/d/ -
Alternative Hentai
Welcome to /d/, 7chan's board for Alternative Hentai.
- This board is for drawn porn featuring fetishes or situations that would not be appropriate for the other vanilla porn boards.
- Read the DNP before posting.
- No drama, trolling, or faggotry of any kind.
- Furry content is no longer allowed. Ever. See here for what our definition of furry is. Transformation thread posts without the necessary context or sequence to prove that a TF is non-furry will be banned.
- No request threads. They shit up the first page and bump better threads to the back. If you're going to start a thread, you better have some content to back it up or you'll be banned without sympathy and usually without explanation.
- Whining about these rules will earn you a free ticket to bantown.
Complaining on the board is a quick way to garner a ban and an insulting reference to your penis size. If you would like your art removed, contact the admins and mods on IRC (irc.7chan.org, #7chan or #appeals). Alternatively, you may contact the admins at admins@7chan.org.
Be prepared to prove that the art in question actually belongs to you.
- Supported file types are:
- Maximum file size allowed is 5120 KB.
- Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
- Currently 1270 unique user posts.
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Blotter updated: 2018-08-24
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08/24/18 - We're still having some server issues after the move. Try again if you get a 502. Stay tuned~