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Lorf 23/12/20(Wed)12:31 No. 825344 [Reply]

File 170307188989.jpg - (546.82KB , 2048x1536 , 139936549850.jpg )

Dream thread. Post any dreams that you remember. Pic related: my bed.

I was looking at a CD album art that looked like a gray arch and some clouds, or maybe a girl's butt, but probably a grey stone arch and some grey clouds. Señora S., my Spanish teacher, was explaining to us about the artist, and I looked forward and saw a larger image of the painting. There was a tornado in the ocean, and I asked if Bob Ross was angry. Señora S. said no, it was only a demon. The tornado turned into a storm that generated some orange light. It plunged down into the water and then exploded, and out of it came an aircraft. This aircraft was similar to the Halberd (Kirby, video game) in shape, but mostly it resembled what I imagined Howl's castle (Howl's Moving Castle, movie) to look like when it was first created. It was a great airship with many wings and Howl was there shouting about how great it was to be flying in the airship, and I was there with him. He said to someone who I now assume to be Calcifer that he should have brought another blanket. We were flying low over great mountains now, and then we were upon them, sliding along the ridge, being pulled by a rope. The ridge was sharp. There was no flat area on the ridge, only an edge where the two sides of the mountain came together. We continued along for some time, slowing down and climbing a bit more upward now. I was holding on to the rope, and pulling myself up, and I realized that I was the last in the band of climbers who perhaps resembled the band of dwarfs in The Hobbit, and so I ran. We came to what seemed to be the top of the mountain, because there were bushes and a stone path. We went up this stone path, amid some apprehensions. I was still the last in line, along with some other person, and we heard someone say "Get out of here!" and so I ran the other way. I soon decided that I should not abandon my company, and I went back up the stone path, grabbing onto the bushes to pull me along because it is hard to run in a dream, and there were some of our men and some soldiers with brown stone blocks as part of their heads or their hats, I'm not sure. We were lined up along what looked like a runway for a plane, and there might have been a castle in the background, but I was not paying attention to that. It was like a turn-based RPG. I did a combo attack with my spear, and woke up.

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symbion 24/05/13(Mon)13:34 No. 827735

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I had a bad start to the day today. I woke up at 6am to blue skies, which is actually good because I had a lot planned for today. I wanted to do a quick fap, but a number I didn't know called a total of three times in 30 minutes and got me out each time before I found something to do a nice fapping session.

After that, I had a late breakfast and was furious. Then I told myself it wasn't that important and went back to bed. When I went to sleep I thought about the angry Anon whose father had died. Pretty long visions for a short dream, but I think relevant.

In the dream there was this robot girl and sometimes a green light would flash on her belt and it would beep. Then I pressed a button on the device on the belt and then you could reprogramme her by showing her something positive. A friend took them out of the caravan we were in and when they were outside I fell on a friend's neck at the door and cried. I hung on her neck and cried what a great friend she is for helping to reprogramme the robot. Suddenly the friend was hanging on my neck and crying, telling me what a great friend I was for helping. The friend who had brought the robot girl out earlier came in and was also clinging to me, crying and grateful.

Then I woke up feeling balanced.

Novice Equestrian 24/05/13(Mon)13:47 No. 827737

I had a similar dream when I was younger. I dreamt that I was in a farm, but somewhere far away and it was a sunny day and I was doing my usual farm activities, all alone, I don't think there was anyone else on the farm or at least a 10 mile radius, but then these robot chicks came out of airwolfing nowhere and we started airwolfing. It was a wild dream. Your dream reminded me of it, because of how hot they looked and one of them definitely looked like Alita battle angel. Fuak.

zeneslev 24/05/13(Mon)14:20 No. 827740

File 171560280886.jpg - (70.17KB , 736x954 , 44386dc24b665b303a19fa6a95cf9a62--funny-halloween-.jpg )

Were they big chickens now, or did Anon have a small penis?
That could be important for a meaningful analysis.

Bill 24/05/12(Sun)05:50 No. 827696 [Reply]

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Date may 10th,2024

New York Police Department released new images of the monster who dragged a woman in between two cars in the Bronx and raped her.

A shocking video posted to X showed a man wrapping a belt around a woman’s neck, dragging her body onto a street in New York City, and raping her.

According to NYPD, the 45-year-old woman was attacked and sexually assaulted near 152nd Street and 3rd Avenue in the Bronx on May 1 around 3 am.

The attacker covered his face with a white towel as he assaulted the woman.

-"Just another day in Diversity-land.

Are people willing to admit that Segregation was a good thing yet??"

7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/05/12(Sun)15:38 No. 827710

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"Group Sex, Hell Yeah. I Love the Circle Jerks, Keith Morris loves the Arctic Snow nearly as much as me"

This summer "Do the slag" and lets all be dumb

Optimus Prime 24/05/13(Mon)02:41 No. 827725

I think some people have a head start.

