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/phi/ - Philosophy
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Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/10/26(Wed)10:01 No. 3905 ID: 4c1a8e [Reply] Stickied

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For growing and shit or whatever I present to you:


Put in whatever resources that fit in here, whether it's from wikipedia, youtube, some university, or where ever. Just remember to keep it within the board's guidelines and rules.
Use it or lose it, faggots.

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Anonymous 22/07/24(Sun)18:34 No. 15021 ID: 3742c4

You can find there lectures on many philosophical subjects

Anonymous ## Mod ## 12/02/02(Thu)05:26 No. 5920 ID: 4fb7fa [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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This thread is for discussion of the validity of religion(s) and arguments for and against the existence of god/gods.

Any other new posts about this subject will be deleted, or locked and referred to this one.

New threads about religious concepts that play inside their own ruleset are allowed, and we kindly ask that you refrain from turning those well meaning threads into arguments about religion as a whole.

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The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:39 No. 15359 ID: a6e051

You're going to see money fail, and never God nigger

READ THIS BEFORE POSTING YOU PILE OF FAGGOTS Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/09/09(Fri)04:51 No. 2371 ID: 175f07 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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We interrupt your scheduled bickering for this important announcement: Understanding /phi/

  • What this board is:
    • A place to discuss epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and logic, in a general sense, or in an applied sense (in sex, science, vidya, your mother).
    • A place where not only is being a pretentious, hubristic dickhead is allowed, but is considered the norm.
  • What this board is not:
    • It is not /b/, /x/, or /rnb/.
    • A place to spew incoherent nonsense and verbal diarrhea.
    • A place to make claims with no justifications (and "because I say so" or "because you're gay" isn't a justification).
    • A place where the global rules do not apply.
An inability to follow these conventions will result in a warning!
Repeat offenders will be banned!

Anonymous ## Mod ## 11/12/04(Sun)05:06 No. 4980 ID: 4c1a8e

Dear faggots,
I shouldn't have to remind you, but if someone is posting something against the rules, please report it.

If you don't know how to report a post, please see our super-sugoi FAQ section on the front page.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Atheism Spectrum Disorder Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)17:24 No. 15387 ID: 01d296 [Reply]

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>Religious believers intuitively conceptualize deities as intentional agents with mental states who anticipate and respond to human beliefs, desires and concerns. It follows that mentalizing deficits, associated with the autistic spectrum and also commonly found in men more than in women, may undermine this intuitive support and reduce belief in a personal God.
>...it is possible that the autism spectrum is associated with interest in math, science, and engineering (IMSE), which in turn reduces religious belief.

If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves. If your life is based on numerical values in a graph, calculations using formulas and looking at the world through a mechanistic lense then you become sociopathic.
I've never met an autistic person that wasn't socially awkward and giving off creepy serial killer vibes.

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Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:25 No. 15408 ID: 30d984

Such thibgs are also common in non autostic people.
But its more fun to blame autists because mocking Down Syndrome is not cool anymore.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)14:05 No. 15410 ID: 659ed7

I have read that too. I have seen one autistic guy that walks around and talks to trees so he obviously hears voices that aren't there.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)15:46 No. 15411 ID: bc3cca

The worst part is that he can’t grasp how detached from reality he is.

Just thought of this lol shademocker12 21/12/31(Fri)23:33 No. 14877 ID: b414be [Reply]

Yo, I'm a normal retard and I just thought of something I think is cool. I wrote it down. Here it is.

"Humans have free will, and are simultaneously determined. This determination is outside of their perception, which is why they have free will. The proof for why we are determined is in the fact that every reasonable or tangible thing requires a reason to exist. This text file would not exist if I had not typed it. Human beings themselves as well as their physical and mental states and thus decisions would not exist either without reasons.

Despite this determination, the human race in each individual experience is ignorant of it. This is why we have free will. It is not an illusion. It is real to us, and the reason for why it is real is not something we can describe. But just because we can't describe it doesn't make it not real. We know it is real on the basis that we can perceive it. It does not need to be described.

We have the choice to embody a wide selection of dualistic things. Good or evil, truth or falsehood, Half truth or half truth. Any mix of things can be embodied by a human, but all of these things are dualistic, including mixes of things like half truths.

The world is sick.

Humans can either be perfect or imperfect. More precisely, the components of a human being are fundamentally the following. Morality, Health, and Purity. People can be good or evil, unhealthy or healthy, or pure or impure. If someone is good, healthy, and pure, then they are perfect. Most children are this way. If someone is deficient in any one of these categories, they are imperfect.
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Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:28 No. 15409 ID: 30d984

Free will isnt really free.
We only have control over choices.
Not over nature.

Free will as some transcdent force over nature is Protestant idealism.

A mind that affects matter Anonymous 22/09/17(Sat)14:23 No. 15149 ID: 02e9f5 [Reply]

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>For the experimental data, the outcome supported a pattern of results predicted by a causal psychophysical effect

>...these results were found to support von Neumann’s conclusion that the mind of the observer is an inextricable part of the measurement process.

>Baer's independent analysis confirmed that the optical apparatus used in this experiment was indeed sensitive enough to provide evidence for a psychophysical effect.

>The results appear to be consistent with a consciousness-related interpretation of the quantum measurement problem.

