Apologize if I have broken protocol.
I'm searching for a completed version of the story below. I believe it was titled "pool girl" and was written piece by piece in a forum. Can't seem to find it...
Earlier this year we had a young couple move in next door. (We being my
wife and I)Husband works all time, Mom is 30 and daughter is 8. A couple
months ago I put up one of those big above ground pools so I could get a
good look at the two in their swim suits. The daughter has taken a liking
to me, and now that school is out for the summer they are over almost
constantly. For whatever reason, they leave their swimsuits at our place
and change over here. The girl likes to horse around in the pool a lot,
splashing and dunking and such, which leads to innocent (yeah right)
roaming hands and touches, on my part as well as hers. A couple weeks ago
me and her mom were outside cleaning the pool while her daughter went in to
change. She never came back so I went in to look for her. I found her in
our master bath on the toilet. I saw her through a mirror and could only
see her head and chest, which was already covered by her bikini top. She
told me there was no toilet paper and asked if I could get her some. I
grabbed a new roll from the cabinet and went to deliver it, promising not
to look and covered my eyes (mostly) with my hands. She told me it was ok,
I didn't have to cover my eyes, but I kept my hand up, pretending not to
look. I couldn't see much but the top of her bare pubic area. Lot's of
dunking and grabbing in the pool that day!
We have taught her how to hold her breath and swim underwater, and I
have started to give her an incentive to do just that. I kneel on the
bottom of the pool, one foot and one knee style, fish my cock out so she
can see it if she wants. (She always wears goggles or a mask to keep water
out of her eyes) The first day I tried this, I didn't really notice any
results, but since the second day, I notice she always swims right up to me
before surfacing. Since starting this I have noticed other friendly
actions, such as sitting on my knee, one leg on either side (when she does
this I grab her waist and rock her on my knee to hopefully give her some
stimulation), or wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist
so if I dunk her, I have to go down with her. (I occasionally have a semi
and make sure she knows it as she is wrapped around me) Yesterday, a couple
things took place which blew my mind. My wife was still at work (and yes,
she knows of my activities) and me, the mom and daughter were in the pool.
The girl needed to pee and asked mom if she could do it like they did at
their old house. I immediately reminded her of the no peeing in the pool
rule. Mom said no, that wasn't it. She peed outside the pool at their old
place. Interesting. The way our place is set up, we have a half acre and
between the trees and fences nobody can really see in to the back yard.
There is a water hose and faucet right beside the pool and mom asks for the
hose and for me to turn the water on, which I do. The girl gets out and
stands in the grass and starts peeing! Mom then starts squirting her with
water to wash her off as she goes. When she is done peeing the girl pulled
the crotch of her suit to the side to get cleaned off! Neither of them
thought anything of me standing there. About an hour later she needed to
pee again. I grabbed the hose and handed it to mom, but the girl said she
wanted me to hose her off this time, which I happily did.
Later, after the wife got home, the three of us adults were on the patio
smoking, the girl nowhere to be seen. I decided to go in and get out of my
swim trunks, and guess who was in the master bath changing? Yep, she was
standing there with her top off and about to remove her bottoms. (Damn why
couldn't I of been 10 seconds later) I said I was sorry, didn't know she
was in there and turned to leave. She told me that it was ok and I didn't
have to go but not to peek. Sure, no problem since I was facing the
dresser mirror in the master bedroom and could see everything anyway. I
watched as she stripped naked, finished drying off and dressed. Not as
good of a view had I turned around, but a nice view none the less. When
she was done and told me I could turn around I told her it was my turn to
change. She didn't make a move to leave so I started untying the string on
my trunks. I asked her if she was going to turn her back or watch. She
turned her back to me, which was ok because I knew she could see me in the
bathroom mirror. I stripped down and took my time drying off, stroking my
half hard cock. Out the corner of my eye I could see her face in the
mirror, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. I grabbed my pair of shorts off
the floor where I left them when I put my suit on earlier, and made sure
she knew I was putting them on without underwear. Giving my cock another
stroke before tucking it in I then told her she could turn around.
We went back outside and her mom asked where we had been, to which the
girl replied we were changing. Mom didn't seem bothered that we might have
been changing together and went in to change herself. They hung around for
about an hour, the girl disappearing for a while. Later, after they left,
I went to the bathroom and guess what was on the floor on top of my trunks?
The girls panties. She must of came in and took them off before they left.
Makes me wonder whats in store when they come over later today? Got to
love this hot weather!!!
Next Day:
When they came over yesterday she was wearing a sleeveless button up
blouse over a sleeveless tight white tank top undershirt. The undershirt
was twisted a bit and occasionally her left nipple would show past the arm
holes of her blouse. I made sure she caught me looking. I always make
sure she catches me looking. The 3 of us were on the patio, her mom and I
having a smoke, when she decided to go change into her swimsuit. I tried
to mentally time it so I could go in and catch her in the middle of
changing, but either I was off or she hurried as she was already changed by
the time I got to the bathroom. She scurried off saying she was going to
beat me to the pool, so I didn't get the chance to change in front of her.
I noticed her pile of clothes, no panties. Hmmm. I grabbed the pair I had
found the day before (I had hid them from my wife and jerked off in them
mid day yesterday) and placed them on her clothes. I wanted her to know I
knew what she was doing. I quickly changed and as I left the bathroom
bumped into her mom. She asked if her daughter was in there changing with
me. (She asked not in an accusing way but a non chalant way, like she was
cool if she was changing with me) I told her no, she was already in the
pool. Mom must of came in the side door while her daughter went out the
back and missed each other.
I went to the pool while mom got changed and proceeded to dunk the girl
as soon as I got in. My favorite way to dunk her is like a wrestler body
slams his opponent, but in a gentler way. ( One arm up high, the other
arm, or hand in this case, on the crotch, pick up, roll and throw
down)Several times she has asked me to dunk her I wonder if it is because
of this style and where my hand goes. It was normal antics after mom
joined us, but those normal antics are very touchy feely if you know what I
mean. I even managed to brush her hand against my semi a few times while
horsing around. I tried to do it casually where it was evident I was doing
it on purpose, yet not so obvious that I could always say oops I didn't
realize in case she objected and said something. She did seem to keep her
arms and legs wrapped around me, or set on my knee with her crotch pushed
into my kneecap more than usual yesterday.
My wife got home from work early and joined us in the pool. This helps
sometimes as she visits with the mom while someone (lucky me?) has to
entertain the girl. Nothing worth detailing took place the rest of the
time in the pool. Unfortunately when it came time to get out of the pool
all 3 females went to change together, so I didn't get a chance to catch
her changing yesterday. When I went to change, I did notice the panties
were gone and I had to smile knowing she was wearing the panties I had shot
a load into earlier in the day and the dried cum on the crotch was rubbing
her pussy. She did give me a weird knowing smile when I came out and met
them on the patio.
They took up an invitation to dinner, as her husband was working late
again. A little later in the evening the mom was on the patio smoking and
talking on the phone and my wife was in the bedroom folding laundry. I
went in to see if she wanted help and the girl was laying on our bed. We
started cutting up and I grabbed her feet, pulled her legs up and wide.
This treated me to a nice view of her panties up her shorts. She caught me
looking but just smiled. I pushed her legs up, bending the knees and
leaned over a bit, he knees almost touching her shoulders, if you can
imagine what that looked like. Then pulled the straight and wide again.
Every time I did this I got a good view of the crotch of her panties, and
every time she caught me looking she just smiled but did nothing to hide
them, if she was even aware I could see them. I kicked myself in the ass
for returning her panties as I know she had none on when they came over
earlier. But then again it was a thrill knowing my dried cum was against
her skin.
I ended up working a double shift and didn't get yesterdays update (what
happened Thursday) wrote, so here it is:
I had fell asleep on the couch after lunch, and mid afternoon sensed a
presence in the house. Just as I opened my eyes she came around the corner
and stood in front of me in a blue cotton dress. Saying hi she lifted the
hem and pulled her dress over her head and off her body. I was stunned
till I realized she had on a tight one piece I had never seen before, and
commented on such. She told me it was last years and asked if I liked it.
When I realized her mom was not in the house, or at least in the room I
told her to turn around so I could see all of it. When her ass was facing
me I gave it a swat. Normally she would pull back and tell me not to do
that. Today she poked her ass out like she wanted another, which I
gratefully gave. My first thought was so much for maybe getting to see her
change today, my second thought was to see if she was willing to watch me
change before mom came in. I jumped up and headed to the master bathroom.
