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We are in the process of fixing long-standing bugs with the thread reader. This will probably cause more bugs for a short period of time. Buckle up.

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

WebM is now available sitewide! Please check this thread for more info.

4chan user 24/02/23(Fri)20:23 No. 826706

File 170871618456.png - (170.45KB , 333x414 , Tech.png )

Sorry everyone, I can't make new threads. (ಥ﹏ಥ) I also can't post webms apparently.

Hiya 7chan! ヾ(・ω・o)

Happy Snow Moon! Well, not for me. Where I live has been in a very high deficit of snow the last few years. If you are lucky, you can go outside tonight or tommorow with a crystal clear sky and snow on the ground and trees and have the full moon light up the night! Almost like daytime! I love those moons.

Annnyyyway... The Full Snow Moon will become full tommorow morning (February 23rd) at 7:30AM but the moon will be below the horizon at that time so your best chance to see it is both tonight and tommorow night. This moon will be a micromoon and it will be at its apogee or farthest point from Earth. 252,225 miles to be exact.

I hope you have a great viewing! If you have snow on the ground, and if the conditions are right to brave the cold weather, I highly reccomend you go outside and have a look and enjoy the white snow reflecting the light of the moon. It's a beautiful experience! b( ̄▽ ̄*) Night!

:*:・。,☆゜'・🌕:*:・。,❄️{{(>∇<)}}🎿 ❄️。🌨️・:・゜'☆,。・:

r000t 24/02/23(Fri)20:25 No. 826707

This was what I was trying to post as OP.


Cryomancer 24/02/23(Fri)20:38 No. 826708


Lorf 24/02/23(Fri)21:16 No. 826709

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I have never been able to post webms here.
I blame the government.

Closet Furry 24/02/23(Fri)21:18 No. 826710

File 170871949020.jpg - (25.03KB , 467x413 , d940e71523987c341b9af8a884231dcd9bfad4499b703dcf53.jpg )



O.P. 24/02/23(Fri)23:33 No. 826716

File 170872761789.gif - (258.83KB , 300x220 , 954bfaca59d5335b7b237f3139aa75e0b107bdc46b574419c8.gif )

Hmmm... I just noticed I can't post ANY webms. I thought I was able to at some point. When did this happen?

Steve 24/02/24(Sat)04:17 No. 826720

File 170874467736.png - (262.43KB , 483x576 , 1663969410148308.png )


I started coming back here in 2018-19 so atleast that long for me.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/24(Sat)05:11 No. 826721

that's pretty neat, a proto 2d hologram, coolios, I've seen holos that have volume though, those are rare and expenssive iirc

Homicide 24/02/24(Sat)05:12 No. 826722

that's prertty weird I felt as if you had been since 2010's for some reason, lol, silly me

symbion 24/02/24(Sat)06:29 No. 826723

Not much snow this year. Kinda sucks but also not.

zeneslev 24/02/24(Sat)07:25 No. 826724

File 170875595852.png - (141.24KB , 774x572 , welcometo7chan.png )


Ive been here visiting since this place was about a month old.

tee 24/02/24(Sat)13:34 No. 826728

Cool! I (OP) have been coming here since the closet furry board. I remember things that happened like /b/ day but I dont think I was a part of that. Also raiding things like Hal Turner and calling Tom Green. I don't know when I first officially came here. It was probably pretty early but the times I really remember was the closet furry board and random/fun posting in /b/. I remember 12chan also existed and nekomimichan also existed but I didn't go to those very much.

Lasers by a fan who puts on laser light shows over cities.

Oh, I have! That other Liru user hasn't though. (^ω^)

Sucks alot. I miss when there was lots of snow here. ( /_\)

Anyyywayys... I had a great viewing last night. It was pretty nice just a tiny bit hazy. New cell phones take some pretty nice moon shots considering the little aperture when zoomed in! (⊙_⊙) I wonder how good it would be if it wasn't a tiny bit hazy. Maybe tonight!

Closet Furry 24/02/24(Sat)13:44 No. 826729

seeing it last night was beautiful. the town filled with a thick fog, which is my favorite type of weather, and I saw the full moon behind clouds that almost shone blue.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/24(Sat)18:11 No. 826730

Every time the moon is full I remember to check 7chan again for the moon facts, thanks Liru-chan. The clouds broke just in time for me to catch it.

Mudkip 24/02/24(Sat)20:42 No. 826731

I saw the Moon rise in the east in Stockholm last evening. I took the bus from Slussen to Sickla. Doesn't really say much, but "Saltsjön" is facing the land of the dawn, everything begins there.

r000t 24/02/24(Sat)22:53 No. 826734

there's two lirus now, and one of them is a tubo newfag, great, great, not really

Nyan Cat 24/02/25(Sun)03:32 No. 826737

You got co-opted?

Makes sense.

Sad, but I suppose as soon as anyone establishes a trustworthy identity someone is going to try and abuse that trust.

Reimu Hakurei 24/02/25(Sun)17:58 No. 826748

File 170888029278.png - (1.65MB , 1286x845 , ieughiaeudhg.png )

I remember when 7chan was a place to post the password for 12chan. Those were...odd times.

Got to spend some time looking at the moon last night around 11:30. It was cold but no wind and the sky was crystal clear. Perfect!

Sonichu 24/02/25(Sun)22:26 No. 826751

File 170889637562.jpg - (67.04KB , 581x607 , 1623055114220.jpg )


Wat? Nobody is trying to imply they are the liruposter.


Also wat? Not that ive ever been but i dont remember needing a passwurd to go there, just some link hop no jitsu crap.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/02/25(Sun)23:06 No. 826752

File 170889879649.png - (400.83KB , 768x576 , GF9x67AXEAAXY9B.png )

I think I remember you posting pics from your bike rides years ago. (ツ) I might be wrong. As for 7chan/12chan I don't remember passwords though I didn't go to the dirty boards. Just whatever random boards there were.

I don't mind if other people post Liru. In fact, I encourage it. I guess just don't be a jerk to people. I hope people wouldn't think that would be me. It was quite clear late last night. 🌌

Steve 24/02/26(Mon)01:42 No. 826753


Im only postin liru pics because its on topic.
Its a force of habit.

Lorf 24/03/08(Fri)19:19 No. 826963

Webm still doesn't work. Oh well.

tee 24/03/10(Sun)15:34 No. 826988


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