname "Sam" #Skye. *set firstname "Skye" *if gender = "Female" #Sophia. *set firstname "Sophia" #Something unique. Your first name is… *input_text firstname *if ((firstname = "Tommy") or ((firstname = "tommy") or ((firstname = "Ben") or ((firstname = "ben") or ((firstname = "Dante") or ((firstname = "dante") or ((firstname = "Jaime") or ((firstname = "jaime") or ((firstname = "Nathan") or ((firstname = "nathan") or ((firstname = "Parker") or ((firstname = "parker") or ((firstname = "Reilly") or ((firstname = "reilly") or ((firstname = "Woody") or ((firstname = "woody") or ((firstname = "Brody") or (firstname = "brody")))))))))))))))))) This name is reserved. Please choose another. *goto MCName *if ((firstname = "Bailey") or ((firstname = "bailey") or ((firstname = "Jillian") or ((firstname = "jillian") or ((firstname = "Madison") or ((firstname = "madison") or ((firstname = "Rachel") or ((firstname = "rachel") or ((firstname = "Rosie") or ((firstname = "rosie") or ((firstname = "Sifer") or ((firstname = "sifer") or ((firstname = "Gina") or ((firstname = "gina") or ((firstname = "Thelma") or (firstname = "thelma")))))))))))))))) This name is reserved. Please choose another. *goto MCName *set name_call &firstname He calls you ${name_call}. *return #A nickname… Nickname: *input_text name_call He calls you ${name_call}. *return *label BuildName You are ${dep_name}'s… *fake_choice #Uncle. *set gender "Male" *set name_call "Uncle " *set male true #Aunt. *set gender "Female" *set name_call "Aunt " *set female true *set him "her" *set his "her" *set he "she" *set dude "girl" *set man "woman" *set mr_miss "Miss" *set sir "ma'am" *set guy "girl" *set buddy "lady" #Being nonbinary, I prefer Zizi. *set gender "Nonbinary" *set nb true *set name_call "Zizi " *set dude "pal" *set man "person" *set mr_miss "Mx" *set sir "friend" *set guy "person" Your pronouns are… *fake_choice #They, them, their. *set he "they" *set him "them" *set his "their" #Ze, zir, zir. *set he "ze" *set him "zir" *set his "zir" #Xe, xem, xyr. *set he "xe" *set him "xem" *set his "xyr" #Choose my own. What is your nominative pronoun (e.g. he, she, they)? *input_text he What is your objective pronoun (e.g. him, her, them)? *input_text him What is your possessive pronoun (e.g. his, her, their)? *input_text his *return *label FinalizeChallenges *if a_count > 2 *label CheckFinalChallenges *gosub DisplayChallenges Are you sure these are your Challenges? *choice #Yes, these are my Challenges. *set skill_points +temp_sp *set agi +temp_agi *set sta +temp_sta *set per +temp_per *goto CalculateSkillPoints #No, I need to choose my Challenges again. *set a_count 0 *set temp_sp 0 *set temp_agi 0 *set temp_sta 0 *set temp_per 0 *set challenges "" *set add_alcohol_picked false *set add_nicotine_picked false *set add_allergy_picked false *set claustro_picked false *set deep_sleeper_picked false *set delusions_picked false *set dependent_picked false *set fear_heights_picked false *set hear_imp_picked false *set klepto_picked false *set night_blind_picked false *set pet_owner_picked false *set short_fuse_picked false *set vis_imp_picked false *set vege_picked false *set add_alc false *set add_nic false *set allergy false *set claustrophobic false *set deep_sleeper false *set delusions false *set dependent false *set fear_heights false *set hearing_impaired false *set kleptomaniac false *set night_blindness false *set pet_owner false *set short_fuse false *set vege false *set v_impaired false *set dep_name "unknown" *set name_call "unknown" *set dog_owner false *set small_pet false *set cat_owner false *set labrador false *set germanshep false *set husky false *set wolfhound false *set chihuahua false *set wearing_glasses false *goto ChooseChallenges *else Do you have any other Challenges? *choice #Yes, I do have other Challenges. *goto ChooseChallenges #No, I have no other Challenges. *goto CheckFinalChallenges *label CalculateSkillPoints *set skill_points +new_char_bonus *label RaiseSkills *if not(homemaker) and not(teenager) Preferred Skill 1: $!{preferred_skill_1} *line_break Preferred Skill 2: $!{preferred_skill_2} *if teenager Preferred Skill: $!{preferred_skill_1} Here are your current skills: *set hold_loc "CheckRemainingSkillLevels" *goto SkillLevels *label CheckRemainingSkillLevels *if skill_points > 0 *if not(described_raising_skills) *set described_raising_skills true Looking over the list of skills in the magazine, you realize it doesn't account for the extra training you've had throughout your life. (— Skill levels may be raised using skill points. The cost of a skill level is listed beside the name of the skill. To see a description of each skill, click Show Stats and select Skill Reference. Note: Levels are a measure of how much you're trained in that skill. Percentages show your actual ability in that skill, based on your attributes and the skill level. For example, you may have a level 5 in Ranged Weapons, but