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Lorf 24/01/25(Thu)03:11 No. 826258

File 170614867430.gif - (229.21KB , 1200x1200 , 1703837473436.gif )

I know this is a little bit late, but are we still raiding the epilepsy forum?

Spiderman 24/01/25(Thu)15:40 No. 826269

File 170619361624.jpg - (121.55KB , 639x640 , 1950s-telephone-booth-stuffing-1-1.jpg )

That's played out mom

We're all phone booth stuffing now. There's a big raid on all the phone booths next to the scientology office in the works. You can check out anonymous' LiveJournal page for details.

If you really want to be on the cutting edge, I heard there is this thing called planking, we are going to doing to really wreck the man! I'm not sure of all the details. But like I said check out the LiveJournal page; I'm sure they give us directions there

r000t 24/02/23(Fri)22:48 No. 826713

File 170872489889.jpg - (131.02KB , 1200x1067 , Anon & Tumblr.jpg )

More things to look foward to:


>That's why the 2014 ""Tumblr Raid"" was such an abject failure. Just in terms of objective demographics, Tumblr and NIGGERTITS had a massive amount of overlap: Terminally online, socially isolated, nerdy American Millenials/GenXers who liked anime, gore, art, weird porn, webcomics, esoteric music, trolling each other and screaming about politics.
The ACTUAL reason the current timeline is messed up is because anons in the early 2010s were supposed to find a tumblr girlfriend but instead all we got is fighting and now women and men are like 20 percentage points politically different from each other.

Just imagine what could have been.

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