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Attention, /civ/ilians: Nonsensical Babbling Anonymous ## Admin ## 24/12/07(Sat)12:57 No. 2506 ID: d72e80 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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The rules against nonsensical babbling and sloganeering might seem a little vague, so here to clarify are some samefag posts from a modern philosopher who discovered Wikipedia and Ayn Rand in the same week:

>>2430 >>2431 >>2432 >>2433 >>2468 >>2469 >>2470 >>2471 >>2478 >>2479 >>2503

Individually, they’re tolerable.
Collectively, it's a pattern of bumping threads that should’ve stayed in the grave with mindless schizo spam.

Don’t be this guy. If you’re repeatedly necrobumping old threads with off-topic slogans instead of contributing actual discussion, you're getting banned.

Anonymous 16/11/10(Thu)02:35 No. 1 ID: 132ea3 [Reply] Stickied

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this is a bad idea

39 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/11/29(Fri)00:19 No. 2428 ID: e6b1be


Tell me a cupcake recipe.

Abolish the Securities and Exchange Commission Anonymous 24/12/07(Sat)11:39 No. 2505 ID: dae969 [Reply]

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Abolish the Securities and Exchange Commission


Abolish the Federal Minimum Wage Anonymous 24/12/06(Fri)06:11 No. 2504 ID: 833b5a [Reply]

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Abolish the Federal Minimum Wage


Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)09:31 No. 302 ID: e7513d [Reply]

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I think people have been going down the wrong track when it comes to Trump threatening Comey. They're missing the obvious.

Trump spends his life surrounded by conspiracy theorists. They funnel every stupid idea posted on the internet 24/7 to keep him in a perpetually agitated, distracted state. This is a man who think global warming is a conspiracy created by China, that fluoride is a form of mind control, that jet contrails contain biological agents, that vaccines cause autism... it's really not much of a stretch for him to think people are recording his every move every single day.

Given this I find it highly unlikely that Trump was threatening Comey because Trump had recorded conversations. Instead he was threatening Comey because he thought Comey had recorded their conversations.

The threat wasn't about Trump going to the press with a recording. Its a threat against Comey going to the press with recordings of what Trump said.

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Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)10:51 No. 315 ID: fb5950

Its not their fault. They're just a wee baby.

Anonymous 17/07/21(Fri)08:49 No. 378 ID: 4d2f3c

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Could you morons stop talking the trump. Gee, I hope the left is right and he will start ww3 soon. CNNt take it anymore.

Anonymous 17/07/21(Fri)12:40 No. 381 ID: 3b265d

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Your self constructed bunker will be your grave.

Anonymous 19/06/03(Mon)12:35 No. 1464 ID: 9fe361 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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The Tianamen Square Incident is being propagandized pretty hard in western media lately. Shit's posted everywhere, even 7chan/b/: >>/b/790842. Last week this lady comes forward to give credit to the stories that the military resisted orders to storm the square; reposts of Tank Man all week everywhere else; old sources dug up and regurgitated in every mainstream outlet.

I see what you are doing; it isn't going to work.

Either someone is trying to drum up anti-Chinese sentiment, or drive a wedge between the Chinese people and their government, or convince China to apologize for oppressing its people. None of those things are going to happen. It hasn't worked for thirty years and it isn't about to start working now.

People in the west, as offended as they may be, will not stick to this longer than it stays in the headlines and two weeks from now, no one's going to care. The Chinese people only remember that it is dangerous to discuss the matter and they will never accept any version of the story other than the party line. The Communist Party of China doesn't give a fuck, and will never apologize for something that didn't happen; that's right it didn't happen, because they erased it from history.

Also, maybe it actually didn't happen: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/there-was-no-tiananmen-square-massacre/

To be honest, I think a few hundred civilians were killed as a message to future protesters, but more importantly everyone who showed the slightest empathy was removed from their posts, disappeared, and/or 'reeducated'. Military officials, television reporters, civilians outside the action zone, everyone. There is no one left alive in China to speak against the official story and there hasn't been for thirty years. Think about this: no one under the age of thirty in China has ever heard about it; they are not going to believe you no matter how you try to prove it to them. They have all been raised to think that westerners are trying to undermine the prosperity of their country, just like they did during the Opium wars.

