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Erotic Literature

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elit suggestions Anonymous 21/10/28(Thu)06:51 No. 27422 [Reply]

This is the only 7chan board i frequent. but i need more, do any of you have any suggestion about alternative sites with content like /elit/, im disappointed with what ive been able to find.

Anonymous 21/11/05(Fri)13:39 No. 27425

Why did you make this thread? There's a sticky thread for asking questions. By posting this thread you've permanently shoved the oldest story off the board. Think before posting! This is a slow board.

A Walk with Tilly Matty 21/08/13(Fri)17:10 No. 27354 [Reply]

I’ve never posted an erotic story before, so I apologise if this is amateurish. Any constructive criticism welcomed. If this is well received, I am part way through a more ambitious story that I can post. Enjoy (I hope):

I'd left the house to take Tilly, our Pomeranian dog for a walk. I went out most days; one of the few times that I got out of the house during these trying covid-19 days.

It was a few minutes walk to the local park. This was during the summer of lockdown and the weather was warm and sunny. The exercise was good for me, but Tilly loved it! It was less a park than a large field with two football pitches marked out for local children's teams. Nevertheless, it was pleasant to walk around as there was a wide border with trees along one side and a children's playground, which has never been better used than it is now, following easing of the Coronavirus restrictions.

When we arrived at the park, as usual on a warm summer's day following lockdown, it was quite busy. I could see a number of people walking dogs and the playground was busy with families and laughing children. With schools out young people had also taken to gathering in small groups around the field. I would often see young couples canoodling in the bushes; once, I think, a teenager with his hand up his girlfriend's skirt.

Am I alone in this, but I do have voyeuristic tendencies? I don't mean that I’m a peeping tom, using binoculars, peering through people's windows and so forth. However, I do find it exciting if I see something I’m not supposed to. For example, when you see unexpectedly up a girl's skirt. I was walking along the street once, admiring a very pretty girl cycling towards me, when a strong gust of wind blew her skirt right up to her chest. She was wearing white cotton panties and the sight of her plump pussy from close quarters, made more prominent by the pressure of the saddle and moving in time to her pedalling, gave me an almost instant erection!

On this particular occasion, as I walked around the edge of the field, I passed two girls. I’m not very good with ages of teenagers and young people, but one sitting cross legged may have been around 13 or so. She was quite pretty, with mid dark hair, but wearing a loose-fitting t-shirt and shorts. The other girl caught my attention though as she was lying face down, with her dark hair spread over her shoulders, propped up on her elbows wearing tight navy blue leggings and sporting a truly spectacular bottom. She could have been anything from 15 to 17 or 18.

I've always been more of a bottom man rather than boobs, so as she was looking away from me, I rather stared at her assets and found the sight so enjoyable that a few minutes later I doubled back for another look.

This time she was sitting up, displaying lovely boobs in a tightish red tank top; not large, but beaut Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Matty 21/08/22(Sun)19:29 No. 27372

No offence taken by any comments, positive or negative, although something constructive is welcomed.

I'll give thought to 'The Blacksmith's Daughter'; how to move it forward. Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread, in however a small way!

A Walk with Tilly - Ch8 Matty 21/08/23(Mon)01:33 No. 27373

All this was so unexpected and so erotic to me that, despite cumming just a minute or two before, the old man had started to take an interest again.

Something that hadn’t gone unnoticed by Emily. “No, you should let him fuck you! He’ll do it properly for your first time!”

I must admit, her confidence in my sexual abilities bolstered my pride somewhat as well as bolstering my new hard-on. It now stood back to attention as firmly as it had ever before. I had a lovely naked nymphet in front of me, but believe it or not, even since the ante had been upped, it hadn’t crossed my mind that I might actually fuck her – either of them!

Hearing that though, I must have had a sudden rush of blood to the head, because whilst my dick and I were thinking ‘lie back and spread them!’ I heard myself say. “I'm not sure that's a good idea... I mean, you're a virgin! What if you get pregnant... and how old are you?”

