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OP 23/11/16(Thu)18:13 No. 824611

File 170015479180.jpg - (412.95KB , 2000x2000 , 168106218197.jpg )

Dating thread

Why are you still single?

Previous thread: >>>824059

W. T. Snacks 23/11/16(Thu)18:49 No. 824613

Because all the women I chase after are "gay" or psychopaths, or, whores who I cannot turn into house wives.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 23/11/17(Fri)17:21 No. 824640

File 170023807090.jpg - (6.94KB , 299x168 , images(2).jpg )

p4ch3c0 23/11/18(Sat)15:22 No. 824656

In the sex shop

"Hi, do you have water based lube?"

"Right this way"

"I'll have this one."

"That's all?"


"Some condoms, maybe?"

"Nope, just this"

Thinking: nope, I'm all alone! Of course you can't relate, little girl! Just rub it in, why don'tcha!

poe 23/11/18(Sat)15:45 No. 824657

My Indian friend told me in India the girls wants guys to be so aggressive it doesn't really leave them room to say no in a meaningful way. This has some obvious downsides, and it's changing as the culture becomes more westernized.

tee 23/11/18(Sat)19:00 No. 824659

Bob Ross willing you'll never reproduce

tee 23/11/22(Wed)06:07 No. 824720

I have the whole rest of my life to do whatever, but I specifically need to start a family within the next decade or so if I'm to avoid the risks of geriatric pregnancy, unless I marry someone much younger.

Miku Fanboy 23/11/22(Wed)07:10 No. 824721

I'll admit, I'm kind of hung up on the kind of women who were anime fangirls and such during the 00s, seems like they're the only ones to have ever liked me. But I was too much of a coward, didn't reciprocate thinking they were just being friendly, and now high school and college are long over. And with that go the chances of meeting one of them outside of the internet or something.

Plus the ones my age have changed for the worse. In my teens and 20s they were those LOLSORANDUM types, which might have been obnoxious back then but were kinda cute in retrospect. I just wish they'd have stayed that way instead of going completely off the deep end.

And the reason I'm hung up on them is because I feel I'm boring to pretty much everyone else. I've had barely any positive interactions in my formative years and it shows. No idea how to make conversation. I don't even know how to talk about modern games/anime/etc because none of it interests me. So even if I did meet one who was still (relatively) sane, I'd have no common ground with her.

Hell, I'm not even sure if I really want a relationship, or if I just want to stop feeling pathetic every time I see a cute couple or overhear people talking about their love lives.

Spiderman 23/11/22(Wed)16:01 No. 824724

You've got to be in your upper 30's by now. Even men have a clock that's ticking, in that, no matter your job and money situation, it's weird for a man to get that age with never married-no kids. Single guys in their upper 30's or 40's that have been divorced can write their own checks, but no one wants a burnt out fukboi, or the worst...handholdless-kissless.

Lorf 23/11/22(Wed)17:21 No. 824725

Lower 30s but you're still right about it being too late.

herp 23/11/23(Thu)01:40 No. 824736

If it's just to feel like you're not a failure, it's definitely not worth it, because this shit is inside your head anyway. You shouldn't care about others judgment like that, because it's really just your judgment about yourself that you've been indoctrinated with. So like get it out of your head and you're good.

Also only losers go for sane girls tbh

I don't even go for girls nowadays although there is this pretty Jewish chick that is intelligent and pretty cool and definitely mental, already somewhat into me, but I just dunno if I wanna open that can of whatever it is...

I've been a recluse (happily) for the last 5 years if not my entire life. Well the happy part was maybe three or four years so far.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 23/11/23(Thu)13:15 No. 824746

I'm exclusively attracted to crazy/bipolar women and it took me some time to realize that. I've been single for two years because I have two kids and I don't want to bring any new craziness into their lives.

Steve 23/11/23(Thu)16:33 No. 824747

Sell your children to stable parents who can't have kids. Live your life how you need to. You are only making things worse for everyone by forcing yourself to live by the norms of society. My tax dollars will ne spent on the professionals who have to clean up after the mess your kids make because of the damage you and your wife have done to them.
I have a friend who is a volunteer firefighter who had to clean up after our other, mutual friend's overdose death that led to an apartment fire. The friend that OD'd dad was a dipshit to his family as well.

O.P. 23/11/23(Thu)22:04 No. 824754

File 170077345590.jpg - (23.16KB , 583x148 , photo1700773857.jpg )

Is this true?

Bob Ross 23/11/23(Thu)22:10 No. 824755

File 170077385591.gif - (248.48KB , 408x640 , 20220920_212954.gif )

No, the post says "people" are attracted by both kinds of men. This is the broad, over generalized statement that makes the entire idea shit.