I told her I was going to change so we could get in the pool and she
followed me saying she needed a towel. As soon as we hit the bathroom I
stripped my shirt of, wanting her to know I was going to change weather she
was there or not. She grabbed a town and started walking out. As I
watched her ass as she walked through the bedroom I unzipped and popped the
button on my shorts. Suddenly she turned around and said wait, don't
change. I don't think she could see me at that point so I dropped my
shorts and as soon as she rushed through the door repeating wait don't
change I said too late I already started. She stopped in her tracks and
her eyes got big as saucers. She mumbled an apology and slowly walked to
the counter, sat a hair beret down and said she needed to leave it there so
she didn't lose it. I didn't ask her to stay, but didn't tell her to go, I
just picked up my trunks and put them on. Just as I pulled them up she
went back out and just as she went out the bedroom door ran into mom. Her
mom asked where I was and she said I was about to change. I stepped out of
the bathroom saying too late I already changed as I tied the string on my
trunks. She didn't seem to realize or be bothered that her daughter just
came out of the bathroom where I was changing, and that I was already
changed, leaving the possibility that she was in there WHEN I changed. She
just said she would get changed and meet us in the pool, which was my cue
to leave.
Pool time was pretty much our standard antics, although I did let my
hands roam more and they seemed very well received. At one point when she
was sitting on my knee with her arms and legs wrapped around me I
discovered I was absentmindedly caressing her ass, bunching up her suit so
there was more flesh for my fingers to touch. Her only reaction was to hug
me tighter. More than once as I would dunk her body slam style she would
lock her legs with my hand trapped tight against her crotch. Normally I
would pull my hand out slowly, fingers pressing into her. Yesterday though
I would rub back and forth a few times before pulling my hand out. Her
only reaction would be to ask me to dunk her just like that again. I tried
to keep changing the games up so there were different opportunities, like
the swimming under water. I wasn't even thinking clearly one time while
kneeling and her swimming under water toward me, I pulled the leg of my
trunks open so my cock would fall out. She had goggles on and it dawned on
me she probably saw me do that on purpose. When she got to me, instead of
immediately surfacing as usual, she stayed on the bottom for a few seconds,
her face not hardly a foot away from me. She surfaced, took a short breath
and slowly sunk to the bottom again. I know she was getting an eye full.
Sadly (actually it worked out for the better), mom got a call from her
husband, he was off work early and headed home, so swim time ended so they
could get dried off and back home for her to start dinner. As we sat on
the patio smoking and drying out, mom told her to go get changed. This
sparked my interest as I knew she had nothing but a dress to change into,
no underwear to go with it. When she came out with her suit in hand I
almost instantly started getting hard knowing she was naked under the
dress. I thought mom was going to go change also, giving me a couple
minutes alone with her, but no such luck. She borrowed a towel to wrap up
in for the short walk home. Girls that age are by no means modest, and I
did get a couple peeks of her smooth hairless twat. Mom got on to her
asking if she knew we could see everything she owned, but she didn't seem
concerned and mom didn't tell her to cover up either. I set with one leg
crossed on top of the other so my stiff cock was out the bottom of my
trunks, mom couldn't see it, but anyone crouching in front of me could.
Guess who I caught in front of me looking, rather staring? They left
shortly after and you can bet when mu wife got home she got one hell of a
fucking. Afterwards she asked what was up with that, were the neighbor's
over or something. I laughed and recounted the afternoon for her, she
thinks I am pushing too hard and reading too much into the
actions/reactions of both mom and daughter. What do you think?
Update for what happened yesterday (Friday) Working a double shift, I
didn't get home till late Friday morning. I was wiped out so I grabbed a
quick shower, put on a pair of loose fitting short gym shorts and a tee
shirt and laid down on the couch, falling asleep to the TV. Something
startled me awake later in the afternoon and I opened my eyes to find her
standing at the foot of the couch staring at me, or rather at my crotch. I
said hi and asked how long she had been there. She blushed and looked me
in the eye and said only a couple minutes. I asked where her mom was and
she informed me mom was finishing up some laundry but told her she could
come over and swim if it was ok with me, and she would be over shortly. I
reach down to scratch and my suspicions were confirmed, the leg of my
shorts were open enough she could see my cock, and when I scratched it
opened them up farther hoping she would take another look. She did, and
blushed again but made no move to stand somewhere else so she couldn't see.
I asked if she had changed already and she said no, but she had put her
suit in the big bathroom when she got there. I stood up and said I guess
we better go get changed then. I was surprised that she followed me to the
master bathroom and as soon as I stripped my shirt off, off came hers.
Dropped my shorts, she dropped hers then pushed her panties off. No I
didn't touch her, didn't ask her if she liked what she saw, that is the
quickest way to get in trouble! We both got dressed like normal people
would, although we didn't take our eyes off each other. I won't detail
what she looked like because for those of you that know what a girl her age
looks like I don't need to explain. For those who don't know, go find out
for yourself. After we dressed I asked if her mom minded us changing
together. She said shhhh, mom doesn't know and I don't want her to know,
that she would get in trouble again. I caught the again but didn't ask. I
do wonder what she meant though. I sprayed her down with sun screen, and
she did the same for me. We grabbed a couple towels and just as we were
leaving the bedroom we ran into her mom. She asked what we were doing back
here and her quick thinking daughter told her we came back in for towels as
we had forgotten them. She then said last on in the pool is a rotten egg
and ran off outside. Mom asked if she had been in here pestering me and I
told her no, she was a well behaved girl. I was informed to either tell
her, or send the girl home if she ever got on my nerves. I thought to
myself the problem was what she was NOT getting on. She said she was going
to change and meet us in the pool. The 3of us horsed around for a bit till
mom needed a smoke. As this is an above ground pool I built a tall table
to hold drinks, smokes, phones ect. Mom always stands facing away from the
pool whenever she has a smoke or nurses a drink. I kept horsing around
with the daughter and it wasn't long before she put on her goggles and that
was a sign she was about to go underwater swimming. I kneeled down as
usual, one foot one knee on the bottom, and as she got closer I pulled the
leg of my trunks open so my cock would fall out. Yesterday I was afraid
she would see me do this, Today I hoped she would see me do this. I guess
she did because she floated there about crotch level for as long as she
could before coming up for air. I knew she was looking. After a few
minutes of swimming under water back and forth across the pool, she asked
why I never swam under water. I told her to let me borrow her goggles and
I would. The first time I swam up to her I stopped right in front of her
crotch, just as she had to me. The second time I approached she reached
down and pulled her suit to the side!!!! I stayed under water as long as I
could looking at her smooth slit. I wanted so bad to reach out and touch
it with my finger or tongue, but I knew that would be a bad idea. She only
did it that one time, but the sight is burned into my memory. The rest of
the afternoon I was not shy about lingering my hands and fingers any time I
dunked her, or she was sitting on my knee hugging me. In fact, one time I
grabbed her hips, pushed her down tighter to my knee cap and rocked her
back and forth on me hoping to stimulate her clit. At one point I got out
of the pool and went in to piss. (No I don't pee in my own pool, only
yours. LOL) I said fuck it and grabbed her panties from the pile of
clothes on the bathroom floor. They were nice and clean, slight scent, no
crust or pee stains. Unusual for her age from what little I know. I
slipped them into my underwear drawer for future use. My wife came home
shortly after that and we all 4 had a good time horsing around. We got out
of the pool near sundown and all sat on the patio to dry off. After a
while, mom told her daughter to get changes as they were going home soon.
No chance for me to sneak in and change with her. When she got back
outside she came up and whispered in my ear Did you take my panties? Out
loud I answered maybe. Mom wanted to know maybe what. I told her her
daughter asked if she could have a couple cookies. Mom said she guessed it
would be alright so I took the girl in to find some cookies. When we got
in the kitchen she asked why I took her panties. I told her I just wanted
to look at them later, and if she would come over tomorrow without any I
would give them back. This seemed to satisfy her and we went back outside,
cookies in hand for everyone. Shortly after, mom got changes and they went
home as her husband was due in soon. I filled my wife in on the details
after they left. Mom and daughter both left their suits at our place
That is a recap of Thursday and Fridays events. I will Get today's
(Saturday) events up as soon as I can.