“Why isn't it a good idea? I’m on the pill to stabilise periods. Don't you want to do it? I’m fourteen and I have friends who were only thirteen! I trust you to make my first time really good; don't you want that for me?”

This all came out in a staccato rush and for a moment, I was flabbergasted. Out of those reasons, only the age thing screamed no. The remaining three, I couldn’t deny. If my maths it's right, that's four to one in favour! My dick won the argument. “Yes! ...I mean ...It’s not a good idea for me to have sex with a fourteen year old ...but yes.”

This was not your normal seduction, particularly as Emily was there too. Maybe she should participate; I had never had a threesome and the thought of fucking them both made my already rampant hard-on even harder. The only question was whether I had the stamina, but at that moment, despite having cum just a few minutes ago, I felt like I could conquer the world. “Get a tissue Emily, so we can clean up Chloe, then we can all get onto the rug. There'll be more room.”

Emily was back in a moment and I dabbed Chloe’s chest and breasts. As I sat down in the centre of the rug, they both joined me. “Are you OK for me to kiss you Chloe?”
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A Walk with Tilly - Ch9 Matty 21/08/23(Mon)01:45 No. 27374

I became aware that Emily was still kneeling to the side of us, almost entranced at what she had been witnessing and clearly waiting until Chloe was ready. “Wow! That was fantastic! I wish my first time had been like that!” Then, as she turned to me. “Now it’s my turn!”

Bloody hell! Could I even manage to get it up again so soon after shooting my load twice in less than half an hour. These two girls, cute and sexy as hell that they were, would have to do a master job on the old man if they were to rouse him sufficiently to satisfy Emily. I was willing to let them give it a go, though. “There's nothing I want more Emily, but first of all you'll have to revive me. I've cum twice in short order and I don't know if I can get it back up any time soon. Perhaps we could just relax together for a while and you girls can see what you can do.”

They seemed ok with that, so I sat back on the sofa to see what they had to offer. They both stood up and looking at them side by side it was clear that they were sisters. It was also clear that it wouldn't be long before the boys paid as much attention to Chloe a they did her sister; they were both enchanting. It was only recent rigors that stopped the old man from standing to immediate attention. Despite feeling somewhat drained, I knew that it wouldn't take an enormous amount of effort on their part to prepare me for episode three.

Emily was first to make a suggestion and once again it was almost like I wasn't there. “Maybe we could do a lesbian thing. You know, they reckon men are turned on when they see lesbians playing with each other.”

“Eeeeeww! I don't want to lick your crack!” It was clear that Chloe wasn't on board with that suggestion.

“Maybe you could do a porn show whilst I suck his thing.” I have to say, the suggestion alone would normally have made the old man leap to attention. However, he'd been through a lot and besides, I was looking forward to this show and the supporting act – I wasn’t disappointed.

Chloe lay on the rug, slightly to one side so my view wasn't blocked by Emily, who knelt in front of me between my knees. Chloe lay back quite close to me to afford me a good view, facing towards me. She pulled her knees up, spreading them wide until her still aroused pussy started to flower open. It was an enticing sight.

In the meantime Emily took my limp cock and started playing with it gently, as I'd taught her. I could feel a warmth in my loins that promised the desired response If the girls kept the show going.
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I Hate My Sister Anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)17:24 No. 25792 [Reply]