"People" like to watch a train wreck, but only healthly "people" will chose other healthy "people" at the end of the day.

0, zero worthwile women will chose an alcoholic gang member for the long term, true coupling, over a boring but stable guy. Everyone gets impulsive when they are board, but long term success favors stability. This is a natural rule that applies to everything.

Lorf 23/11/23(Thu)22:19 No. 824756

File 17007743532.gif - (1.74MB , 332x332 , tenor-2590522380.gif )


Also "wild success" and "dead set on their success" are not mutually exclusive.

This is some PUA, joe rogaine bullshit. Its ment to be received by guys with low self-esteem as sabotage, to be taken in like a mind virus and eat them from the inside out, a destabilization force of sorts. Taking that advice will have the opposite effect as intended by it's recipients.

Elliott Rodgers fell for that kind of thinking. He was vulnerable to it due to his low self-esteem, then he tried so hard but was doomed to failure because his advice was bad. Then we all got to laugh when he self distructed.

Don't be Elliott.

Cryomancer 23/11/23(Thu)22:38 No. 824757

This is exactly why I'll never entertain a sane bitch unless just airwolfing around.

Boring is boring. Sane people are ludicrously boring.

Nyan Cat 23/11/24(Fri)01:26 No. 824761

>Also only losers go for sane girls tbh
Sane as in being completely boring like 99.9% of people, or sane as in still weird/annoying but mostly harmless?

derp 23/11/25(Sat)07:32 No. 824781

You know what I can't get over?

How go‌ddamn handsome this kid was.

Like, how in hell was he not killing it on the dating scene?

I never had half his looks and I still managed to lose my virginity by age 18.

If I had looked like this kid in High School I would have been dripping with girl sweat and vaginal juices.

Clearly the problem with the internet subculture I shall not name isn't losing the genetic lottery, it is believing they lost the genetic lottery.

Just because the competition is fierce does not mean everyone doesn't have a chance to win. Anyone can get laid for free, anyone. The fattest, ugliest weirdos get laid.

Optimus Prime 23/11/26(Sun)03:39 No. 824800

I went to a strip club and paid for a private dance. The girl got naked and starts grinding on me and stuff. She helps me unbutton my shirt. She even starts rubbing my dick through my pants, but as soon as I unbutton she says no no no private dance is over.

Novice Equestrian 23/11/27(Mon)17:03 No. 824822

Obviously u done goofed

Weeabot 23/11/27(Mon)17:29 No. 824823

pay up front for that

PrettyPony 23/11/28(Tue)16:15 No. 824840

File 170118455486.jpg - (348.88KB , 818x1083 , IMG-20231128-WA0000.jpg )

How's this for a coat?

PrettyPony 23/11/28(Tue)16:21 No. 824841

File 170118487686.jpg - (208.94KB , 786x871 , IMG-20231128-WA0001.jpg )

Or this?

4chan user 23/11/28(Tue)17:11 No. 824842

Elliott should've went trans. he would've made a cute girl.

Bob Ross 23/11/29(Wed)00:15 No. 824848

File 170121332438.jpg - (136.19KB , 800x1037 , Y6oX3R-K.jpg )

How about something like this?

Lorf 23/11/29(Wed)00:38 No. 824849

I went back to that same club the next day. This time, I was very drunk, and this time, a girl approached me. She was nice and affectionate and cute. We had a couple private dances and then a private dance in the special shower room. We were naked and grinding and stuff and it was really nice, and she even kissed me on the lips a little. I got her Telegram.

The next day, I met her in a hotel room. We kiss and touch and she gives me a blowjob. I've never had a blowjob before, and she doesn't seem to have a gag reflex, so it feels great, and I cum super quickly and squirt all over. We go to the shower. It feels great to rub each other all over. We go back to the bed. I finger her. She's really wet. I put a condom on, but can't manage to get it in. She deep throats me again, and keeps going after I cum, feels amazing. We cuddle and kiss and chat for a while. I like her type, very stereotypical: short hair, small perky boobs, piercings, self harm scars, bipolar, vape, punk music, and a tattoo above her crotch saying Optimus is watching.

Overall, super fun. I certainly way overpaid though, lol.

Weeabot 23/11/29(Wed)16:05 No. 824863

File 170127033959.jpg - (26.81KB , 665x665 , craghoppers-mens-lorton-waterproof-jacket-p43347-1.jpg )


Do any of these coats have any at least one inside pocket?
Also zips, you don't need get home and find you've lost your keys or something.

r000t 23/11/30(Thu)19:30 No. 824894

Considering the incel-to-trans pipeline, he'd have probably done it if he just waited a few more years for it to catch on.