Saturday's activites.
Mid morning Saturday I suggested to my wife that she invite the
neighbors over to use the pool and maybe throw some burgers and dogs on the
grill later. I also told her if the husband came over she should warm up
to him and see if he had any interest in her. She knew I just wanted her
to run interference for me and said as much, before telling me to be
careful if he came over. . Not wanting to feed them twice, I had her set
it up for any time after 2pm. About 2:30 all 3 came over, even the
husband/dad. I kicked on the overhead misters to cool us down on the patio
before going in to make a pitcher of margaritas. The girl followed me in
wanting to help, so I positioned her between me and the counter while she
poured the bottles with my help and I showed her how I count to make the
proper mix of tequila, triple sec, and sweet & sour. I don't think there
was any way she could miss the feel of my hard cock pressing into her back.
I had to take my time salting the glasses, filling them with ice etc. to
give me time to soften. Didn't need to go back out with an obvious boner.
I told her I would deliver the drinks and when I got back I would change
and we could go in the pool. I didn't tell her to go get changed ahead of
me, nor did I tell her to wait for me so we could change together. I left
it open and let her decide exactly what I meant, or rather what she wanted
me to mean. I delivered the drinks and told our guests they were welcome
to use the pool and that as soon as their daughter changed I was going to
change and get in. My wife piped up and said they were going to have a
couple of drinks first, but for the two of us to go ahead and they would
join a little later. I was disappointed when I went back in and the girl
was not in the kitchen waiting for me. I knew I blew it and should of told
her to wait and WE would get changed. I headed on back to the master bath
figuring she would be changed already, and shut the door to the bedroom as
I went through. To my surprise she was standing there naked with the top
of her two piece in her hand. She said the strings were in a knot and she
couldn't get them out to put her top on. A mental note to myself that a
knot in the top shouldn't stop her from putting on her bottoms. I got the
knot out, if you want to call it a knot, and retied it for her after she
slipped the top on. Without asking I picked up her bottoms and held them
out for her to step into. I made sure to pull them up nice and snug
treating me to a prominent mound and camel toe. While all this was
happening my cock had gotten semi hard, and I also looked over at the pile
of her discarded clothes and noticed no panties. As I stripped my shirt
off I asked her to get us a couple towels out of the cabinet. As my shorts
came off I asked her why she didn't wear any panties today. She blushed
and said I told her I would give her the pair I took yesterday back to her
today. Seeing my semi hard cock as my shorts came off caught her by
surprise and she knocked a stack of towels out of the cabinet and bent over
to pick them up giving me a fantastic view of her ass. I could also see
her looking back as I told her she needed a trade in to get the others
back. She asked how cum and I explained that I get a pair she just took
off, I give the old ones back so she could wear them home, get them washed,
wear them again and trade out again. But she wanted to know how cum I
wanted the ones she just wore. I said I liked the way they smelled, to
which she giggled and replied Gross. I had my trunks on by this point and
reached down and picked up her shorts and held the crotch to my nose
sniffing. MMMM smells good to me I told her. She just ducked her head and
blushed again, but didn't object.
We went out the back door to the pool so we didn't have to parade
through the patio. The way the yard is arranged the pool and patio areas
can't see each other really. Whispers or very low voices can't be heard
between the two either but normal or loud talk can be shared. Even though
she didn't need it, I grabbed her hips to steady her going up the ladder to
the pool, making sure to slip my thumbs under the elastic of her suit
biting into her ass. After she was in, I climbed the ladder, turned around
and began my decent into the pool when I felt her grab my hips to steady
me. Such a sweet thoughtful girl. LOL. I heard the laughter from the
patio as the other three, well actually only two were cutting up. The
husband is a strange duck. Talk about sports, nope, not interested. Cars?
Nope, not interested. Movies, TV shows, hobbies, strip clubs, past
adventures...you guessed it, not interested. He is the exact opposite of a
social butterfly, I guess that makes him a worm? Anyway, as I got in the
pool I slipped my arm around her chest, pulled her to the far side to make
double sure we were out of sight and sat her on my knee as I kneeled down.
Her arms went around my neck as mine went around her waist. Our faces were
less than 3 inches apart. You like playing in the pool with me I asked
her. She just nodded her head yes. I slipped my hands down and grabbed her
hips as I brought my knee up to put pressure on her crotch. You just like
being with me don't you I asked as I gently rocked her hips. Again she
just nodded her head yes as a glassy look came in her eyes. Just as I
leaned forward and gave her a peck on the lips an outburst of laughter
startled her, both of us, back to reality. The mood broken, I put my hands
around her chest, just under her bikini top and lifted, letting my hands
slip and push her top up exposing her tiny near colorless nipples and threw
her back dunking her. I probably shouldn't of done it but I was caught off
guard and didn't know if the others were making their way to the pool. It
was a stupid move because if they were coming I was in trouble for her
being in the pool with me and her nipples showing. And if they were not
coming then it was stupid to break the magic moment. When she surfaced and
got her bearings she said her top was stupid because it kept riding up and
she didn't understand why she had to wear it to begin with. I told her if
I had my choice and we were alone not only would she not have to wear her
top, neither of us would have to wear a suit at all. This got an
embarrassed giggle out of her. We took turns dunking each other, and I
made sure to put a lot of pressure on her crotch as I picked her up and
dunked her in the water. A couple times as she dunked me I managed to push
her hand under my trunks and on my hard cock. Basically I was dunking
myself as there is no way she could pull me under by herself. There was
one time I managed to push the crotch of her suit over and place my finger
directly in her slit as I picked her up, but no penetration, just a good
rub where I though her clit would be. This kind of took her breath away
and she asked for a time out.
I thought it best to lighten things up as I didn't want to be caught in
a compromising situation so we just horsed around for a bit. I did plant a
seed and say I needed to pee, and a few minutes later she announced she
needed to do the same. I asked if she wanted to go in the grass and I
would hose her off like before. She asked if I was going to go too and I
said sure, but she could go first. We got out of the pool and I drained
the hot water out of the hose as I quietly told her to go ahead and start
peeing. She pulled the crotch of her suit to the side, squatted a little
and started peeing right in front of me with her pussy exposed!!!! I stood
there in a daze with my eyes wide and mouth hanging open. She broke the
spell when she told me to start spraying her. I turned the dial on the
sprayer to a tight straight stream and directed it to her pussy. It was a
pretty hard stream and she winced and pulled back for a second before
pushing her hips forward and placed her pussy directly in the stream. When
she was done she told me it was my turn. I changed the jet to a shower
pattern and swapped places with her. No way I was just going to piss my
trunks. I pulled them up and to the side exposing my hard cock and got a
small dribble out of it. She turned the spray on and it pretty much hid
her view of my cock. I pissed what little I could, gave wilie a couple
strokes I knew she could see and we got back in the pool.
A few minutes later the others came over and announced they were going
to change and get in the pool. When they were all inside I told her I had
fun and I would go put her panties with her clothes a little later so she
could have them back. She told me she didn't want them back because she
liked not wearing them. I told her I liked her not wearing them too. A
few minutes later my wife and the parents came out and joined us in the
pool which pretty much put a quash on any more activities. I did get a few
more feels, and she reached out and grabbed my cock at least once of her
own will. The rest of the afternoon and evening was pretty boring as far
as any more progress with her, other than her whispering in my ear that she
didn't have any panties on and giggling before they left that night.
Sunday they didn't come over, but all of us chatted over the fence for a
My shift has changed so I will have to find time to update later on what
happened today (Monday).