If there’s anything in life that has any sort of permanence for the average person, it’s their family. Who you grow up with, who you share most of your life with, who’s there for you when life is at its most difficult; your family is always the first to come to mind. Unfortunately, for a particular 9-year old boy, family was just another source of stress and his budding self-hatred. Jessie Cooper stepped out into the brisk late-Autumn afternoon breeze, clutching the hem of his tattered old jacket as he surveyed the surrounding area. The schoolyard was completely empty at this point, as school technically ended over 2 hours ago. The young child had fostered a routine; every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday he’d stay after school and perform his assigned duties, which usually involved cleaning out desks or clearing the chalkboard after class was finished. Of course, this usually only took around 20 minutes, the rest of his time was spent in the 2nd story boy’s bathroom reading in an empty stall while he waited for the custodian to make his daily rounds. Jessie despised leaving school on schedule, as it usually involved running into (and subsequently walking home with) his sister Alice.
If there was anyone in Jessie’s life that he could safely and definitively say he hated, it was his sister. She embodied every sickly-sweet, passive-aggressive, and utterly hate-filled feeling one could possibly harbor for another human being, and most of that genuine hate was directed at her younger sibling. Alice was 16, though she easily passed for 20, and somehow wore a near-permanent cocky smirk that occasionally morphed into an almost haunting scowl during her…episodes, as Jessie had taken to calling them. Her long auburn hair mimicked Jessie’s own natural color, spilling over her shoulders and flowing down to the small of her back, though despite her innocuous (and arguably beautiful, not that Jessie would ever admit it aloud) appearance, she was truly awful in most every way imaginable. The young child kept his head low as he swung wide around the parking lot situated to the east of the schoolyard, trying his hardest to avoid being noticed (an impossible task given how barren the rest of the surrounding area was). He hoped that one of the teachers would do their job and make sure that no strange individuals were lingering in the schoolyard before heading home for the day; it made getting home without being spotted much easier. Unfortunately, today just wasn’t his day.
“Hey Jess, you’re pretty late.”
Jessie jumped, quickly turning and staring at (or rather past) the young woman looming over him, that trademark smirk plastered on her face. “I’ve been out here waiting for you for almost an hour, y’know you’re not supposed to be staying after today,” Alice said sweetly, placing a gloved hand on the boy’s shoulder. Jessie continued to stare past the girl, a look of sheer contempt glued to his scarf-concealed coun Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 18/09/24(Mon)03:01 No. 25794

Nice. Hopefully there’s more?

Anonymous 18/10/23(Tue)10:09 No. 25846

A hazy stream of twilight spilled into the siblings’ room, bathing the young woman sleeping in the bottom bunk in a yellowish sheen. She yawned, sitting up and stretching as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Making her way to the closet, she noted the unsettling silence in her bedroom, an extremely uncommon occurrence over the past 3 years, and donned her technically-government-mandated school uniform; a dark navy-blue polo shirt and a 22-inch khaki skirt. She absolutely abhorred her school’s dress code, but unfortunately, she didn’t have many other options, especially considering the degenerate-infested shithole she and her family inhabited. After spending about half an hour applying her makeup she cast a sidelong glance at the top bunk, almost worried by the utter stillness she noticed, so much so that she took it upon herself to check up on the boy. “Hey Jess, you up?” she began, palming one of the rungs of the ladder up to the boy’s bed, “You should hurry up and get dressed, I’ll walk you to the bus stop on my way t–” the words died on her lips when she saw the empty bed. “God dammit,” she muttered.

Jessie stood at the bus stop at the end of Calhoun street, his backpack slung over his shoulders as he scratched and picked at the hem of his tattered and dirty jacket, a thin layer of unspeakable fluid congealed around the child’s sleeves and emitting a rather odd odor. He stood and waited, reaching into his jacket pocket to retrieve his cellphone and check the time; 6:54 A.M. The prepubescent despised waking up so early, but it was the only way he could ensure that his sister wouldn't be around to disturb him, or at least wouldn't have the time to. Alice would be getting dressed right about now, leaving the house by 7:15 if she wanted to make it to school by 8, which gave Jessie plenty of time to get home, eat breakfast, take a quick shower, and maybe even watch some cartoons before he had to be at school come 9. He sat on a nearby bench, swiping through his phone before hovering over the .mp3 he'd recorded the night before. Fishing his earbuds out of his backpack, the young child plugged them in and opened the file, grimacing as he was assaulted with the sounds of his mother’s yelling followed by Alice’s shrill retorts. He listened for a few minutes before he heard the sound of the children’s bedroom door slamming followed by the muffled hiss of the local route R42 bus’s brakes as it came to a stop, its doors opening and what looked like a horribly confused and drunken homeless woman shambling out before stumbling off down the street. Jessie sighed, taking note of the time once again – 7:07 – before making his way back home. On days like today he'd taken to leaving home early and travelling about half a mile away to one of the city’s seedier (relatively speaking) neighborhoods so he could avoid dealing with his sister’s post-playtime affections.

