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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Dimebag Anon ## Admin ## 23/03/17(Fri)17:21 No. 435 [Reply] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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Over the next few months, we are going to try out a few of the more popular boards that were lost with 420chan going offline. If they generate interest, we will then add them as permanent boards. We are starting out with /weed/, but please feel free to leave suggestions for other boards in this thread (e.g. /woo/).

82 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 25/01/22(Wed)11:23 No. 884

It's not real.

BWH Dimebag Anon 23/03/18(Sat)10:55 No. 624 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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It's a new era, godspeed and good vibes.

>Smoke more, chill out.

159 posts and 87 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 25/01/19(Sun)02:17 No. 880

homegrown weed in homemade weed fudge kicking in nicely with a cup of fruit tea, cheers

Dimebag Anon 23/09/07(Thu)06:48 No. 19 [Reply]

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Imagine Jigsaw(from Saw) decided to punish you for smoking too much weed.
The trap I came up with works like this:you wake up in the middle of a pipe structure coiled around your body, with joints sticking out of holes drilled in, held in place with clips. then a stick of dynamite is inserted at the top, while the joints are lit by a fast spark mechanism below the tip inserted in the pipe a few seconds before the dynamite reaches them. you have to smoke the joints down so they don't light the dynamite, of course it should take place in a small chamber to prevent escape and the pipe should be coiled too tightly to allow it anyway. as you smoke more you lose oxygen making it harder, and all the smoke creates a hotbox condition making you too high to function properly, and harder to see the lower joints. if you try to remove a joint from the clip it'll fire up and lock in the spark mechanism and light the dynamite anyway, to punish you for cheating.
Think you could survive? If not, come up with a trap you think could top mine. I'd like to see it.

9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)05:06 No. 29

I have a THC meter reading your levels in this room. You have to remain totally fucking ripped-blazed 10/10 and have paranoia constantly or the gun in my hand will shootnyour dumb brain

Dimebag Anon 24/01/10(Wed)20:57 No. 30

Never change, /weed/

Dimebag Anon 25/01/22(Wed)11:39 No. 885

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Fantasies can't be quantified.

Aubrey update I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/12/20(Fri)20:03 No. 836 [Reply]

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After beating Sparto and losing his son Kirtypoo is now working for a cryptocurrency company.

Just like lowtax he got away with beating his wife.

I like how Kirty pretends to be an ethical dude and beats women

Dimebag Anon 24/12/20(Fri)21:21 No. 837

wtf u talking bout u fking loser, who tf is kirtypoo. U some kind of degen psychotic mfker?

Dimebag Anon 24/12/24(Tue)05:54 No. 838

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Ha ha, you care about internet people.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/13(Mon)12:16 No. 874

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Total Cannabis Devotion Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)14:43 No. 803 [Reply]

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I have three bongs, five pipes, and five different ounces of weed. Have several jars of hash and concentrate, shatter, tincture, gummies galore.
There's a smoking piece and a lighter and weed in almost every room of the house, including both bathrooms and the front porch. I smoke pretty much always, but I'm not a 'stoner guy' who looks like a hippie in any way.
I smoke so much weed that it's now all that I do. I don't have much else to do but I should do more. I should have hobbies and build things again. But I'm stuck in a rut. I know the answer is to stop smoking weed but I don't want to do that either. I'm not asking for advice or looking for a solution. I'm just confessing that I've lost my spark and I'm leaning into the depression by smoking more for now. It's far fucking safer and cheaper than any other drug. Less destructive. But still a drug. The procrastinator drug.
I'll do it later. For now I'm going to smoke another bong hit of amazing chronic hybrid 27% THC weed and stay chilled out.

33 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 25/01/05(Sun)03:21 No. 860

Strawberry banana smelled and tasted of its namesake. Yum!

Dimebag Anon 25/01/07(Tue)02:28 No. 862

Compulsive moreish? I don't understand what you mean.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/11(Sat)21:48 No. 871

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Moresish means a snack or something like that will make you want more of it. They say it in England a lot. Pic related.

Dimebag Anon 23/05/06(Sat)16:23 No. 416 [Reply]

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Is hotwheels our savior?

22 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 24/11/27(Wed)18:26 No. 790

Love that place already

Hive!NugBmkm6Go 24/11/28(Thu)22:45 No. 791

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Fred/hotwheels dropped the project because it was hemorrhaging money. Got this info from cho0b.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/04(Sat)21:39 No. 859

turn on the "420chan new" theme over there. Feels right at home.

general drugs discussion Dimebag Anon 24/11/25(Mon)02:07 No. 784 [Reply]

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Hello Brothers. I feel like it's time finally to do some drugs. I have been on some decade-long hiatus. What for? All of these engagements that supposedly kept me busy, were distractions it seems like right now. Have you met some real ones while you wasn't doing drugs? If not, what is it all for? What are you even doing? To whom, for whom? Was it ever more real than the adventures in your youth?

I guess it's one of those things. You get shocked to the core and recoil a little bit even if you know it's ultimately what you need. In that sense, maybe those 10 plus years were not wasted. Just took me that long to process what had happened.

Yeah, not all drugs are created equal, still, we got to have a lot of respect for those who dare to dabble.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/28(Thu)22:51 No. 792

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You're right, friend. Not all drugs are created equal. Now its up to you to decide if you're ready again.

What were your drugs of choice?

Dimebag Anon 24/11/29(Fri)00:13 No. 793

TBH I'm a big fan of mescaline, LSA and many tryptamines, but even things like salvia, amanitas, MXE (also PCP, DXM, NO and other dis) are highly interesting. Especially the naturally occuring ones. Even stuff like henbane, but I'm in no rush to try it at this point in my life. Wanted to try quailudes for a time and a good half dozen of other more obscure stuff.

Maybe some opium. definitely would like to learn what's so hyped up about cocaine and speed, never tried those, but I want pharma grade d racemic. which isn't that common here in EU, neither have I been really looking since those are definitely not my top interests.

Weed obviously although past years I smoke like a week or two per year.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/04(Sat)02:36 No. 858

mescaline ftw

Dimebag Anon 25/01/03(Fri)17:00 No. 852 [Reply]

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Jingle Bell Dimebag Anon 24/12/25(Wed)11:59 No. 840 [Reply]

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Jingle Bell
Jingle Bell
Jingle Bell


I miss it so much on this day. Bumping While High.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/29(Sun)20:00 No. 846

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For the first time in my entire adult life, I did exactly what I wanted on Christmas Day: not a damn thing.

BWH / party thread Dimebag Anon 24/12/19(Thu)16:14 No. 833 [Reply]

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