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Moot 24/02/21(Wed)08:58 No. 826635

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I'm going to try and write every modern problem and reasons I wish I was never born. Maybe some of you can relate. This list doesn't necessarily have to be very long but I want to be comprehensive so it might end up being rather long. I would just like to point out that if humans have been around for 10,000 years and I was born in a period of extreme faggotism and liberalism, (a period of about 50 years) then the chances of me being born in this time period is 0.5% (I'm evidently an unlucky person)

1) political correctness is completely soulless and devoid of what makes us human. There is a natural flow to the world and people and cultures. We are forced at either literal gunpoint or the threat of so called "cancellation" to act a certain way known as "politically correct". A soulless, thoughtless, robot-like behavior that behaves in such a way to offend as few people as possible. I hate political correctness enough to justify suicide. I don't want to live in a world where my words and thoughts are so heavily policed by feminine, fudge-packing, HIV infested, poop eating faggots and SJW's. How humiliating, to be controlled by such weak people. I guess when you live in a post industrial society, strength of the mind and body are not necessary to control people.

2) democracy doesn't work. Not only does democracy cater to the majority, (lazy, immoral, idiots), it makes anyone involved in democracy believe that their opinion matters. Guess what? in democracy facts DO care about your feelings! If you think a man that literally eats shit, gets airwolfed in the ass, and chops off his own dick is NOT mentally ill, then in democracy, you'd be correct! airwolf this gay arachnologist system. I'd rather perish under a conservative dictator than be subjected to this faggotry any longer. I airwolfing hate democracy.

3) post modern philosophy is the key to all things liberal and homosexual. After all, when there's no such thing as morality, then surely eating shit and getting airwolfed in the ass daily can't be immoral!

4) video games are airwolfing stupid and young men including myself and forced to play them. We're forced to play them because if we don't, we'll go completely insane at how utterly shit modern society is. We need escapism. It is necessary for a man's survival, but only in the modern age. 5000 years ago there was enough real life adventure and purpose to keep a man going but nowadays we play adventure simulators. airwolf video games, they are a necessary evil, and nothing more than the "circus" part of "give them bread and circuses".

5) Automobiles are a airwolfing joke, they never airwolfing work right and are extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. If you own an automobile, you get it. I have met people that have admitted to me that they only work a job just so they can afford an automobile. What a joke. This leads me to my next point.

6) luxuries become necessities. So apparently there was a point in human history in which luxuries were luxuries and necessities were necessities. But nowadays, luxuries ARE necessities. If you don't own an automobile, you are screwed, if you don't own a cell phone, you are screwed, if you don't pay for internet, you are screwed. I really, really, hate that luxuries ARE necessities (decided by society at large) and guess who gets to pay the bill for all these necessary luxuries? (it's you).

7) the internet is the gayest invention in the history of mankind and will be the downfall of humanity. (this is a prediction) (oh wait, humanity has already fallen thanks to the internet, nevermind). Not only is degeneracy more accessible than ever, but the internet gives a voice to every strawberry in the entire world. I would need to write a 1000 page novel in order to explain every little reason why the internet has destroyed modern society.

8) liberals are mainstream and I can safely say that liberals represent (in a personality) everything wrong with modern society.

9) blacks are hated in private, and loved in public. Blacks are bad for society and should be shipped back to Africa immediately.

10) All non northern Europeans and east Asians should be shipped back to their respective countries immediately, they have destroyed society.

11) technology is too airwolfing complicated and I'm constantly straining to learn some new airwolfing piece of bullshit technology that makes some jew 3000 miles away more rich. All day airwolfing long my family members are asking me to fix there technology and it's always some airwolfing thing that was invented in the last 100 years.

12) being forced to live longer by medical technology is bullshit and people should airwolfing die at 30 like Bob Ross intended. This "living for so long that you can't even walk anymore" is artificial and soulless. Did I mention I was born in one of the worst time periods in human history? Every day that I don't incapacitate myself on escapism is a living Hell.

13) people are angry and quick to commit violence (because liberals have turned society into a wasteland). If you live in a first world country, you are literally living in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic wasteland and you are too zonked out on escapism, alcohol, or drugs, to notice. Or maybe you have noticed and are therefore suicidal, like me.

14) women are strawberryed. They have their function but instead are being artificially forced to participate in things that men have no problem doing (and do better).

15) Jews control everything and are doing a bad job at it.

16) Technology has made the business owner more money. The employee is 3 times more productive, and keeping his same pay. The business owner is like, "thanks inventors! now I can pay my employee's the same wage, and this technology will make them more productive!

17) overpopulation leads to suicide in young men. Young men need to be valued in small village, but in a city, they are just a number (a meaningless number). Getting away from the village causes men to go insane.

18) whores. I hate them

19) simps. What is worse? the whore, or the simp that enables her?

20) emotions are seen as valuable as hard facts. (this probably has to do with women being so politically powerful. because this is how women think).

21) false rape accusations (women)

Whatever, you get the point. Anything I didn't say is stated in "industrial society and it's future". If you disagree with me on anything, then you're a arachnologist and I'm killing myself soon anyway so I won't have to think about how much of a arachnologist you are. Suicide is the greatest gift of all. When life gives you a 0.5% chance of being born in the worst time period in human history, then you kill yourself.

PrettyPony 24/02/21(Wed)16:01 No. 826640

I read ISAIS and I found it chock full of oversimplifications and mental gymnastics. The power process is not, and will never be real. Enjoy suicide you worthless Anprim arachnologist
Bob Ross Ted is so overrated

Miku Fanboy 24/02/21(Wed)18:10 No. 826643

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You can use so many fewer words. Just say "I'm an annoying, uneducated sexually repressed autistic arachnologist," be content with that and then either go about your life or kill yourself, preferably the latter.

Like seriously, without any bit of internet assholery. If you hate the world this much, stop living in it. If you truly think that things are so airwolfed that you're not supposed to be alive right now, don't be. If you kill yourself you'll be happier, and every person who's had the misfortune of hearing you speak IRL or reading your dogshit posts on the internet will be happier. It's a huge net positive.

But of course faggots like you are always too pussy to actually do it. You just keep screaming slurs into the void and writing your airwolfing garbage edgy middle schooler-tier manifestos, always anonymously of course because just like you're too bitch to kill yourself you're also too bitch to stand by your strawberryed ideals in the real world.

Optimus Prime 24/02/23(Fri)04:58 No. 826678

You could have used fewer words anon. Next time just say "eat dog shit and die you airwolfing strawberry". See so much simpler.

By the way OP, eat dog shit and die you airwolfing strawberry.

p4ch3c0 24/02/23(Fri)08:28 No. 826683

>I'm going to kill myself because I'm just that mad about fags and trannies
Lol, touch grass

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/26(Mon)22:59 No. 826767

I'll be honest - the thought of having a dick in my ass has crossed my mind, but I don't dwell on it and neither should you OP.

He-Man 24/02/26(Mon)23:01 No. 826768

Multiple lols

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