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Tall and not pretty = menial work Teenage Girl 22/07/06(Wed)03:04 No. 24945 ID: 838b0b

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I just found out way too late in my life if you are or big like Hogan you are a threat to coworkers just by you existing. There are tiny women there and they date tall men because of their threatening presence, but do not ever EVER want a threatening maniac in their work place.

If you're not really really gorgeous, have all your hair, yet are tall? Don't even try to get a job that pays well. They only want pretty people. Learn a trade, not even a jeweler, you will never ever be permitted to be around people.

THIS is the level the world has gone to anymore.

Teenage Girl 22/07/06(Wed)03:13 No. 24947 ID: 21d92f

Enough of this TFW no GF whining, goddamn. There's more to life than pussy.

Teenage Girl 22/07/06(Wed)04:49 No. 24949 ID: e60093

Bro, the world has always been that shallow. High-end jobs always hire based on looks and charm.
Back in the old days, they won't hire people who were single or secular, or non-white.

Hell, they were harsher on women in terms of aesthetic flaws.

I'm tired of these incel "lookism" threads popping up on here. Please go back to 4chan or LolCow or wherever the hell you come from.

Just shut up and grow up. I bet you're another whiny entitled white boy.

Boomers really fucked up with the self-esteem movement

Teenage Girl 22/07/06(Wed)04:49 No. 24950 ID: 838b0b

It's not about a fucking GF, retard. Did you read my post?

Teenage Girl 22/07/06(Wed)05:09 No. 24951 ID: e60093

You're whining about not being attractive to women because of your build. And you're making into a serious moral crisis.
Which is in the vein of TFW NO GF.

Please go here instead:8kun.top/doomer

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)10:42 No. 24961 ID: 4cef8d


Being a millennial is a mental disorder. Cis, trans, black, white, Christian, atheist, it don't matter. All this culture war shit came from millennials. I don't trust millennials. They're the ones shitting up the internet, calling everything problematic or degenerate, whining about Gen Z, scapegoating boomers. Hey, millennials! You will never own a home. You will never retire. You will never get married. You will never have kids. And we will be happy when you inevitably bite it by your own hand.

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)10:44 No. 24962 ID: 4cef8d


>>24949 summed it up better than I ever could, faggot. Why don't you just drop the act and admit you wanna suck Chad's cock since you keep thinking about him so much. Faggots, all of you. Whining about girls way out of your league - they exist for a reason. Get over it. Why is it that you millennials are so fucking entitled? Give me a zoom zoom or boom boom anyday.

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)15:20 No. 24965 ID: 5285a8

I'm 26 and I own an apartment. I think you have some issues you're projecting onto the younger generation.

Teenage Girl 22/07/07(Thu)17:38 No. 24966 ID: 838b0b

Again it's not about TFNOGF you fuckers all you can see is that ALL YOU CAN SEE IS THAT. This is about work and how women ruin work by being anti-man because you're a threat, but they want a threatening man for their man outside of work.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)00:44 No. 24967 ID: 9fe805


Sure, Jan.


Look, just because women rightfully sense that you are a loser is no reason to lash out at the rest of us. It is why you were born. Beta male losers were born to serve alpha male and female winners.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)01:10 No. 24969 ID: 838b0b


Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)04:37 No. 24970 ID: 200bc9

Oh boo hoo, you're ugly. This?
>>THIS is the level the world has gone to anymore.
Grammar like this is your bigger problem.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)04:55 No. 24971 ID: 838b0b

People that complain about ESL and grammar aren't native English speakers anyway.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)05:29 No. 24972 ID: 9fe805


I'm surprised he thinks we care. News flash, being in a relationship is only a minute part of the human experience. There is so much more in life to enjoy than just a being relationship.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)19:30 No. 24974 ID: 9334a5

>being in a relationship is only a minute part of the human experience. There is so much more in life to enjoy than just a being relationship

People are too stupid to appreciate singlehood.
They especially guilt trip young people, especially boys, into thinking that relationships and family planning is the only way to adult.
Yet, married folks are miserable, often gallivanting off with fuckbuddies to satisfy their lackluster lives.
If they have kids, they don't interact with them, nor teach them about life. They just dump them on schools.
Romantic love is like lust but even worse.
Lust is just "wham, bam, thank you ma'am."
Romantic love is trying to dunk the earth into a stasis box to relive the same moment over and over.
Any change in appearance or perspective is seen as blasphemous.
In romance, you're not respected as a full person. You're only fetishized for a single trait and you're forced to oversell it.

Teenage Girl 22/07/08(Fri)19:33 No. 24975 ID: 9334a5

There's a reason why romance is best left in fiction, even though alot of romantic fiction is kinda cringe.

The best kind is soft rock and classic R&B and shoujo/shonen ai doujins.

Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)04:33 No. 24979 ID: f04b56


It’s so ironic how as people like this get more and more obsessed with the notion of having sex, it becomes more and more impossible for them to achieve. It doesn’t happen when you make it the entire purpose of your life. It happens when you have goals, are improving yourself, and doing productive hobbies that make you happy. Getting laid as a side effect to a well lived life is easy, getting laid as the central focus of your life is nearly impossible (for a normal guy at least)

Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)04:45 No. 24982 ID: 5ef12c

It's not even just about sex.
They're literally obsessed with having a Disney movie IRL experience
They're like those childish teenage girls whom still believe in knights in shining armor.

Idealism is truly a serious motherfucker.


Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)11:52 No. 24984 ID: f04b56

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The average boomerlennial, like the anon who actually thought anyone younger than (their) thirties uses imageboards (newsflash, they don't), is essentially a faggot. And I don't mean faggot like a gay person, although the chronic remarks about BBC and tranny dicks would imply there's SOMETHING going on; I mean faggot as in a totally insufferable fuckup. They tend to congregate on sites like 4chan, for example: it's full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group, repeating the correct opinions, regurgitating the shibboleths, finding "subtle" ways to convey their bitterness and misanthropy to a crowd of people who are just as empty as they are. It all reminds me of this Roger Ebert quote:

>A lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself. It's all about them. They have mastered the Star Wars or Star Trek universes or whatever, but their objects of veneration are useful mainly as a backdrop to their own devotion. Anyone who would camp out in a tent on the sidewalk for weeks in order to be first in line for a movie is more into camping on the sidewalk than movies. Extreme fandom may serve as a security blanket for the socially inept, who use its extreme structure as a substitute for social skills. If you are Luke Skywalker and she is Princess Leia, you already know what to say to each other, which is so much safer than having to ad lib it. Your fannish obsession is your beard. If you know absolutely all the trivia about your cubbyhole of pop culture, it saves you from having to know anything about anything else. That's why it's excruciatingly boring to talk to such people: They're always asking you questions they know the answer to.

And just like anyone who falls into this rabbit hole full of shit that is imageboards didn't have much going on in their lives, a lot of these types are much the same elsewhere online; I've met quite a few and they were all lonely, from a disfunctional family, poor, dropouts, no career prospects, few opportunities, plain shit at socializing; even IF zoomers used imageboards, they're just losers like their millennialoid siblings. So who the fuck cares? What do you seek to prove here? That zoomers can be just as big losers as their millennial counterparts? Only elitist goofs who can't handle real life use 'em, that's it. It is what it is. You can't dispute this. You don't end up like this because you have things going on in your life. Successful folks use social media to boost their IRL image and clout, they don't use it to escape their depressing reality like permanently online dweebs do.

Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)13:05 No. 24990 ID: ab5725

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>anyone younger than (their) thirties uses imageboards (newsflash, they don't)

It is pretty funny how wrong you are.

Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)17:07 No. 24992 ID: 9989e1

Not as much as "le oldfag generation".

Teenage Girl 22/07/09(Sat)20:58 No. 24995 ID: e7b9b8


>It is pretty funny how wrong you are.

Imageboards are anonymous platforms. Anyone can say they are anything on them. I, for one, could tell you I am the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. I'm not, of course, but how would you know?


The average boomerlennial, unable to cope with the outside world beyond its senses, wears "oldfag" and the like as a badge of honor, another participation trophy. It has, by no means, done anything to make the site it uses great, even function. It is one of the original proto-parasocial relationships now the stuff of mockery on OnlyFans and Twitch.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)01:28 No. 25026 ID: 53d1f9

Yeah I don't even know how he got that idea.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)01:57 No. 25027 ID: 3ff6ae


Two words: pattern recognition.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)14:05 No. 25036 ID: 680a35

It seems obvious to me he has some deep-seated issues and he's made "millennials" a scapegoat for them.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)15:44 No. 25038 ID: be9b39

It's just so odd since he is openly a millennial (though he won't say it in those words). He says it is impossible for someone any younger than a millennial to be here, and he's here. The only other possibility is if he is somehow a 45 year old Gen Xer, which is functionally about the same thing and would constitute a contradiction of his "don't rage about younger generations" belief system.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)16:32 No. 25040 ID: 680a35

I think he's just unhinged. He describes himself as one of the "decent people" but I don't think any decent person would be as hateful as he is.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)16:51 No. 25041 ID: be9b39

It pisses me off since I agree with a lot of his actual opinions, and let him know it. He just treats everyone like an enemy no matter what, and it's a real shame since it would be a good discourse if he accepted that I am actually younger than him so he could hear another perspective on the same dynamic.

