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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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Lost And Found *SS Edition* Anonymous ## Admin ## 24/12/18(Wed)08:05 No. 37695 Stickied

File 173450551369.gif - (11.89KB , 500x353 , 157548286631.gif )

Looking for /ss/ content from a long time ago but can't remember where you found it?
Give us a description, image, or anything else you have, and we'll try to help!

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)20:05 No. 37707

Boris 1987

Anonymous 25/01/04(Sat)07:44 No. 37720

Does anyone have anything left from Sammy Secret? Or is it not really gone and I im just bad at finding stuff

Anonymous 25/01/04(Sat)10:06 No. 37721

can you describe it a bit more than just the name?

Anonymous 25/01/04(Sat)19:22 No. 37722


She photoshops (possibly herself and other) real models with 3D renders of shota. Found some previews of her work:


Some people in the comments claim that she is a scam and that there's nothing beyond those previews but idk. The most recent stuff in that link is from a couple years ago, I can't tell if she was legit and maybe still active somewhere or if she was a scam and just stopped bothering.

Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)20:16 No. 37735

There used to be a thread where people linked to /ss/ stories, both real and fictional.
There was one about a woman named Rayne who groomed her nephew (I think?) by letting him play her N64.
There was another by an author named JuniorSpooge about a shota with his neighbor named Ms. Mount; there were two stories and possibly a third, but it's for sure missing.
There was also a thread about a boy who got a handjob from a stranger on a bus, which led to them getting into a secret relationship where she would fuck him at her house, jerk him off in a Walmart changing room, and other escapades.

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