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Atheism Spectrum Disorder Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)17:24 No. 15387 ID: 01d296

File 171362667282.gif - (536.60KB , 480x270 , autism.gif )

>Religious believers intuitively conceptualize deities as intentional agents with mental states who anticipate and respond to human beliefs, desires and concerns. It follows that mentalizing deficits, associated with the autistic spectrum and also commonly found in men more than in women, may undermine this intuitive support and reduce belief in a personal God.
>...it is possible that the autism spectrum is associated with interest in math, science, and engineering (IMSE), which in turn reduces religious belief.

If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves. If your life is based on numerical values in a graph, calculations using formulas and looking at the world through a mechanistic lense then you become sociopathic.
I've never met an autistic person that wasn't socially awkward and giving off creepy serial killer vibes.

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Anonymous 24/11/08(Fri)08:58 No. 15753 ID: 75425f

Sounds like mental health issues.

Anonymous 24/11/11(Mon)13:27 No. 15756 ID: babdf2

Obviously. Autists have this peculiar tendency of interpreting everything as an insult if it isn't outright praise of something.

Anonymous 24/11/12(Tue)09:27 No. 15758 ID: 52f22c

I've seen that so many times it becomes annoying. They think everything has to do with themselves or their own person as if the world revolves around them and everyone is out to get them in any given social situation. It's no wonder there is a crossover between autism and schizophrenia.

Anonymous 24/11/12(Tue)14:50 No. 15759 ID: ce5ea4

If it doesn't follow a specific pattern then the autists is unable to grasp it.

Anonymous 24/11/13(Wed)15:21 No. 15761 ID: 120352

Literal binary machines draped in flesh.

Anonymous 24/11/14(Thu)12:25 No. 15763 ID: cc7459

They trust the science no matter what.

Anonymous 24/11/15(Fri)08:16 No. 15764 ID: 62090e

They're mentally unstable so it isn't surprising that you have to walk on eggshells when they're around.

Anonymous 24/11/19(Tue)09:15 No. 15765 ID: 52f22c

Reality doesn't make sense without it so they treat it as dogma.

Anonymous 24/11/20(Wed)10:29 No. 15766 ID: 9bb984

Snowflake syndrome.

Anonymous 24/11/21(Thu)15:11 No. 15768 ID: 204191

”Scientific” spergs.

Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)10:11 No. 15774 ID: e0342e

It causes a disturbance in their moderation of the self.

Anonymous 24/11/26(Tue)14:46 No. 15775 ID: d89ceb

Autistic approaches in everything.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)08:20 No. 15780 ID: 52f22c

Worst possible idea ever.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)14:52 No. 15781 ID: 2085ba

I think they can’t actual grasp what they are.

Anonymous 24/11/29(Fri)15:52 No. 15783 ID: 366d52

That’s all they have.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)08:09 No. 15784 ID: 087fa3

Being human is completely the opposite of what they experience.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)14:01 No. 15785 ID: 915276

No wonder they have no understanding of others.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)15:33 No. 15786 ID: 1445a0

Extreme aversion towards others.

Anonymous 24/12/03(Tue)15:23 No. 15787 ID: bea32b

It is always their perspective and nothing else.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)09:25 No. 15790 ID: 52f22c

That's because of their extreme self-awareness.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)12:40 No. 15791 ID: eef9af

So narrow it becomes a burden.

Anonymous 24/12/06(Fri)08:50 No. 15793 ID: 75425f

Don't forget their exaggerated sensitivity.

Anonymous 24/12/09(Mon)09:32 No. 15798 ID: 71f3f2

If you are unable to interpret information properly then everything will be hostile.

Anonymous 24/12/10(Tue)15:33 No. 15799 ID: f927de

I think that's their biggest defect.

Anonymous 24/12/11(Wed)08:48 No. 15800 ID: 6bf015

I've noticed that they easily get offended by the slightest comment. It's like they're made of glass.

Anonymous 24/12/12(Thu)14:31 No. 15802 ID: 3df903

What’s worse is when they forget their medication.

Anonymous 24/12/16(Mon)08:24 No. 15807 ID: 087fa3

They think they don't need it but they do.

Anonymous 24/12/16(Mon)14:10 No. 15810 ID: 9d6e03

Fragility is a word that doesn't describe them accurately because they go beyond that.

Anonymous 24/12/19(Thu)11:32 No. 15815 ID: 1060ca

I've encountered several autists that think marijuana is a good herbal medicine. Absolutely retarded.

Anonymous 24/12/19(Thu)13:28 No. 15816 ID: 20404b

If you consider the fact that there is comorbidity among autists (schizophrenia) and that new research shows that cannabis can trigger schizophrenia then it's not really a good choice to smoke blunts all day long.

Anonymous 24/12/20(Fri)16:10 No. 15817 ID: e00345

I've seen this too often. Some sperg tries to cure himself with bongs and joints but in the end he becomes more and more deranged because he never stops smoking. Sadly chronic behaviour.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)08:25 No. 15819 ID: 71f3f2

Indeed, and it only gets worse with time.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)10:45 No. 15820 ID: 5a7553

Autistic males on weed = Info Wars audience.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)14:08 No. 15821 ID: 40393f

Watch this


Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)13:59 No. 15826 ID: 50f5ba

Pretty much this. All the spergs love Alex Jones.

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)15:42 No. 15828 ID: e00345

The curse of the autistic mind.

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)16:07 No. 15829 ID: 1001cb


It's not so bad anon, you just ignore the whispers and keep your secret mask on, and nobody knows.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)07:05 No. 15851 ID: 5b5262

Anti-weed propaganda and typical strawmanning Meanwhile, alcohol is the most abused drug and often leads to violence and belligerence.
Also, irony is, most Info Wars fans are often neurotypical boomers who look down on weed.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)07:08 No. 15852 ID: 5b5262

Alcohol does far more damage.
Why is there no pathological concern over alcohol like there is for weed?

Alot of anti-weed folk are often rationalisers for alcohol

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)13:46 No. 15854 ID: 9d6e03

The way Alex Jones spergs out all the time is pretty much autistic temper tantrums.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)15:02 No. 15855 ID: 1445a0

Inevitably the burden no one wants.

Anonymous 25/01/02(Thu)08:59 No. 15860 ID: 52f22c

Take it easy, schizo. Put down the bong.

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)08:41 No. 15861 ID: 6d4202

And some ADHD.

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)15:14 No. 15862 ID: e00345

Alex Jones needs a lot of Ritalin.

Anonymous 25/01/07(Tue)13:14 No. 15863 ID: f927de

He's too high to understand what you're writing.

Anonymous 25/01/07(Tue)15:43 No. 15865 ID: ddce85

I feel sorry for his children. They will become fucked in the head.

Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)09:40 No. 15869 ID: 1ef628

Probably believes in aliens.

Anonymous 25/01/10(Fri)09:48 No. 15871 ID: 62090e

The pyramids were spacecrafts.

Anonymous 25/01/10(Fri)16:11 No. 15872 ID: e00345

They will become schizophrenic.

Anonymous 25/01/13(Mon)13:31 No. 15878 ID: 9d6e03

If we could eliminate all the autists then the world would be much more peaceful.


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