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Teenage Girl 22/07/15(Fri)19:39 No. 25070 ID: 399e46

File 165790675428.jpg - (36.39KB , 480x360 , EY14hTcXsAAOCI7.jpg )

Millennials are now finally understanding what it was like for their parents to see humor they don't understand or find funny infect all their favorite mediums. Kids these days, they don't know humor like me!


Picrel once again proves its timelessness.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)10:53 No. 25086 ID: 614a7a

Usually, people whom say "Kids these days" are often lack cultural memory.
Most people have no real perspective of time. They think their current age number Is their entire existence.
They act like they were born 25-30.
They view their past and future selves as alternate realities.
And I blame age segregation in Western society.
Generation gaps used to be 20 years.
Now, they become five years.

Whenever you talk about the future, the general impression is apocalypse.
And it's mostly out of selfish projection from aging.
People think that just because they're getting older that the world is dying at the same speed.
Nobody takes into account that the earth has physically existed for a few billion years and human history is a few dozen thousand years long, filled with the same social cycles.
Hell, when adults think about the past, they only care about their heyday. They don't know nor care about pop culture before their birth, in their parents' or grandparents' youths.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)19:55 No. 25096 ID: 6a62c4


>Hell, when adults think about the past, they only care about their heyday. They don't know nor care about pop culture before their birth, in their parents' or grandparents' youths.

Look no further than this thread on Kiwi:


Aside from the projection (no, faggots, it's you millennials who are whiny babies; it's why you're on Kiwi to begin with), just look at this shit. Just look. Then, imagine the following discussion:

>Man, zoomers ruined the internet! They don't respect the past!
>Doesn't that sound like you millennials when older gens wondered why you don't know how to do things their way, such as using cursive?
>Fuck the past!

They're hypocrites, like every generation. It's really sad how so many people online are performatively edgy and inflammatory for attention, only to then act like it's somehow okay because it's not being a like/updoot-hungry NPC or whatever.

And then anons wonder why everyone gives them shit. You're not based. You're not righteous.

You're just faggots.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)20:36 No. 25097 ID: 614a7a

I remember back in 2006-2014 when alot of discussion was about millennials being snowflakes.
How easily we forget.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)20:59 No. 25098 ID: 6a62c4


>I remember back in 2006-2014 when alot of discussion was about millennials being snowflakes. How easily we forget.

Yeah, but those same millennials will tell you oh, they weren't THIS bad! Heh, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this rightoid/edgelord shit was just them internalizing that discussion too much for their own good.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)23:36 No. 25099 ID: 614a7a

Here's my post:https://kiwifarms.net/threads/millennials-are-projecting-their-fragility-onto-zoomers.124646/#post-12453510

And as usual, their denialism is as predictable as sunrise.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)01:29 No. 25100 ID: 21fae8


You have to remember the vast majority of Kiwi Farmers simp for Joshua Connor Moon, who fled from a tranny at his mother's house to his mother's bathroom. Their judgment on anything tends to be suspect, accordingly. Imagine simping for a "man" jealous of Ethan Ralph and other slobs.

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