if your Dexterity and Perception are low, your Ranged percentage will be moderate. —) *gosub_scene ChangeStats SetSkills You have ${skill_points} remaining skill points. *goto SkillSelect *else *gosub_scene ChangeStats SetSkills *goto FinalizeSkills *label SkillSelect *gosub_scene CalculateDeductions *choice *selectable_if ((ath_level < ath_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (ath_value))) #Athletics ${ath_level} - costs ${ath_value} to raise. Your Athletics skill has been raised from ${ath_level} to *set skill_points - ath_value *set ath_level +1 ${ath_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((ccw_level < ccw_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (ccw_value))) #Close-Combat Weapons ${ccw_level} - costs ${ccw_value} to raise. Your Close-Combat Weapons skill has been raised from ${ccw_level} to *set skill_points - ccw_value *set ccw_level +1 ${ccw_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((cook_level < cook_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (cook_value))) #Cooking ${cook_level} - costs ${cook_value} to raise. Your Cooking skill has been raised from ${cook_level} to *set skill_points - cook_value *set cook_level +1 ${cook_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((craft_level < craft_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (craft_value))) #Crafting ${craft_level} - costs ${craft_value} to raise. Your Crafting skill has been raised from ${craft_level} to *set skill_points - craft_value *set craft_level +1 ${craft_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((drive_level < drive_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (drive_value))) #Driving ${drive_level} - costs ${drive_value} to raise. Your Driving skill has been raised from ${drive_level} to *set skill_points - drive_value *set drive_level +1 ${drive_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((ele_level < ele_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (ele_value))) #Electronics ${ele_level} - costs ${ele_value} to raise. Your Electronics skill has been raised from ${ele_level} to *set skill_points - ele_value *set ele_level +1 ${ele_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((emp_level < emp_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (emp_value))) #Empathy ${emp_level} - costs ${emp_value} to raise. Your Empathy skill has been raised from ${emp_level} to *set skill_points - emp_value *set emp_level +1 ${emp_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((hth_level < hth_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (hth_value))) #Hand-to-Hand Combat ${hth_level} - costs ${hth_value} to raise. Your Hand-to-Hand Combat skill has been raised from ${hth_level} to *set skill_points - hth_value *set hth_level +1 ${hth_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((int_level < int_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (int_value))) #Intimidation ${int_level} - costs ${int_value} to raise. Your Intimidation skill has been raised from ${int_level} to *set skill_points - int_value *set int_level +1 ${int_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((lead_level < lead_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (lead_value))) #Leadership ${lead_level} - costs ${lead_value} to raise. Your Leadership skill has been raised from ${lead_level} to *set skill_points - lead_value *set lead_level +1 ${lead_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((med_level < med_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (med_value))) #Medicine ${med_level} - costs ${med_value} to raise. Your Medicine skill has been raised from ${med_level} to *set skill_points - med_value *set med_level +1 ${med_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((pers_level < pers_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (pers_value))) #Persuasion ${pers_level} - costs ${pers_value} to raise. Your Persuasion skill has been raised from ${pers_level} to *set skill_points - pers_value *set pers_level +1 ${pers_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((rang_level < rang_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (rang_value))) #Ranged Weapons ${rang_level} - costs ${rang_value} to raise. Your Ranged Weapons skill has been raised from ${rang_level} to *set skill_points - rang_value *set rang_level +1 ${rang_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((scav_level < scav_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (scav_value))) #Scavenging ${scav_level} - costs ${scav_value} to raise. Your Scavenging skill has been raised from ${scav_level} to *set skill_points - scav_value *set scav_level +1 ${scav_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((sci_level < sci_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (sci_value))) #Science ${sci_level} - costs ${sci_value} to raise. Your Science skill has been raised from ${sci_level} to *set skill_points - sci_value *set