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Anonymous 15/01/12(Mon)20:09 No. 16313 ID: 053b53

File Mario_&_peach.swf - (1.44MB , Mario & peach.swf )

Minus8 WiikeyFapper 17/08/06(Sun)22:59 No. 21526 ID: 1233e3

I would ride Minus 8's dick all night long i 've been a fan of his ever since i saw his first animation i love all his work and developed a massive crush on him.

Anonymous 17/08/07(Mon)08:11 No. 21527 ID: 275043

can someone link his stream? lost the link

Anonymous 17/08/07(Mon)08:18 No. 21528 ID: 991419


Unless something changed this is it

Minus 8&!.exjFQdqfk 17/08/07(Mon)20:32 No. 21529 ID: 1233e3

Everytime I see somethign new from my Love Minus 8 I just want to drop his pant and milk his dick dry before i fuck him silly i'd put a smile on his face if i dated him.

Anonymous 17/08/09(Wed)23:41 No. 21530 ID: a7fb16

Is this thread dead?

Anonymous 17/08/10(Thu)23:43 No. 21531 ID: 4e44c9

So, anyone got news?

Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)05:39 No. 21532 ID: 16cd11

No new SWFs, but Minus8 himself is now posting work to Paheal, under this link:
One of them, Image ID 2264968, is an animation.

Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)15:18 No. 21533 ID: 824ace

the page is not showing entirely. need to post to view

Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)17:54 No. 21534 ID: f3d426


Anonymous 17/08/12(Sat)05:24 No. 21535 ID: 44ec98

How do you see the bottom of the thread without commenting?

Anonymous 17/08/12(Sat)05:33 No. 21536 ID: 4c6bca


Anonymous 17/08/13(Sun)03:10 No. 21540 ID: 144dd7


Anonymous 17/08/13(Sun)11:50 No. 21541 ID: 7059cc

Anyone know where to find that kanker swf?

Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)07:50 No. 21542 ID: 76bff3

is anyone here anymore

Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)18:11 No. 21543 ID: 824ace

has he stopped posting here?

Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)23:48 No. 21544 ID: 1a9216

Is there still no place on the internet that has all to most of his art? Best that ive seen is e621 and paheal but they still dont have all his stuff and it takes a while to see his new work... Why doesnt he just have his own site like shad and rockcandy. He has the same amount of skill.

There has to be an archive somewhere.

Anonymous 17/08/14(Mon)23:59 No. 21545 ID: 1a9216

Is this where ALL of his stuff is gonna be uploaded? Cause it looks like a bunch of stuff was posted on e621...tho its only his furry stuff

Anonymous 17/08/15(Tue)01:44 No. 21546 ID: 991419

yeah you either have to save his stuff yourself or start watcing multiple sites. rule34 paheal tends to catch most of it, but they don't allow "OCs" so unless the OC in question is fucking princess peach they won't keep things like when minus8 made smut of people's OCs.

m8aa.tumblr.com reblogs all of his stuff posted on tumblr and keeps track of him in general, archiving it for when his blogs get nuked,

Honestly I would advise keeping your own collection just so nothing falls through the cracks.

Anonymous 17/08/15(Tue)06:42 No. 21548 ID: 76bff3


Anonymous 17/08/15(Tue)18:57 No. 21553 ID: 70013f

I hope not because they don't allow flash files.

Anonymous 17/08/15(Tue)20:02 No. 21554 ID: 76bff3


Anonymous 17/08/15(Tue)20:03 No. 21555 ID: 76bff3


Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)00:56 No. 21558 ID: 70013f


For all of his flashes:

Wish he'd come back to this thread and post. Talk with us 8fa1ff, what's up?

They are all there.

Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)01:06 No. 21559 ID: 70013f

Wait, he just started a new thread:

Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)07:36 No. 21563 ID: e3a71b

last 50 and entire thread buttons not working, I have to post to view the rest of thread...

Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)16:25 No. 21567 ID: 9002e9

So has there been anything new recently?