But then again, his little stunt put a lot of eyes on incels and swelled their numbers, plus gave a lot of ammo to the "all men are the spawn of satan" crowd by making their boogeyman real. Which in turn gave men another reason to wish to be the little girl (to stop being seen as an evil male). So if not for Elliot, we probably wouldn't even be seeing this pipeline, or at least it would've taken longer to come into existence.

He-Man 23/12/15(Fri)20:18 No. 825269

NPR was talking about how lots of Ukrainian soldiers later find it difficult to find sexual partners. The tone seemed surprisingly pro incel.

Christian Weston Chandler 23/12/16(Sat)01:45 No. 825274

women are stupid and i dont respect them

Spiderman 23/12/17(Sun)00:15 No. 825279

> NPR was talking about how lots of Ukrainian soldiers later find it difficult to find sexual partners. The tone seemed surprisingly pro incel.
Well, it's the amputee capital of the world. Link, please?

Sonichu 23/12/17(Sun)03:36 No. 825284

everyones a sucker for MUH VETS even libtards. that said using incel as an insult is stupid and the whole point was acceptance(by acknowledging that it isn't their fault and due to other factors).

Mudkip 23/12/17(Sun)23:27 No. 825289

Are the rumors true that the entire internet is flooded with anti-:nigra: bots and that 100% of anti-:nigra: posters you see online are all bots?

Christian Weston Chandler 23/12/20(Wed)13:06 No. 825345

File 170307400473.png - (697.27KB , 1072x604 , Screen Shot 2023-12-20 at 3_22_49 AM.png )

Guys who date fat girls are truly oppressed.

Moot 23/12/20(Wed)23:34 No. 825350

fat women all have flat asses why is that, doctor?

Steve 23/12/21(Thu)05:49 No. 825355

I'm thinking of saying to myself something like, if I don't have a good gf by, let's say, the halfway point of next year, I'll resolve to just get with the first girl who would have me. Idk if this is a good idea, but at some point...

Weeabot 23/12/21(Thu)19:39 No. 825363

you mean compressed

Sazpaimon 23/12/25(Mon)10:56 No. 825453

I haven't gotten a single match since coming back to the US.

Anonymous 23/12/25(Mon)11:08 No. 825454

File 170349890263.png - (808.94KB , 712x988 , Screen Shot 2023-12-25 at 2_02_10 AM.png )

I come back to the US and all the profiles look like this.

symbion 23/12/25(Mon)13:53 No. 825457

Oh wow, Bumble has a free language filter, cool.

Cryomancer 23/12/26(Tue)21:50 No. 825479

fave album: rap

Let me know you do not listen to music while using music as a metric rule, thx niggard tards

PrettyPony 23/12/27(Wed)15:55 No. 825495

It's an observation of Orson Scott Card that we don't really like to think about how much of our behavior is genetic.

To what extent should it be presumed that sexless men will become rapists? Certainly we can look at some statistics proving rape exists, that some subset of men will eventually become rapists, or worse, school shooters.

It's only nerds that think of humans as rational agents. It's only nerds that think of humans as rational agents. It's only nerds that think of human ok you get it.

Within the evolutionary pressure to protect the women from harm emerges the high school jock bullying the high school nerd for leering too frequently and making the jock's woman uncomfortable. The nerds would have you believe that this cycle of violence begins when the high school jock slams the nerd up against the locker. "I wasn't doing anything" cries the nerd pitifully.

The nerd hangs out near the woman, drawn to her by the compulsion of the reproductive force. The nerd tells a story of innocence, that they're not there in proximity of the woman for any specific purpose.

For the woman, it's pretty simple: there's a nerd there so the nerd is interested in her regardless of what the nerd says he believes. When the nerd stutters out "h-hi" the nerd thinks that this is playing a script of normal human interaction in which he has maintained plausible deniability for making eye contact, when in reality, for the woman, it's pretty simple: there's a male present so the male is interested in her.

From there the leering or the comments ('maybe I should just try being forward' leads to awkward sexual advances) progress and the woman's discomfort increases past the annoyance threshold into the threat labeling, and the threat labeling occurs when she tells her boyfriend, and it becomes the boyfriend's job to subdue the poor dumbairwolf.

So the nerd gets slammed into the locker.

"I wasn't doing anything!"

What's sad about this story is just this: that the nerd believes it.

Homicide 23/12/27(Wed)18:30 No. 825499

>I come back to the US and all the profiles look like this.
Where have you been and for how long?

>a great post
Great post! :-)

Liru Fanboy 23/12/27(Wed)22:45 No. 825503

A study showed that more sexually active heterosexual men are more coercive and commit sexual assault more than less sexually active men. It's not really surprising.

Moot 23/12/28(Thu)12:03 No. 825523

Agreed to a date at a boba place in LA for 5pm today.

