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John Smith ## Mod ## 12/11/23(Fri)22:44 No. 38299 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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Welcome to /eh/

Where everything is just... eh...

/eh/ is not for crying, /rnb/ is for crying.

John Smith ## Mod ## 12/11/23(Fri)22:46 No. 38300

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The music is from the Tenpenny Tower lobby in Fallout 3.


John Smith 22/09/25(Sun)18:12 No. 48351 [Reply]

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Dear John

That will probably last time to say the word cheese
So there I've said it
Stay free John


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John Smith 24/11/26(Tue)22:36 No. 49050

Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

John Smith 24/11/29(Fri)04:28 No. 49051

I don't worry about doing anything that would get me arrested.

John Smith 24/12/03(Tue)00:31 No. 49053

Future generations will ask why Turks didn't resist when the US became a police state.

John Smith 20/11/28(Sat)19:14 No. 47628 [Reply]

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Tell me what you honestly feel

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John Smith 21/01/21(Thu)14:06 No. 47695

Dear John,

Hope this letter finds you living. I am living too, much like you are living. I could have done anything else with my life, but this is what I did. In any case, have a backup plan or make one; it's never too late. Grad school would be great.


John Smith 21/01/22(Fri)03:00 No. 47698

I wish I was in an alternative reality/form of existence

John Smith 24/12/01(Sun)00:22 No. 49052

You know that the US is bad now when you think about freedom and start crying.

John Smith 24/08/19(Mon)21:07 No. 48986 [Reply]

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My supermarket has had this cheese on sale for over a month now and I buy some every time I go. I love a strong, funky as hell blue cheese. Do you like blue cheese?

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John Smith 24/09/01(Sun)02:13 No. 49006

Indeed you have. I sadly still have not found any good sauce of turkey burgers, yet.

where live there are a lot of types of blue cheese. It will happen if you live to close to France.
A lot of people like blue cheeses with jam on crackers.
Now having thought about it. Yes I do like some blue cheeses.
Just not on it's own.

John Smith 24/11/11(Mon)23:34 No. 49047

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hi OP, I just remembered there used to be these pizza's with Blue Cheese. I liked them. I haven't seen one for many years though now.

John Smith 24/11/15(Fri)23:15 No. 49048

I sneaked blue cheese into the mac and cheese at Thanksgiving a few years ago. No one said word, even though at least two people at the dinner swear they can taste blue cheese in anything because they hate it so much.

John Smith 24/11/07(Thu)23:36 No. 49046 [Reply]

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Banned for "off topic" in a "off topic" thread which is still up and all my posts outside this thread are deleted either. Mods power abuse is insane, how pathetic and insane can they be? How?
Someone said that 7chan is not as bad, true or false?


John Smith 24/08/19(Mon)02:51 No. 48985 [Reply]

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Do you ever have moments in your life where you feel like youre in a sitcom?

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John Smith 24/10/17(Thu)23:46 No. 49030

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Well if was not you someone ask the same question
I checked /x it's gone I don't know if there's an archive
If there is let me know I'll have another look
till then
"I'll be seeing you"

John Smith 24/11/03(Sun)22:30 No. 49041

When I was a little kid I did. Then I grew up a little and realized that sitcoms are notoriously bad and poorly written, and I should be able to do better than that with any effort at all.

John Smith 24/11/07(Thu)20:33 No. 49045

No I've never had such moments. Maybe some day I will have one or even more of those, but it certainly seems that it is yet to be discovered and it is quite impossible to imagine what would that kind of a moment be like for me... since I have no experience, but that might be subject to change, depending on whether those sit-com moments will or will not be happening to me in reality sometime in future. Or, that's how I see it, I can be wrong of course, but I might be right as well, as there is no way for me to (or anybody, really, if you think about it) tell that, unless someone comes up with some way of knowing in advance, be that technological or based on some other form of knowing that we are still unaware of.

John Smith 24/10/18(Fri)08:37 No. 49032 [Reply]

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Dear John,
Do you feel that most complaints about adulthood are just due to people not wanting to work hard for their own pleasures?

I'm not downplaying the difficulty of life, but, I notice that the people who complain the most about adulthood often are those whom have it all.
They aren't deep in debt.
They have a decent partner, decent house, decent job and everything.
They may have problems but those are caused by their own whims and are within management.

Meanwhile, kids and teens whom are awkward and have no freedom nor outlets are told that theyre in the easy mode stage of life.
Despite not being allowed to date, not being appreciated as fellow human beings, not allowed to fend off bullies, not allowed to spice up their wardrobe due to overbearing parents etc.

Even though my adult life is a flop, I feel that's more due to my awkwardness carrying over from childhood

In fact, I can say that most post pubescent flops are often those whom were never trained or rescued from mediocrity in their youth.

