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John Smith 24/08/19(Mon)02:51 No. 48985

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Do you ever have moments in your life where you feel like youre in a sitcom?

John Smith 24/10/15(Tue)11:57 No. 49026

You've probably been watching too many sitcoms, John, but now that you mention it, for years I suffered, mildly, from a paranoid delusion that my entire existence might be an experiment being conducted by unseen observers.

John Smith 24/10/15(Tue)22:50 No. 49027

i get u
when i was like 5 i used to think i was a robot and my eyes were cameras

John Smith 24/10/17(Thu)00:51 No. 49028

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OP how often do you report this question?

>Do you ever have moments in your life where you feel like youre in a sitcom?

I think you posted it on /x last time if that helps

John Smith 24/10/17(Thu)22:39 No. 49029

Can you show me where?
I never posted this question anywhere else before, but if I did, show me.

John Smith 24/10/17(Thu)23:46 No. 49030

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Well if was not you someone ask the same question
I checked /x it's gone I don't know if there's an archive
If there is let me know I'll have another look
till then
"I'll be seeing you"

John Smith 24/11/03(Sun)22:30 No. 49041

When I was a little kid I did. Then I grew up a little and realized that sitcoms are notoriously bad and poorly written, and I should be able to do better than that with any effort at all.

John Smith 24/11/07(Thu)20:33 No. 49045

No I've never had such moments. Maybe some day I will have one or even more of those, but it certainly seems that it is yet to be discovered and it is quite impossible to imagine what would that kind of a moment be like for me... since I have no experience, but that might be subject to change, depending on whether those sit-com moments will or will not be happening to me in reality sometime in future. Or, that's how I see it, I can be wrong of course, but I might be right as well, as there is no way for me to (or anybody, really, if you think about it) tell that, unless someone comes up with some way of knowing in advance, be that technological or based on some other form of knowing that we are still unaware of.

John Smith 25/01/11(Sat)01:29 No. 49081

Truman Show?

John Smith 25/01/19(Sun)20:50 No. 49085

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Sometimes I look off to the side during stupid moments as if I'm making eye contact with an non-existent audience but I do it as a joke for myself. I don't think my life is t.v. or anything.

John Smith 25/01/24(Fri)03:45 No. 49086

You know how I deal with awkward situations?Just emotionally detach myself.

And limit my social interactions.

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