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PrettyPony 24/04/07(Sun)21:58 No. 827307

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Today, I said goodbye to my friend.
My parents rescued him from the streets, 12 years ago, and from that moment, he became a part of our family.

Cancer took him away today. It was a tough battle and he couldn't fight it anymore. Watching him slip away was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

I stayed by his side until the very end, holding his paw and letting him know that he was a good boy.
I wish I could've traded places with him.
He deserved all the love in the world.

I wanted to share his memory with you all.
Here's a picture of him from 2021.

Moot 24/04/08(Mon)00:40 No. 827308

Sorry, OP. I know that feel.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/04/08(Mon)00:46 No. 827309

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My condolences OP... (;﹏;)

Weeabot 24/04/08(Mon)23:25 No. 827319

I'm sure he was a good doggo.

Sonichu 24/04/09(Tue)00:34 No. 827320

He's in the big dogpark in the sky now, OP. Where beef stock flows in the rivers and the trees are made of squirrel bones.

poe 24/04/09(Tue)13:26 No. 827326

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I hate the end so much I sometimes wonder if I'd be better off not having pets at all.

My sincere condolences.

O.P. 24/04/09(Tue)14:35 No. 827328


symbion 24/04/12(Fri)01:15 No. 827339

This is why we read Old Yeller in third grade.

It sucks, but life goes on. Remember the good times.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/12(Fri)23:58 No. 827353

The sadness of losing them is greatly outweighed by the happiness we bring into their lives, and they bring into ours.

I know that feel OP. We brought a dog into our family when I was 10. It was about a year or two after we lost the dog my mother got when she was pregnant with me. He got really sick and passed away at the age of 14 while I was away in college. My dad called me at work, pretty much crying, to tell me they had taken the dog to the vet because he was having his regular problems. At the vet, he went into crisis and never came home. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to hear, knowing that I hadn't been home in months to see my furry little brother. Even after the pain and guilt, I wouldn't have traded the years I had with him.

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