Closet Furry 24/05/13(Mon)13:38 No. 827736

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Yes they are

One Direction singing parody of What Make You Beautiful


hope you get a laugh out of this, anyway all the best anon

Christian Weston Chandler 24/05/10(Fri)00:38 No. 827658 [Reply]

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I want to airwolf my maid so bad

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herp 24/05/11(Sat)23:58 No. 827692


Thank you oh brave anon, Ive been to scared to ask!
Very unlike me

Moot 24/05/12(Sun)11:02 No. 827704


herp 24/05/13(Mon)10:39 No. 827730

Good choice, she's cute and sexy!
Now I'm not only horny, but also have a huge craving for Filet-O-Fish.


OP 24/05/12(Sun)17:25 No. 827712 [Reply]

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Honestly, I didn't know Roger Corman was still alive, and now he's gone. Just the amount of good bad films you gave us is overwhelming:

Rest in peace, little prince, and thank you for all the hours you sweetened our lives on this cold stone!

herp 24/05/08(Wed)02:55 No. 827610 [Reply]

I just want an honest rating of my appearance, be as brutal as you have to

22 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Homicide 24/05/10(Fri)19:08 No. 827673

Btw my dick is only veiny cause I had a death grip on it. Farewell now fr

W. T. Snacks 24/05/11(Sat)08:46 No. 827687

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>I would do it with you
Stay back Homo, I am straight.

Did someone get insecure because a cute Tranny didn't rate his penis as 10/10?

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/05/11(Sat)22:32 No. 827691

That's exactly what we just witnessed. Fags like that poster will continue to be assholes and burn bridges for their entire life and never understand why... 7's not even a bad score, damn.

Bob Rossspeed femboy, don't get discouraged by angry cocks online. I wish I'd had the forethought to save your pics, you really are hot as FUARKKK

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/05/10(Fri)18:48 No. 827671 [Reply]

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Cryomancer 24/05/09(Thu)15:14 No. 827644 [Reply]

Youtube  R.I.P.

Liru Fanboy 24/05/09(Thu)15:16 No. 827645

Youtube  Bloody your hands on a cactus tree
wipe on your dress and send it to me

Optimus Prime 24/05/10(Fri)08:25 No. 827661

Youtube  (´。_。`)

derp 24/05/10(Fri)17:35 No. 827670

Youtube  >>827644
RIP, Mark Sandman.

ian 24/05/08(Wed)11:52 No. 827615 [Reply]

File 171516196091.png - (1.17MB , 1416x894 , circ not even once.png )

Uncut dicks look a million times better and it's not even close. Keep coping and seething, you mutilated, knife-rape victims.

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Moot 24/05/10(Fri)11:51 No. 827665

It is completely irrelevant whether you got your cancer from smoking or environmental influences.

Cancer is cancer.

herp 24/05/10(Fri)16:49 No. 827666


I am so airwolfing happy the Jews came up with this, that I was mutilated as a baby, and that I have never in my life had to deal with smegma.

Second best thing that ever happened to my dick.

That gif is an awesome illustration of how time travel is absolutely airwolfing impossible: you can't just rewind time, in order to appear in the same "place" relative to where you are in the past, you'd also have to calculate the movement of the entire infinite universe to get your three-dimensional coordinates.

h 24/05/10(Fri)19:23 No. 827674

File 171536179024.png - (930.36KB , 2600x1146 , 0 vtubers who prefer uncut cocks or are anti circ.png )

Circumcised penises can still get smegma and you still need to wash your disfigured, deformed penis, you uneducated moron. You were mutilated for nothing.

Mudkip 24/05/04(Sat)04:58 No. 827583 [Reply]

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Free speech in danger. US government is currently "considering" a potential law (bill) that makes holocaust denial illegal.
Now I don't even deny the holocaust personally, I don't know whether or not it happened, I wasn't alive back then. I'm holocaust agnostic.

But the point is free speech is legal in America. America is supposed to be the country where you can express your beliefs and opinions freely. Many european countries have already banned this, but America was cool because it was different.

This new bill is in violation of the first amendment, which is a law for laws. The amendments are laws that govern other laws. They have more power than normal laws because they are harder to pass than normal laws, it's very difficult to create a new amendment and that's why they are more powerful than other laws. It's a law for the law to obey. The laws cannot contradict with the amendments, and if they do, the amendments WIN priority.

I fear that in the near future it will (still) be legal to burn the American flag, but it will be illegal to burn the Israeli flag. And I fear that it will be legal to be racist towards whites, but no other race...

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Nyan Cat 24/05/09(Thu)21:00 No. 827652

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This is 100% a provocateur thread.

Lorf 24/05/09(Thu)22:27 No. 827653

It's rude to bump the thread to tell us this.

He-Man 24/05/10(Fri)01:18 No. 827659


Deal with it. Bump. Hope you get provoked by glowcrackers, anime watching sewer boy

ian 24/05/09(Thu)18:30 No. 827649 [Reply]

File 171527222848.png - (16.28KB , 450x459 , 1713907651189t-1.png )

>be me, 13
>get a new laptop for Primemas
>first thing i type in the browser:
>write this greentext
>post it
>instant 500 replies
>"add me in the screencap"
>"anon is a legend"
>find a letter on the table
>i won the stanley cup and the emmys
>rsvp to the nobel prize inauguration ceremony
>win 20 nobel prizes
>win a zillion bux
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

He-Man 24/05/10(Fri)17:15 No. 827669

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There are only three people on 7chan anyway.

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