I think I am going to like this new shift. Midnight to eight, home by
8:30ish, can get 4 or 5 hours sleep, go play in the pool and still get a
nap in before time to go to work. When I got in from work Monday I took a
shower and laid down on the bed without putting anything on. I guess I was
more tired than I thought because I almost instantly fell asleep. About 2
in the afternoon I began to stir and was surprised to see the girl next
door standing at the foot of the bed. I asked how long she had been
standing there and she said a couple minutes. I realized I was naked, my
first thought was to lay there and talk to her and see where it went. My
second, almost instant thought was oh shit wheres mom? I sprang to my feet
and ducked into the bathroom as I asked her where her mom was. She was
already in the pool as she had worn her suit over but the girl had to come
in and change. I guess no one thought about me still being in bed. I know
we gave them an open invitation to come over any time, but sheesh do they
think they own the place. Actually I guess I didn't mind seeing as how I
got to see her lovely daughter every day. I stood at the toilet pissing
while she watched with a fascinated look. I figured I had a couple minutes
at most before mom would wonder what was taking her daughter so long to
change. I glanced over and saw she had 2 suits there, a 1 piece and a 2
piece. I finished pissing and asked which suit she was going to wear today
and she left the choice up to me, asking me which was my favorite. I told
her I liked the 1 piece because it fit her so tight. On the other hand the
2 piece is great because it covers so little of her. Lets get you
undressed while I decide I told her. By now my cock was hard as a rock
with a drop of pre cum on the tip. She couldn't take her eyes off of it as
she walked over to me in a daze. I reached down and grabbed the bottom of
her shirt, she raised her arms and let me pull it off. I let my cock bump
against her bared chest, leaving the drop of pre cum stuck to her skin just
below her nipples. Kneeling in front of her, I un-buttoned and un-zipped
her shorts and started sliding them down her hips. Nice, no panties again
today I commented to her when her treasure came into view. I wanted so bad
to just dive in and taste her, but now was the time for restraint. I was
already pushing my luck too far. As she stepped out of the shorts I saw
the lips of her pussy open slightly and I almost shot my load then and
there. I decided on the 2 piece and grabbed the bottoms and had her step
into them. I pulled them up so tight in the front you could see her lips
split apart. She complained that was too tight, so I hooked my fingers
inside the elastic at the crotch and pulled them down a little, the backs
of my fingers brushing against her smooth mound, and asked if that was
better. She shook her head yes. I couldn't resist, I leaned in and
quickly flicked my tongue across one of her tiny nipples. She giggled and
said don't. I asked why, didn't she like it. She said yes, but we need to
get dressed before mom comes looking for her. I realized she was right and
I had taken way too much time with her. I handed her the top to put on
while I grabbed my trunks and slid them on I told her to go on out and tell
her mom I was going to change and join them. As she turned and started
walking out I mumbled nice ass to myself. I guess I said it louder than I
thought because she stopped, looked back at me, wiggled her ass with a grin
on her face then continued on out the door.
Heres the dilemma: I needed to cum so bad my balls hurt. I also wanted
to be able to get hard in the pool so she could feel it press against her
and if I jacked off that wasn't likely to happen. I couldn't go in the
pool with a hard on because mom might see I and wonder why I was so hard. I
decided fuck it, even though I don't detail it here I have been trying to
get mom to warm up to me, might as well go all out and throw caution to the
wind. As I came out the back door mom looked over at me and said hi. I
saw her eyes drop down and she obviously saw my hard on. She glanced over
at her daughter, who also was looking then back at me before telling me the
water was great and to hurry up and get my ass in. I didn't detect any
alarm in her smile or voice, but wondered if she meant hurry up and get in
so my daughter doesn't see your hard cock. As I climbed the ladder to the
pool I told her why hurry, we have all afternoon. I paused at the top of
the ladder before turning around and going down into the pool. Again I saw
her eyes on my cock dart over to see her girl checking me out also. I
hopped off the ladder and sat on the bottom of the pool to quickly submerge
myself and get it over with. When I surfaced, the daughter was in front of
me and she wrapped he arms around my neck and legs around my waist. As I
stood up my hard cock pressed into her crotch. I put my arms around her
and gave a little bounce to settle her in and also to drive my cock against
her in case she missed it the first time. Unfortunately the coolness of
the water was beginning to soften my hard on. I walked over to mom,
carrying the girl and rocking her against me as I went. I felt her squeeze
her legs tighter around me and push her pussy up against me harder. I am
pretty tall and the water only comes up to just over my waist, so it is not
like you get a full direct view, but there is no way mom could not see how
her daughter was riding me. She started to slip so I cupped my hands into
a basket and slid them under her ass. This put my fingers at her crotch
and I squeezed to draw a little more skin out of the suit. The fingers of
my left hand would pull the fabric left while my right fingers pulled skin
right. It took some doing due to the angle but I finally felt a lip slip
out of the suit and against my right finger. The whole time I was doing
this I was standing right next to mom and talking about whatever subject
came up. As I began stroking her pussy lip with my fingers, she laid her
head on my shoulder and relaxed. I heard a hushed moan from her which told
me she was enjoying my touch. It also alarmed me that mom might hear her,
so as bad as I hated to quit, I interrupted my conversation with her mom
and said I thought someone needed dunking. I fell over sideways, taking
the girl with me and rolling her over so she was under me. As I did this I
slipped a finger under her suit and ran it along her slit, pressing hard
enough to separate the lips and put pressure where I thought her clit was.
We both surfaced spitting and sputtering. She cried foul, that I cheated
and caught her not paying attention. Mom came over and helped her get
revenge by dunking me. We all 3 horsed around, with me getting in a few
free feels of mom and daughter both. Little by little I had been pulling
on the string that tied the girls top around her back until finally it came
loose and floated up a little. She complained to her mom and asked if she
could just take her top off. Her mom hesitated and I said might as well,
she doesn't have anything I haven't seen before. Realizing what I just
said I back peddled explaining that I didn't mean I had seen her but we all
have seen a girls flat chest. I laughed and said even I have more boobs
than her daughter to try and lighten the air. Mom finally relented and
said she could keep leave it off but do not tell anyone, especially her
dad, about it. As soon as mom turned her back I winked at the girl, she
smiled and winked back.
I told mom that it wasn't fair for her to be the only topless one in the
pool. She told me to not even go there, her husband would kill her if he
found out. I asked who was going to tell. She hesitated before saying she
couldn't do that in the open, to which I had her look around and see no one
could see us where we were at. I went on to explain my wife went topless
out here when we were alone and occasionally we both swam nude. The girl
thought this was cool and asked if she could swim nude. Her moms exact
words, directed to me, were: You two can swim naked all you want but there
is no way I could bring myself to do that. . I knew what she meant, that
she was referring to my wife and I, but I turned to her daughter and said
cool, your mom just said we could swim naked. The girl had her bottoms
half way off before he mom told her that's not what she meant and for her
to keep he bottoms on unless she wanted to get dressed and go home. Just
then moms cell phone rang and she grabbed it off the poolside table and
answered it. I could tell it was her husband and I went to the other side
of the pool to give her what little privacy that afforded. I kneeled down
and the girl swam up to me and sat on my knee. My hands went to her hips
instantly to steady her, as well as rock her crotch on my knee, hopefully
stimulating her clit again. Sorry, I tried, I whispered to her. I know,
she whispered back, but I wanted to swim naked with you, I think that would
be fun. Well, at least your top s of, that's a start, I consoled her. I
had an idea. I told her to go get her goggles off the table, put them on
and swim to me underwater. My cock was still half hard so I brought it out
the leg of my trunks and it only took a few strokes to bring it back to
full hardness. By that time she was under water swimming slowly to me. I
kept stroking my cock knowing full well she could see what I was doing.
Moms back was to us so that wasn't a problem. I told her to stand where I
was and I went to get another pair of goggles off the table. As I swam
underwater toward her I saw her pull the crotch of her bottoms open and rub
her finger through her slit, frigging her clit. This girl caught on quick.
About that time her mom slammed her phone down and muttered Well Shit. I
knew play time was over just as it got started, but it was progress made. I
asked her what was wrong and she said her husband had left some important
papers for work at home and she had to go find them, run to Staples and fax
them over to him I told her she could use our machine to save her a trip
and she thought that was a wonderful idea. She told her daughter they had
to get out of the pool and go home for a bit. When the girl protested mom
told her they would be back, but for now put her top back on and get out of
the pool. I told mom her daughter could stay as long as she kept her top
on, as I didn't need someone dropping by unexpectedly and finding me and
her alone in the pool with her topless. Mom readily agreed as it would
make this faster and easier on her. Take all the time you need, I thought.
She got out, dried off and started walking next door. As soon as she was
out of earshot I grabbed the girl and pulled her closer to me. I didn't
say you had to keep your bottoms on did I, I whispered to her. She pulled
back, got a smile on her face and said you mean I can take them off for
real. No, I told her, I can take them off of you. This brought an even
bigger smile and a slight blush to her face as I reached out and pulled her
bottoms off, the second time that day I had pulled clothes off her. This
time though I cupped her pussy in my hand and rubbed my middle finger on
her slit until it opened up and I found her little clit. As I rubbed her
clit I told her she had to keep her bottoms close by and the first time I
even thought her mom was on the way back she had to put them back on FAST.
