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Anonymous 22/06/08(Wed)16:30 No. 16076 Board: /fail/ [Reply]

File 165469863885.jpg - (28.99KB , 267x400 , vccvbcvbcvbcvbv.jpg )

oh my Bob Ross guys the columbine high school shootings? is why YOUR mad at a picture of me that they TOOK in a fucking toilet!

Anonymous 22/07/29(Fri)19:53 No. 16104


heyy Anonymous 22/10/16(Sun)17:48 No. 16159

salam aleykum. watashi no namoe wa david desu. what u doin?

Anonymous 22/12/13(Tue)18:31 No. 16226


This guys advice good or? Bane 24/11/06(Wed)23:00 No. 41116 Board: /fit/ [Reply]

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Asriel and Ralsei Pr0n thread Vulpes Inculta 20/12/15(Tue)21:53 No. 28318 Board: /fur/ ID: a56800 [Reply]

File 160806561639.jpg - (54.71KB , 800x781 , f88f505dc51b7adcdc227e7afae7d4d1.jpg )

Post anything that is of both Asriel and/or Ralsei.

15 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Vulpes Inculta 21/04/02(Fri)02:14 No. 28437 ID: e7acf6

Once I created a whole discussion in a Furry Gmod about if God Asriel is mature enough mentally to consent to sex and they got so enthralled in it that 70% of the server stopped killing each other to talk about goat boi

vianafterdark 21/04/06(Tue)07:13 No. 28447 ID: 5ea8de

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Vulpes Inculta 21/04/26(Mon)19:41 No. 28465 ID: 54dc3c

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The consent argument is stupid anyway, especially if we're talking about a fictional creature that's so far removed from life as we know it, that taxonomy would have to be completely rearranged with Monsters as their own super-Domain separate from all other things. How do you even apply human laws and mores to them? For all we know, Asriel as a kid might have been hundreds of years old already and perfectly capable under Monster law to have sex.

But seeing how AGoH Asriel was just kid Asriel in a superhero body he made for himself, and not in any way an "adult" or a reflection of Flowey, means it's either both or neither. If you think kid Asriel can't consent, then kid Asriel wearing the Monster equivalent of stilts and a trench coat couldn't either. Flowey could, because he was very different. But I would not recommend it, because he would just bite your dick off for teh lulz.

Anonymous 21/09/02(Thu)17:52 No. 14804 Board: /phi/ ID: b3e825 [Reply]

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Anonymous 21/09/25(Sat)05:16 No. 14809 ID: 25cd70


Ass worship thread Anonymous 24/07/12(Fri)02:47 No. 202095 Board: /s/ ID: 1c6e6c [Reply]

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Anonymous 24/07/12(Fri)02:52 No. 202096 ID: 1c6e6c

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One more

B.L.A.C.K. in Comics and Cartoons Anonymous 24/02/28(Wed)09:19 No. 26759 Board: /co/ [Reply]

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Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)10:35 No. 27116

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>>26827 Humans with eXtra Power aka X-men '97: former showrunner Beau DeMayo claims Marvel pushed back against darkening Storm And Sunspot's skin https://comicbookmovie.com/x_men/x_men-97/x-men-97-former-showrunner-beau-demayo-claims-marvel-pushed-back-against-darkening-storm-and-sunspots-skin-a213209#gs.fdylxk

Anonymous 24/10/22(Tue)16:28 No. 27147

>>26938 THE BLACK SECRET WARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt_zdm-Qs8k

Anonymous 24/11/14(Thu)00:35 No. 27175

>>26938 Highs and Lows of Marvel’s 85 year history! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGWxqw5g8Wk&t=118s

Trump is an asshole Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)20:41 No. 42 Board: /civ/ ID: 9b7110 [Reply]

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11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/09/07(Thu)09:38 No. 421 ID: a4d268

Well, if you want to get an exact total you'd have to wait, but if you want to get an estimate you can just start at an arbitrary point on the horizontal axis and count across, pick an arbitrary point on the vertical axis and count down (or up), then multiply the two numbers by each other. Do it a few times at different spots then average out the results. Won't be exact but it'll be in the same ballpark.