Moot 23/12/28(Thu)13:52 No. 825524

Hope all goes well on your date, best of luck.

Christian Weston Chandler 23/12/28(Thu)15:43 No. 825525

I notice Bumble has a lifetime subscription. Good deal?

h 23/12/28(Thu)16:31 No. 825528


CP up for 5 days now, is this an unmoderated chan all of a sudden?

Optimus Prime 23/12/28(Thu)17:02 No. 825530

You're more than willing to apply to be a janny.

Spider Expert 23/12/28(Thu)22:38 No. 825558


Do you mean I am capable of applying to be a janny? That's true, but I don't come here enough for them to accept. I doubt they just take any stray. Also I probably wouldn't do a good job.

Spider Expert 23/12/29(Fri)03:10 No. 825562

Then stop complaining.
Imageboards other than NIGGERTITS are not only understaffed, but, at this point passion projects. Jannies have lives outside of this gay basket weaving forum.

Brony 23/12/29(Fri)04:27 No. 825563


I'm not going to not complain that jannies left a 7yo girl sucking cock on the front page of /b/ from the 23rd December through to the 29th.

4chan user 23/12/29(Fri)07:03 No. 825565

Meet the girl from Bumble at Jellyman in Los Angeles. Brief hug. We drink beverages. We chat for a while. She grew up in Beijing and studied in the US. Her mom participated in Tiananmen Square, but she didn't learn about it until she came to the US. She says she's flying to Beijing tomorrow but she plans to settle down in California. Exchange contact info. Walk a short distance. Brief hug goodbye.

Novice Equestrian 23/12/29(Fri)12:33 No. 825570

File 170384960729.png - (280.61KB , 564x554 , 1701484767610098.png )

Then airwolfing join the staff and do something you worthless arachnologist.
Probably airwolfing downloaded it on your drive, airwolfing, nigger kike airwolf you. Years of a squeaky clear record and never missing shit and then one airwolf up and you airwolfing jump on it like a airwolfing arachnologist. I hope your whole family airwolfing dies in a plane crash airwolf you you worthless airwolfing child.

p4ch3c0 23/12/29(Fri)12:59 No. 825571

How long does my dry spell have to be before I become incel again?

Closet Furry 23/12/29(Fri)13:00 No. 825572

I can join the staff, really?

Closet Furry 23/12/29(Fri)13:50 No. 825574


Stop being a little baby and check the website more than once a week and it wouldn't be a problem

Liru Fanboy 23/12/29(Fri)17:01 No. 825579

Stop being a little baby and work 65 hours a week.
Maybe one mod is not enough to run an entire website.

OP 23/12/29(Fri)17:05 No. 825580

It depends. but, if the site needs mods then I don't see why not. You just have to join the IRC and talk to the staff.

Novice Equestrian 23/12/30(Sat)03:20 No. 825592

Not true. I had a friend who didn't get married until he was 42. I remember he was 37 and talking about how his life was all over, etc. It's not too late to figure yourself out.

O.P. 23/12/31(Sun)13:29 No. 825644

Man, I'm really worried I'll never find a girl to truly love wholeheartedly and without reservation.

N3X15 23/12/31(Sun)14:13 No. 825645

File 170402841510.gif - (1.71MB , 840x449 , 030918_drake_equation_main.gif )

We are all technically single.

Christian Weston Chandler 23/12/31(Sun)23:46 No. 825650

File 170406279778.jpg - (33.66KB , 622x701 , 323427399_861459225110540_1135209603398009562_n.jpg )

Miku Fanboy 24/01/01(Mon)13:32 No. 825666

File 170411233095.png - (341.10KB , 1080x2400 , Screenshot_20240101-042334.png )

Well now this is interesting. It seems to subvert the typical method to get good photos.

zeneslev 24/01/01(Mon)13:56 No. 825667

sounds like a bit of the ol' "bullshit" my boy

Mudkip 24/01/02(Tue)09:42 No. 825682

How so?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/01/06(Sat)07:33 No. 825764

I talked to someone who hired a photographer who gave him very specific directions about how to pose and stuff, and also had the Photofeeler AI, so he was able to take hyper optimized photos, and he got good results.

Optimus Prime 24/01/15(Mon)18:13 No. 825915

airwolfing hilarious that someone would suggest this website unironically. I knew someone would in this shit thread. Saying this as a professional photographer, these guys airwolfing suck. A lot of their "before" pictures are obviously low quality but at least the subjects look vaguely personable in some of them, then their ""optimized"" photos make everyone look like airwolfing serial killers. Seriously look at their portfolio, especially all the """action""" shots that look like the subjects have never done the activities they're doing before in their lives. Even the headshots look airwolfed up.

