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Crime in an Area? How to check? Big Dunk 22/08/14(Sun)21:08 No. 3715

File 166050412455.png - (132.36KB , 404x404 , 45yuj76.png )

So what website do you have to fucking use to get good information? I'm trying to move to another city and I saw on the news there's lots of killing in one area that's black on black.

I want to check if it's going to be near my job or apartment. How the fuck do you check? I'll be there on assignment for two years while a school is being built.

Cato 22/08/15(Mon)09:40 No. 3716

The only good place to get good info is your own brain. 4chan and /pol/ isnt what it used to be. Nowadays its just a buncha bots.

but if you must know, Christianity real and we are in a fight vs hell.

Big+Dunk 22/08/15(Mon)18:26 No. 3718

Man you really fucking think there isn't any website to see crime? Mannnnnnnnnnnnnn
My new place will be 6 doors down for a church so that ain't bad.

Modern Mom 23/01/18(Wed)06:03 No. 3770

google "racial demographics [place name]".

Modern Mom 24/04/05(Fri)02:35 No. 3987

When the US was a free country, you might have thought that everyone loved freedom, peace, and a balanced budget.

Now that the USA is a police state, Americans can easily see who are the slaves and patriots.

Anyone who obeys the law is a traitor and anyone who resists is a rebel.

Modern Mom 24/05/16(Thu)04:06 No. 3992


Not to the second accurate or anything but will give you a pretty good idea the vibe of a given city, and a good lul.

Modern Mom 24/07/04(Thu)02:47 No. 4025

what is this tumblr shit? cringe

Modern Mom 24/11/28(Thu)13:54 No. 4163

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

Modern Mom 24/11/28(Thu)18:05 No. 4165

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>Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but
no they don't
>Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.
because those aren't the reasons they try to escape, retard. you are using an extreme example with unrelated issues to make your point.

people try to escape cuba because:

1. america's embargo has crippled their economy since it started, making importing and creating goods to modernize their society nearly impossible
2. their government is oppressive against exploitative organizations, which is why the vast majority of "refugees" from cuba were plantation and business owners who treated their workers like slaves
3. upward mobility and access to international markets (which are stifled by america's embargo)
4. america's "Cuban Adjustment Act" which encourages cubans to immigrate to america, and grants them citizenship much faster than most other immigrants

these aren't the only reasons, and cuba's government isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. they do suppress and use surveillance against dissidents regularly, but so does the united states government, just in a more secretive manner.

regardless, universal healthcare and gun control aren't anywhere on the list. you're fucking retarded.

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