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/rx/ - Drugs
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Help identifying? Anonymous 19/12/30(Mon)15:58 No. 13718 [Reply]

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Anyone know what this is? its not hash, it smells kind of sweet, bought from the net along with other things and I can't make out whats written on the plastic (mgl? mcl?) would love some input

7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/07/02(Fri)22:13 No. 13971

I would seriously throw it in my arm and

Anonymous 22/04/29(Fri)02:44 No. 14084


Anonymous 22/05/06(Fri)08:57 No. 14088

You are so Fing dumb, thank you I'm feeling better.
1) It ain't H, that would be way more money than hash.
2) you can't heat a bit up and work it out, then DON'T DO DRUGS
3)I go with >>13719
>Probably its just mud and human feces and you got duped.

How do you make it through the day?
I swear, I hope your just trollllllling along


Wtf Anonymous 21/05/10(Mon)03:18 No. 13948 [Reply]

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Is their anyone out their not a scammer

Anonymous 21/01/06(Wed)02:51 No. 13908 [Reply]

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Time for a YLYL-/rx/ edition?

8 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/03/29(Mon)05:04 No. 13939


dude make an epic meme pic of that haha

Anonymous 22/02/12(Sat)21:17 No. 14050

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Anonymous 22/02/12(Sat)21:18 No. 14051

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Anonymous 22/02/06(Sun)04:23 No. 14047 [Reply]

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The Experiment was a Failure vaccinated will be moved to camps that house crematoriums.

Anonymous 20/05/03(Sun)05:57 No. 13768 [Reply]

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I bough two tabs of this “acid” yesterday but is been over 30 mins and I still don’t feel anything. Did I get ripped off? I’ve done acid before and it looked completely different, not to mention it kicked in much sooner.

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Anonymous 20/11/19(Thu)03:04 No. 13884

Yup it takes about an hour to feel anything

Anonymous 21/11/14(Sun)03:59 No. 14025

looks kinda like a gel tab. in my experience gel tabs havent really done much for me aside for give some mild visuals (5 tabs) but that was after i had built a little tolerance from doing it over the weekend.

Anonymous 21/11/14(Sun)04:01 No. 14026

before that even they werent that strong, but i had also mixed them with some shrooms so its sort of hard to tell.

overall gel tabs just seem "weaker" to me

Pills Anonymous 21/10/07(Thu)06:18 No. 14013 [Reply]

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Sorry if this is a stupid question but I don't know where else to ask. Is there a way to make your own pills? To get empty capsules and fill them with whatever you want? I just like taking pills and want to make my own doses.

Anonymous 21/10/12(Tue)23:50 No. 14015

Yes, you can buy vegetarian pill capsules, and fill them with whatever you want. You can find them online at all kinds of specialty retailers, or you can just buy them off of Amazon or the like.

Robo Baby Anonymous 21/09/26(Sun)03:12 No. 14010 [Reply]

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Hello and welcome back to diphenhydramine hell.
Today we're starting out with 250mg diphenhydramine and a malt-liquor.
We will continue with Adult Swim, another Natty Daddy and as much more diphenhydramine to make this shit nuts.
If you are not familiar wit diphenhydramine then please take 300mg Benadryl and return when your depth perseption keeps you from being able to walk.
If you guys can keep my tripping, sleepy ass interested I can do as much as turn on the web. cam. and shit.
Questions and shit are obviously encouraged.
Let's get started. Shall we?

Anonymous 21/09/26(Sun)03:35 No. 14011


I like weed Anon 21/09/16(Thu)13:27 No. 14004 [Reply]

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It is good

Got weed for the first time Anonymous 20/10/27(Tue)21:42 No. 13875 [Reply]

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Yo. I just got weed for the first time. This is my first drug. I was going to get LSD but I figured it was wiser to get somethong more tame first. Anyway what should i expect?

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Anonymous 20/10/28(Wed)06:40 No. 13877

Psychedelics are pretty terrible in my opinion, OP. Weed on the other hand is super fucking fun

Did you smoke it yet? I disagree with the other poster, smoke weed every day of your life. Makes things super rad.

Anonymous 21/07/18(Sun)21:15 No. 13981

personally haven't done psychedelics yet but the first reply has great advice, smoking every day isn't a good idea just because you become a lazy pos who doesn't want to do anything. Also you wont become addicted if you do but i have friends who became reliant on it after a few years because they felt like a sober life was too boring and they got nothing out of it. Just make sure you get your weed from a trusted source and that you dont waste it. Another good piece of advice to add is to keep your tolerance low wait 5 days to a week between each smoke, this also helps with pacing and keeping your supply longer before it runs out. Good luck with your smoking and have fun!

Anon 21/09/16(Thu)13:35 No. 14005

expect to crave food. alot of food

that movie Anonymous 21/07/28(Wed)21:16 No. 13987 [Reply]

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Whats the name of that movie where the guy is pushing pills around the high school and in the end they crush the lot into food and serve it at like a wake/ funeral and they all get high

Anonymous 21/09/11(Sat)06:17 No. 14001

nah, it was more of adrenal / Xanax style pill movie

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