I just chalk it up to "even a broken clock is right two times a day", him being insane doesn't make the ideas wrong.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:13 No. 25047 ID: 5285b6

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I don't think you guys are understanding me here. I don't hate all millennials. I have routinely said this. I have it out only for boomerlennials, such as imageboard users. Boomerlennials are self-hating millennials who act like stereotypical boomers, espounding ephebophobic, even pedophobic, ideas about the youth, and cling to wingcuck culture war bullshit in lieu of a personality. There's a fine line between normal, civilized millennials (none of whom use imageboards - that's key) and boomerlennials (all of whom do). If you're so insistent, too, on the "non-millennials, zoomers, use imageboards too," bit, then I would tell you that boomerlennial tendencies can hit them too, and that they are also losers. I am only "unhinged" because instead of playing along with "internet culture" and whining about the Jews, boomers, women, blacks, trannies, normies, whoever, I instead bust the balls of the users directly. I call them out on being millennials, who should know better. That's it. I like to have fun. I bust balls. Just because you lot respond with anger and vitriol (which I match simply to keep the fun going) doesn't mean I have either. It's no sweat off my back if some millennial wastes his prime years on shit that doesn't matter. I know he will commit suicide when he hits his fifties, and that's all I need to know. But when you lot foul up the rest of the internet with your Pepes, your Wojaks, you're FOIDS BAD, you're insistence that everyone else online is a tranny if they dare disagree, etc, etc, don't be surprised when people like me take potshots for fun. I've always said that if people stopped looking at imageboards as hugboxes for mediocre cis white males (and they are) and simply as boomerlennial hugboxes, then we'd be better off as that's the real issue. It's all performative. You don't really hate niggers, trannies, foids, etc. You only say you do just because you're desperate for a hugbox. You don't want to associate with NORMIES. How DARE they like the same things you do!


>It seems obvious to me he has some deep-seated issues and he's made "millennials" a scapegoat for them.

This is actually quite rich coming from an imageboard user. Dude, you use an imageboard, which is built by and for people who use blacks, trannies, women, zoomers, boomers, etc as a scapegoat for their own deep-seated issues. Me, though? I don't have any issues. I post simply to get reactions for my own research, so to speak. I like to see what makes people tick. I assure you, my life is legit. Based, as you'd say. I have everything I could want. I am content. I'm not the one, like you, desperate for a hugbox away from so called normies. I'm not the one who is assmad that women have standards, that black people exist, blah blah blah. I will take my leave from here one day, and never come back. People will, no doubt, pretend to be me, for a while, but eventually they will be forgotten.

YOU, though, will always be here. Because you're a coward. You fear being "cancelled" when most people don't give a shit about culture war bullshit. Do you know how many people I've seen on "normie" sites espouse basic bitch chantard positions? Yet they're still around. They're still posting. I can still make a burner and troll 'em for a laugh. None of them are living in fear.

Like imageboard users.

Even on liberal sites like ResetEra, I see the exact same shit. Do you know how many pro-death penalty posts came out when a bunch of black teens killed an elderly man in Philly on that site? Yet ResetEra is seen as "the wokest of the woke" by rightoids like Kiwi Farmers. Why would woke folks believe in the death penalty? And "normies" are not NPCs, either. Shit, I've met LGBT folks who, when they speak, every word sounds like a 4chan shitpost. I've met women who ooooh and awwww over some such guy and never once have said about divorce raping him, or cancelling him, or whatever. I've seen kids of all colors play together, and not a single black kid bullied the white kid, not a single girl complained the boy was a creep, blah blah blah. You know what I mean.

Maybe I am abrasive. Maybe I am, indeed, a jackass. But I just find it funny how so many imageboard users have this paranoia towards regular people when they're just living life, no problem at all. I don't see them being woke. I don't see them talking about cis scum or white privilege. I don't see them doing anything but enjoying each other's company. I've never heard words like "front hole" be used in real life, even by my tranny coworker. And I guaran-damn-tee, they'd all say the same.

So, tell it to me straight: millennial, zoomer, it doesn't matter. WHY do you still use imageboards in 2022? I want an honest answer. Tell me what you can get here you can't get on any other site.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:26 No. 25048 ID: 5285b6

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When I fuck with boomerlennials on imageboards (7chan, 8kun, 4chan), I like to use "millennial" as a pejorative, a slur, whenever they poke fun at any other group. Saw some guy on 4chan's /lit/ say Australian Aboriginals have never written books worth reading. So I asked if millennials had. No comment, at least from the OP. Other anons were quick to agree with me. See, that's what my whole schtick is. I like trolling. I fuck with people, based on what is the most interesting position to hold. When I see boomerlennials and pickme zoom zooms (there, happy?) whining about everybody else, I poke fun at them. I remind them that millennials have never made anything worth preserving. I remind them they cannot own a home. I remind them that boomers hate them, and for good (not really, it's just for the sake of the fun) reason. I fuck with people based on the stupid shit they post, simple. I don't really hate anybody. I could care less about anybody else outside myself, my family and friends. But whenever I have a bit of free time to kill, I'll shitpost. For a laugh. It takes a couple seconds, a few minutes, then I'm off going about my day. I come back later, see y'all raging, shitpost some more, and repeat the cycle until you start trying to psychoanalyze me, thinking I have "issues" and am "unhinged" because I thought I'd try something else instead of WAAAAAAH NIGGERSTRANNIESFOIDS WAAAAAAAH or shit talking white people. I'm from the internet BEFORE 4chan. BEFORE Reddit. Yes, I'm a Gen-Xer. The generation whose work so many millennials think "growing up with" (aka you watched re-runs of The Simpsons and saw clip shows showing Austin and Tyson in 2003) means they can claim as their own. But not all millennials do that, obviously. I just poke fun at the millennials who talk like fags, and their shit's all retarded, and sometimes, maybe good ones like you (the reader) get caught up in it. But it's all banter. Trust me, I don't hate you. I will never meet you in real life, ever, so why would I hate you? I come here to troll because, frankly, it's easier. Don't have to deal with karma bullshit on Reddit (and frankly, trolling there is like shooting fish in a barrel). And I'm sure someone, somewhere, will go "well, you're just SAYING you're trolling, you're REALLY unhinged, blah blah blah," and that's fine. I can't control what people think of me. But in the end, it doesn't matter. I have said my piece, I will do a little more trolling just to wring the last few drops out, and then I'll find greener pastures. While you guys can sit here and whine about women not liking tall (but uggo) people, as if a handful of women at some dopey office job = All women. Just like if I said a faggot shooter dressing as a woman in Highland Park to escape = all men.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:35 No. 25051 ID: 5285b6

