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Closet Furry 24/05/14(Tue)18:02 No. 827790 [Reply]

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>say I can go on 4cucks if I get banned from Twitter
>get banned from Twitter
>get banned from 4cucks for different reason same day
So stupid SJW mod 30-days lolicons.
>inb4 only newfags bitch about 4cucks to 7chan
Who cares? This site is a graveyard. No cultural norms where no people are there to make a culture.


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p4ch3c0 24/05/14(Tue)21:14 No. 827794

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Liru Fanboy 24/05/15(Wed)02:10 No. 827804


That site was full of pussies and thin skin faggots

Reimu Hakurei 24/05/15(Wed)03:39 No. 827805

My dad said that real Family Planning was saving enough money to pay my mom to go away.

OP 24/05/13(Mon)20:45 No. 827751 [Reply]

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Wetter Wieners Wiggle Better!

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/05/14(Tue)04:04 No. 827774

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Gee, Bill, you washed your Wiener?

tee 24/05/14(Tue)04:47 No. 827775

Yeah duh, yer not? Lame...

Sazpaimon 24/05/14(Tue)23:01 No. 827801

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I'm not washing of the Pheromones of my Pipi!

Brony 24/04/05(Fri)18:08 No. 827283 [Reply]

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Mods = Fags


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Bill 24/05/14(Tue)21:44 No. 827797

he's not banned, it's just a mod message, you dumbass.

poe 24/05/14(Tue)22:07 No. 827798

If 7chan had it's own stock I'd short that shit 100x with everything I've got

He-Man 24/05/14(Tue)22:08 No. 827799

Fr, let's make it a movement like GameStop. These guys have no future

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/05/12(Sun)01:30 No. 827694 [Reply]

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>a song i haven't heard in an year pops up in my head
>open YouTube music to listen it
>it is the first suggestion the app gives

I use YouTube music almost everyday, what is going on?!

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Marisa Kirisame 24/05/13(Mon)22:47 No. 827761

you're right. now i feel stupid.

Homicide 24/05/14(Tue)03:55 No. 827773

Probably the song had a burst of popularity, leading to a number of people hearing it more

Nyan Cat 24/05/14(Tue)21:16 No. 827795

yeah that's a possibility, but it felt like entering the twilight zone to me lol

Liru Fanboy 24/01/27(Sat)21:28 No. 826291 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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I summon Darkly Big Rabbi. Your response, chudditor?

194 posts and 753 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bill 24/04/06(Sat)05:30 No. 827296

Better. But Optimus what's with their feet? Is that a flip flop boat?

Cryomancer 24/04/06(Sat)05:31 No. 827297

Is that what these people are thinking about?

Conductor Cat 24/05/14(Tue)11:46 No. 827779

I wonder if I'm banned because I necrobumped an old thread

Cryomancer 24/05/12(Sun)12:12 No. 827705 [Reply]

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Well, I discovered if you have a teaspoon in your mouth whilst your tongue is on the roof of your mouth, if you say AUM so hum like the Buddhists do you get a psyiological effect similar to Tesla's 369. You can literally tune your mind towards correct polarity. This is why Einstein truly slept with a spoon. This is why the Hebrew yidoni or "wizards" out femur bones in their mouth. Magic isn't real, obviously ~ yet expanded consciousness is. Well met und farewell.

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h 24/05/13(Mon)16:55 No. 827749

I'm a big Kanye West fan, I think he does good for America

herp 24/05/13(Mon)20:32 No. 827750

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Marisa Kirisame 24/05/14(Tue)04:49 No. 827776

Based on your description of yourself, I have concluded that you are Kanye West.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/05/14(Tue)00:58 No. 827764 [Reply]

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Hi /b/!!!

