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When men refer to WOMEN, the general image is an anthropoid female in their teens, twenties, and thirties.
Never ever EVER do you see men consciously acknowledge female elders
When female elders are mentioned, it's usually a different term and sentiment.
Chivalry is HEBEPHILIC.
The rules and regulations of handling women, aka chivalry?
It's more akin to handling a child.
The stuff men are told to do for women that's only appropriate to do if she's a child, elderly, or disabled. Able-bodied adult females don't need that.
Yet, they're smothered and guilt tripped into it.
Men are pathologically incapable of seeing women as independent beings, hence why older, worldly, cynical women are seen as a threat.
In fiction, most of the villainesses are often middle-aged/elderly women: evil stepmoms/aunt's, ball busting Karen's, etc
Benign older women are either sailor-mouth grandmas, awkward moms, senile cronies, etc.
Younger women on the hand, are always portrayed in a positive light.
Most Mary Sue's are young adult females, max age of thirty-five.
They're always portrayed as maternal fountains of wood, straight A students with martial arts awards, perfect at cooking, etc.
However, that's all fiction.
IRL, at least in my experience, it's the opposite. Older women are the humane ones while younger women are the ballbusters.
Society likes to brag about how girls are kicking butt in academics and more women entering into prominent white collar jobs.
What they don't tell you is that alot of female youth only go for easy classes.
And alot of female youth are averse to doing elbow grease or anything that requires them to think for themselves INDEPENDENT of others' approval.
Young women are described in flowery adjectives, ascribed with virtues that they lack. It's because men are too shallow, bewitched by cutesy gestures and soft small body frames.
Female youth is the general portrait of womanhood. Whenever someone complains or praises women, remember that they're mainly referring to FEMALE YOUTH.