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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 18/03/25(Sun)21:25 No. 131226

File 152200591982.jpg - (15.01KB , 220x301 , images (8).jpg )

Folks, I want to play this Ravenloft edition exactly as it was in the year 1990 when it was released. What edition of AD&D Players and Master Guide should I use?

Anonymous 18/03/31(Sat)01:54 No. 131234

2nd edition AD&D, just like the cover art shows.

Anonymous 23/01/07(Sat)01:57 No. 132219


repare to die, then role more charactors and then die again and again and again and agin

unless you pick the thickess every dm

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