Hopefully you like looking at anuses.

Anonymous 17/09/21(Thu)17:30 No. 428 ID: d50172

That could be a lot more work than you anticipate. Those are almost certainly not each of them a unique anus picture. Collage generators usually use any given image of a collection multiple times, can use them at different rotations, etc, to get the most optimal rendition.

I would need sophisticated image processing to find out the hard way, but the creator of the image might remember the settings they specified to their generator (and the size of their anus collection).

I am not particularly a fan of anuses, but I'm not particularly perturbed by them either. I feel pretty /eh/ about the anuses themselves, it's the chance to say "Donald Trump is _____ assholes!" and publish this image in an "editorial" somewhere with lax standards.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)06:29 No. 2463 ID: 13c989

Those who say that the USA is a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget are liars.

Cake Discoloration macbook1156 21/03/28(Sun)21:53 No. 13938 Board: /rx/ [Reply]

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Growing some Cambodian cakes. Fruits looking okay, though only growing from bottom? One cake not fruiting at all (about two weeks after unjarring)
Also heavy discoloration in a swirly pattern and some heavy discoloration on one cap. Are these just spores or am I contaminated?

Anonymous 10/07/10(Sat)15:49 No. 12332 Board: /unf/ ID: 0d3679 [Reply]

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Girls in tight pants?

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Undead_Trap 11/06/28(Tue)05:04 No. 17372 ID: a9c450

Pic taken at Playland in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Anonymous 13/05/28(Tue)10:53 No. 21976 ID: d729f7

who is the brunette? please and thank you

Anonymous 21/11/14(Sun)07:46 No. 25353 ID: b678af

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Edgar Anon Poe 17/07/18(Tue)16:24 No. 5467 Board: /grim/ ID: b91ae0 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Everyone we know and love dies, but y'all already knew that.

Tell me of the ones you've lost and how they died.

51 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Edgar Anon Poe 20/08/12(Wed)00:49 No. 6500 ID: b07dbd

My great grandmother 2 years ago.
We all saw her death coming but she fell out of her bed at the nursing home. We think she might have been molested by staff or something.

My sort-of step-brother had this family friend named Max. He was a great guy, he was funny, everyone liked him. He shot himselff with a revolver because his family wouldn't let him see his kids because they thought he was still using drugs. This still messes my family up though we weren't as close to him as our sort-of step-brother was.
Sorry I'm using my phone.

Edgar Anon Poe 20/10/21(Wed)06:01 No. 6548 ID: 3416aa

My Grandfather had tons of health issues and was over weight.
On top of that he got cancer. They said he had a pretty good chance
of survival but those other issues didn't help. He was the one to
get me into computing and radio. I wish I spent more time with him.
Mom pulled me out of school for a day and took us to the hospital
where would be our last time seeing him. He had a very rough life.

Edgar Anon Poe 24/07/15(Mon)03:53 No. 7258 ID: d4b899

Damn a lot of sad stories in this thread.
I haven't lost that many people so I can be thankfull for that.

My grandfather died around 2010 from old age (don't know exactly what) By the time I was old enough to remember anything he already had dementia. All I remember of him is a demented wreck rocking back and forth in his favourite chair singing songs from his childhood and mistaking everyone around him for people from his childhood (all of whom were already dead). I wish I could've gotten to know him he sounds really interesting. A month ago I had a dream about him where we had a conversation about some meaningless small talk and I woke up from it crying. It felt like I had finally talked to him for the first time ever.

My grandmother who I knew a little bit better but wasn't really close with died in 2018 I don't really have anything to say to her. She was my family and I loved her but like I said I wasn't really close to her so her death didn't have any strong impact on me (I feel like an asshole typing that out)

My Grandfather on my mothers side who I never knew cause he lived on the other side of the world

My 2 cats that I grew up with and consider my close family
1st one passed away in 2016
Second one passed away in 2022
Miss them both a lot. The second one more because he was by my side for a lot longer so my memories of him are a lot stronger. I saw him as my little brother honestly I loved teasing my cat pulling his tail and annoying him. I miss seeing him sleep on the couch and just laying next to him using him as a pillow while he purred.

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