She asked if she could take my suit off and I told her yes, if she wanted
too. I pushed my finger back and into her tiny hole a fraction before
standing up to undo the string holding my trunks up. I told her we needed
to move to the far side of the pool so I could keep a better watch for her
mom, and by the time we got there I had the string undone. I turned around
and leaned against the pool, still standing. She swam up to me and keeping
her head just above water pulled my trunks down. As soon as they were off
she reached out and wrapped her hands around my cock. She didn't seem to
know what to do so I put my hand on hers and guided it back and forth,
showing her how to jack me. I knew it wouldn't take long to make me cum,
and I didn't want to cum in the pool. I had never done that and I didn't
know if it would disperse or stay clumped together floating along in the
water where it could be seen. I reluctantly had to stop her, telling her
she was doing a great job but was making it feel too good, and I wanted to
try something else with her. I had no idea how much she knew about sex and
reproduction and I didn't have time to explain it. I wanted to rub her
pussy some more, but there was something else I wanted also. I kneeled
down in front of her, she straddled my knee as usual and started rocking
her bare pussy on it. Her face was level with mine and I leaned in and
gave her a light kiss on the lips. A second kiss and I brushed my tongue
against her lips. On the third kiss my tongue was in her mouth, running
along her little teeth, back to her throat, circling around her tiny
tongue. It didn't take long and she got the hang of it. I slipped my hand
between her thighs and she rose up off my knee so I could finger her slit.
I rubbed her clit a few times and felt it harden a little under my pressure
before moving to find her tiny hole. My finger slipped in to the first
knuckle and didn't want to go any further. Jeez she was tight. I fingered
slowly in an out, gaining a little depth with each stroke. The water was
helping lubricate her, and I wished we were not in the pool so I could see
if she would naturally lubricate yet. When I was almost to the second
knuckle I felt her cherry. I now know that even if she has been played
with before she is still a virgin. I pulled out and went back to her clit,
which seemed to charge her up as she started kissing me with more passion.
If you have never kissed an eight year old, you should. It can be
incredibly hot when they learn what they are doing.
I heard the gate rattle next door and knew her mom was on the way back.
Reluctantly we both raced to get ourselves proper and started our normal
playful banter. Sure enough we put on our display just as her mom came
around the corner to the pool area. I told her where the fax machine was
and asked if she needed help. She said if she was too stupid to use a fax
then her husband didn't really need the papers. I laughed and said she was
probably right. I went to the poolside table and lit a smoke as the girl
came to my side. Her mom safely inside out of ear shot she told me that
what we did was fun and hoped we could do it more later. It was her that
pointed out we have to be careful and not get caught, and I took this time
to remind her of the little things, such as wearing panties so there was
some in the dirty laundry, not clinging so tight on me so as to arouse
suspicion, things like that. Mom soon came back out after faxing the
papers to her husband and had a drink in her hand for me and her both.
Nothing like a little alcohol to loosen things up. We were standing there
by the poolside table having a drink and a smoke talking about nothing in
particular, her daughter on the other side of the pool playing by herself
when mom all of a sudden turned the topic on me. In a lowered voice she
said You know she really likes you a lot, nodding toward the girl. Yeah, I
know, I answered. She is lonesome and starving for attention, what with no
other kids in the neighborhood and all. I know the feeling, she muttered
under her breath. I looks at her quizzically and asked if there was
trouble on the home front, not that it was any of my business. She told me
that the girls dad, who also happens to be her husband, is never home.
Work is all he thinks about, and we need more than that. Sensing an
opportunity in the word we, I told her that I am here for whatever they
need, be it a pool to play in, a pot to piss in, a friend to talk to, or a
shoulder to cry on. You know she has a crush on you, she said abruptly.
Yeah, I do, I answered, before adding, and she is not the only one. She
looked at me for what seemed like forever. For one of the few times in my
life I could not read someone's face. I didn't know if I had just been set
up, if I had just tipped my hand and got caught, if she was angry or what.
Finally, a lone tear rolled down her cheek, just be patient and gentle with
us, we have been through a lot. Just then a big splash of water came over
us amid the sounds of laughter and broke the spell and mood. Seems like
some little someone was jealous and wanted to play. I thought it was a
good Idea to lighten the mood, and together we gave chase and got revenge
(and I got a few feels) of our attacker. Before long my wife came home and
joined us in the pool, bringing a fresh round of drinks. That's about all
the excitement for Monday as they had to leave soon after to get dinner
ready for hubby/father. Before leaving, mom did tell me they would not be
over Tuesday as she had to take the girl shopping for clothes and a few
other errands. I made my disappointment known and she promised to make it
up to me on Wednesday. After they left, I detailed some of the events for
my wife, leaving out the serious part between me and mom at the end.
Wednesday was a good day and I will detail it as soon as I can.
Tuesday kinda sucked as I had the pool to myself until my wife came home.
It gave me too much time to think, and I wasn't sure what to think. Did
the mom have suspicions that led her to not come over today? Were they
really going shopping, and if so would that put mom and daughter together
too much and the girl slip? And just what did mom mean about be gentle
with us, we have been through a lot? All the questions running through my
mind made it tough to concentrate on work Tuesday night but I managed to
push through it. By the time I got in Wednesday morning I was dead tired.
I didn't know what to expect that afternoon so I set an alarm for 1:30 and
another for 2:15 in case I didn't make it up on the earlier one. I didn't
have to worry about it because when the first alarm went off I was wide
awake with anticipation. Would they be back today? As I lay there
thinking about what happened Monday afternoon my cock began to get stiff
and sneak out the leg of my boxers. I was tempted to jack off but didn't
want to waste a load or have to clean up the mess. Sure enough about 2pm I
heard the back door open and shut softly. I laid on my back, cock hanging
out of my underwear and closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. One eye I
cracked a tiny bit so I could see the foot of the bed. Two bodies crept
into the room and I knew it was mom and daughter. Oh my god, I heard mom
whisper, was he like this when you came in Monday. No mom, the girl lied,
he was under the covers and snoring. And you changed while he was
sleeping. Yes, the girl lied again, I made sure to stand to the side where
he couldn't see me if he woke up. I was happy to know the girl could keep
quiet about certain things. Well be quiet and let's go get changed, I want
to surprise him with our new bikini's mom instructed. I kind or grumbled
and turned on my side facing away from the bathroom. I thought this would
give mom a sense of privacy, while it really afforded me a view from the
dresser mirror of most of the bathroom. I watched as they stripped naked.
Mom has a better body than I realized. When she stripped her panties off
the girls eyes went wide and asked what happened to her hair down there.
Mom explained she had shaved it all off so it wouldn't show around her new
bikini. She then produced 2 white 2 piece bikinis from her hand bag. Mom
noticed her daughter didn't have any panties to remove and asked why. The
girl said she didn't have any clean ones to put on this morning and didn't
think it was any big deal to go without. Mom seemed to accept this answer
and promised to catch up on laundry. When they were dressed I could tell
mom and daughter had almost identical bikini's, although moms bottoms were
more of a thong and covered less of her ass than the girls did. The second
alarm blared and startled me into sitting upright. I hit the button to
turn it off and looked at the two beauties in the bathroom. Hi, I didn't
hear ya'll come in. They both giggled and mom said they wanted to surprise
me. Well it is a pleasant surprise, and I see you both got new suits, I
told her. Yes, and I got you one too, she motioned to her handbag, get
changed and meet us at the pool she instructed as they walked out. And
bring me a drink, she added looking back with a smile on her face. Two
damn fine asses I viewed as they left. I got up and took a piss then
looked in the handbag. I put the suit on and didn't think it was anything
special. It was a little shorter than my normal one, and the leg holes
were a lot bigger. Then I noticed, it had no netting inside to hold
"things" in. Upon closer inspecting it looked like the netting had been
cut out! I guess mom was finally starting to loosen up a bit. I decided
to fuck with moms mind and picked up her panties from where they we on top
of her shorts, turned them inside out and placed them in her daughters
shorts. She might not notice they had been moved, but then again she might
and know I was checking them out.