This is yet another in a long, long list of lucrative scam/business models aimed at a bunch of cripplingly autistic faggots who have a little too much spending money for their own good. Say some bullshit about """the algorithm,""" give the most basic bitch life/dating coach advice imaginable, take some really shitty photos with a high quality camera and put a shitty muted color filter on them, dangle the vague promise of getting laid over a mark's head and watch the fish-brained dipshits bite. When you've reached a point where think you need to hire someone like this, consider either fundamentally changing a lot of things about your life or just making it easier on everyone and killing yourself

Optimus Prime 24/01/15(Mon)20:51 No. 825919

Seems pretty simple really. Good looking zoom in, not good looking zoom the airwolf out.

Marisa Kirisame 24/01/16(Tue)01:41 No. 825947

File 170536568549.jpg - (154.13KB , 850x1133 , __haruhara_haruko_flcl_and_1_more_drawn_by_bluethe.jpg )

beat niggers with a bat

Spiderman 24/01/17(Wed)14:25 No. 825981

Why so pessimistic? I know a guy it worked for.

derp 24/01/25(Thu)14:06 No. 826266


"women have more pursuers than men until age 26, but thereafter a man can expect many more potential dates than a woman of the same age."

I guess this is just meant in some weird relative sense, otherwise doubt.

"your average 25 year-old is roughly as good-looking as your average 35 year-old"

Highly skeptical

Other trends surprising, but whitepilling if true

Optimus Prime 24/01/25(Thu)15:57 No. 826270

I really want a black gf

Homicide 24/01/25(Thu)19:06 No. 826272

Do it....

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/06(Tue)05:23 No. 826390

Got a Bumble date this Saturday with a girl who seems nice! She seems down to earth and eager to meet me.

tee 24/02/06(Tue)05:24 No. 826391

She gave me her number without prompting too.

r000t 24/02/06(Tue)21:41 No. 826406

Rip, Bumble girl unmatched me and I didn't save her number. It's Joever.

PrettyPony 24/02/07(Wed)11:53 No. 826414

The mistake was thinking that she's down to Earth. Men can be/are down to Earth. Women will only date you if you are obviously above her.

Spider Expert 24/02/07(Wed)19:37 No. 826420

File 170733103050.jpg - (27.80KB , 474x316 , bearded-dragon.jpg )

Because people are a nuisance, and generally unpleasant. Every time I come home and don't see any people, it's a blessing.

Closet Furry 24/02/08(Thu)02:07 No. 826423

I travel for work a lot. I have an apartment that has a bed and some clothes, but I'm only there about 1 week in the month. I am in every timezone in North America at least once a month, many airline miles, much emerald club, sush admiral lounge. I've been doing this for 6 years and any friends I had gave up. But I plan to retire totally at 50.

Anonymous 24/02/08(Thu)18:50 No. 826429

airwolf a bitch at 50. I don't see a problem with that.

poe 24/02/08(Thu)23:40 No. 826432

I'm recently 40, never married, no kids, never own property. So it's really up to the individual as to how to define a full life.

Brony 24/02/11(Sun)02:20 No. 826461

Just got my first ever incoming SuperSwipe on Bumble. Seems like the blurred photo didn't match.

4chan user 24/02/11(Sun)02:25 No. 826462

Dang, I thought she would be more interested given the SuperSwipe, but I guess not.

h 24/02/12(Mon)02:37 No. 826478


They put no effort in on any of these apps, I'm not convinced that these incoming swipes are even real women for half of the time, I think they're bots designed to make you think that you have a chance and to buy premium

Bitches be tripping

OP 24/02/12(Mon)04:09 No. 826481


Aint nobody got time to click on links arachnologist.

Weeabot 24/02/13(Tue)18:44 No. 826503

File 170784626131.png - (154.97KB , 1080x1655 , Screenshot_20240213-111020 (1).png )

I wonder how old an iPhone would have to be before it's worse than a new Android.

OP 24/02/13(Tue)20:03 No. 826504

People who complain that Android devices can't use iMessage features are like Diesel engine car drives complaining they can't use 97 octane in their tank.
It's a stupid idea. iMessage was made directly for Apple devices.
If you want Apple to be a monopoly just so your friends can see your bearded lady Memojis, you should kys.

tee 24/02/14(Wed)00:22 No. 826511

I got a pair of pants for 3.31 USD. Amazing.

Cryomancer 24/02/14(Wed)04:02 No. 826514

I think I got more matches back when I would swipe on unattractive girls.

Closet Furry 24/02/14(Wed)07:00 No. 826518

Has anyone tried Facebook dating? I just started. I suppose it's cool that they say you'll never have to pay for anything. I wonder if that'll really be true.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/02/15(Thu)01:05 No. 826530

Just got my first match on Facebook Dating. She's a two hour drive away. Seems this app doesn't have many users yet.