Anonymous 17/08/17(Thu)10:45 No. 21573 ID: b806a6

dead thread

dead sad


Anonymous 17/08/19(Sat)19:55 No. 21581 ID: d1473c


Anonymous 17/08/23(Wed)04:22 No. 21593 ID: bc1662



Anonymous 17/08/26(Sat)11:53 No. 21597 ID: 819cb3

>-8 will never animate Wakfu characters

Anonymous 17/08/26(Sat)20:25 No. 21600 ID: d5a73a

Is this thread dead?

Anonymous 17/08/29(Tue)06:04 No. 21606 ID: 6178b9

Anyone know where I can find minus's finished work from his streams since his tumblr's down?

Anonymous 17/08/30(Wed)10:20 No. 21607 ID: 6178b9


Anonymous 17/08/31(Thu)00:12 No. 21609 ID: 824ace


12 17/09/02(Sat)06:05 No. 21611 ID: a075b5


Anonymous 17/09/03(Sun)00:32 No. 21613 ID: 6178b9

is this thread dead

Anonymous 17/09/06(Wed)21:52 No. 21615 ID: 2f8306


Anonymous 17/09/12(Tue)08:44 No. 21621 ID: 1a891a

my problem with the tumblr archive is that it never mentions the source of the art, and as it is with tumblr, all the art is compressed

Anonymous 17/09/15(Fri)20:37 No. 21625 ID: 1ed290

so...is this place like dead ooor...?

Anonymous 17/09/16(Sat)11:23 No. 21626 ID: 6178b9


Anonymous 17/09/16(Sat)18:47 No. 21627 ID: b94514

Hey Minus8, you got a homage from fred perry https://exhentai.org/s/36cc536e24/1116155-1

Anonymous 17/09/21(Thu)21:53 No. 21640 ID: 70a9a1

Yo the new miunus8 posts are here https://7chan.org/fl/res/21537.html

New Flashes an such.

Anonymous 17/10/19(Thu)02:24 No. 21687 ID: 8de0be


Anonymous 17/10/21(Sat)10:55 No. 21689 ID: 48d45e

yeh its dumb how some people lose their shit over a drawing

Anonymous 17/10/23(Mon)21:16 No. 21691 ID: 87796a

Yesterday minus 8's Picarto he spammed in chat

"I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish I was dead. I wish everything was dead. I wish I was all dead I wish I was dead I wish I was all I wish I was dead I wish I was all I wish I was dead I wish I was all I wish I was all I wish I was all I wish I was all I want to be dead I want to be all dead"

It was really sad for everyone

Image from chat: https://ibb.co/eA2pt6

Anonymous 17/10/31(Tue)20:08 No. 21701 ID: c7eafe

thats a really cute marie

Anonymous 17/11/03(Fri)15:13 No. 21704 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 17/11/10(Fri)13:45 No. 21722 ID: 0b772a


Anonymous 17/11/12(Sun)22:53 No. 21726 ID: e1a855

thread dead?

Anonymous 17/11/12(Sun)22:53 No. 21727 ID: e1a855

thread dead?

Anonymous 17/11/17(Fri)14:17 No. 21733 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 17/11/24(Fri)01:59 No. 21740 ID: aae3d4

minus8 seems very depressed. I hope things get better for him, he's really talented. Maybe he should take a break if its stress related.

blood glucose levels for weight loss WilliamWhome 17/11/27(Mon)01:40 No. 21744 ID: 304095

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a 17/12/02(Sat)10:01 No. 21747 ID: a075b5


a a 17/12/02(Sat)10:01 No. 21748 ID: a075b5


Anonymous 17/12/09(Sat)12:11 No. 21750 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 17/12/11(Mon)03:41 No. 21751 ID: f09341

im worried. did something happen to him?

Anonymous 17/12/19(Tue)17:57 No. 21755 ID: 824ace


REQUEST+ Anonymous 17/12/24(Sun)05:36 No. 21762 ID: af31a2

https://7chan.org/gif/res/27625.html Request Millie Millerson from Mighty B! doing her boyfriend and make it GIF animation when she gets fucked hard and she does to in the shower when she is moving and stuff, make them fuck please.

Anonymous 17/12/27(Wed)20:55 No. 21764 ID: a3a925


Anonymous 18/01/03(Wed)12:01 No. 21772 ID: 456c76

Is this thread dead?

