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/wp/ - Wallpapers

Welcome to /wp/, 7chan's board for hi-res images and wallpapers.

Resolutions must be 1024x768 or higher, and in a usable ratio for desktops and/or mobile devices.
2. No shitty quality submissions. If you can see compression artifacts, don't post it.
3. DO NOT LINK TO IMAGES. Post them here, or don't post them.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 20480 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 1344 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

.gif Thread. Anonymous 12/03/04(Sun)20:54 No. 77022

File 133089085529.gif - (2.69MB , 1280x720 , wallpaper-1683227.gif )

Gif Thread, tried to find a bunch online, all shitty. These were mildly okay..

Anonymous 12/03/04(Sun)21:00 No. 77023

File 133089109957.gif - (3.40MB , 1600x1200 , wallpaper-695255.gif )

Anonymous 12/03/04(Sun)21:01 No. 77024

File 133089128174.gif - (14.78KB , 1280x800 , wallpaper-513742 (1).gif )

Anonymous 12/03/04(Sun)21:01 No. 77025

File 133089131436.gif - (127.24KB , 1680x1050 , wallpaper-887728.gif )

Anonymous 12/03/04(Sun)21:03 No. 77026

File 133089141254.gif - (3.35MB , 1280x960 , wallpaper-597643 (1).gif )

Anonymous 13/02/09(Sat)01:30 No. 77998

what have you done with my comp. lol

Anonymous 13/02/10(Sun)20:28 No. 78000

these are all very nice but how does one make an animated gif one's wallpaper, and still keep it animated? It used to be possible for windows, but I don't think Win7 has this function. Does it?

Anonymous 13/08/11(Sun)21:53 No. 78369


Anonymous 14/08/12(Tue)04:20 No. 78673


Get dreamscene and onvert gif to wmv, boom. Moving wallpaper.

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