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>Or are you one of those fucks that can't move on from high school drama even though you're, like, 27?
Is this your first time on an imageboard? This is basically the only reason imageboards even existed in the first place. Because Mommy and Daddy didn't give 'em the colonostickectomy they desperately needed, they end up viewing everything like a Mean Girls character. They call everyone else normies, because they want to pretend like they're somehow different despite consuming the exact same product as anyone else. Doing everything exactly opposite from "The Mainstream" is the same thing as doing everything exactly like "The Mainstream." You're still using What Everyone Else is Doing as your primary point of reference. It's the same kind of stupid that is practiced by Satanists who worship the Christian Devil. They treat websites like clubhouses, literal boys rule/girls drool type shit. They have nothing to offer. No personality, no hobbies, no interests, no contributions, nothing. They'll make all these claims about how they care about people, unlike those damn dirty libs, but I say, let's be real: you don't care about fat people's health. You don't care about the women being raped by refugees. You certainly don't care about children for any of the multitude of reason you pretend to care about children (education, health care, protecting them from the gays, protecting them from the trans, COVID lockdowns, etc). Nobody is buying your bullshit pretending to care. Do you know why? Because we know how people who actually care about other people act, and it's nothing like the way you act. They cry about free speech, but let's be real: they wish they could be obnoxious assholes but absolutely fear the consequences. They like to boast how they grew up watching B&B, South Park, WWF/WCW, and the like, and yet every single time they're asked how they'd fix the West, it's all the most basic bitch social conservative/cultural puritan shit imaginable. We went from Beavis and Butthead trying to score with college sluts to millennial "men" trying to go "trvdpilled," like what the fuck is this shit? We went from George Carlin (props to the self-hating anon who posted that based skit) to fucking SJW ownage compilations? Is TikTok cringe? Sure, but your wojaks and pepes and what not aren't even close to being better; Gen X gave us The Simpsons/KOTH/B&B/South Park, and millennials have given us what, exactly? Elliot Rodger's real problem wasn't his misogyny, it's that he was a fucking millennial like all the others. Minassian? Millennial. Tarrant? Millennial. Millennials like to talk about boomers and zoomers, but look at all the SHIT that's come from your generation: incels, femcels, SJWs, idpol, the systematic destruction of every IP with endless nostalgiatard reboots, remakes, etc; you turned literature into a total joke (everything has to be le woke YA or le based poor man's Infinite Jest), you simped for the worst aspects of gaming and burned everyone else out on it that they had no choice BUT to go woke, you spent decades whining about boomers killing the world only to simp for them en masse during COVID-time. They like to pretend their surrogate fathers (tell me how you're admitting your father was right about how much of a loser you were without admitting...) are these paragons of masculinity, but they chimp out when you remind them with facts like that Biden grew up as a tradcath middle-class football playing chad in Pennsylvania while Trump grew up as a godless underachieving, son of a millionaire in the most Jewish (!!!!) part of New York. And they even literally thought outing Biden's son as a dude who does lots of drugs and gets lots of pussy would somehow harm Biden. You could ask what planet they live on, but like I said, they don't have any principles: as long as it pisses off somebody, that's all they care about. It's why I laugh when people try to call them fascists and Nazis: bitch, the only thing they're conquering is their local McDonalds! And because of their failure to launch, Millennials (not all millennials are Idpoltards, but all Idpoltards are millennials) have seized control of youth culture in a way that even the Boomers didn't manage. Millennials are existing within and dominating teen spaces. They are always there and will not fuck off. And why? Because you said it yourself: they can't get over high school. It's why kids all left comics for manga, while all the adults are making cringey videos like "Superhero Comics Are For Men" and coming up with Comicsgate. It's why kids are playing games like GTA V with literal anal sex scenes, while adults are too busy clutching pearls over a slightly off-color joke in a YA book that would've fit right as home on an episode of Bojack Horseman. Millennials knew the Iraq/Afghan wars were total bullshit, but enlisted anyway. Try getting a zoomer to die for Israel/boomers/whoever today - that's the ONLY reason the military went woke: it's because everyone else fucking knows the score. Same reason the NFL/NBA went woke: nobody cares anymore. Sports as a whole are on the decline because it's basically a handful of big markets and a bunch of glorified farm teams in every league, and the woke shit is a Hail Mary to try to get kids to watch, 'cause out of touch boomers think a bunch of blue checkmarks = youth culture.
We're literally at the point that millennials are going transgenerational, pretending to be other generations entirely, at least online, because even they can't stand themselves. I know I'd hate it too if all my generation ever contributed was Rupi Kaur and fucking wojaks. The fact that Sally fucking Rooney is being called the voice of your generation....but then again, it sorta fits, considering how effeminate millennials are: imagine believing literal gossip sites like Kiwi Farms and pencil neck geek hugboxes like imageboards are the last vestige of the old internet. Imagine actually trying to gatekeep the internet, when it was literally created for everybody, not for a bunch of behind the times faggots who can't get over the fact no one wants to read NIGGERKIKETRANNY every fucking other post.
2028. That's when Gen Z hits voting age. That's when it's curtains out for millennials. No great art, no great literature, no great cinema. Say what you want about boomers, but at least people still remember dad rock. Imagine being a generation that's so forgettable, even silents have had more of an impact.