sci_level +1 ${sci_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((sea_level < sea_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (sea_value))) #Search ${sea_level} - costs ${sea_value} to raise. Your Search skill has been raised from ${sea_level} to *set skill_points - sea_value *set sea_level +1 ${sea_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((stealth_level < stealth_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (stealth_value))) #Stealth ${stealth_level} - costs ${stealth_value} to raise. Your Stealth skill has been raised from ${stealth_level} to *set skill_points - stealth_value *set stealth_level +1 ${stealth_level}. *goto RaiseSkills *selectable_if ((surv_level < surv_max_lvl) and (skill_points >= (surv_value))) #Survival ${surv_level} - costs ${surv_value} to raise. Your Survival skill has been raised from ${surv_level} to *set skill_points - surv_value *set surv_level +1 ${surv_level}. *goto RaiseSkills #Save my remaining skill points to spend on later advancement. *goto FinalizeSkills *label FinalizeSkills *set max_count round(str/12) *if bank_robber or ((medic or infantry) or ((other_prof_industry = "combat specialist") or ((other_prof_industry = "communications") or (other_prof_industry = "military")))) *set w_money 200 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif (college_student or teenager) or (other_prof_industry = "arts") *set w_money 50 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif con_artist or (doctor or (other_prof_industry = "law")) *set w_money 500 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif engineer or ((laborer or scientist) or (other_prof_industry = "criminal")) *set w_money 300 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif hacker or (commander or (other_prof_industry = "it")) *set w_money 350 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif homemaker or (wrestler or (other_prof_industry = "education")) *set w_money 100 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif mma or cop *set w_money 75 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif movie_star *set w_money 1000 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif social_worker or (nurse or ((other_prof_industry = "health care") or (other_prof_industry = "retail"))) *set w_money 250 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif (other_prof_industry = "entrepreneur") or (other_prof_industry = "financial services") *set w_money 300 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif (other_prof_industry = "government") or (other_prof_industry = "law enforcement") *set w_money 200 *goto SelectHobbies *elseif (other_prof_industry = "pharmaceuticals") *set w_money 400 *goto SelectHobbies *else *set w_money 150 *goto SelectHobbies *label PickHobby *fake_choice *if hobby_dancing = false #Dancing. *set hobby_choice "dancing" *set temp_hobby "hobby_dancing" You enjoy moving your body to music, whether it's out at a club or at home, with friends or alone. Once the music starts, you feel the rhythm and enjoy letting it flow through your body and get expressed in your movement. It's also a great way to keep fit and stay limber, adding to your Agility. *if hobby_running = false #Distance Running. *set hobby_choice "distance running" *set temp_hobby "hobby_running" Whether it's cross-country running or training for a marathon, your hobby takes you on long treks across your neighborhood and beyond. Through distance running, your body has gained great Endurance, and you rarely get winded from a job that would leave others panting and passing out. *if hobby_drawing = false #Drawing. *set hobby_choice "drawing" *set temp_hobby "hobby_drawing" Having a pencil and paper is all you need to express your imagination. Whether you use traditional or digital media, sketch large-scale projects or doodle in the margins of a newspaper, you lose yourself in drawings. You've also noticed your hobby has increased your awareness and perception of details. *if hobby_exercising = false #Exercising. *set hobby_choice "exercising" *set temp_hobby "hobby_exercising" You enjoy physical exercise and find yourself working out every day for a consistent amount of time. Your hobby may involve cardio, weight training, Pilates, or other forms of fitness. Though it's a hobby, exercising has strengthened your body and made you more fit. *if hobby_gardening = false #Gardening. *set hobby_choice "gardening" *set temp_hobby "hobby_gardening" You've always had a green thumb and raised plants of all kinds, including vegetables, flowers, herbs, and fruits. Living in the ${v_loc}, *if v_loc = "city" you focus on using the space available, cultivating plants in the small backyard and on windowsills. *if v_loc = "suburbs" you cultivate plants in your yard, on the lawn, and throughout your home. *if v_loc = "country" you cultivate plants across your property. Until now, you haven't grown edible plants, but with the threat of the