The boy s Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 21/08/22(Sun)15:01 No. 27371

>A hazy stream of twilight spilled into the siblings’ room, bathing the young woman sleeping in the bottom bunk in a yellowish sheen. She yawned, sitting up and stretching as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Making her way to the closet, she noted the unsettling silence in her bedroom, an extremely uncommon occurrence over the past 3 years, and donned her technically-government-mandated school uniform; a dark navy-blue polo shirt and a 22-inch khaki skirt. She absolutely abhorred her school’s dress code, but unfortunately, she didn’t have many other options, especially considering the degenerate-infested shithole she and her family inhabited. After spending about half an hour applying her makeup she cast a sidelong glance at the top bunk, almost worried by the utter stillness she noticed, so much so that she took it upon herself to check up on the boy. “Hey Jess, you up?” she began, palming one of the rungs of the ladder up to the boy’s bed, “You should hurry up and get dressed, I’ll walk you to the bus stop on my way t–” the words died on her lips when she saw the empty bed. “God dammit,” she muttered.

>Jessie stood at the bus stop at the end of Calhoun street, his backpack slung over his shoulders as he scratched and picked at the hem of his tattered and dirty jacket, a thin layer of unspeakable fluid congealed around the child’s sleeves and emitting a rather odd odor. He stood and waited, reaching into his jacket pocket to retrieve his cellphone and check the time; 6:54 A.M. The prepubescent despised waking up so early, but it was the only way he could ensure that his sister wouldn't be around to disturb him, or at least wouldn't have the time to. Alice would be getting dressed right about now, leaving the house by 7:15 if she wanted to make it to school by 8, which gave Jessie plenty of time to get home, eat breakfast, take a quick shower, and maybe even watch some cartoons before he had to be at school come 9. He sat on a nearby bench, swiping through his phone before hovering over the .mp3 he'd recorded the night before. Fishing his earbuds out of his backpack, the young child plugged them in and opened the file, grimacing as he was assaulted with the sounds of his mother’s yelling followed by Alice’s shrill retorts. He listened for a few minutes before he heard the sound of the children’s bedroom door slamming followed by the muffled hiss of the local route R42 bus’s brakes as it came to a stop, its doors opening and what looked like a horribly confused and drunken homeless woman shambling out before stumbling off down the street. Jessie sighed, taking note of the time once again – 7:07 – before making his way back home. On days like today he'd taken to leaving home early and travelling about half a mile away to one of Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

BBC Step-Daddy is Finally out of Prison RRHB 21/08/22(Sun)06:53 No. 27370 [Reply]

mirror: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33403804

an audio script but it kinda reads like elit so here you go...

So, Dad… I’m sure you’ve heard by now that he’s getting out of prison this week. Can you believe he only ended up serving six years after what he did to me? After all he made me do?

And mom stayed with him and remained faithful this whole time. You must really despise her for that, huh?

How could she stay with someone who molested her daughter? Not to mention through a six year prison sentence.