I made a couple drinks, sure hers was extra strong, and headed to the
pool. Another surprised awaited me when I got there. I saw a couple of
blow up floating pool chairs bobbing around in the water. It dawned on me,
shorter looser trunks, floating chair, she wanted to check out my goods,
and it appears with the new bikins she wanted to show off their goods! I
set the drinks on the table and as I stripped my shirt off she asked what I
thought of the new trunks. I told her I liked them and thanked her for
them, adding that I had been meaning to get a couple new pool toys but had
not got around to it and she shouldn't of. Well now you have two new toys
she answered to which I said yep, and I got a couple floating chairs too.
It took a couple seconds for her to catch on that I was insinuating her and
her daughter were my pool toys. When she did, she smiled and told me to
get in and play with my toys. I couldn't pass up an invitation like that.
As I climbed the ladder her daughter moved over beside it to meet and greet
me I suppose. I realized she could see up my trunks from her vantage
point, (and it's not like she hadn't see up there before) so I paused for a
couple seconds before descending and sinking to the bottom of the pool to
get used to the chill of the water. When I surfaced the girl was to my
left, and mom was right in front of me with my drink in hand. I asked her
to hold it while I got in one of the floating chairs. My cock and balls
fell out of one of the legs holes of the new trunks and I pretended not to
notice. Once settled I thanked her and told her it wasn't fair as I didn't
get to see much of them in their new suits. Mom said they could fix than
and she climbed up the ladder as if to get out of the pool. Once out of
the water, she stood on the second rung letting me admire her ass. I told
her to bend over a little and watched as the thong slipped deeper in the
crack of her ass before telling her to turn around. As she did I saw her
tits were barely contained by the top and her nipples were hard, the small
triangles of cloth barely hiding them. Even with the lining in the cups I
could make out the dark circles of her areola. The bottoms were pulled
tight in a very prominent camel toe. You could see every bump, curve and
detail of her pussy outlined by the fabric. I could swear the bump of her
clit was protruding as well. As little as that suit covers you might as
well be naked, I told her before adding that she looked hot in that suit
and I approved. She climbed back down and got her drink off the table,
handing it to me until she was in a floating chair herself. Once settled
she told her daughter to go ahead, it was her turn to give us a show. The
girl climbed the ladder and started turning around but mom stopped her and
told her she had to lean over and show us her butt just like she did. The
girl not only leaned over, she bent over as far as she could. Her suit
covered more of her ass than moms but still had ample ass cheek showing,
and the more she bent over the more she exposed. Bent over like that you
could see her pussy pressing tight against the crotch and trying to pop a
lip out. She wiggled her ass at us with a giggle before standing and
turning around. Like her mom her nipples were barely covered and she
sprouted the same camel toe. I gave a wolf whistle and mom said she's hot
huh? I said Oh yeah without thinking, then added a little too hot for her
age. I thought you might like it she said with a knowing grin and a
twinkle in her eye.
As we lounged around on the chairs, I noticed mom hitting her drink
pretty hard, and I also noticed she kept herself parked in front of me and
dipped her eyes down to my crotch every so often. I knew she was getting
an eye full. When her drink was gone I offered to make her another one but
she insisted on getting it herself. I asked her to bring me my sun glasses
off the counter as it was bright out, my real motive is I wanted to do a
little looking myself behind shielded eyes. Once she was safely inside the
girl came up to me and asked if she could sit in the chair with me. I
didn't know if it would hold both of us but said we could try. With a bit
of struggling and almost tipping over a couple times she finally made it,
and we didn't sink to the bottom. She put her legs on the outside of mine,
which left her spread open pretty good. Good enough that I was able to rub
her pussy through the suit while telling her how hot she looked in it. As
I pressed into the fabric a lip popped out and I pushed the fabric deeper
into her slit, searching her clit out. I asked who's idea the new suits
were and she said it was moms, and that her dad wasn't supposed to know
about them. She leaned her head back against me and her breathing became
rough so I knew I was hitting the right spot. The back door suddenly
opened and mom came out so I had to move my hands quickly and I wrapped
them around her chest hugging her. Mom gave a funny look when she say her
daughters flushed face but didn't say anything about where she sat.
Looking down I saw there was no way mom could miss both the lip hanging out
of her daughters suit of the hard cock sticking out of mine pointed at her
daughters crotch. She handed me my sun glasses and her drink so she could
get back in the chair and we carried on like nothing was amiss. Finally
back to her normal bubbly self, the girl asked if she could take her top
off like before. Mom said she didn't care and knew I didn't care so that
was fine. The girl leaned forward and told me to take it off for her,
which I gladly did. I could of swore I saw mom lick her lips a little when
the top came off. I resumed hugging her with my thumbs brushing against
her chest, inching toward her nipples. I was casually visiting with mom
while watching her gaze from behind my shades. Her look would go from my
face to her daughter's chest and what my fingers were doing then down to
our crotches then back to my face. I saw a slight change in the color of
moms face and her nipples started getting hard. I moved my hands up
slightly and started lightly brushing the girls nipples with my thumbs,
eventually feeling them harden at the point. At this stage, we were all
pretty much quiet, just taking everything that was happening in. With mom
and daughter both having hard nipples, flushed faces and rough breathing (I
hadn't even touched mom to bring her to this stage!) I took a sip of my
drink, and after putting the glass back in the cup holder on the arm of the
chair I dropped that hand down to her daughter's thigh landing close to,
but not touching the lip that was still outside her suit. I heard mom draw
in a light breath as my thumb stroked the girls thigh lightly. Why don't
you take your top off too I whispered to the mom. Ok she breathed. She
got out of her chair, stood up and took her top off, freeing her tits and
giving me the first look at her dark hard nipples. She walked over and
placed her top on the table, got the bottle of sun tan lotion and proceeded
to rub some into her tits. Actually it looked more like she was
masturbating her tits, pinching the nipples, grabbing a handful of her
flesh and squeezing tight. I broke her trance when I suggested her
daughter needed some on her now bare chest so she didn't burn. Mom handed
me the bottle and said why don't you put it on for her. I obliged and mom
continues her assault on her own nipples as she watched me fondle her
daughters chest. Right on schedule per Murphy's Law I heard the horn honk
as my wife pulled in the driveway now home from work. Mom grabbed her top
and I told her not to worry, leave it off. She asked if I was sure and I
told her yes not to worry about it. My wife came over to the pool and
while surprised to see the scene before her, she didn't comment or act
upset. I knew she wouldn't mind as we talked about seducing the young
couple before, and she already knew of my activities with the girl. I know
my wife gets a fucking on the side occasionally, and she doesn't mind if I
do. She asked if she could join us and I of course insisted she did. When
she went in to change the girl and mother both questioned me if it was
really ok. I told them to trust me everything would be ok. In fact it
might be more than ok before the day was over, as you never knew what might
happen here. And whatever happens here stays here I added. Mom nodded in
understanding. I moved my hand up and started openly stroking her
daughters exposed pussy lip. Moms eyes got wide but she didn't say a word,
she did however drop a hand under water and I knew she was rubbing her own
pussy. She stopped when my wife came out the door, but I continued rubbing
the girl, an action not missed by my wife. She was wrapped in a towel so I
knew she was topless. We were all totally surprised when she dropped the
towel and was totally naked. Seeing our surprise she said we beat her to
being topless so she wanted to beat us to being nude. My wife jumped it
the pool, got wet, then laid on a floating raft. She asked if one of us
minded putting lotion on her and I threw the bottle over to mom telling her
to be my guest. She was embarrassed but moved toward my wife to rub her
down with sun tan lotion. I could see her hands shake as she squeezes some
over my wife's chest and begin to rub it in. Me and the girl both watched
her mom rub my wife down from head to toe with the lotion, and it looked
like she enjoyed rubbing her 38DD tits the most. All three females had
hard nipples and I had a hard cock. I slipped my hand inside the girls
suit and rubbed her slit and slipped a finger in her pussy while mom
finished up. Mom can I get naked too, her daughter asked. No honey not
today, we have to be going soon so we can be home before daddy, remember.
Oh yeah, the girl pouted. Next time, I promise offered mom. I pulled my
hand out of the girls suit, and if her mom ever saw it there she never said
anything about it. We all kind of floated around awkwardly not knowing
really what to say, but the ice was broken and the ground work laid. They
did get out soon after and changed, going home about 10 minutes before the
husband/dad got home. After they left my wife had a million questions.