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In short, for those who can't be fucked to read: My political, religious, etc beliefs? Depends on who I'm trolling today. My stances are foreign to most major sides, so I can keep my ideals while making fun of others, it's great.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:39 No. 25052 ID: be9b39

I'm going to ask again, are you a millennial? If not, what are you?

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)19:46 No. 25053 ID: 5285b6


Read the post after the one you replied to.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)20:14 No. 25054 ID: be9b39

That's sad. Your life is coming to a close, this is pretty much it.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)20:51 No. 25055 ID: d77877


>Your life is coming to a close, this is pretty much it.

And just as I expected. Don't worry about my life, friend. I have had a long, happy life and will continue to do so. Worry instead about how you're so intimidated by your fellow man, you cling onto being "anonymous" online because you're afraid.

Teenage Girl 22/07/11(Mon)21:09 No. 25056 ID: 680a35

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>WHY do you still use imageboards in 2022?

Ironically, it's to get away from hugboxes like you mentioned. You are correct that a lot of imageboard users whine about normies and blame them for their problems but assuming that everyone who uses an imageboard is like that is wrong. I'm not like that. I don't hide here, I'm here because I enjoy imageboards. True, the mood here is different from what is considered "normal". That does not mean I am better than anyone else for posting here. It's simply what I prefer.
I've always been a bit strange. Never had a lot of friends. Been an outsider. Had a shitty childhood, all that jazz. And for a time I did blame the "normies" for my misery. I considered myself better than them, because they didn't "get it". I was careless in my behavior. I took my anger out on the world. Truth is, I was jealous they didn't hurt like I did. I felt it was unfair.
Thankfully, I grew out of that mindset. I worked on bettering myself, on improving my life. I'm in a much better place now, still the core never changes. I'm still an "outsider". There is a generally accepted standard for what is considered "normal" and once you cross that threshold you become "abnormal". And when you do, some people accept you and some people don't. In my experience most people don't. I think that's shitty but that's just how people are. There's nothing wrong with being "normal". It doesn't make you better or worse than anyone else. I'm happy that you're happy, anon. I'm happy your life is fulfilling. I wish everyone could lead a fulfilling life. While existing can sometimes feel pretty unbearable, the world is full of wonderful experiences that are just waiting for us to grab them.
It all boils down to what one wants out of life. Normality is just not what I prefer. I like keeping things a little weird. I've got a cat with an unusual name. I act and speak without worry of what others might think of me, which often nets me strange looks from others. I honestly can't answer why. It's just who I am.
Imageboards, such as this one, often get a little weird. The content which you see here can vary greatly. You often see opinions or statements you'd never hear during a regular conversation. There are less rules. Less confinement to normality. No safe spaces. On imageboards you're not reported because your post hurt someone's feelings. You don't need to be bound to an account. Sometimes it's just nice to speak freely and it's true that many, many people abuse this freedom. Sad truth is that anonymity simply brings out the worst in people. Because when we're anonymous, we all get a little weird. And that's exactly why I'm here, anon.

Teenage Girl 22/07/12(Tue)09:04 No. 25060 ID: 35f301


You sound like that EDP fan asking his critics for their financial statements. Dork.

Teenage Girl 22/07/15(Fri)20:11 No. 25075 ID: 399e46

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You made a good post there, anon. I appreciate that. But I trust you know imageboards are a dying mediun. I can see them disappearing simply due to lack of interest by late 2020s, early 2030s. For as much as people like being anonymous, the sad fact is that they like being martyrs to own somebody more, so bring on the real names, bring on the "dude, how did I know being an inflammatory goof would get me in trouble," bring on the "I am a grown ass man who needs to be coddled on the internet because I can't stop being inflammatory."