outbreak continuing, this may be a way to provide food for the long haul. *if (dex <= 75) and (hobby_knitting = false) #Knitting. *set hobby_choice "knitting" *set temp_hobby "hobby_knitting" Have yarn, will knit—that's your motto. You enjoy weaving and stitching textiles to make articles of clothing, blankets, and more. Given your interest in hand knitting, your hobby may help you repair or even create clothing and blankets. *if (wil <= 75) and (hobby_music = false) #Listening to music. *set hobby_choice "listening to music" *set temp_hobby "hobby_music" Few things give you more pleasure than enjoying the sound of music. Putting on headphones and blocking out all other sounds than your favorite jams has given you hours of entertainment. You also appreciate live music and concerts, though after the outbreak, opportunities for such events will be few or non-existent. *if hobby_meditating = false #Meditating. *set hobby_choice "meditating" *set temp_hobby "hobby_meditating" You take great comfort in clearing your mind and altering your state of consciousness. Using breathing techniques and focusing your inner energy, you can reduce your stress and increase your well-being. *if (dex <= 75) and (hobby_instrument = false) #Playing a musical instrument. *set hobby_choice "playing a musical instrument" *set temp_hobby "hobby_instrument" Making music through the use of an instrument provides you an outlet for creativity and a method for stress relief. Though you're not a professional musician, you take it seriously and enjoy learning and practicing on your own terms. *if hobby_video_games = false #Playing video games. *set hobby_choice "video games" *set temp_hobby "hobby_video_games" Video games are as much a pastime as a way of life. You play all manner of genres and platforms, whether PC, console, or mobile. Playing for hours on end has quickened your reflexes and improved your hand-eye coordination. *if hobby_reading = false #Reading books. *set hobby_choice "reading" *set temp_hobby "hobby_reading" As an avid reader, you often lose yourself in books, whether classical or modern, fiction or non-fiction, and whatever genre your interests fancy. From reading so often, you find learning and retention have increased over time. *if hobby_singing = false #Singing. *set hobby_choice "singing" *set temp_hobby "hobby_singing" As a child, you were known for having a good voice, and it's something you've cultivated since then. Whether it's from a quick tune on your iPod or karaoke at a local bar, singing brings you great joy and washes away the stresses of the day. You've noticed it also lifts the mood of those around you, drawing them into the gift of your song. *choice #Yes, ${hobby_choice} is my hobby. *if hobby_choice = "playing a musical instrument" You have learned to play… *choice #Flute. *set hobby_flute true *set hobby_instrument true *set instrument "flute" *set dex +10 *set max_dex +10 *return #Guitar. *set hobby_guitar true *set hobby_instrument true *set instrument "guitar" *set dex +10 *set max_dex +10 *return #Keyboard. *set hobby_keyboard true *set hobby_instrument true *set instrument "keyboard" *set dex +10 *set max_dex +10 *return #On second thought, I have another hobby. *goto PickHobby *else *set {temp_hobby} true *if temp_hobby = "hobby_dancing" *set agi +10 *set max_agi +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_running" *set sta +10 *set max_sta +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_drawing" *set per +10 *set max_per +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_exercising" *set str +10 *set max_str +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_knitting" *set dex +10 *set max_dex +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_music" *set wil +10 *set max_wil +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_meditating" *set wil +10 *set max_wil +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_video_games" *set dex +10 *set max_dex +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_reading" *set int +10 *set max_int +10 *if temp_hobby = "hobby_singing" *set cha +10 *set max_cha +10 *return #On second thought, I have a different hobby. Your hobby is… *goto PickHobby *label SelectHobbies *set picked_hobbies true *temp temp_hobby "" With all the stresses of the outbreak, focusing on something you enjoy is a worthwhile way to clear your mind, relax, and forget about the apocalypse. Throughout your life, you've enjoyed many hobbies and pastimes, but two have captured your interest the most, the first being… *gosub PickHobby Your second hobby is… *gosub PickHobby Though you have many priorities for surviving the outbreak, finding time for your hobbies may help you to cope with the pressure of it all. *gosub_scene ChangeStats SetSkills *label EndScene *set max_str str *set max_dex dex *set max_agi agi *set max_sta sta *set max_cha cha *set max_int int *set max_wil wil *set max_per per *finish Prologue