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Reimu Hakurei 24/08/11(Sun)00:07 No. 829358 [Reply]

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http://radio.7chan.org:8000/CH7.m3u in VLC
2024 AUGUST 10

N3X15 24/08/11(Sun)00:07 No. 829359

(Channel7 is on right now) <3 deadbabies

r000t 24/08/11(Sun)00:18 No. 829360

airwolf YEAH Channel7

symbion 24/08/11(Sun)01:25 No. 829362

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Reimu Hakurei 24/08/10(Sat)00:17 No. 829314 [Reply]

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Lololaapsy Thread.

31 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
OP 24/08/10(Sat)01:20 No. 829348

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W. T. Snacks 24/08/10(Sat)02:34 No. 829349


I dont know who this is.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/08/10(Sat)05:57 No. 829350

She's an important figure in that angsty cringe community

symbion 24/08/02(Fri)01:17 No. 829182 [Reply]

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>go to 2(2) chan
>go to /pol/ - politically incorrect
>every single thread is about how they want based kamala harris to be president so she can crush nazi chud drumpf
Since when did /pol/ become reddit? Lol.


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Cryomancer 24/08/03(Sat)01:06 No. 829222

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OP 24/08/09(Fri)13:07 No. 829308

chantards are notoriously contrarian tryhard pieces of shit. :nigra:'s epic bullet dodge got people sympathizing and unironically made it cool to support him. it's just a matter of course they'd turn on him.

p4ch3c0 24/08/09(Fri)15:09 No. 829311

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r000t 24/08/07(Wed)22:43 No. 829292 [Reply]

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Best known for having a spaghetti coded furry website, repeatedly defending zoophilia/cub content, having to buy back his own website from a "weird bratz company" and being at least 400 pounds.

RIP Dragoneer / Preyfar / firepyro / Sean Piche

zeneslev 24/08/08(Thu)21:35 No. 829299

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Miku Fanboy 24/08/09(Fri)05:37 No. 829303

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Homicide 24/08/09(Fri)09:37 No. 829304

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Nyan Cat 24/07/28(Sun)04:09 No. 829100 [Reply]

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So we all know that nature spirits are pretty organic and stuff, but what about consciousness and beings that are purely non-corporeal of origin? Like compared to souls and spirits that correspond to a physical person or being, who would you say, which one would you say is more machine-like? Mechanical? Just curious, that's all.

15 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
N3X15 24/08/08(Thu)19:40 No. 829298


ecology is just biological systems
biology is just chemistry
chemistry is just physics
physics is math applied to matter

mathematics is the only thing that matters, the rest is just arbitrary values mapped on to matter by humans. humans used physics and chemistry to create computers, then used those computers to try and simulate the matter that they were made from.

mathematics is the language of nature.

Cryomancer 24/08/08(Thu)21:40 No. 829300

yes, but where are my genetically engineered sex slave harem? go do some more math, you airwolfs, I want results

Sazpaimon 24/08/09(Fri)01:19 No. 829302

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A good meat loaf needs time to slowly warm, soak in its juices, and then rest before glazing.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/08/07(Wed)09:53 No. 829286 [Reply]

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What the airwolf is wrong with Patriot Front?

h 24/08/07(Wed)12:07 No. 829288

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They are having a difficult time with their realization that NFL football is entirely scripted.

Brony 24/08/07(Wed)19:37 No. 829290

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Probably everything.

symbion 24/08/14(Wed)02:48 No. 829402

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OP, really
Like I mean really
They are paid government workers
It's their job, yes this their JOB
They have offices and planning meetings
Here is a rare picture of their boss unmasked
His surname is IRL Ferret

Novice Equestrian 24/08/03(Sat)14:57 No. 829249 [Reply]

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So I guess the point of Genesis is that humans know the difference between good and evil but animals don't?
Is that actually true though?
What about dolphins and dogs and uh... idk... monkeys?

Are you SURE that humans are the only ones who ate from the tree?

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Nyan Cat 24/08/07(Wed)00:31 No. 829277

Dolphins, dogs and monkeys can exhibit a rude intelligence, and can be taught and trained, but they have no higher intelligence

Homicide 24/08/07(Wed)00:54 No. 829281

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Humans are not alone. (((They))) are living in the ocean.

Moot 24/08/07(Wed)02:17 No. 829282

I bet you do lol
Well, either just another animal or something distinct from the rest of the animals. Depends on the classification, but there is a stark difference between a human and a monkey. As there is a stark difference between a dolphin and even an elephant, who is probably the most intelligent animal.

We are just different from the rest of the animals.

However, I must admit there is probably a greater disparity between someone like Nietzsche and an average person than an average person and a monkey.

Elephants are extremely intelligent though, almost don't want to clump them together with the rest of the animals. But yeah, elephants aren't dolphins or whales or humans as interesting as they are.

Cryomancer 24/08/02(Fri)17:48 No. 829204 [Reply]

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how come CNN didn't refer to jan 6 as an "intrusive, but mostly peaceful protest?"

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Mudkip 24/08/07(Wed)00:32 No. 829278


I know to a zog noglover like yourself they seem evil, but actually they were trying to stop the steal and it's a great shame they were unable to do so.

symbion 24/08/07(Wed)00:40 No. 829279

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I wonder how they missed that DJT was never legally elected president, and that hos entire term is null and void.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/08/07(Wed)00:45 No. 829280

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Dude, don't engage. It's just a dumbAirwolf who just realized they can troll people anonymously on the internet. Just ignore and move on.

Moot 24/08/04(Sun)18:34 No. 829260 [Reply]

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Bob Ross I hope nobody noticed Saz forgot to pay the bills.

OP 24/08/05(Mon)03:06 No. 829265

7chan too poor to be on autopay

He-Man 24/08/01(Thu)04:51 No. 829157 [Reply]

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rebuplibros... it's joever..

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OP 24/08/02(Fri)17:10 No. 829203

You took the time to write that so you secretly care you big squishy caring guy.

Steve 24/08/03(Sat)01:04 No. 829220

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Moot 24/08/03(Sat)04:30 No. 829234

Cute, he'll miss too.

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