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)14:44 No. 25087 ID: 5d9e2f

I hope they will stay around for longer than that. Small communities on the 'net operate their own little chans. On a small chan I used to frequent an anon made a thread. He was an ex-admin of some semi-big imageboard, I can't remember which. He said that he thinks imageboards are the future of the internet since they encourage discussion, whereas social media is mostly just about sharing the same content over and over.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)18:04 No. 25091 ID: 614a7a

That guy is delusional. I frequent imageboards and they act just like traditional social media.
They all spam the same memes and topics. They even screenshot Reddit, Twitter, FaceBook, and TikTok to create thread discussions.
Imageboards are anything but original
Their only "uniqueness" is because of lack of registration.
Alot of the opinions and preferences on imageboards are easily found on other sites.
In fact, 4chan slang has been invading the rest of the Internet since 2016.
Imageboards can stay, but please don't promote them as organic.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)18:05 No. 25092 ID: 614a7a

Oh and I forgot to mention: imageboards are trigger-happy with bans.
You get more bans on imageboards than you would on Reddit.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)18:17 No. 25093 ID: be9b39

One important detail that I never hear anyone mention is that on imageboards no one can call you out for "inconsistency" if you move away from previously held opinions (probably because most of these guys never really change their opinions anyway, but I do). A redditor who is really into some particular angle on politics, media, life wisdom, etc. is likely to be wrapped up in communities and relationships affirming that position, and risks losing those if they change their mind. Plus anyone can just go through their post history and give them shit for it. Meanwhile, on the 'chans I have changed my mind many times and no one has to know about it, since I'm just another anon. I can even experiment with a new position and pretend I accept it wholeheartedly just to see what sort of responses people offer, and have nothing stopping me from embracing it or reverting back to my previous position.

Teenage Girl 22/07/16(Sat)19:52 No. 25095 ID: 6a62c4

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>He said that he thinks imageboards are the future of the internet since they encourage discussion, whereas social media is mostly just about sharing the same content over and over.

Oh, that's bullshit, pure and simple. I could go on any board on 4chan right now and find nothing but pure TDS: tranny derangement syndrome.

>You post an opinion, and what are you told? YWNBAW!

Every single time. No matter how unrelated the topic is to trannies, there will be TDS sufferers to mention them. I was on /lit/ the other day, and what did I see? Every OP with actual effort was being drowned out by TFW NO GF-esque threads. Wow. Totally not the same content over and over again, right? And it's the same problem other boards have: no one wants to have serious discussion, it's all about who can shitpost the most about trannies, built for BBC, TFW NO GF, blah blah blah. Shit, I've seen more variety on fucking Facebook than I have imageboards.


>That guy is delusional. I frequent imageboards and they act just like traditional social media. They all spam the same memes and topics. They even screenshot Reddit, Twitter, FaceBook, and TikTok to create thread discussions. Imageboards are anything but original.

>Their only "uniqueness" is because of lack of registration. Alot of the opinions and preferences on imageboards are easily found on other sites.

Exactly. And it's hilarious when they whine about "Reddit spacing" or tell you "you have to go back," as if you couldn't find the exact same shit on those sites. Hell, you even have a glorified karma system in the captcha bullshit on 4chan.

>In fact, 4chan slang has been invading the rest of the Internet since 2016.
Imageboards can stay, but please don't promote them as organic.

More earlier than that, actually. Remember Chanology? Remember the Habbo raids? Remember the Jesus Chatline? Remember when 4chan at least TRIED to be funny instead of slipping into "muh post-boomer trvdcuck larp" shit?

The problem with 4chan (and its offshoots) is that it's full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group, repeating the correct opinions, regurgitating the shibboleths, finding "subtle" ways to convey their bitterness and misanthropy to a crowd of people who are just as empty as they are. It all reminds me of this Roger Ebert quote:

>A lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself. It's all about them. They have mastered the Star Wars or Star Trek universes or whatever, but their objects of veneration are useful mainly as a backdrop to their own devotion. Anyone who would camp out in a tent on the sidewalk for weeks in order to be first in line for a movie is more into camping on the sidewalk than movies. Extreme fandom may serve as a security blanket for the socially inept, who use its extreme structure as a substitute for social skills. If you are Luke Skywalker and she is Princess Leia, you already know what to say to each other, which is so much safer than having to ad lib it. Your fannish obsession is your beard. If you know absolutely all the trivia about your cubbyhole of pop culture, it saves you from having to know anything about anything else. That's why it's excruciatingly boring to talk to such people: They're always asking you questions they know the answer to.

And just like anyone who falls into this rabbit hole full of shit that is imageboards didn't have much going on in their lives, a lot of these types are much the same elsewhere online; I've met quite a few and they were all lonely, from a disfunctional family, poor, dropouts, no career prospects, few opportunities, plain shit at socializing, etc...You don't end up like this because you have things going on in your life. Successful folks use social media to boost their IRL image and clout, they don't use it to escape their depressing reality like permanently online dweebs do.

>A redditor who is really into some particular angle on politics, media, life wisdom, etc. is likely to be wrapped up in communities and relationships affirming that position, and risks losing those if they change their mind. Plus anyone can just go through their post history and give them shit for it.

