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So the most concerning part of daily life for me, my politics, my religion, my dealings with normal individuals, all of it revolves around racism. I want to live around only white people. Really it goes a little deeper than that but the goal in the short term is to eliminate the nuisances from my life. Being that certainly one or two other people feel this way, how should a man live in that regard? A woman? Surely there is somewhere to read this information, correct? With the censorship brought on by the entirety of society, on the whole planet, with the very manipulation of the words and definitions (see: nigger), there is unfortunately no place to find this directive.
That said, I may not be perfect myself or even know the correct answer but I do have some advice. I'm over thirty which isn't elderly but is old enough someone may learn from me. Anyone that has criticism, good or bad, let me hear it. All data leads to the truth in my opinion, lies are as ugly and apparent as they need to be for the truth to grow. I'm a single man and I live with my relatives, certainly not the goal everyone shoots for in life. However; I do a lot to help my race.
The most important advice is just to be a healthy white person. What is healthy? Eating right, living right, enjoying your life. Eat, drink, and be merry is the old addage. This advice is easy to overlook, who doesn't try to be happy? Everyone eats, but not many cook their own food. Letting the other races cook for you is opening yourself up to the same curses they are, and who are you to depend on them? As a white person, you are above that. Drink water from your own well, why should there be water in the street? Eating correctly and being healthy will make enjoying yourself easier, no more aches and pains from the silicon poisoning.
The second thing is helping other white people. Being someone they can depend on is why you love them. White people are the best race on Earth, we have proven this over and again and before God and His blessing we shall continue as the chosen. Don't like religion? Ignore it, but remember to seek the truth. When you see a white person struggling, make an attempt to help them. Ignore the other races all you want in my opinion, though the Bible tends to disagree with this they have dug their grave in this era and deserve more death and destruction than any dollar. However, how many times have you been short a dollar? Think about that for just a moment, and remember that the easiest way to help someone is just to give them money. The real help is spending your time and labor on a person, that is a true feat I struggle with.
Third is contribute to society at large. As terrible as this niggard country is, every human depends on the mother country to live. We have done this for thousands of years to avoid death from exposure. Pick up trash you see laying around, clean off a
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