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Novice Equestrian 23/12/20(Wed)01:47 No. 825327

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Colorado just ruled that he can't run in their state. That's literal fascism. How long until the ruling is overturned?

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Sonichu 23/12/20(Wed)02:08 No. 825329

It isn't even 2024 yet, the timing seems a little off from dogebonk colorado

ian 23/12/20(Wed)02:39 No. 825330

It's not "literal fascism" whether or not you believe it's true.
Stop using words you don't understand.
Anyway, if they found he participated in an insurrection and didn't disqualify him, that would be unconstitutional.
Since he did stage an insurrection, he should be disqualified everywhere.

4chan user 23/12/20(Wed)06:21 No. 825333

You seem to have a misunderstanding of the Colorado Supreme Court decision. They issued a stayed ruling that would remove him from the Republican primary ballot that would only be in effect in the case that the United States Supreme Court itself issues a ruling by January 5th that :nigra: is indeed barred from running by virtue of the 14th amendment.

Panawave 23/12/20(Wed)07:36 No. 825334

The best part is a Colorado Republican elector group filed the original lawsuit, and it's mostly republican committees from other States that are fighting it.
It's theater, and a comedy at that!

Sonichu 23/12/20(Wed)08:57 No. 825337

No, facsim is when a strongman directs paramilitary forces to seize control of the government so he can be dictator for life, and the only reason that didn't happen is that Drumpf's army are a bunch of fat, incompetent, LARPing fa‌ggots.

Colorado is enforcing the law of the constitution, arguably to their interpretation. Those laws were passed by Congress, by representatives elected of the people and by the people to work for the people. This is democracy.

That said, this basically kicks the case up to the US Supreme Court where his friends will absolutely find a way to let him off because they all work for the Republican party, which arguably works for him. That is cronyism, a form of corruption.

History is not going to be kind to people like you, who went around acting like the louder and more often you lie the more you will get away with it.

Bob Ross 23/12/20(Wed)10:38 No. 825340


Conductor Cat 23/12/20(Wed)17:15 No. 825346

Yes, in many insurrections and coups, people working for the government already are part of it.
In fact, this is true in most cases.
Not sure why you felt like stating the obvious.

Homicide 23/12/20(Wed)18:54 No. 825347

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Sonichu 23/12/20(Wed)23:33 No. 825349

I'm a pedophile so this ad hominem falls a little flat yall

youre a spider expert

Conductor Cat 24/02/17(Sat)21:42 No. 826573

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I just voted in Colorado primary the other day and Donald :nigra: was indeed on the ballot.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/18(Sun)16:30 No. 826586

Did you get high and vote for him cause it would be so hilarious if he won, like you did in 2016?

4chan user 24/02/19(Mon)00:11 No. 826591

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>>826586 No...did you?
Probably should've got high.
I did not vote for Patriotic Nigra or for KFC bucket.
Today I discovered Colonel Sanders ran for Kentucky senator and lost by less than 200 votes.

symbion 24/02/19(Mon)04:34 No. 826596

I'd probably give it a month or two, just to wait for the legal ball to roll.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/02/20(Tue)05:04 No. 826615

And ever since then KFC has sucked ass.

r000t 24/02/20(Tue)05:28 No. 826616

You're saying KFC has sucked since 1951?

Sazpaimon 24/02/21(Wed)02:19 No. 826626


Closet Furry 24/02/22(Thu)20:03 No. 826668

:nigra: :kfc:

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