Why do you people always circle around Reddit so much? I mean, I could've just told you that you're kidding yourself if you think social media is a hivemind compared to muh based and open minded imageboards (newsflash, imageboards are not what you think), but it's always Reddit with you people. I'm beginning to think so many of Reddit's critics are just assmad they got "cancelled" (aka, you were most likely argumentative and couldn't stop saying nigger or some other slur) and now the site lives rent free in your heads. That's what separates oldheads like me from you. I could disconnect from the internet entirely save for what I use to pay bills, and I would be fine. You would shrivel up and die without the validation of being "based" for having a mundane opinion like how Reddit humor sucks (don't worry, imageboard humor sucks too).

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:00 No. 25108 ID: be9b39

Seek professional help.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:26 No. 25109 ID: 7b7190


Come up with actual arguments instead of being obviously butthurt, lolkthxbai :3

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:31 No. 25110 ID: be9b39

How many IPs are you using?

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:39 No. 25112 ID: 7b7190


If you don't like what I have to post, scroll on. I know you boomerlennials love to come up with the last word to "own" people because you lack the emotional maturity to function, but please, don't come up with elaborate theories about multiple IPs, my psychological state, etc just because my words hit too close to home and you can't handle just ignoring somebody you don't agree with like a sane person. See, it's just like I said. The mods could permanently ban me, and I'd just shrug and go on with my life, never looking back. Chances are, I'd probably forget this site exists entirely. But you'd sit here probably accusing every other anon to be me for any post/thread that wasn't just TFW NO GF or whatever the fuck. You know it and I know it. But hey, who am I to judge? Enjoy your dead site. Enjoy imageboards until they shrivel up and finally die by 2030, likely after some cuckchanner hits a high score IRL, if you know what I mean. Then you'll need multiple IPs (while I've only ever had one) to post online because you keep "owning 'em libs" by shitposting about niggerkiketrannies or some gay shit. Tell me, why are presumably straight men interested so much in trannies?

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:51 No. 25115 ID: be9b39

You definitely have at least three. It's pretty far fetched to suggest that there is a completely different person making posts like this on a board of about 5 active posters.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:59 No. 25118 ID: 7b7190


Nope. I only have one. It's pretty far fetched to suggest that there is a completely different person making posts like this just because you can't handle that someone might agree with them. Again, why is it so hard for you to just ignore me? Why are you so triggered by my posts? Is it really that hard? Dude, I only do this for a brief laugh to break up the monotony of my routine. It's not my fault you're this paranoid. Like I said, you don't like what I have to post? Ignore me and move on. Stop crying like a little bitch.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)20:03 No. 25121 ID: be9b39

Nah, I'll cry like a bitch if I want to.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)20:05 No. 25124 ID: 7b7190


You know, when your generation dies off long into the future, that'd make the perfect epitaph for it.

>Millennials: 1981 to 20xx: We'll cry like a bitch if we want to.

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)20:11 No. 25125 ID: be9b39

Glad I could help. Shame you won't be there to mourn the death of millennials, since you'll be dead already (you told me in another thread that you're Gen X)

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)20:15 No. 25126 ID: 7b7190


By the way, can you explain to me how you feel I am gaslighting when you're the one commenting "seek professional help" on every post of mine for daring to disagree? Funny how all my posts were poking fun at the trvdcucks, "race realists" and other losers, and yet I'm the one who needs the help.

>Mainstream medicine and care is full of Judeo-Bolsheviks who want to kill the white race, goy! Now go get some of their help!

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)20:18 No. 25127 ID: be9b39

Thank you for confirming that 1029ae is also you, and that you are actually seething about this and not the 'le epic heartless troll' you pretend to be.

Teenage Girl 24/03/25(Mon)08:30 No. 25870 ID: c84433


The only one seething is you. Imagine being so asschapped over obvious shitposting that you have to try to narrow down who's who, and who's doing it. Fucking loser. Invest in a rope and a stool before shooting up your local yoga studio, okay champ?

Teenage Girl 24/04/03(Wed)17:19 No. 25873 ID: 8d90d2

File 171215759193.gif - (466.67KB , 125x94 , 170493929561s.gif )


Can you two kiss and make up please? All this negativity is bringing me down maaaaan.

Teenage Girl 24/04/09(Tue)13:32 No. 25880 ID: e1034b

File 171266233230.png - (6.21KB , 1338x316 , monochromatic 7chan id.png )

You're on the wrong board.

Teenage Girl 24/04/18(Thu)04:22 No. 25891 ID: 9baa28

>like the anon who actually thought anyone younger than (their) thirties uses imageboards (newsflash, they don't),
lmao what? you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
>And just like anyone who falls into this rabbit hole full of shit that is imageboards didn't have much going on in their lives
I would agree if you're referring to the users who think of imageboards as "srz biznizz", though I personally just enjoy anonymous discourse without the fear of social (or legal) repercussions that come from typical everyday interactions. You'll still find plenty of losers who aren't using imageboards but are instead using mainstream social media sites or none at all, you're pretty much just generalizing or projecting your shitty life onto everyone else.
>it's full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group
True, but the same can be said for the majority of social groups, most people just coexist in these hugboxes where they regurgitate the same talking points ad nauseum while they all agree with each other for the billionth time over the same issues and topics, it's the way most people are.
>Only elitist goofs who can't handle real life use 'em
But not you right bud? You're the only one here who isn't any of the aforementioned derogatory slurs you typed up in a fit of impotent rage.