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I lost my virginity to my friend's mum I lost my virginity to my friend&!IEjtFFeudE 21/07/28(Wed)13:24 No. 27338 [Reply]

Whenever Kevin wasn’t around, we would usually talk about his mum. She always wore the tightest clothes to show off her wide ass and soft breasts. She wasn’t shy about baring the skin of her shoulders or her legs. High heels were her only footwear. And when she walked around with her butt pointing upward, it was like she was begging to be fucked. She loved to blow kisses. And it made my imagination go crazy whenever I got one.
I had her on facebook and had masturbated to all of her photos. Theodora was her name, and just recalling it in my head triggered a boner. Even though she was talkative and outgoing, she was secretive at the same time. She never talked what she’d done the other day or what her plans were. She’d usually joke about how many girls we’d hit on yet and was very open about sexual conversations. Kevin had told us she worked part time as a secretary for a bank, but she would be away for odd hours. He’d also told us his father had called her a dirty slut when they’d split up many years ago. He’d never asked why because he didn’t want to find out. I didn’t want to ask too many questions, because I knew he got uncomfortable.

Now I lay in bed, masturbating as usual. I imagined how she would pull up her bra and unveil her two mature breasts. Her lips always clean and glossy and her hair smooth and blonde. She would be on her knees sucking me with her experiences and skills. She would then stand up and press my face between her legs. It was normal jerking off fantasizing about her. Now that I’d gotten a bit older, I wanted to flirt and try to hit on her, but I knew I didn’t stand a chance as a virgin.

I woke up the next day. It didn’t feel too good to still be a virgin at the age of 21. I was dying to know how it would feel to finally have sex. I wasn’t particularly good looking. And I had very little one on one experiences with other girls. This morning it just crossed my mind to call an escort. It would break my shell and give me confidence for the future.

Scrolling down the escort website blueballed me to the point of torture. These were the hottest girls I’d ever seen. It turned me on even more when reading what they offered. GFE, anal, cim, showering, French kiss. I was in heaven. But still I gravitated toward women. For some reason they were less intimidating. I found a woman calling herself Sofi Goldfinger. The name was hot but her pictures were even hotter. I went through all of them and not jerking off was difficult. The nursing and teacher outfits. Her red and black lingerie. The leather leggings and a whip in her hand. She had her pussy and breasts censored. In the description, “You have to call me to see me, Kiss.”
One photo she was bending over the kitchen table, flashing her butt with high heels, described, “Spank me.”
Another one she was lying down on the grass masturbating titled, “I could need a few more fingers.”
Ano Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

/elit/ - Erotic Literature my teasing sister 21/07/23(Fri)13:16 No. 27322 [Reply]

She would come up behind my computer chair and put her arms around me and rub my chest, mess with my hair and kiss my neck. I was to liking it more and more. She liked to rub her tits on me. My arms at first. She would put my arms around her and lift my arms up to feel the bottom of her tits. One night she was doing this and whispered, “Feel my tits, they’re getting bigger.”

That was the night I started getting hot for her.

We were standing with her back to me. She backed up to me and took my hands and put them on her nice soft tits. She moaned softly and guided my hands all around her tits. I automatically felt for her nipples. She sucked a big breath…and shivered as I rolled her nipples between my fingers. They got firm and perked up. She whispered, "Oh my god, oh my god, that’s giving me a hot flash of good feelings. Just keep that up… please."
"How can nipples give you a tingle in your pussy?”
She was in a nice daze and said, “I don’t know, guys don’t get that.”
My boner was growing fast now and she felt it in her butt crack. She gently moved her butt around feeling it. She was breathing hard now.

She thought….. Oh my god!...he’s getting a hardon over me? I’m liking that!…wow…that’s making my slit feel wet inside….that feels wonderful. I guess I’m not just ‘the little pest’ now, am I big brother. I got plans for him, I want more of his male attention and now I sure know how to get it. I can’t wait to tell my girlfriend what’s happening!…she said her brothers try to cop feels on her, and peek at her when she’s dressing or in the shower. He never did that to me, but I think that’s all changing now.