Marisa Kirisame 24/02/15(Thu)04:54 No. 826535

File 170796924851.png - (615.59KB , 1080x1506 , Screenshot_20240214-215228.png )

herp 24/02/15(Thu)20:10 No. 826540

File 170802424836.png - (0.99MB , 1080x2400 , Screenshot_20240215-033358.png )


N3X15 24/02/15(Thu)20:19 No. 826541

Wow, I got sixteen likes already. Black people love me!

symbion 24/02/16(Fri)00:02 No. 826544

I already have ten matches on Facebook Dating

4chan user 24/02/17(Sat)22:07 No. 826574

Whoooo! Got a date with a hot Black girl from BLK tonight. We're going to get drinks. Her profile says she's looking for "something casual".

Closet Furry 24/02/18(Sun)01:10 No. 826577

Now I'm afraid I might be getting stood up.

Bob Ross 24/02/20(Tue)20:37 No. 826624

I match with a girl on Facebook Dating and suggest we meet at 1 pm on Saturday. She says she's busy then but free any day next week. I propose we meet on Tuesday instead and she agrees. (The gallery is closed Sunday and Monday) I message her that I'm on my way. She says omfg????? I thought you meant after work. I say whoops, sorry. No problem, when will you be available tonight? And then she unmatches me.

r000t 24/02/22(Thu)18:16 No. 826666

File 170862216869.jpg - (60.13KB , 424x408 , IMG_4524.jpg )


Mudkip 24/02/27(Tue)08:12 No. 826783

Got a Bumble date with an asian girl at a cafe at 5 pm. She seems nice and responsive.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/28(Wed)01:17 No. 826793

Date was normal. Hugged hello and goodbye, briefly put my arm around her, walked around a bit, gave her my number.

OP 24/02/28(Wed)07:15 No. 826794

Has anyone tried speed dating?

Bill 24/02/28(Wed)07:35 No. 826795

Seems like it has a relatively favorable ratio. Whitepilling if true.

PrettyPony 24/02/28(Wed)14:36 No. 826801


herp 24/02/29(Thu)22:03 No. 826819

Whoooo! She wants to meet again. Now I just gotta figure out a date idea for tomorrow.

N3X15 24/03/01(Fri)23:22 No. 826834

She cancelled 😭

Steve 24/03/03(Sun)20:44 No. 826854

Got a date tonight with a girl from a local singles Facebook group. That's a first.

Marisa Kirisame 24/03/04(Mon)00:43 No. 826865


Bob Ross 24/03/05(Tue)04:07 No. 826887

Installing WooPlus now

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/03/05(Tue)05:22 No. 826891

Dang, these girls sure know how to use camera angles

Brony 24/03/05(Tue)13:36 No. 826893

File 170964218469.gif - (479.14KB , 500x375 , giphy (7).gif )

I once dated a girl who was regularly attending instructional seminars regarding the proficient use of the camera. I enjoyed observing the incremental progression of her technical skills, leading to the development(pun!) of expressive photographs that induced emotional experiences for myself!

Spider Expert 24/03/09(Sat)11:18 No. 826970

Got a date with a 35 year old woman tomorrow (Sunday), planning to get dinner and drinks. I'm more optimistic about this one, since she seems quite interested in me, based on the way she's been messaging me. She said "Sameee you definitely interest me 👀 😘" and asked for my number, so that's a good sign. Her WooPlus profile lists her as "Supersized", the biggest classification.

W. T. Snacks 24/03/10(Sun)15:26 No. 826987

i havent interacted with a non married woman in months

Bob Ross 24/03/11(Mon)03:18 No. 826994

We made out.

Mudkip 24/03/11(Mon)14:35 No. 826998

I'd prefer 13-16 age range in all honesty.

This is like... Geriatric fetishism.

O.P. 24/03/12(Tue)01:03 No. 827004

I wanna rent a little vacation cabin with a hot tub and a girl. I regret not doing that in the Carpathian mountains when I had the chance.

OP 24/03/13(Wed)06:11 No. 827015

She started a text message "Hey love,"

Closet Furry 24/03/14(Thu)00:08 No. 827024

File 171037133752.png - (223.40KB , 1080x1077 , Screenshot_20240313-191550.png )

Guys I think she likes me 😳

h 24/03/15(Fri)01:50 No. 827040

File 171046380751.jpg - (242.19KB , 2061x939 , 20240314_154933.jpg )

Typical misaligned interests.