Teenage Girl 24/04/21(Sun)10:01 No. 25895 ID: ff6510

File 171368649294.png - (247.47KB , 1024x887 , 36519236_464944397281525_3102224881849204736_n.png )

>lmao what? you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Sure, pal. You keep telling yourself that imageboards are still the in thing. Meanwhile, those of us in the real world will just continue to see everyone flock to shit like my mother's fax machine.
>I would agree if you're referring to the users who think of imageboards as "srz biznizz", though I personally just enjoy anonymous discourse without the fear of social (or legal) repercussions that come from typical everyday interactions.
Let me guess, people got mad at you when you started dropping the hard R? Maybe even tried to talk about the guys with those little hats? Because I have said what I have posted on here openly and have had no issues whatsoever. In fact, I have found quite a lot of folks who agree with me.
>you're pretty much just generalizing or projecting your shitty life onto everyone else.
>But not you right bud? You're the only one here who isn't any of the aforementioned derogatory slurs you typed up in a fit of impotent rage.
Actually, there are quite a few anons such as >>24974, >>24970 and >>24982 who are so based, I'd buy them a beer if I knew them IRL. And it's not really impotent rage. It's more like posting to kill time, have a laugh on a day off from my CAREER. Y'know, the thing you millennials pretend you're too good for with your "take the NEETpill d00d" bullshit, like the Gen X influencers who cope with being too poor to even rent with van life vlogs. And why would I be mad at you? I wouldn't rage at a baby for shitting its diapers, would I? Of course not. You are like little babies to people like me. Just not as cute and endearing. But let me guess, you've got it all together, right? You're hip, you're cool, you're totally not just some rando 9-5 wagie who thinks he's too based for them normies with their Taylor Swift music and their capeshit goyslop (even though I've yet to actually meet anyone who even knows it exists, let alone cares about it). You said it yourself: you're just here because you don't like it when people get mad when you blame your problems on the Other. No different from SJWs who are so plentiful on Twitter, but outside of the internet, not a single one to be found. Nor do I find any non-whites who hate me for being white. Huh. Interesting. Basically, you're picrel.

Teenage Girl 24/04/23(Tue)03:37 No. 25897 ID: 029880

File 17138362328.png - (303.11KB , 512x384 , 522.png )

>You keep telling yourself that imageboards are still the in thing
Lmao when the hell did I ever say that? I simply made a claim that young people still browse image boards, never said image boards were an "in" thing, once again, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>Let me guess, people got mad at you when you started dropping the hard R? Maybe even tried to talk about the guys with those little hats?
Haven't dropped the hard R vocally since I was in high school and even then there were no consequences since I don't live in whatever liberal shit hole you reside in, and if you still don't believe in the jewish conspiracy then you're already too far gone, most people within my generation and the one before it don't support neither zionist jews, nor israel, all that pro-israel crap is going to die along with you boomer fucks.
>In fact, I have found quite a lot of folks who agree with me.
changing IPs will do that
schizo moment
>I'd buy them a beer
soy statement, also, all those posts were clearly made by you using a different IP, nice try though.
>have a laugh on a day off from my CAREER
delivering pizzas isn't a career
>Y'know, the thing you millennials pretend you're too good for with your "take the NEETpill d00d" bullshit, like the Gen X influencers who cope with being too poor to even rent with van life vlogs.
Gen Z actually, most millenials are closer to your age grandpa, and I never took the neetpill, went to work immediately after high school, not that it even matters considering how fucked the economy is right now. And even then I'm not even sure why you're mentioning this, are you having another senior moment where you rant about inane bullshit nobody mentioned?
>But let me guess, you've got it all together, right? You're hip, you're cool, you're totally not just some rando 9-5 wagie who thinks he's too based for them normies with their Taylor Swift music and their capeshit goyslop (even though I've yet to actually meet anyone who even knows it exists, let alone cares about it).
lmao what? here we go with your boomer ass pulling shit out of thin air, generalizing seems to be a great pass time for boomers these days.
>You said it yourself: you're just here because you don't like it when people get mad when you blame your problems on the Other.
genuinely chuckling right now, not only did I never claim any of this garbage but you completely missed the point I was trying to make because your simpleton brain couldn't conjure the thought of being able to speak one's mind without associating it with SJW like a typical boomer retard. Nice facebook filename by the way lmao.

Teenage Girl 24/05/12(Sun)04:49 No. 25901 ID: 3f9e01


>generalizing seems to be a great pass time for boomers these days.