She came in my room late on a Saturday night, and sat on my bed. She look all bummed out. She told me she finally had her first sex. It hurt and was so quick, then the guy left. I sat with her and explained about some boys who don’t know girls very well yet. She had started fixing her hair hot, and wearing cool make up. She looked hot. She laid her head in my lap and said I knew how to make her feel good.

My boner heard her and came to life. She felt it on her head and smiled. I looked at her. Her baby face was now a hot girls face with a body to match. She got up and pushed me back on my back. She crawled on top of me and my boner went right between her legs. I held her and told her the next guy will be better, I’m sure. She started kissing my neck and slightly moving her pussy around on my boner. My arms went around her automatically. She began to purr like a kitten. She took her feet and spread my legs apart and pushed her pussy down on my boner. I felt her sweet little ass, as she squirmed it on me. She whispered, “Mom and dad are going to be gone tomorrow night for the night. Will you show me what good sex is all about?”
I said her next boyfriend will do that, but in the mean time we Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

The Parasite Part 1 (fb, inc, scifi) Death By Snu Snu 12/07/27(Fri)01:06 No. 16783 [Reply]

This is my first attempt at any kind of erotica (though I have written regular stuff before). I hope everyone enjoys it. first part is for the most part straight forward fb incest, but there will be much more (including heavy scifi elements) later on.


Part 1

“Come on, Sis! Hurry up!”

“Why don’t you slow down you little shit stain!”

The boy ignored his sister and continued down the forest path. Emily sighed. Her parents were evil, making her keep an eye on her little brother, Derik. Despite the unbearable heat outside that day, he insisted on going out. He swore that he saw a meteor crash somewhere in the woods the night before and was hell bent on finding it and bringing it home. But the curious twelve year old couldn’t go out there on his own. Oh no! He needed a babysitter, and who better than his sixteen year old sister, who didn’t have anything better to do that day like sit in the air conditioning and eat ice cream. The only bright side to any of this was that she would be able to cool off a bit, relaxing in a pond back in the woods.

Ironically, the pond is where Derik ended up leading her and where he found the meteor. The football sized space rock sat in a small crater, just off the edge of the pond. Derik excitedly ran over and began examining it. Emily failed to see what was so fascinating about some stupid piece of stone, but she was more interested in something else anyway.

She stripped off her top and bike shorts, already wearing her favorite white and red bikini underneath. No one would hesitate to say that she was an attractive girl. She was slim, tall, had a good complexion, strawberry blond hair that reached down to her shoulders, her breasts were slightly larger than average for a girl her age, and her personal favorite asset, an ass that made jaws hit the floor when she walked by.
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44 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)08:02 No. 24956

Why do all the good stories have to die? Im Bumping this. Would any anon care to continue this please?

Death By Snu Snu 21/07/05(Mon)20:04 No. 27300

Wow. I'm amazed this story is still up on here.

I don't know if anyone cares anymore, but hi, I'm Death By Snu Snu. Yes, I am in fact the original author of this story. It's been a long time.

Before I get anyones hopes up, no I don't plan to continue this story. But reading through these old comments I saw that a lot of people really liked this old bit of smut so I thought id offer up an explanation for why I abandoned it.

I never intended to abandon this story, or any of the non-erotic stories I posted on other sites. Updates would have been slow since I was a busy college student at the time, but I always intended to continue when I had time.

That is until I got myself arrested (marijuana possession if you must know). I spent a month in jail, got kicked out of college, my life kinda fell apart for a while. And by the time I got my feet back under me I had honestly forgotten about this story, but even if I hadnt I just didnt have time to write at all for a few years.

It wasn't until very recently that I found the old files for this story on an old flash drive I forgot about, so I came back to 7chan for the first time in almost a decade and found this thread still active. I don't know if anyone who read this back in the day is still here, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving you hanging.

As I said, I don't plan to continue this. This story is a distant memory for me now, and I haven't written anything, erotic or otherwise, in years. That being said I have been wanting to try my hand at writing again. Dont know if it would be erotic or not, but maybe I'll post something new here eventually. Maybe.