Reimu Hakurei 24/03/15(Fri)19:44 No. 827046

I've discovered I can use unlubricated condoms to masturbate in my bed without making a mess

W. T. Snacks 24/03/15(Fri)21:21 No. 827047

you made me laugh hard, good shit, flying cars for me, they'll never understand, but I'm schizophrenic, and that alone has many implications that sooner or later will become true, and if I happen to get some money in my hands I can profit of my seer status

PrettyPony 24/03/17(Sun)03:36 No. 827063

Lol, I just matched with a couple white girls on BLK

Sonichu 24/04/05(Fri)08:32 No. 827277

I keep matching with girls just far enough away that I get the impression it's not practical to invite all of them to come nearby here

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/04/08(Mon)16:21 No. 827314

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bc i hate myself for things i've done by my own volition in my past and bc i see countless other people do similar things and worse and i want neither them nor myself to be happy.
and no, i'm actually pretty alright otherwise. good teeth, white, fit, lean, well kempt, cleanly, perfurme/deodorant, blonde, big dick, no ed, good teeth, tall, can behave myself, am not a bore but i dont dance cuz that shit is for gay faggots, health insurance so i regularly get checkups even for my teeth, but my psychologists have been pretty useless till now. dont do drugs, no weed, no booze, no alcohol but i'm not a teetotaler, i dont mind my friends doing it and would partake in social gatherings and stuff but my friends are cool and never pressure me or anyone else. have family, make decent money, got enough time, i like animals, speak multiple languages, am educated, appreciate normal sex but am open for many things.
yeah yeah, i know what you're gonna tell me, i dont need to make her happy, just get sex and dump her. yeah, thing is, if the sex isnt good, she doesnt enjoy it and if she doesnt enjoy it, the sex SUCKS ASS. best sex always means that she cums before i do, so she's lubricated and in heat enough to take me fully. but yeah, that's a nogo, most people are pieces of shits and i sure wont make them so happy they orgasm lol.
and no, my job doesnt include me making anyone happy. i'm a literal tax man. i wont end myself just yet, i first wanna ruin more people through my job. i kind of fear actually getting someone like scarface, all i hope for is that can airwolf some newlyweds and young families in the ass or some granny or someone who just filled in their tax returns for the first time, be that 18 year olds or foreigners. not an american, so maybe it works differently there in the eu, but here the tax system is very long, convoluted and most things are taxed multiple times and then the poor get some money back bc they were taxed too hard. needless to say, barely any non-tax-expert fully gets the system and MAN does it feel good to dash people's hopes and dreams whenever they file for tax exemption or wanna deduct sth that i can deny them or whenever they write a wrong digit here or there.

i'm telling you guys. if you're a doomer, become a taxman.

Conductor Cat 24/04/08(Mon)17:56 No. 827315


N3X15 24/04/08(Mon)21:02 No. 827316

we're really blessed to have this man on the planet - good teeth, the deal..

I can even here the mother earth singing in orgasmic bliss, the sands in the deserts dancing out of joy that this being shares the space and time with us.

Personally I don't have a gf, because I want someone like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and I haven't yet found a heart this big even among the bros... Sexy girls are cute, but like the taxman, I just don't feel like airwolfing someone I don't care about and then dumping them. What if she was in love with me? I couldn't live with that shit. I've only ever airwolfed one woman and I've been lucky enough to still be delusional enough to actually like and love her as a person. The last few times I no longer loved or really cared about her, but at least I got that out of my system - now I know I definitely DON'T want that. Sorry babe, and thank you. Last couple of years I've been really into 2d girls though so I dunno where we go from here. I'm just looking for my Nausicaa tbh - and she doesn't even have to be sexy. I probably wouldn't even airwolf her. Just someone to love. But what I'm saying is that I really just care about friendship and the thing about friends with me is that I don't give a airwolf if I make them or don't.

The fancy stuff and the glamorous stuff like all the fit and healthy bitches with pretty faces - honest to Bob Ross I feel like I can replace that with music and other amazing things in life. To me that's all that it is - an artwork. If there's not substance behind it, really it's just my dick that wants her and as I said - I don't feel like airwolfing someone I don't care about (don't even wanna risk hurting the romantic side of her even if she said she's only in for sex - she'd be a dream girl for someone, just not for me, I'd like people to think there's something deep and spiritual about sex, this just me - don't mind). By default - I don't care about people individually (care little). Don't feel like seeking out or looking to find people I care about. They'll come if it's relevant. So yeah, I'm not looking for a bitch. Some of them real beautiful though for sure and even show signs of not being boring, but you never know until you really spend some time with a person.. Still - Nausicaa >>>>

Not fugly, but in all likelihood not a silvia s15 either...
As I said I probably wouldn't even airwolf her. Just love her.