That's rich coming from a millennial. I don't even need to respond to the rest of your retarded spiel and cope, because this says it all right here. Also, Facebook filename? Also rich coming from an imageboardcel faggot. What's the matter? You were too edgy for Retarddit or Twatter, but too retarded for Cuckchan, so you came over here? Sad, many such cases. Just make sure that when you blow your brains out, you don't take anyone else with you, okay? Lanza, Tarrant, Card, etc all being millennials shows there's a track record with your worthless generation.

Teenage Girl 24/06/18(Tue)06:48 No. 25906 ID: fccf38

>That's rich coming from a millennial
Bruh, I already told you I'm gen z, get a load of this decrepit moron. Not even going to read the rest your spiel since you're just a stubborn old mule who refuses to see reason, stay mad on skibidi on sigma on ohio.

Teenage Girl 24/06/24(Mon)04:51 No. 25915 ID: 0beeb0

File 171919749020.gif - (710.13KB , 811x1200 , monster reddit earjak flipping the fuck out.gif )


>Teenage Girl 24/04/23(Tue)03:37 No. 25897 ID: 029880 Replies: >>25901

>File 17138362328.png - (303.11KB , 512x384 , 522.png )

>>You keep telling yourself that imageboards are still the in thing
>Lmao when the hell did I ever say that? I simply made a claim that young people still browse image boards, never said image boards were an "in" thing, once again, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>>Let me guess, people got mad at you when you started dropping the hard R? Maybe even tried to talk about the guys with those little hats?
>Haven't dropped the hard R vocally since I was in high school and even then there were no consequences since I don't live in whatever liberal shit hole you reside in, and if you still don't believe in the jewish conspiracy then you're >already too far gone, most people within my generation and the one before it don't support neither zionist jews, nor israel, all that pro-israel crap is going to die along with you boomer fucks.
>>In fact, I have found quite a lot of folks who agree with me.
>changing IPs will do that
>schizo moment
>>I'd buy them a beer
>soy statement, also, all those posts were clearly made by you using a different IP, nice try though.
>>have a laugh on a day off from my CAREER
>delivering pizzas isn't a career
>>Y'know, the thing you millennials pretend you're too good for with your "take the NEETpill d00d" bullshit, like the Gen X influencers who cope with being too poor to even rent with van life vlogs.
>Gen Z actually, most millenials are closer to your age grandpa, and I never took the neetpill, went to work immediately after high school, not that it even matters considering how fucked the economy is right now. And even then I'm not even >sure why you're mentioning this, are you having another senior moment where you rant about inane bullshit nobody mentioned?
>>But let me guess, you've got it all together, right? You're hip, you're cool, you're totally not just some rando 9-5 wagie who thinks he's too based for them normies with their Taylor Swift music and their capeshit goyslop (even though >I've yet to actually meet anyone who even knows it exists, let alone cares about it).
>lmao what? here we go with your boomer ass pulling shit out of thin air, generalizing seems to be a great pass time for boomers these days.
>>You said it yourself: you're just here because you don't like it when people get mad when you blame your problems on the Other.
>genuinely chuckling right now, not only did I never claim any of this garbage but you completely missed the point I was trying to make because your simpleton brain couldn't conjure the thought of being able to speak one's mind without >associating it with SJW like a typical boomer retard. Nice facebook filename by the way lmao.

Teenage Girl 24/06/27(Thu)03:43 No. 25919 ID: b8fd1c

>Bruh, I already told you I'm gen z

Dude, we all know you're millennial. No Gen Zer gives a fuck about imageboards, especially obscure ones like 7chan, when my mother's fax machine is all the rage. A larping faggot just like >>25915. Well, I love it. You will own nothing, and we will be happy when you predictably off yourselves. Just try to do it without killing innocent people first, though. We know how much millennials love shooting up public places.

Teenage Girl 24/07/01(Mon)05:12 No. 25920 ID: 7fdab1

File 171980353213.jpg - (561.12KB , 1170x1082 , Oldnigger soyjak.jpg )

>>Bruh, I already told you I'm gen z

>Dude, we all know you're millennial. No Gen Zer gives a fuck about imageboards, especially obscure ones like 7chan, when my mother's fax machine is all the rage. A larping faggot just like >>25915. Well, I love it. You will own nothing, and we will be happy when you predictably off yourselves. Just try to do it without killing innocent people first, though. We know how much millennials love shooting up public places.

Teenage Girl 24/07/07(Sun)02:42 No. 25922 ID: e2dc13

holy shit literal retarded boomer take, and I know you're a boomer based on how stupid, stubborn, and arrogant you are, I guarantee you're still mentally stuck in 2009 or some shit and think every 20 something you see is a millennial, all of which are well into their 30s and 40s by now. The oldest of Gen Z are in their mid 20s while the youngest are in their late teens, Gen Alpha is already in their early teens and will be well onto adulthood in literally just a handful of years.

Teenage Girl 24/08/22(Thu)09:29 No. 25943 ID: 6fd814

>I guarantee you're still mentally stuck in 2009 or some shit

Actually, I'm mentally stuck in the 90s, but hey, thanks for proving my point yet again. Now like I said, just make sure you kill yourself instead of some random people like your generation loves doing so much.


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