Anonymous 18/01/12(Fri)13:49 No. 21782 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 18/01/14(Sun)09:37 No. 21785 ID: 61094d

Any new thread?

Anonymous 18/01/31(Wed)19:09 No. 21803 ID: e02acf


Anonymous 18/02/05(Mon)16:42 No. 21804 ID: 804cad

New thread?

bibes 18/02/18(Sun)23:00 No. 21815 ID: 0c485c


Anonymous 18/02/26(Mon)18:59 No. 21821 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 18/02/28(Wed)18:06 No. 21826 ID: 117f06


Anonymous 18/02/28(Wed)18:06 No. 21827 ID: 117f06


gff 18/03/01(Thu)08:55 No. 21829 ID: bbcf2e


Anonymous 18/03/12(Mon)04:28 No. 21835 ID: 490d43

Hahaha! Bumping abread thread!

Not new 18/03/20(Tue)01:46 No. 21840 ID: 1e2086


Anonymous 18/03/24(Sat)22:17 No. 21843 ID: 84e17c


Anonymous 18/03/25(Sun)05:21 No. 21844 ID: 9deeb7


Anonymous 18/03/30(Fri)20:46 No. 21845 ID: 0b772a


Anonymous 18/04/03(Tue)18:49 No. 21847 ID: a2a354

minus8 lives

Anonymous 18/04/13(Fri)14:53 No. 21850 ID: 9adcac


Anonymous 18/05/04(Fri)17:39 No. 21858 ID: 824ace


Anonymous 18/05/18(Fri)09:46 No. 21865 ID: 7145c5


Anonymous 18/05/18(Fri)09:48 No. 21866 ID: 7145c5


Anonymous 18/05/31(Thu)09:19 No. 21884 ID: 0b772a


ads kcmfd 18/06/16(Sat)08:31 No. 21898 ID: a9cbe0


Anonymous 18/07/03(Tue)08:00 No. 21904 ID: 9a68b7

rip -8?

I just love your work man p3dsp3ds 18/09/13(Thu)13:20 No. 21925 ID: 7b300a

I've been with you from the very beginning with most of the Nintendo banging stuff ;P
Love it! Though... The kid stuff I'm not so fond of... Comes across pedophilia much :/

Anyways though... I have something for you,maybe for inspiration ;)


(And other images)

P.s <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Amelia N and that wii plaza bounce music!

Amelia x nikki NegativeAte 18/09/13(Thu)14:14 No. 21926 ID: 526544

Ooooh and.... Maybe think about these girls together xP


Anonymous 18/10/11(Thu)00:00 No. 21956 ID: 0e5042


Anonymous 18/10/28(Sun)18:58 No. 21976 ID: cb4355


Anonymous 18/10/29(Mon)16:33 No. 21977 ID: f1b0f8


Anonymous 18/11/21(Wed)14:41 No. 21988 ID: e24aa1

Can someone make a video version of this?

Anonymous 19/05/14(Tue)16:50 No. 22073 ID: cb5546


Anonymous 19/05/20(Mon)06:03 No. 22077 ID: e1827c


Anonymous 19/06/04(Tue)16:21 No. 22083 ID: 0e5042


Me Pierry Radrik 19/08/13(Tue)01:34 No. 22122 ID: c781d4

I Like To Camp LAkebottom

aaaa boxnobotm 19/10/20(Sun)18:09 No. 22172 ID: e95539


Anonymous 20/03/25(Wed)01:12 No. 25096 ID: 277fa0


萝莉 Anonymous 20/11/07(Sat)18:05 No. 25210 ID: fcd8c9


萝莉 Anonymous 20/11/07(Sat)18:05 No. 25211 ID: fcd8c9


Anonymous 20/11/08(Sun)02:19 No. 25212 ID: 87cc85


Anonymous 21/05/07(Fri)18:53 No. 25320 ID: a97b8f


Anonymous 21/08/20(Fri)16:38 No. 25346 ID: 60d2a1

File ACHAR_KiryuCoco.swf - (785.52KB )

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