/cake/ -
Welcome to /cake/, 7chan's board for drawn lolicon material.
The rules are as follows:
- This board is not for the discussion of real life lolicon experiences. All threads relating to such content are subject to deletion and a ban.
- Cartoons and photorealistic images will be deleted on sight. Offenders will be banned.
- A character's canon age is irrelevant on this board. Should a character appear to be a loli, for all intents and purposes, they are.
- This board is for porn, not for in-depth discussion of the subject matter of said porn. Repeat offenders will be banned and their threads deleted.
- Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
- Toddlercon is NOT permitted. Any such posts are subject to deletion. Repeat offenders will be banned.
- Remember that the global rules and FAQ still apply here, just like on every 7chan board.
![I <3 cunny!](https://7chan.org/skrt/src/168356281292.png)
How to dump an entire directory.
- Supported file types are:
- Maximum file size allowed is 40960 KB.
- Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
- Currently 598 unique user posts.
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Blotter updated: 2018-08-24
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08/24/18 - We're still having some server issues after the move. Try again if you get a 502. Stay tuned~