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Would you like to figure out and easy way Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)04:55 No. 18291 ID: 838b0b

File 165716253059.png - (13.87KB , 737x625 , 124.png )

to find the hardest thing to do in horology? What is the length and function of curvature of D?

Have fun, stupids

Anonymous 22/07/07(Thu)18:25 No. 18293 ID: 838b0b

Your image isn't accurate, are they supposed to be circles?

Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)17:58 No. 18296 ID: 38f731

The problem is insufficiently specified.

Anonymous 22/12/26(Mon)06:27 No. 18425 ID: c9d146

File 167203247474.jpg - (75.45KB , 1024x577 , 00 (3).jpg )

Use parabolic arcs

John+Dent 24/06/02(Sun)13:55 No. 18740 ID: c5ea75

Easy. Circumference of D=2(pi)r^2

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