Novice Equestrian 24/05/14(Tue)01:46 No. 827768

Nigger do you know what I do t like is people named Randy from the Texas area... Hmm I wonder if we can kill him as well.

h 24/05/13(Mon)03:51 No. 827728 [Reply]

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Novice Equestrian 24/05/13(Mon)21:22 No. 827754

Omg bro my kids are like mass terrorists... Get a airwolfing job.

zeneslev 23/11/16(Thu)19:01 No. 824614 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Journal thread

Talk about your daily life, feelings, IRL stuff

Previous thread: >>823462

92 posts and 33 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
O.P. 24/05/13(Mon)12:38 No. 827733

You are wrong. But it's up to you to figure out how. Protip: you won't.

poe 24/05/13(Mon)13:52 No. 827739

this is incorrect information

Conductor Cat 24/05/13(Mon)14:21 No. 827741

I asked my dad, and he said you are wrong.

Lorf 23/12/20(Wed)12:31 No. 825344 [Reply]

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Dream thread. Post any dreams that you remember. Pic related: my bed.

I was looking at a CD album art that looked like a gray arch and some clouds, or maybe a girl's butt, but probably a grey stone arch and some grey clouds. Señora S., my Spanish teacher, was explaining to us about the artist, and I looked forward and saw a larger image of the painting. There was a tornado in the ocean, and I asked if Bob Ross was angry. Señora S. said no, it was only a demon. The tornado turned into a storm that generated some orange light. It plunged down into the water and then exploded, and out of it came an aircraft. This aircraft was similar to the Halberd (Kirby, video game) in shape, but mostly it resembled what I imagined Howl's castle (Howl's Moving Castle, movie) to look like when it was first created. It was a great airship with many wings and Howl was there shouting about how great it was to be flying in the airship, and I was there with him. He said to someone who I now assume to be Calcifer that he should have brought another blanket. We were flying low over great mountains now, and then we were upon them, sliding along the ridge, being pulled by a rope. The ridge was sharp. There was no flat area on the ridge, only an edge where the two sides of the mountain came together. We continued along for some time, slowing down and climbing a bit more upward now. I was holding on to the rope, and pulling myself up, and I realized that I was the last in the band of climbers who perhaps resembled the band of dwarfs in The Hobbit, and so I ran. We came to what seemed to be the top of the mountain, because there were bushes and a stone path. We went up this stone path, amid some apprehensions. I was still the last in line, along with some other person, and we heard someone say "Get out of here!" and so I ran the other way. I soon decided that I should not abandon my company, and I went back up the stone path, grabbing onto the bushes to pull me along because it is hard to run in a dream, and there were some of our men and some soldiers with brown stone blocks as part of their heads or their hats, I'm not sure. We were lined up along what looked like a runway for a plane, and there might have been a castle in the background, but I was not paying attention to that. It was like a turn-based RPG. I did a combo attack with my spear, and woke up.

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symbion 24/05/13(Mon)13:34 No. 827735

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I had a bad start to the day today. I woke up at 6am to blue skies, which is actually good because I had a lot planned for today. I wanted to do a quick fap, but a number I didn't know called a total of three times in 30 minutes and got me out each time before I found something to do a nice fapping session.

After that, I had a late breakfast and was furious. Then I told myself it wasn't that important and went back to bed. When I went to sleep I thought about the angry Anon whose father had died. Pretty long visions for a short dream, but I think relevant.

In the dream there was this robot girl and sometimes a green light would flash on her belt and it would beep. Then I pressed a button on the device on the belt and then you could reprogramme her by showing her something positive. A friend took them out of the caravan we were in and when they were outside I fell on a friend's neck at the door and cried. I hung on her neck and cried what a great friend she is for helping to reprogramme the robot. Suddenly the friend was hanging on my neck and crying, telling me what a great friend I was for helping. The friend who had brought the robot girl out earlier came in and was also clinging to me, crying and grateful.

Then I woke up feeling balanced.

Novice Equestrian 24/05/13(Mon)13:47 No. 827737

I had a similar dream when I was younger. I dreamt that I was in a farm, but somewhere far away and it was a sunny day and I was doing my usual farm activities, all alone, I don't think there was anyone else on the farm or at least a 10 mile radius, but then these robot chicks came out of airwolfing nowhere and we started airwolfing. It was a wild dream. Your dream reminded me of it, because of how hot they looked and one of them definitely looked like Alita battle angel. Fuak.

zeneslev 24/05/13(Mon)14:20 No. 827740

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Were they big chickens now, or did Anon have a small penis?
That could be important for a meaningful analysis.

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