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Y3t sliced and diced ebook rohit 24/02/26(Mon)05:10 No. 40846 Board: /fit/ [Reply]

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Anyone have y3t sliced and diced fat loss ebook
Please share

Great Goym Revengeance Danny Kingston 20/06/21(Sun)22:19 No. 15544 Board: /w/ [Reply]

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HELLo, I have been beaten by a few crooks at a crooked girl's house and have killed two of them with gravity itself. Severs are one helluva tool. Crooks legs gone bust and the second got head crushed by his body mass. The rest of them have still got the beast of me with a chlorated water bandana. They locked the car's doors and we rode to a different city where they made me do a hold-up at a liquor store. How's fucked my life after all of this? None except for jobs because I'm still criminally seeked for after giving all the hold up cash to the Police, they still have the video up on the country's youtube profile so they [pic related]might be not sure who gave the cash back or something but I did mention everything by going to the police station by myself. Where's my gun warrant when I need one?

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:48 No. 25113 Board: /rnb/ ID: 7b7190 [Reply]

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Holy fuck, why is the internet so boring?

>Reddit has an ass-backwards karma system, so if you're new to the site and wanna post, you've gotta wait ten minutes on most every subreddit. Not to mention the life-sucking "humor". Pass.
>Facebook. Might as well go to a retirement home. Pass.
>Twitter. Pass.
>Imageboards are all full of TFW No GF and other such cringe. Everyone compensates for being anonymous (because they lowkey want to be in a screencap passed around a decade from now) by trying way too hard to seem unique and different. /pol/ in 2016 basically gentrified every other board/-chan. Pass.
>Tumblr. Pass.
>Kiwi Farms. TRANNY DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, no matter the fucking topic of the thread. Pass.

Where in the fuck are you supposed to go? Honestly, I think it's time I cut down that internet myself, like 'ol Bob Chandler did.

47 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Teenage Girl 23/04/25(Tue)21:03 No. 25650 ID: 5168df

What's wrong? I am just fitting in like any other imageboard user. Have to keep up appearances. Actually treating people as people isn't based and redpilled, dude.

Teenage Girl 23/04/25(Tue)23:25 No. 25651 ID: 049bc8

> I am just fitting in like any other imageboard user. Have to keep up appearances.
You don't have to try, it comes naturally.

Teenage Girl 23/06/03(Sat)11:30 No. 25692 ID: 88736e

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Internet isn't boring; you are.

Mage M20 17/10/24(Tue)11:10 No. 131021 Board: /tg/ [Reply]

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Guys, I'm the storyteller on a Mage campaign that start yesterday and my stories are usually quite random. I usually invent facts and events right in the heat of the moment and the stories are crazy and fun (but with a lot of action and mystery). To improve this random factor, I would like you to suggest events or strange things that I could implement in the game. What happened so far:
> The session ended with the car in free fall at ten thousand meters high; a burning driver (who is a clone of one of the characters), a white powder floating inside the car, fresh fish smashed inside the vehicle, $ 10,000 that is leaving through the glove box and a monkey is holding a pistol whose bullets can never be traced.

What comes next? It does not have to make sense. Then I try to find a way to connect all events.

Anonymous 17/10/24(Tue)11:11 No. 131022

OP here. How things have come to this:

> Characters have discovered copies of themselves (clones);
> Someone is killing the clones (another clone that is a clone killer manipulated by an obscure religion);
> Technocracy is interested in the clones, but in a conflict a Man in Black was killed and left a briefcase: inside the case was a sleeping monkey and a pistol;
> All clones have a serious genetic fault that will lead to death: the monkey has a genetic sequence that needs to be synthesized to get the genetic fault corrected;
> The pistol in the suitcase can be used to kill people or animals, but the murderer will never be arrested for the crime (and the bullets are never tracked);
> A clone of one of the characters appears with a car so they can escape;
> Inside the car there are 5 kilos of fresh fish and 4 kilos of a white powder (the clone says that the fish and the powder are important, but that will explain later). In the glove holder there are ten thousand dollars in 50's notes (nobody knows where the money came from);
> The car breaks the veil to the umbra during the escape, and to try to escape the driver (a clone) realizes a magic, that fails mizeravelmente and the car appears to ten thousand meters of height, in free fall;
> The paradox sets fire to the driver;

darth+sithicus 18/01/11(Thu)05:27 No. 131154

so, you have no chapter 2 or endgame? try this: the characters "think" they are clones, convinced by men in black, to get them to use monkey to find cure. they backtrack to the mad scientist lab where they find their own clones, and discover they are themselves REAL, but made part of an experiment from long ago, which is what originally triggered their awakenings. whatever teacher they had early on is part of the cabal to make the clones, in an attempt to split the magic of the heroes into fragments, creating clone magicks armies for an upcoming assault in other realms against the technocracy. Have men in black trace monkey to first lab for either giant battle, or a chaos screen the heroes can escape in. Oh, and since the car is already involved on a mage level, with an intelligent monkey, have a lever allow the car to fly, and the monkey have low level mind effects, like telepathy, to get its thoughts across.

free shit Modern Mom 22/02/23(Wed)13:09 No. 3644 Board: /jew/ ID: 9519db [Reply]

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What are the best freebies out there (legal or otherwise)? I've got a few to start the thread:

1. File complaints on web sites of local fast food restaurants, and they'll send you free food coupons. Obviously, if you do this too often with the same address, they'll catch on, but it's good for a free meal every now and then.

2. Most major cities in the U.S. have nonprofits that give free computers away if you're in a bad financial situation. If you can prove you're on a government program, they'll give you a crappy computer running Ubuntu for free or a halfway decent one running Windows for $80-100.