But anyway, for anyone who might care, I just wanted to say thanks for all the praise and support you gave this story all those years ago.
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Anonymous 21/07/07(Wed)16:45 No. 27302

this is to this day my favorite story on here

Summer Loving Zaphod!p0sXnaaQ7I 21/06/12(Sat)21:13 No. 27268 [Reply]

This was supposed to be a setup for something a lot less vanilla than it is. It still is, but it was originally meant to be too. First chapter is your garden variety yuri incest, but wacky hijinks will ensue after the foreshadowed time skip. This was meant to be a short intro, but Emily and Liz insisted on having some time in the sun before getting to the plot.


I seduced my sister when I was 14. She thinks she seduced me, but she's not the brightest bulb in the drawer. And anyway, I like it this way. Guilt is the best way to keep someone close, and to make sure they keep a secret. Now, when I crawl into her bed at 3 AM, even though I can feel in the hunch of her shoulders and the fuzz in her voice that she doesn't want to be awake, she'll eat me out anyway. Dumb bitch. Love her, though.


It was two summers ago when I cracked her. She's a year older than I am, and although she'd had her (unfairly large) tits for a couple years, she was just starting to take a *serious* interest in other kids. Like the boy cleaning the pool under Mother's watchful (and appreciative, I'm pretty sure, though I never caught them doing anything) eye. I'd been working on her since the end of school, touching her more, wearing less, complimenting her chest and her long, brown hair. I'd found her diary when she left it out, distracted by finals, and I knew she thought I was pretty. What she actually wrote was, "God, Liz is so hot." She wrote that about a lot of people, to be fair, but I was determined to make her do something about it. So I was playing the insecure little sister that summer, getting her to compliment me back. She liked my flat tummy, the short, jagged haircut I was trying out, the sundresses and tank tops I wearing more and more around her as she "helped me feel more confident." And I hadn't been letting her masturbate.

I was terrified she'd figure out what was going on, but... well, like I said. Not the smartest. So when I'd knock on her door about ten minutes after I started hearing the rustle of sheets and muffled moans from across our shared wall, I don't think she ever really realized what was up. It made her nervous, though, and downright terrified of being vocal. When I interrupted her for a goodnight hug, I could feel her heart racing while I pushed my small boobs into her ribs.

"Goodnight Emmy," I'd whisper up at her, letting her get a long sniff of my hair while she held me in her arms, barely suppressing the urge to rub her hard nipples into my clavicle. "Love you."

And I'd feel the shiver run down her back, and smile beatifically like a tiny little sister should.
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Anonymous 21/06/22(Tue)01:17 No. 27275

Love it! This is great! Looking forward to the main course, which I hope you're posting here...

Zaphod!p0sXnaaQ7I 21/06/23(Wed)05:20 No. 27278

Thanks anon. It'll be here, just haven't had time to write.

This Is How It Starts (Mg, Mf, MF, inc, prost, semi-mc, dubcon, oppai, lol AnonyMPC 20/11/27(Fri)17:40 No. 27062 [Reply]

Author's Note: This story is set after a worldwide pandemic that is close to, but not quite like the one that took place while it was being written. Imagine it as an alternate world where the virus was a little more serious and lockdowns had to be more intense than they tended to be and people were generally better about abiding by them.

This Is How It Starts (Mg, Mf, MF, inc, prost)

I blame the quarantine. The stay-at-home orders. The lockdowns. If not for that, it might never have been discovered... or maybe it would have, but I might have been left out of it, might never have seen what no man was meant to know.

People complain that the virus changed everything, that it established a New Normal. They have no idea that the subtler contagion that really has the potential to rewrite society was just using the virus and all our social distancing to keep under the radar. If we were in our normal world, where kids went to school, surely somebody would have noticed right away... or maybe nobody would notice the effect enough to take advantage. After all, without the lockdowns, a lot less people would have started baking.

