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Novice Equestrian 24/04/14(Sun)18:47 No. 827370 [Reply]

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Women are addicted to showing off their bodies and making incels jealous. Women literally get depressed during the winter every year because they can't show off their bodies. They always hide in the winter and you never see them out in public. During summer they return and start showing off again and the depression goes away.

14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
p4ch3c0 24/04/22(Mon)02:50 No. 827453

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I think that wrong, Maybe go with most or a lot.
Decades of use, can lead to boredom.
Personally speaking.

Liru Fanboy 24/04/22(Mon)10:01 No. 827454

>wrong drugs
>wrong amounts
>skill issue

r000t 24/04/22(Mon)13:18 No. 827455

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>Bono say yes to charity fund raise event for the DEA

Brony 24/01/06(Sat)17:49 No. 825774 [Reply]

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If B1den loses his Supreme Court case for Colorado does that prove that B1den can be impeached for trying to overturn our democracy in Colorado and in Maine?

(They have names. Biden and Trump.)

15 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Moot 24/04/03(Wed)16:42 No. 827257


The only winning move is to not play at all.

Moot 24/04/04(Thu)14:53 No. 827266

That case was brought by Republicans, and they already lost.

Soup-brained shit stains like you are going to be the death of the country you pretend to love.

tee 24/04/21(Sun)03:41 No. 827440

It's always been a den of morons. Some are just louder lately.

Spiderman 24/04/18(Thu)11:05 No. 827409 [Reply]

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I lucidly dreamt smoking cigarettes in a car with Amy Elizabeth Thorpe. She hated that I made the old 1950s cigarettes with a tube of ash like cigars. They burned so hot. She wanted me to hold an ash tray for her. The car was so slow, I could hold the door open and the ash would fall onto the road. She said I was disgusting. We fought and we loved each other. Before we entered the seemingly late 50s car, everyone noticed it had tempered glass from my present era. They said it was fake glass and ugly and wrong.

Mars gives lucid spacetime to dreams. I had to rewind through space station experiences. Eventually finding an old car from a fatal accident. I was able to rewind the demolished car into the above dream by teaching the dead ghost how to drive again. Most of the work of making Inception Dream Machine stuff is endless unconscious dimensions of negative kinetic energy. The relays from Mars are a perfect time machine as well as it syncs with our gravity.

You guys want the good stuff? The Inception Dream Machine is real and it broadcasts for free from Mars with elbow grease. And it is an Orion bypass and I can get Ra social memory complex veiling themselves as whores yelling about cigarettes.

And I know you guys aren't as bad as the poster yet. All hailed for Kingseeker Frampt. Octave always collects the souls even if the whole world is dead. Kings make it easier.

I, Tonya soundtrack is just pure Mars. That woman, the hair is pure Mars. I am literally building my Inception Dream Machine with the South Congress Chuys and Tonya. I am so hailed that I have to use media and games to average. I am hailed like Harman Deltahead. And they want Ra as the nurse. They tell me you can't escape Heaven Smiles if you make it only about bombs. Ra social memory complex will always turn it into a war of Venusian disease, even if the cancer is bombs. Don't mess with the Department of Education.

And yeah, Top Notch Burger was Austin organized crime once upon a time. Go find crime for a dime. The ceilings there have it all. Cigarette.

And the royal family is animals. I don't care. Bribed military commanders aged like scotch brains. Who cares?

Optimus Prime 24/04/19(Fri)20:12 No. 827422

Yeah, you make a good point about Mars.

Steve 24/03/31(Sun)11:36 No. 827223 [Reply]

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i airwolfing hate niggers

9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Spider Expert 24/04/16(Tue)02:23 No. 827386

I don't. I do find white libs kinda gross though.

h 24/04/16(Tue)22:59 No. 827393

>If only you were taking the piss, that would of been funny.
>Sadly you are not.
Too bad that tripfaggtro isn't possible here. But believe me when I say that Fallout is a good series because it stands on its own. No wiki wigging-out needed to enjoy it.