How did I get them topless, did I get my finger in the daughter (yes she
saw everything I did) and if so how tight was she, how much did her mom see
and what was her reaction etc. I answered all the questions she asked and
some she didn't. I told her I wanted her to work on the husband and see if
she could get something going with him. That would keep him out of the way
so I could work on mom and daughter, and she would get the bonus of a
strange cock fucking her at the same time. I made sure to tell her they
had stressed more than once he wasn't to know about their new suits or them
being over here so much. I wound up fucking my wife right there in the
pool before having to get ready for work. When I went into the bathroom to
shower and change guess whose panties were left behind today? Yep, moms,
as she was the only one wearing any. They were not balled up like I left
them either, they were laid out nice and neat on the floor so I knew they
had been left behind on purpose.
I worked Wednesday night and got called in early for a double shift
early Thursday afternoon, so I didn't get to see the girls until Friday. I
will get Fridays update out later today (Saturday) if I don't get caught up
in the pool before I get through with it.
So Friday.....let's back up to Thursday night. My wife and I had a short
time to talk before I had to leave for work. First of all she thinks the
husband is cute and indeed wants to fuck him, which I told her was fine by
me. She was also surprised my moms actions on Wednesday and couldn't
believe she had so openly enjoyed rubbing lotion on her body while I sat
there playing with her daughter. She said I could fun with either or both
the girls as long as I told her the details. She also agreed if it ever
became a possibility she would like to bed the mom herself. She never
offered or mentioned seducing the daughter but I think if the situation
arose she would go with it. I told her to try and get off work a half hour
early the next day (Friday) and quietly come home. I told her to text me 5
minutes before she gets here. She is to watch us from inside the house for
a bit. If there is anything that looks like a compromising situation
between mom and me, she is to "bust" us and call the mom inside for a chat
where she can let her know she is cool with everything and maybe even
seduce mom. The thought of this really turned on my wife as she
practically raped me and almost made me late for work.
Anyway Friday afternoon found me laying half awake in my boxers on the
bed dreaming of the possibilities. My cock was nice and hard, though still
confined, when I see a head peek inside the bedroom door. When she saw I
was awake she came on in, followed by her mom, and jumped on the bed with
me. She was wearing a short summer dress and as she flew on the bed, it
flew up and I saw she was not wearing panties. She sat on me, straddling
my hips and I know she felt my hard cock on her ass through her dress. I
know because she kind of ground down on it. Mom chided her and told her to
leave me alone and let me wake up. I explained I was already wide awake
and it was ok. Mom asked if she could get changed and I said sure. While
her back was turned going into the bathroom I slid the girls dress out from
under her ass so her bare skin was on me and also pushed the hem up to give
me another peek at her pussy. My hands came to rest on her hips with the
dress bunched up in them. I could not see her mom unless I turned and
looked in the mirror (which I didn't want to do as I was happy looking up
the girls dress) but I knew her mom could see me from about the chest down.
I slowly rocked the girl, feeling my hard cock slide between her ass
cheeks, the only barrier being my boxers. I asked her if she was going to
get changed for the pool too and she said she already did. She shocked me
by grabbing the hem of her dress and pulling it over her head, leaving her
sitting there naked, settling back down on my now harder than ever cock.
Her mom got a little pissed and said she couldn't believe she just did
that. The girl said mom you told me I could swim naked today. I know
replied mom, but I didn't expect you to just strip off right here and now
she exclaimed. At least wrap up in a towel until we get in the pool
ordered mom. The girl got off me and headed to the bathroom, I got up and
followed. Once there I said I might as well get changed too and dropped my
boxers without waiting for a reply or them to leave. Moms eyes got wide
and she licked her lips as my cock sprang free. Oh wow is that what was
poking me in the butt the girl asked. I told her it probably was as I
gingerly pulled my trunks on as casually as if I were brushing my teeth.
Ya'll ready I asked, snapping mom out of a trance. Oh yeah, I'm ready mom
replied huskily, and then changing her tone said um yes lets go get in the
pool and cool off. I let them lead the way and said I would go make a
couple of drinks and watched them till they were out the door. As usual I
made moms double strength, and when I went out and set it on the table she
downed half of it in one shot before stripping her bikini top off. I may
as well get that out of the way huh she asked. I told her to do whatever
she felt comfortable with then got in the pool myself. I couldn't believe
the girl was really playing in the water naked much less that mom allowed
it. As usual, as soon as I got in the girl jumped up on me, wrapping her
arms and legs around me. Only this time she was naked and nothing in the
way of my fingers playing with her cunt or asshole as I supported her in my
cupped hands. I bounced her up and down feeling her slide on my hard cock
through my trunks before dunking her, running my finger through her slit as
I did. As she came up coughing and sputtering I stepped over by mom and
dried my hands so I could have a smoke. I saw she had already downed her
drink so I asked if she wanted another. She said that might help, so I
picked up the cold glass and casually ran it across one of her nipples,
watching it harden. You should put some lotion on so they don't burn I
mentioned as I turned to leave the pool. I dried off and went in to make
her drink. Wanting to spend time in the pool rather than going in and out
for refills I found an Ice bucket, filled it up and grabbed the bottles and
mixer that way I could make drinks poolside without getting out of the
water. Standing at the back door I decided to watch for a few minutes and
see how they interacted. The girl was wrapped legs and arms around mom
like she did with me. Moms hands were under her ass holding her like I did
and I had to wonder if her fingers were playing. I didn't have to wonder
long. Mom fell backwards, taking her daughter with he and I could see her
hands spread the girls ass cheeks apart and a finger on her asshole. After
they surfaced, mom picked the girl up again, finger through her slit and
dunked her again. She was mimicking my actions as she played with her
daughter. Finally I stepped out and set the tray of mixer on the table and
got back in the pool. The girl got on a floating chair while I went over
and made mom a drink and talked while having another smoke. I asked if she
had put sun tan lotion on and she said no she was waiting for me to get
back. Without asking I picked up the bottle and squirted some on her tits.
You put it on there so you have to rub it in she told me. Rub it in I did.
I made sure to pinch and squeeze her titties and nipples and I could see
the lust building in her eyes. I asked her if she minded me taking my
trunks off, she said it was my pool and I could do what I wanted in it.
What if I want you to take your bottoms off? Like I said it's your pool
your rules she whispered. Take your bottoms off I ordered. She shook her
head no. Take your bottoms off or I will do it for you. I can't she said,
shaking her head no again. When she said I can't I took it to mean that I
could do it for her. I took the sides of her bikini in my hands and pulled
them down and over her hips. She shifted her legs so they fell to the
bottom of the pool and stepped out of them, leaving them at the bottom. I
didn't get a look at her cunt as it was below the water but at this point I
began to wonder if I had a submissive on my hands. Think about it, it all
adds up. Doesn't complain, is quiet and goes along with whatever takes
place, easily to manipulate. I wanted so bad to be naked with them but
thought it best not to push it any faster than I already had. There was no
doubt in my mind I could do whatever I wanted with either of them if I
didn't push too hard. Mom got in a floating chair and I handed her the
drink before asking the girl if I could have my chair. She asked if she
could set on my lap and I told her sure, anytime. As I got in the chair I
managed to pull the leg of my trunks open so my hard cock stuck out the leg
hole then helped the naked girl into my lap. I had my shades on so mom
couldn't see my eyes watching her as I slowly begin to stroke the girls
chest and thighs. Her eyes were focused on her daughters pussy and I could
see her getting more and more tense as my fingers slowly stroked their way
up. Finally, as I reached her slit, mom relaxed and licked her lips. As I
slowly stroked up and down her slit, the daughter had her head back and
eyes closed. I noticed mom stroking her fingernail on a hard nipple in
time to my stroking. I shifted positions and brought her up so her pussy
was out of the water and began probing at her entrance. Soon I pulled the
finger up to my lips and locked eyes with mom as I sucked it into my mouth
tasting what little taste there was, as the water had washed most of it
away. I dipped my finger in her again and held it out, offering it to mom.
