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zeneslev 25/02/11(Tue)19:32 No. 832222 [Reply]

File 173929872224.gif - (4.35MB , 498x373 , liru-wolfgirl-liru (1).gif )

Heya 7chan! ヾ(・ω・`*)

The full Snow Moon is finally here and it certainly is living up to its name! The moon will become full tommorow February 12th at 8:53 AM EST. In the United States, February is the most active month for snowfall.

That's what it looks like for me for the next few days and much of the Northeast so I hope you have some indoor plans or maybe now is the time to get to your favorite skiing destination and get snowed in! Anyways, I hope those who are lucky enough to be able to see the moon today or tommorow to have a wonderful viewing! Have fun! (⌒▽⌒)☆

:*:・。,☆゜'・🌕:*:・。,❄️{{(>∇<)}}⛷️ ❄️。🌨️・:・゜'☆,。・:

8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Novice Equestrian 25/02/14(Fri)22:09 No. 832278

It's really tempting to put dirt on Liru and I know we are all a little bit jealous of their fame, but I'm the faggot who got reformed and he immediately accepted me. If that's not grace, I don't know what is. And anyhow, he's obviously the most powerful user on this platform, and he has significant support both on moderation team and the users, we're better off being on his side than remarking anything that's wrong about him. So to the guy saying kys - you don't have to be so angry as you are right now. Liru is actually not that bad and you would see it yourself if you just tried.. apologized or at least attempted to be friends, he would forgive you and accept you very quickly. He's really just trying to make friends and create a friendly atmosphere on the forum. He doesn't deserve all the hate. I swear if you join him you will see it yourself.

h 25/02/15(Sat)16:05 No. 832289

File 173963193688.jpg - (23.90KB , 640x639 , vampiretriever.jpg )

>It's really tempting to put dirt on Liru
Not for me and never has been. It's /b/ here and not liking every post, or thread, is in the nature of things. Liru's threads are cozy. Because you don't like something and then asking the person to kill themselves is a bad habit that comes from other chans, and you can ignore people like that.

Optimus Prime 25/02/15(Sat)17:06 No. 832291

liru voted for kamala.

Reimu Hakurei 25/01/29(Wed)03:21 No. 832034 [Reply]

File 173811727446.png - (1.46MB , 1450x1130 , 檜山沙耶-i-had-the-pleasure-of-serving-as-the-.png )

Novice Equestrian 25/02/13(Thu)21:59 No. 832258

File 173948035344.jpg - (505.07KB , 1440x2560 , O7.jpg )


Reimu Hakurei 25/02/14(Fri)15:43 No. 832266

File 173954422651.jpg - (29.68KB , 592x512 , 1c064ec4500d15e2cec7bed62c28f3a2.jpg )

Christian Weston Chandler 25/02/15(Sat)16:07 No. 832290

File 173963206485.jpg - (290.90KB , 900x1200 , kot salute.jpg )

Conductor Cat 25/02/14(Fri)16:43 No. 832268 [Reply]

File 173954781429.jpg - (369.34KB , 1500x2000 , Bad Dragon Chance Whisky.jpg )

Happy Valentine's Day, 7Chan!
It's also Friday and time to get drunk.

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bob Ross 25/02/15(Sat)06:54 No. 832280

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OP 25/02/15(Sat)11:00 No. 832282

im late

Mudkip 25/02/15(Sat)14:02 No. 832288

File 173962452251.jpg - (82.40KB , 1280x720 , liruvalentines.jpg )

Me too, but I had a great night! <3 Happy Valentines Day!

($18.50 a lb ribeye) Yum, but yikes!

Liru Fanboy 24/10/19(Sat)02:22 No. 830561 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

File 172929737431.png - (1.48MB , 1100x746 , Caturday.png )


60 posts and 73 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Mudkip 25/02/15(Sat)12:56 No. 832286

File 173962060557.jpg - (155.92KB , 564x358 , And.jpg )

poe 25/02/15(Sat)14:00 No. 832287

File 173962441756.jpg - (73.95KB , 762x1024 , 1574607431279.jpg )

poe 25/01/14(Tue)05:23 No. 831821 [Reply]

File 173682862715.jpg - (477.05KB , 1200x1600 , GhKhzazawAAZ2F-.jpg )

How do I meet any fucking women? Seriously, it's litterally goddamn impossible. I want to fucking DIE!! I hate having literally 98% male friends and then all the female ones aren't hot and aren't reliable! Fuck humans! I need HOES! I need BITCHES! I NEED MY DICK SUCKED!!

