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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Music for smoke Dimebag Anon 24/12/12(Thu)17:17 No. 817 [Reply]

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To get high.


BWH Dimebag Anon 24/11/15(Fri)15:29 No. 397 [Reply]

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This is the dawn of a new error.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/20(Wed)08:00 No. 780

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I'm smoking Jack Herer.

bad experiences? Dimebag Anon 24/06/18(Tue)21:21 No. 398 [Reply]

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hello has anyone ever had a bad experience from cannabis? for example

>drink too much liquor
>head spins puking, feel like im stuck in this feeling forever and i want out

>smoke too much cannabis
>yea ill just lay down

for me ivenever hated what i was feeling and never freaked out or "greened" before, have you? a lot of my friends have puked after a few hits of my bong, ill never understand puking from smoking somthing.

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Dimebag Anon 24/11/07(Thu)00:38 No. 413

Your bong is fucking disgusting and filthy, brother, you don't puke from it, because at this point, your immune system could probably survive a nuclear Holocaust. That thing has so much resin buildup, it's basically fossilized. There's probably enough oil and gas there to power America for the next 300 years.

Hive!jE2CxpfWFs 24/11/18(Mon)22:32 No. 414

I greened out after not smoking for 4 years.
All I did was giggle at everything and drool all over myself, at least according to them. I haven't had that problem since, though the next day taking a couple massive rips felt like I was on acid (without the hallucinations).

Dimebag Anon 24/11/19(Tue)07:05 No. 415

Who are you responding to?

I can post multiple images? What kind of fantastic forum wonderland is this??

dope abacus 24/08/01(Thu)19:10 No. 392 [Reply]

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this is dope

trunk 24/08/01(Thu)19:11 No. 393


Dimebag Anon 24/08/30(Fri)20:39 No. 394

Thought Labour's problem was giving people too much shit?
Fucking myself is a nice change of pace from getting fucked by Tories, tho.

Why aren't more governments being tough on drugs? Dimebag Anon 24/09/16(Mon)21:51 No. 389 [Reply]

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Drugs turn your brain into liberal gay mush why the hell are countries still tolerating this poison? We need more places like singapore, for a gram - lashings, for more - death by execution.


Dimebag Anon 24/11/02(Sat)04:12 No. 390

>death by execution

Yeah, sobriety is doing great things for your brain, obviously.

Dimebag Anon 23/03/27(Mon)05:41 No. 151 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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217 posts and 143 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 24/11/19(Tue)10:54 No. 388

Bring back party mode with changing colors. Trippy.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)01:47 No. 802

Would love to have that back.

BWH, have some tunes

Dimebag Anon 24/12/19(Thu)16:14 No. 834

Recorded an entire christmas album last night, and there's absolutely nothing on the calendar today. I'm waking and baking like a MOTHERFUCKER!!

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/10/06(Sun)00:56 No. 150 [Reply]

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Kirtaner Aster
Sissy pussy

Working-class Stoners 23/10/31(Tue)21:17 No. 129 [Reply]

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I'm a delivery guy for one of those stupid grocery/food apps during the day, and a musician most nights/weekends. Between the two I make enough money to live pretty well and nobody's up my ass making sure I'm not getting high in my free time. I think shit's pretty cash overall--running around the city on someone else's moped is fun and doing music professionally is VERY fun, but sometimes I get curious about whether or not the grass is greener somewhere else.

What shitty niches in The Man's machine do you fill that allow you to keep smoking??

16 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Dimebag Anon 24/08/21(Wed)19:42 No. 147

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OP reporting back in because I finally remembered where I put this thread. I ditched the moped and now I'm actually teaching music in addition to gigging. No drug tests in sight and I'm exclusively doing things I like to do for work, feeling pretty SLAYER these days

Dimebag Anon 24/09/25(Wed)14:26 No. 148

you did good son

now go find your true meaning and calling in life!

Dimebag Anon 24/09/28(Sat)18:31 No. 149

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I do all the screenprinting/DTG/vinyl for a small print shop. I get paid ten cents above minimum but I live a quarter of a mile from the shop, have shit tons of vacation time, no drug tests ever, there's a shop cat, I can be late everyday and no one says a word about it. It's pretty sweet.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/02(Mon)06:19 No. 126 [Reply]

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I've been getting weed delivered for over a year at this point but my SIL told me she knew a guy who could get an ounce for seventy dollars. I couldn't pass up such a deal so I went for it, plus I took Friday off to give myself a four day weekend. Would you believe I'm completely dry because this jackass decided to go to Massachusetts instead? At least I got my money back. I hope my dispensary is delivering tomorrow.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/02(Mon)14:19 No. 127

I know i pay more in the long run but i never buy more than an eighth, just incase the bag is booty weed.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/13(Fri)04:48 No. 128

NGL, the weed was pretty intense. Just wish I could get it with some regularity.

baby stoner here Sophie 24/08/31(Sat)04:18 No. 124 [Reply]

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its like my brain is working with shitty wifi, shitty RAM, and all the bliss of my inner cranium

Dimebag Anon 24/09/03(Tue)11:29 No. 125

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daaaaym son you brain werk?

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