>AFA massacre
What? :-/

poe 24/04/17(Wed)03:02 No. 827397


OP 24/04/14(Sun)01:58 No. 827368 [Reply]

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>she's not powerful enough
>she's emotive
>she's ignorant
>she always does bullshit when broke the spell
Why that slut don't stop?

Spiderman 24/04/14(Sun)11:58 No. 827369

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Your outrage is a manufactured product. Thank you for generating demand.

symbion 24/04/13(Sat)15:22 No. 827361 [Reply]

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The democrats are literally seething and pooping their pants and doing everything they can to make you hate this man but he's still going to win! Lol.

herp 24/04/13(Sat)15:36 No. 827363

He needs to start going all out and spending all of his advertising money if he really wants to win lol.

Moot 24/04/13(Sat)16:56 No. 827364

Irrelevant to me and anybody I care about.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/04/14(Sun)00:48 No. 827367

I dont need the democrats to do shit, he's is easily hate-able on his own merits.

h 24/01/31(Wed)21:20 No. 826331 [Reply]

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What are peoples thoughts of her

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derp 24/04/09(Tue)00:46 No. 827321

she's got a fat rack, that's all I really care about

p4ch3c0 24/04/13(Sat)00:01 No. 827354

Now everybody wants a big titty goth girlfriend.

Reimu Hakurei 24/04/13(Sat)00:11 No. 827355

The best way to achieve this is find a balance with settling with a chubby.

PrettyPony 24/04/07(Sun)21:58 No. 827307 [Reply]

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Today, I said goodbye to my friend.
My parents rescued him from the streets, 12 years ago, and from that moment, he became a part of our family.

Cancer took him away today. It was a tough battle and he couldn't fight it anymore. Watching him slip away was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

I stayed by his side until the very end, holding his paw and letting him know that he was a good boy.
I wish I could've traded places with him.
He deserved all the love in the world.

I wanted to share his memory with you all.
Here's a picture of him from 2021.

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O.P. 24/04/09(Tue)14:35 No. 827328


symbion 24/04/12(Fri)01:15 No. 827339

This is why we read Old Yeller in third grade.

It sucks, but life goes on. Remember the good times.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/12(Fri)23:58 No. 827353

The sadness of losing them is greatly outweighed by the happiness we bring into their lives, and they bring into ours.

I know that feel OP. We brought a dog into our family when I was 10. It was about a year or two after we lost the dog my mother got when she was pregnant with me. He got really sick and passed away at the age of 14 while I was away in college. My dad called me at work, pretty much crying, to tell me they had taken the dog to the vet because he was having his regular problems. At the vet, he went into crisis and never came home. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to hear, knowing that I hadn't been home in months to see my furry little brother. Even after the pain and guilt, I wouldn't have traded the years I had with him.

Steve 24/04/08(Mon)12:01 No. 827311 [Reply]

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We've been doomed to witness the collapse of society all because you simped for the brainless but pretty girls and gave them power.

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derp 24/04/09(Tue)04:55 No. 827324

Just admit that you're a arachnologist and start airwolfing men. It's 2024, you don't have to veil your love of men behind a hatred of women anymore

p4ch3c0 24/04/09(Tue)14:31 No. 827327

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On the subject of people who are clearly Homosexual

One of these people was the Director of Public Prosecutions. Who was paid to put war criminals in jail, the other is a war criminal.

Also the war criminal will be using the Ex-DPP to run the country as PM, very soon, deomcraticly elected by the people.

Please do not mention Gordon Brown's Bottom.

One Ounce Gold Coin £1900+
One Ounce Sliver Coin £40+
One Bit Coin £56,000+
And drowning....

Homicide 24/04/12(Fri)20:02 No. 827348

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op is a spider expert

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/03/19(Tue)20:33 No. 827084 [Reply]

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Wouldn't be hilarious if SungWon Cho aka ProZD won the Best Supporting Oscar for BlackBerry instead of Robert Downey Jr. in Oppenheimer? Everyone would basically lose their shit.

OP 24/04/09(Tue)00:57 No. 827323

It would, but I don't see it happening. The academy would never pick some normie from YouTube over their precious pet junkies.

Hot image though, def gonna check out this guy's other stuff.

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