12 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
N3X15 25/02/13(Thu)14:18 No. 832251

File 173945269037.jpg - (52.57KB , 590x577 , 1531758280919.jpg )

You need a weed&porn buddy.

Spiderman 25/02/13(Thu)15:35 No. 832252

File 173945734046.jpg - (509.43KB , 1284x1931 , 1739444525348189.jpg )

you dont

Conductor Cat 25/02/14(Fri)16:19 No. 832267

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OP, I hope you get the women you deserve.

4chan user 25/02/13(Thu)04:22 No. 832243 [Reply]

File 173941695688.jpg - (2.45MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_0164.jpg )

Scarring still healing

Complete success

Diagnosis: the cause was tap water

3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bill 25/02/14(Fri)20:37 No. 832272

I don't know why people throw it away. It's actually good stuff. And it's good for you.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)21:06 No. 832274

Man, it's actually some of the tastiest stuff when you consider many of the meals commonly made in Eastern Europe. Really really good especially when you let it cool down a few minutes without the lid and the surface gets evaporated/concentrated a bit. Yummy!

derp 25/02/14(Fri)21:36 No. 832275

File 17395654077.jpg - (21.64KB , 410x452 , 1647809178377.jpg )

I remember you, good shit dude

symbion 25/02/14(Fri)20:12 No. 832271 [Reply]

File 173956033550.jpg - (233.14KB , 1200x760 , hiz2cguxbksaoqxntyrf_1200x760_jpg.jpg )

What is the smallest you have?

derp 25/02/10(Mon)19:24 No. 832213 [Reply]

File 17392118638.jpg - (652.00KB , 1200x800 , Pizza fucking Hut.jpg )


4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
poe 25/02/13(Thu)17:14 No. 832253

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Homicide 25/02/13(Thu)22:25 No. 832259

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>Pizza fucking Hut.jpg
Where is the fucking, did it at least have a cheese crust?

Spider Expert 25/02/14(Fri)11:23 No. 832263

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Cryomancer 25/02/08(Sat)15:07 No. 832197 [Reply]

File 173902362575.png - (89.30KB , 640x360 , 167693656225.png )

Homo Nigerius Africans - known in the west as the common nigger. Popularly purported to be smart and capable as the rest of Earth population, however they just happen to be plagued by societal distress, external discrimination and internal community struggle, as to the function of which, they are said to fail.. to amount to their true potential. The specimens are easily recognized by darker skin tones, flat squished nose marked by enlarged nostrils and overall dumb looking mug that will remind you of monkey.

Potency of philosophical insight - 4.6/10
Scientific achievement 3.4/10
Cultural significance 4/10
Musical significance 8.2/10


Weeabot 25/02/08(Sat)17:52 No. 832202

File 173903353188.png - (1.68MB , 1911x1072 , nick fuck you.png )

This mod message warms my soul. Love you guys forever.

Brony 25/02/13(Thu)22:41 No. 832261

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Cryomancer 24/06/21(Fri)13:05 No. 828480 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 171896795971.png - (650.43KB , 720x540 , 877gv2z2gq7d1.png )

Dad drunk a block of emu export to himself one night and wanted maccas, way over .05 dad and the 14yr old me drove to the drive thru, dad ordered and when we get to the window, they gave dad the wrong order then argued they where right, so he drives out the front, pulls 10+ pavers from the footpath and puts them onto the truck, drives back thru the drive thru, jumps out, and proceeds to brick the entire drive thru. Smashed all windows on both drive thru booths, 3 massive side windows and 6 floor to ceiling windows out the front, staggers back to the truck, and drives less than 500m to the hungry jacks drive thru, orders and drives past the maccas he just destroyed with cops everywhere, driving up our street i could see the red and blue lights, got to the house and theres 4 paddy wagons out the front of the house. Dad tries to drive past the house and the cops prodeed to ram the truck, stop it, and next minute dads punching on with 2 cops. Went to court and got 9months prison,(thus is 1995), Remember that night til this day.

116 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Brony 25/02/13(Thu)13:25 No. 832248

i get angry at everything, it's my thing.

Mudkip 25/02/13(Thu)13:46 No. 832249

File 173945077740.jpg - (18.43KB , 300x293 , 1493590099855.jpg )

Are you bragging or making this as a statement of pride? Or is this an admission of a fatal personality flaw?

PrettyPony 25/02/13(Thu)14:08 No. 832250


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