In fact, every military and economic conflict in which western powers were involved in China--even as allies of the Chinese government--have been recast as invasions, incursions, and attacks on Chinese sovereignty. This is also how they will see the western media dragging out the Tianamen Square Incident once again. No one in China will ever see it the way our media tells us to see it.

Nothing of value will come from drumming this up again.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

75 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)00:29 No. 1955 ID: 18d107

This didn't age well.

Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)02:40 No. 1956 ID: 6311e8

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Jews were involved in the creation of modern China.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)08:50 No. 2502 ID: 8aca73


Americans think that the USA was Communist in 1776.

Anonymous 19/07/14(Sun)00:00 No. 1540 ID: 1f3c8e [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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HEHEH Why are leftists so stupid?


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Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)04:52 No. 1683 ID: b2d2d8

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>either disconnected from society or trolling gullible users
Not mutually exclusive.

Anonymous 19/09/06(Fri)10:26 No. 1684 ID: 4e23b7

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You might want to check in on economic forecasts once in a while.

Unless you think they're controlled by The Joos

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)04:48 No. 2501 ID: 07f870

Those who say that the USA is a free and peaceful country with a balanced budget are liars.

Anonymous 18/08/13(Mon)14:57 No. 882 ID: bade33 [Reply]

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Antifa is fake, run and organized by the very right-wing groups they claim to be fighting.

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Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)03:55 No. 1044 ID: a870df

Thanks to stepped up efforts to stop citizens from exercising their right to vote, don't be surprised if that map has no red or blue by 2018 or 2020.

The question then becomes when do people throw off the shackles of the .1%? It won't be a pretty response.

I'm honestly not sure if the people stripping citizens of their constitutional rights have actually thought that far ahead. Being born into more wealth than one could actually spend in one's lifetime doesn't make someone intelligent.

Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)07:01 No. 1045 ID: 2be6c8

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>Being born into more wealth than one could actually spend in one's lifetime doesn't make someone intelligent.
Case in point.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)03:00 No. 2499 ID: 07f870

Americans say freedom means free food stamps.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)12:47 No. 2465 ID: 3cddb0 [Reply]

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Wait, why is 7chan's politics board so libertarian?

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Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:36 No. 2496 ID: f9ea62

American said that banks are real, but banks only exist in your imagination, and you were adopted.

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)23:37 No. 2497 ID: 6fe882

“There is no governor anywhere; you are all absolutely free. There is no restraint that cannot be escaped. We are all absolutely free. If everybody could go into dhyana at will, nobody could be controlled — by fear of prison, by fear of whips or electroshock, by fear of death, even. All existing society is based on keeping those fears alive, to control the masses. Ten people who know would be more dangerous than a million armed anarchists.”
― Robert Anton Wilson

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)02:31 No. 2498 ID: 8aca73

The elites are rapidly closing all the doors.

The government will soon pack the courts to get any answer they want from judges.

The government will ban anonymous debit cards and burner phones.

Guns, cash, Bitcoin, gold, and silver will be banned.

You will need to give the state your fingerprints, DNA sample, photo, and vaccine passport to use the Internet. The Internet will later be shut off.

Anonymous 19/02/24(Sun)07:37 No. 1259 ID: 76b0be [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Don't forget, anyone who doesn't want to go to war is gay.

48 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/04/07(Wed)14:50 No. 2001 ID: cd9043

You can carry a gun in Chicago, you fucking tard.

Anonymous 21/05/07(Fri)04:50 No. 2009 ID: 4788ac

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Not according to the idiot who keeps whining about how he always has to vote third party because there aren't enough parties in the US.

I don't think he actually lives in the US, much less Chicago, which is why everything he says makes no fucking sense to anyone who lives here.

Anonymous 24/12/04(Wed)22:21 No. 2493 ID: e10d3a


Now Americans are saying waiting periods for guns are perfectly acceptable because you must also wait for redlights.

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