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Brain meds Anonymous 21/07/19(Mon)18:03 No. 13984

File 162671062226.jpg - (2.72MB , 3968x2976 , 1626710603956652636476178913307.jpg )

Have several bottles of citicoline (1000mg) and Cerebrolysin (215mg).

Anything fun I can do with them?

Anonymous 22/10/08(Sat)02:03 No. 14225

What the hell is this shit? Never heard of it/

Anonymous 22/10/08(Sat)07:50 No. 14227

it's not cool to steal grandma's meds, anon.

Anonymous 22/10/10(Mon)21:54 No. 14232

I suppose if you are brain damaged then the latter might help you but choline is ok for mild stim dunno what injecting it would be like. Did you take these from your demented grandma?

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