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Binomial Irgendwas Anonymous 18/09/11(Tue)02:39 No. 16694 ID: f54f31

File 153662638063.jpg - (29.41KB , 331x400 , confused1.jpg )

I have a question with regards to what I would call a particular object that enumerates the elements of a binomial coefficient. Let me explain the thing first.

Lets say I have 6 elements and I'd like to choose 4 of the stupid things. The binomial coefficient tells me that there are 15 of these groupings. I.e. these:
I would like to enumerate over these groupings; and I have an object that does.

My question then is, what would I call the thing that enumerates over those groupings?
Binomial Enumerator?

Anonymous 18/09/11(Tue)18:27 No. 16695 ID: be6f8f

The technical term for each of those "groupings" as you call them is "combination". The action of picking combinations is usually called "choosing" (e.g. 6C4 is read "6 choose 4").
So you could call the enumerator "combination enumerator", "combinator", or "chooser". I think those are all acceptable names.

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