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John Smith 24/10/31(Thu)16:02 No. 49037

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what really pisses me off is how adults treat school as seperate from "the real world", as if though social dynamics are different and that economic or political tides dont affect students.

Or how people treat youth as some osrt of moral disability/diagnosis for personal flaws.

Most people who were very immature in their younger years were like that due to having delinquent tendencies or were self-isolative.

(pic related)

John Smith 24/11/03(Sun)22:14 No. 49039

>>49032 people not wanting to work hard for their own pleasures

I think you can only reasonably expect people to work hard and see no benefit from their labor for so long before they become more realistic and quit working at it. It's not logical to expect that everyone will just keep banging their heads against a wall forever when only 30% of businesses even stand a chance of making it to three years, and of those only a third ever succeed to more than a handful of employees. There are 33 million businesses in USA, and 99% of them are Small Businesses that are merely services, not in innovation. They're restaurants & bars, plumbers and contractors, they don't need to reinvent the wheel, they're invested in things rolling along exactly as they are and simply showing up and skimming some $ off doing work that was already well-defined before them. These are the successful cases. If you are an inventor or innovator, you have a very tough road ahead of you. Past the 1980s, nothing in this country is set up to help you, you and whatever you're going to do are seen as a risk to all those aforementioned people and their financiers. Your businesses will fail over 30x more than everyone elses, and you are almost guaranteed to end your own life in poverty. In the mean time, you'll be ridiculed at every step of the way for every obstacle you face, rejected by your family and spouses for taking the financial risks required to pursue your work, and will almost certainly never have a family because you cannot afford to even date the opposite sex either in time or money. You will live wherever you can find cheap space, renting motel rooms, granny flats, & never own a home, which is a relief bc you couldn't afford or have time to do the maintenance anyway. It is a lonely, tedious, frustrating, unrewarding life, and until you meet another inventor like yourself, everyone will simply think you're a pathetic failure. And then you'll get to meet an endless string of some of the dumbest people you've ever suspected even exist, who fell ass first into money because they got a job working for one of the big companies or industries that pays 20x a normal salary doing some mundane shit any kid right out of college could do, or worse in construction, and you're supposed to be impressed and hold them up as an example bc omg they have the 3 series, and as a mindless consumer there is nothing else to live for but the amassing of rapidly depreciating junk from tomorrows landfills. And that's when you realize, this fucking guy and his litter of offspring is who you're sacrificing your life working on inventions to improve the world for.
Why bother with any of it, when you can just sit and wait, and it'll all be over just as soon anyway.

John Smith 24/11/05(Tue)16:05 No. 49044

this is the harsh reality of life for thoss under thirty five.
Unfortunately, thats not whats advertised as why adulthood sucks.
They wanna focus only on the established older people whom have a bit of credit card debt caused by their own orospects.

John Smith 24/11/04(Mon)02:54 No. 49043 [Reply]

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If you've ever wanted to play the part of an intergalactic deity and wreck havoc on the solar system by unleashing https://solarsmash.co

John Smith 19/02/14(Thu)16:17 No. 46873 [Reply]

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Happy Valentine's Day, John. For the first time in quite some time, this time of year means more to me than just another tick on the calendar, and uninteresting as it is I figured I'd write to you about it.

I planned a date for last night. We were going to go to a fancy ramen restaurant, but chickened out at the sight of the large crowd and opted for a cheap chinese place further down the street. We spent a few extra hours in my apartment, lounging on my bed and reading a book. The night concluded with me walking her back home, and doing something entirely outside of my comfort zone--against all odds, I kissed her goodnight.

I'm a very slow-moving man romantically, and believe it or not this simple evening was a huge milestone for me. I've never broken that kissing barrier myself before, in the past I've been much more likely to be kissed than to kiss first. The future here is completely unknown, and it's a situation that enthuses me as much as it concerns me.

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John Smith 24/10/15(Tue)03:35 No. 49025

They had a sale on fresh mozzarella but they sold out before I got there

John Smith 24/10/22(Tue)22:56 No. 49033

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That is most saddening to hear, the swiss cheese I've buying just is not as good as the Norwegian I like
I'm going to buy some good quality Red leicester, next time
Dam shame about the mozzarella though anon

John Smith 24/11/04(Mon)00:36 No. 49042

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The Norwegian cheese I like was back in the shop.
So I brought that and did not buy any Red Leichester cheese.

John Smith 24/11/03(Sun)02:00 No. 49038 [Reply]

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I got a haircut. First time in two years.

John Smith 24/11/03(Sun)22:28 No. 49040

I hear you john. I'm planning on brushing my teeth next week, for the first time in 2 years too. It's going to be a big day.

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