3. Most major cities also have nonprofits and even traveling vans that give out free fentanyl test trips and naloxone. Even if you don't do drugs yourself, shit's expensive, and you can make a couple bucks on the side picking some up and selling at a discount.

4. Ibotta works. A lot of stuff on there is 50% off or even free after cash back, and it's a legal way to turn food stamps into cash. A lot of the stuff on there is inedible gluten-free vegan garbage, but they do carry major junk food brands and stuff you actually want to buy. Even if you only go after the stuff that's 100% free after cash back, you'll have your money back inside of a month.

5. Shoplifting shoplifting shoplifting. Learn your local stores' shoplifting policies and how to evade detection, and you can save a lot of money. I save hundreds shoplifting all my OTC medication from stores like CVS. You can make money reselling stuff on sites like Mercari, but keep in mind the pigs will send investigators if you get carried away.

6. Instead of paying $50 a month subscribing to eight different streaming services, invest $20 in a seedbox. Most people here probably already know this, but for those who don't, it's worth every penny.

7. DNA refund scams don't work as well as they did a few years ago, but they still do sometimes, so always worth a shot. Amazon will still refund stuff no questions asked if you've bought more stuff from them than you're trying to refund. PROTIP: sign a name that isn't yours if the mailman asks for a signature.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Modern Mom 22/03/05(Sat)13:50 No. 3645 ID: 3717c4

Credit card churning.
Luke Smith made a couple of great videos on it, check em out

Modern Mom 22/03/28(Mon)16:40 No. 3647 ID: 07cb4b

Careful with sports betting.

I tried sportsbetting.ag and they don't let you cash out until you hit an insanely high winnings threshold, that you'll most likely never get to without losing a fuckton of money in the process.

Still better than scratch-offs, though

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)02:13 No. 3916 ID: b41cb6

This. Working on my third “$200 bonus cash intro offer” this year

I need help finding the title of a movie please. Z13 20/01/10(Fri)21:03 No. 5686 Board: /zom/ ID: 3b1235 [Reply]

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So I’m looking for a certain zombie movie. I can’t remember if it’s a George A Romero film or not, but one scene has kids (maybe punks?) that were in a room. Basement I believe and one of the zombies is interesting. I remember it having a hole in its stomach with its spine exposed or a very elongated spine so it’s head was dragging. Not the zombies from Return of the dead and not any zombies from Land of the dead but it kinda was like the priest zombie that threw its neck to bite the character in land of the dead. If you know what movie I’m talking about please let me know what the title is. Please and thank you.

Shambler 20/01/10(Fri)21:22 No. 5687 ID: e722a4

Any other scenes you remember?
Also; year you watched this (so we can exclude latter films).

Shambler 20/02/03(Mon)02:56 No. 5690 ID: 530e8a

Return of the Living Dead is the movie you seek. One of my all time favorite movies! See >>796626 for a clip!

John Smith 21/09/04(Sat)22:27 No. 47891 Board: /eh/ [Reply]

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What does VN has instead of level design?
You know various game genres and most of all have it's own
levels. You have played enough to have own opinion and feelings about computer games. And on most of them you are moving behind different objects, fighting, talking, racing, trading with and against different characters and machines. There is designers work behind level creation and object placement of them. Strong professionals also take care about the golden ratio, you can see it at least in Quake, Sin, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, Amid Evil, Ion Fury.
But when it comes to visual novels, it breaks the common structure: levels are bunch of text and images. And when it comes to level design in this game genre: what matters? And what does this design really represent as work, as process and as an object placement?

John Smith 21/09/05(Sun)15:19 No. 47893

Dear John,



John Smith 21/09/19(Sun)10:54 No. 47909

John is right, try to see it as a novel instead of a game. It is in the name, after all.

Anonymous 19/08/12(Mon)17:37 No. 16834 Board: /sci/ ID: 723437 [Reply]

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Is it good boy point or great britain pound , and is the great britain pound a good boy point for the country?

Anonymous 19/08/12(Mon)17:42 No. 16835 ID: 723437

Ok im a fucking moron i forgot the fucking question
What is GBP?

Anonymous 20/04/18(Sat)08:28 No. 16909 ID: 5a6744

1 GBP has been deducted

Anonymous 20/04/19(Sun)15:08 No. 16910 ID: fca2d4

It's actually stands for Great Big Penis. Why else do you think women are attracted to men with money.

More Money = Bigger Penis

Anonymous 21/02/28(Sun)21:09 No. 37483 Board: /fit/ [Reply]

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I have been drinking nothing but Mountain Dew since quarantine. I know this is bad for my health but I only just learned what it does specifically to the brain. How damaged am I and is it reversible (mostly worried about the brain) if serious?

Anonymous 21/04/06(Tue)03:41 No. 37653

Neuroplasticity works wonders, baby. You can make a full recovery, but it needs to be cold turkey, moderation is not an option. To speed up your progress, exercise consistently as much as possible (preferably cardio) and keep diet fairly strict.

John Smith 21/08/08(Sun)15:50 No. 47854 Board: /eh/ [Reply]

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interesting to note that dear john, being the common clause, if that is the correct term, that starts many threads also resembles the cliche "dear john" letters received in the military.

John Smith 21/08/08(Sun)19:43 No. 47855

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Wasn't that always the point?

John Smith 21/08/28(Sat)16:44 No. 47872

John has always been synonymous with anonymity and the "everyman". I'd love to know the history, but regardless, that is a direct link on purpose.

John Smith 24/04/21(Sun)15:13 No. 48922


Turks say the collapse of the USA is perfectly acceptable.

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