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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 22/11/01(Tue)06:24 No. 14250

File 16672802588.gif - (493.28KB , 500x271 , Peyote Flower.gif )

People who have tried mescaline, how did it compare to other psychedelics? I've wanted to try it for a long time as I've heard that it's often people's favorite because of it's calmness, visuals, and mdma like effects.

Anonymous 22/11/09(Wed)19:46 No. 14256

if the tryptamine feels of shrooms are like boards of canada then the phenethylamine feels of mescaline is like venetian snares

Anonymous 22/11/18(Fri)22:22 No. 14279

lol no.

It's mellower, gentler, longer lasting than shrooms, IME very forgiving and caring/wise.

Yeah it has the entactogenic/empathogenic effect like molly, but honestly a much better drug than it. Love it fr

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