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/di/ - Sexy Beautiful Traps

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Any guys like transboi dick/big clits? Or is everyone into transgirls? ftmboi 19/08/25(Sun)22:45 No. 107910

File 156676594727.jpg - (130.75KB , 720x1280 , xxx3.jpg )

ftm trans boi with a really sensitive little dick and a wet boi pussy. not sure if anyone here is into trans bois or if most people are only into trans girls...its so hard to find guys who are into me.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/08/26(Mon)02:27 No. 107911

Post tits.
I'm into it.

Femcock Enjoyer 19/08/26(Mon)15:11 No. 107912

I’m into it too. I especially like when FTMs haven’t had top surgery and have a nice set of hairy tits and a nice belly.

Winter_One 19/08/27(Tue)05:26 No. 107914

I'm down

Femcock Enjoyer 19/09/08(Sun)09:15 No. 107928

I'm into it so hard! Would love boyfriend like this.

Femcock Enjoyer 20/11/09(Mon)02:42 No. 108489

pussy? nah

Hiii Olivrr 22/06/04(Sat)03:05 No. 109099

If ur looking for an ftm cutie messge me at ollies_frogs23

Femcock Enjoyer 22/06/09(Thu)19:44 No. 109106

hi cytie can we talk

Femcock Enjoyer 23/03/20(Mon)21:08 No. 109370

lol op posts and never is hard from again

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