My first encounter with this all was while the virus... the actual virus, the one everybody was paranoid about, the one that had us wearing masks in public, canceling family holidays... all of that looked like it was finally winding down. The new vaccine was out, and--as a grocery worker--I was lucky enough to get one of the first waves of injections and the corresponding card which let me pass lockdown checkpoints, so I could finally visit people without risk of infection or reinfection or becoming a carrier.

So, naturally, I visited my brother. My place isn't that far away from his, but in a lockdown it might as well have been across the country... for months, I'd only seen him and his family from a long distance, or on video chat, and... I missed my nieces and nephew. Them, I'd barely even seen at all aside from a few social media pictures or brief hellos on a screen before rushing off to do something. Maybe my nephew Cameron I saw a little more than the others... when I did get a chance to talk to the kids, he had a habit of taking over the camera, apparently completely oblivious to the fact that I also wanted to see and talk to my nieces. Maybe even more. Don't get me wrong, I love my nephew, but I'd just always connected better with the girls and it felt like I hadn't caught up with them in so long.

Despite this, I didn't rush to his house the moment I was allowed to... my brother Ben had hedged around my coming to visit, even though I offered immediately and he agreed, tepidly, that it was a good idea. Still, when I pushed for a time he kept giving me vague 'I don't know maybe sometime soon' type answers while also significantly downplaying the idea of an extended visit. I thought may Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)04:36 No. 27218

with asstr down, are you gonna set up camp somewhere else? see if it comes back online? post a zip file of all your stories so far?

Anonymous 21/04/03(Sat)20:48 No. 27223

asstr's back up nvm

Anonymous 21/06/18(Fri)23:49 No. 27271

I saw on pomf that you said you had a story basically done... but then pomf decided I needed to register to watch your streams. Any chance we'll see the story soon?

Kaitie's new Daddy - Teacher's Pet Rubyredhiball 21/05/10(Mon)15:16 No. 27243 [Reply]

This is my first bit of elit outside of audio scripts so I thought I'd post it in one of the places where I first discovered elit :) thanks for taking a look

Tags: Mf, student/teacher, daddy, large cock, cock worship, incest and cuckolding references, cumplay

"Oh my gosh." A freshmen girl interrupts her four friends who are working on a group math assignment. "Look at Mr. Smith's crotch."

"Ew, Rachel you are so gross." One of the girls whispers. They all giggle to themselves and try to subtly take a glance at the classroom teacher. The desks in the room were arranged into groups of four and Mr. Smith was standing near the desks of another group of students helping them with their work.

Mr. Smith was a well-built man of above average height with dark hair, light brown eyes and a full but short beard. He wore a polo shirt that hugged his biceps and chest muscles and a pair of khaki pants. While loose, they did not do much to hide the defined bulge that was very apparent, starting at the crotch and continuing down one side of his pants.

One of the girls, Kaitie, stared through her large, black-rimmed glasses. Her giggling was a bit phoned in as she was intently fixated on the front of the teacher's pants. While not the most promiscuous girl, she wasn't completely innocent and had seen a few penises by now. She could not conceive how a man's package could be that enormous.

Before she could figure out if this was some kind of optical illusion or if he actually had a solid object that huge in his pants one of the girls took a playful jab at her, "Ooh, I think Kaitie likes it!" Katie's mouth was agape and her eyes were wide until hearing the comment from her friend snapped her back into reality. Slightly embarrassed she smirked and said, "Oh my god. Shut up, Claire!"

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Anonymous 21/06/02(Wed)20:49 No. 27262

oh shit, this is nice. any more?

Rubyredhiball 21/06/14(Mon)00:49 No. 27269

I have an audio script that features some of the same characters that had actually been filled by one of the lovely girls on the FSA thread over in /soc/ on 4chan. You can chsck it out at my Ao3


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