Apparently there is a strong aversion within the scientific community regarding how consciousness tends to go beyond regular cause and effect when you measure its influence on its surroundings. The materialistic interpretation of reality fails to explain why these unusual occurences exist and why you can never see a physical link between these events.

Are you convinced that there is only matter in this universe and nothing else?
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 24/03/08(Fri)23:26 No. 15381 ID: 01d296

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Retrocausality means that you ignore the multiplicity of possibilites inherent in perceived randomness.

Anonymous 24/04/09(Tue)13:09 No. 15385 ID: 6e4299

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It also implies that there are pathways you follow your entire life.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)15:38 No. 15399 ID: 01d296

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>Principles that Govern the Folding of Protein Chains
>A chain of 149 amino acid residues with two rotatable bonds per residue, each bond probably having two or three permissible or favored orientations, would be able to assume on the order of 4^149 to 9^149 different conformations in solution.
>The extreme rapidity of the refolding makes it essential that the process take place along a limited number of "pathways"

I've never understood what "random" actually means. As far as I know it's just a mathematical construct used to conceptualize a vast number of possibilities that never happen. Simply by looking at protein folding one can see that there is nothing random about it and it happens so fast that there is no room for deviations. In fact there is no trace in physics or chemistry of the control of chemical reactions by a sequence of any sort or of a code between sequences and yet it's highly controlled and rigid.
Randomness as an idea is something you can refer to when something is not happening in accordance with your expectations.

Heroic Doooze Anonymous 22/03/11(Fri)19:07 No. 14912 ID: 3b8fbf [Reply]

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Anonymous 22/08/11(Thu)12:00 No. 15093 ID: e3da1b

According to McKenna hallucinogenic mushrooms come from outer space. Alien fungi, so to speak.

Anonymous 22/11/08(Tue)10:17 No. 15171 ID: 9eef2a

McKenna is a true tinfoil hat hippie.

Anonymous 24/04/14(Sun)11:00 No. 15386 ID: 2c672c

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McKenna is the result of what happens when autism meets drug abuse.

Anonymous 21/06/25(Fri)03:46 No. 14777 ID: fcc080 [Reply]

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It's scary sad how many people think this guy is actually intelligent. He's a good public speaker and has a highly polished script but any time he used to try to go off script to address novel rebuttals to his arguments and he sounded like an autistic NPC.

Anonymous 24/02/01(Thu)17:28 No. 15374 ID: 993934

Is he a Christian apologist?

Blind faith is inescapable Anonymous 23/09/26(Tue)13:39 No. 15344 ID: 9008d4 [Reply]

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If we come to think about it everyone is operating based upon blind faith to one degree or another. I mean, for a start, let's take what we all consider to be historical "facts". Let's consider two people arguing over a historical "fact". One sites one "source", the other sites another. Both are convinced 100% that what they believe(only believe) to be historically true is true indeed. But none of them were present/alive when the historical "fact" they are discussing happened, none of them observed it with their own senses, so in the end it is just "faith". They calculated in their brains a "plausible" reason to put their "blind faith" in whatever historical source they chose to believe.

Same is true for a lot of science and scientific "facts". People observe a few things mentioned in their science textbooks/websites/papers/whatever, and then choose to put "blind faith" in whatever other things mentioned in their scientific sources that they didn't observe themselves(through experiments or their senses). I mean I am a Christian, and I am sure the most of Bible deniers could find at least 1 or 2 things in the Bible they agree with, but they would counter, test, and try to confirm everything else mentioned in it(no problem with that, they should). But not with the historical and science sources. We observe some things to be true in the history or science sources, and then by nature consider everything else in them to be true, we all end up putting blind faith to varying degrees in our sources. I am not saying that those sources are invariably wrong, they may be right, but blind faith is inevitable.

Same with geographical "facts". No one has traveled the whole world for themselves, and confirmed things for themselves that what is shown on the maps is true, like let's say Asia is to the east of North America(just an example let's not get stuck at this point). Again, not saying that the maps are false, but we all do take them to be true blindly.

I'd go as far as to say, most of what a human being is composed of, what he is, is based on blind faith(which in no way implies that what we believe is untrue).

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Anonymous 24/01/14(Sun)19:52 No. 15366 ID: abb24c

sure Christianity is about having an undeniable personal proof that God is real, but still the other points mentioned by me in the original post are true for you too. Everyone has to rely completely on faith at some points in this earthly life.

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)02:01 No. 15367 ID: 9e89af

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Christ demanded faith be the lesson

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)17:55 No. 15371 ID: abb24c

faith is needed to reach Jesus, it is the starting point to go to Jesus, but eventually He gives you perfect personal proof that He exists, it is an undeniable proof tailor made for you(your unique personality). But even after that life still depends on faith in His goodness to obey Him, and even answers to prayers depends on faith, but He does give us clear proof that all 3 Godheads are real.

what is woes, just tryna find my way lucee most sane user 23/09/23(Sat)06:01 No. 15343 ID: fb0e48 [Reply]

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does anyone have anything based on more esoteric philosophy, any ideas or concepts that seem more strange and interesting and over the edge I wanna hear em. I've tried researching on this and it seems as I want to get back into philosophy I can't find much on material on this as its more logical based for my taste. Also just got a kindle so any recommendations for the best classics you believe that can probably be found in pdf free online would be appreciated.

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)02:05 No. 15370 ID: 9e89af

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watch porn

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