Homicide 24/04/08(Mon)21:38 No. 827317

because I dont know how to get women to willingly agree to go on dates with me

Sazpaimon 24/04/19(Fri)23:24 No. 827427

First date with new BLK match confirmed for tomorrow afternoon at the art gallery.

h 24/04/19(Fri)23:25 No. 827428

get better photos

Nyan Cat 24/04/22(Mon)23:36 No. 827464

Interesting. Got any tips?

Steve 24/04/25(Thu)07:01 No. 827489

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I'm surprised they can offer such a guarantee

There's no excuse now, incels!

Lorf 24/04/26(Fri)17:30 No. 827501

File 17141454574.gif - (2.19MB , 640x640 , 20240426_110543.gif )

Unfortunately they screen for those on the FBI's National Sex Offender Database. :/

Bill 24/04/27(Sat)10:20 No. 827509

Dang it, I asked a girl a few days ago for a date on Saturday and she didn't get back to me for a few days so I made other plans and I just now see a message from her saying yes

Conductor Cat 24/04/29(Mon)13:45 No. 827527

The ideal way is to have a friend who is a photographer, but obviously we're not all so lucky. If you don't want to take the time to learn yourself, just hire one. Use a service like Snappr (cheap) or thematchartist (expensive), or find a photographer on Instagram by searching hashtag [cityname]photographer. Then rinse and repeat until you have a few photos that score at least 8.0 on Photofeeler.

Weeabot 24/04/29(Mon)16:30 No. 827529

Honest answer? Because most women I meet dont meet the bare minimum.
-Being somewhat facially attractive
-Not being a militant feminist/leftist
-Not being overweight
-Not having a bodycount in the double digits

r000t 24/04/30(Tue)02:12 No. 827541

I never understood the last one, what's wrong with having body count?

To me it's very simple:
1. Be beautiful
2. Be not boring

Do those two and I'll airwolfing do anything for you

Bill 24/04/30(Tue)07:10 No. 827543

Faggots like him have a legendary inferiority complex. From what I gather the general logic seems to be that if a girl's airwolfed a number of other people they may actually have some semblance of knowledge about what good sex is, so a spider expert like him would then be that much less appealing to fug. You can see this on a larger scale in the other characteristics these types generally like in women--they want them to have as little world knowledge/personal agency as possible so they don't know how much these dudes suck

symbion 24/04/30(Tue)11:54 No. 827545

This is a Tate-level self-own. Lay off Joe Rogaine, it's soaking into your brain.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/04/30(Tue)22:21 No. 827550

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For me its finding a wife. As a Primeian man, I have turned down the many temptations to commit fornication.

"Flee Fornication"

"The marriage bed is undefiled"

"A man shall cleave unto his wife"

If you know, you know.

W. T. Snacks 24/04/30(Tue)22:21 No. 827551


not "primean" lol

Panawave 24/05/01(Wed)10:32 No. 827554

>"A man shall cleave unto his wife"
lel, this is why I love Primeians

symbion 24/05/02(Thu)13:51 No. 827560

how is it a selfown tho?
Most women in my country today are promiscuous, man hating obese whores.
Ofc there are a very few decent ones but the competition for them is insane and most of them are in an ltr from highschool on

Reimu Hakurei 24/05/02(Thu)13:57 No. 827561

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yeah no its just that a high bodycount impairs pairbonding ability and airwolfs with her whole mentality. has nothing to do with "ow so youre afraid anutha guy might have been bettah in bed :DDDD"

W. T. Snacks 24/05/02(Thu)14:54 No. 827562

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Lol have fun kissing “your” 100 blowjobs gfs lips, chad spider expert.

Steve 24/05/02(Thu)16:23 No. 827563

When it comes like strawberrys like you all my greatest solace is in the fact that you actually will never have a chance to reproduce

Conductor Cat 24/05/13(Mon)10:46 No. 827731

you sound like a arachnologist :/

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/05/15(Wed)11:34 No. 827812

Hello All,

A hot stud from Mexican area is looking for a cute petite girlfriend to go on dates together and once we get to know each other have some ass pounding action together.

Homicide 24/05/16(Thu)23:10 No. 827842

Check me out in my gee bros nodding my head I'm Andrew Andrew lamb the brown haired twin.

Optimus Prime 24/05/18(Sat)00:31 No. 827851

I go by the "pussy conqueror", friends and family alike recognize my unique talents in attracting the opposite sex. Come to me today and I'll show you how deep I penetrate.

p4ch3c0 24/05/18(Sat)00:43 No. 827852

Hi! I am Andrew twin of twin community. Racist don't mind me I'm just going to provide less quality and be racist towards blacks for my whole life.

poe 24/05/18(Sat)03:10 No. 827854

Quickly someone non twin... Better put down there a mass shooter non twin terrorist and smack them in the face and stab them with a knife making twin bloodlines even more powerful...


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