I could see the look of lust and want in moms eyes, yet she made absolutely
no move other than to lick her lips hungrily. I couldn't coax her over, so
I put the fingertip in her daughters mouth and she gently sucked on it,
weather she knew it or not she was cleaning herself off my finger tip. I
heard my cell phone chime and I knew it was my wife letting me know she was
almost home. About this time mom slowly opened her legs and gave me my
first good look at her cunt. Like her daughter, she was totally hairless,
but as expected a fuller, more womanly cunt. I told her to do what I do
and I resumed rubbing the girls slit, to which she dropped a hand in her
lap and started rubbing herself. As I brought my finger to either my or
her daughters lips, she brought hers to her own lips. My cock was harder
than ever and poking up out of the water between the girls legs, though not
touching her. I made sure mom saw me wipe a drop of precum off the head
and put it to her girls lips and push it in her mouth. Mom dug her fingers
in deep and came as she watched her baby girl taste my precum for the first
time. Moms cell phone rang, breaking the magic moment. She answered it
with a frustrated tone in her voice. After a few short words she hung up
and said her husband was almost home and they had to go before he got
About that time my wife came out the door wrapped in a towel. Mom was
startled and I acted surprised. What are you doing home early I asked her.
She asked what I was doing while she wasn't home with a knowing smile on
her face. Mom sputtered and stammered out something unintelligible and my
wife told her it was ok, she is not the jealous type. Mom explained to her
they had to get home and sorry to leave so quickly. The girl complained
she didn't want to leave and my wife asked if it would be ok for her to
stay and swim and we would send her home later. With much pleading from
her daughter, she finally gave in but said only for another half hour. The
girl jumped off my lap and hugged her mom, thanking her profusely. Not
quite the way I wanted everything to go, but I guess we take what we can
get. Mom got her suit on before getting out of the pool and my wife
complained it wasn't fair, that she didn't get to play with all of us,
meaning mom basically. Mom left hastily, not even bothering to change and
sure enough not ten minutes later we saw her husband pull up. In the mean
time my wife had removed her towel and revealed she was naked as she got in
the pool. I decided now was a good time to take my trunks off and the girl
cheered that we were all naked. We tossed the girl back and forth to her
delight. I don't know about my wife but I was defiantly taking liberties
with my hands. We tired after a bit and moved by the table for a smoke.
The girl put her goggles on and began swimming around under water as we
watched. My wife was stroking my cock and at one point went under water
and began sucking on it. As close as she was, and having goggles on I know
the girl could see what was going on as she swam around but she never
commented about it. My wife came up for air and said she would finish that
later, so I took my place in a chair, as did my wife. The girl got in my
lap again and this time my cock was free to press against her slit. She
rubbed her hand up and down it pressing it into her cunt and against her
clit as I toyed with her tiny nipples trying to get them to come to a
point. My cell phone rang and I told my wife to answer as she was the
closest and I wasn't expecting any calls. After a hello and a brief pause
she said Oh shit, ok thanks and hung up. She said it was the girls mom,
and dad was on the way over to get her and we had to get dressed fast. I
put my trunks on and the girls had to run in the house fast as both of them
had nothing out here to put on. Sure enough dad came around the corner
into the pool area just after the gals got inside. He asked where they
were and I told him they had went inside a few minutes ago to change as we
were about to send his daughter home. He said he hoped she wasn't being a
pest or outstaying her welcome. I assured him they were all welcome over
any time, then offered him a beer. He accepted and we went out to the
garage in the back to get one. During the conversation he told me he knew
his wife and daughter came over a lot for the pool but if at any time they
were a bother, what with me working nights and all, to just let him know. I
told him that they were no trouble and while he was on the subject I
thought he should come over more and learn to relax. He started to make
excuses and I interrupted him and said bullshit. You have time after work
and on the weekends, my wife loves to entertain and by God he was going to
come over and get entertained. He laughed about it and promised to come
over tomorrow afternoon. About that time the gals appeared. My wife had
on a string bikini that left little to the imagination and his eyes about
popped out of his head at the sight of her big tits and hard nipples. If
that's not a good enough reason to come over I don't know what is I told
him as he stared. The girl was in her dress and I knew she was naked
underneath. My wife had the sense to grab one of her suits she had left
her, get it wet and put it in a bag to make it look as if she actually came
over with a suit. The girl ran and jumped into my arms and my hands went
under her dress to support her. And to play with her pussy one last time.
I wasn't worried about dad catching me as he was too busy giving my wife a
look over. She thanked me for letting her stay and swim and as I sat her
down I let my finger trail through the crack of her ass, pausing to tickle
her asshole. We said our goodbyes and my wife escorted them to the gate.
After she got back to the garage I handed her a beer and told her about the
afternoon and instructed her to get as friendly as she could with the dad.
Actually I think I told her point blank to try and fuck him to keep him
busy while I worked on mom and daughter. If he was fucking her, he
couldn't complain about me fucking his wife. His daughter might be a
different story, but you never know, he might be into that too. By the
way, my wife finished that blow job right there in the garage with the door
open so anyone driving or walking by could see.
I know it has been a bit since I have updated and everyone is dying to know
what happened. First off, my computer took a crap and it has taken a few
days to put together another one the way I want it. But I am back and
trying to get you caught up. The short version: The girl was at a summer
day camp all last week so I didn't get to see her. Mom however did come
over a couple times for the pool, and her husband has been over after work
for a beer with us. Without her daughter her mom seems more reserved and
shy. I managed to get her topless but not totally nude in the pool again,
and she would put her top on before her husband got here. I figured it
would be just the opposite, no daughter here so she would be able to cut
loose? She did mention once that her daughter has a crush on me and for me
to go slow and easy with her. I asked if it bothered her that her daughter
liked to swim naked with me and she said no, as long as she is doing it
voluntarily, and then changed the subject. It seemed like every time I
would try to find out more on how she felt about things she would change
the subject to something else. Kind of like if we don't talk about it then
it really isn't happening. I tried everything to get her to loosen up but
nothing seemed to work. I didn't push real hard as I didn't want her
having second thoughts and not come back at all. Saturday not a lot
happened as dad mom and daughter all three came over. Dad did seem to
spend more time on the patio with my wife than he did in the pool with us,
and from what my wife tells me she thinks he is more than interested in
her. Trust me; she will corrupt him come hell or high water, LOL. Although
she had to wear a suit since dad was there, I still did plenty of grabbing
and poking with the daughter and mom carried on like nothing was unusual.
Monday was a good day though. My wife had a dentist appointment and
would need a driver and mom volunteered. I got home from work about an
hour before they were to leave so I suggested the daughter stay here with
me so she wouldn't be stuck sitting in a boring dentist office. Everyone
agreed so it was set. I went out back to the garage to putter while my
wife got dressed and in a matter of moments my little subject was standing
right beside me. She had already changed into her black with white strips
bikini and was asking if we could go in the pool. It was already blazing
out at 9am and it sounded like a good idea but I told her we should wait
till her mom and my wife were gone that way we didn't have to wear suits,
and have them wonder what kind of fun we were up to naked in the pool
without them. She said yeah we could have more fun without them and asked
if she could set on my lap. I was sitting at my workbench on a tall
barstool with armrests. I gave her a boost up and she sat facing me with
her legs on the outside of the arm rests. That had her spread very wide,
but hard to see or touch where I wanted to, but did leave it where I had to
cradle her ass in my hands to hold her in my lap. I slipped my hands
inside her suit and ran my finger up and down her ass crack, stopping
occasionally to tickle her asshole. Occasionally my finger made it far
enough to get the tip in her pussy. Once as I did this I looked her in the
eyes and moved my head slightly forward as she tilted her head to the side
and put her arms around my neck. I gave her a slow, long French kiss, and
I would swear she had done this before. Maybe she has, I would like to
find out, it was too perfect, and her knowing what was coming, tilting her
head, sucking my tongue. I probed my finger a little deeper and she moaned
into my mouth as I did. Slowly I moved my finger in and out, fucking her
until my finger was up to the first knuckle before pulling it out and
breaking the kiss. She complained about the armrests hurting her legs so
we turned her around so her back was facing me and her legs were outside
mine, leaving here again wide open. This gave me access to her entire
front down to her knees, which I quickly took advantage of. One hand
pushed her top up and began fingering her nipples trying to make them hard
while the other stroked her inner thighs softly, working closer and closer
to her cunt. When my fingers found the junction where her leg met her
cunt, she reached down and placed my hand directly on her pussy. I rubbed
her slit, pushing the fabric into the split of her lips searching for her
clit, tiny as it may be. I knew I found it when she pushed her hips up to
increase the pressure of my finger. I worked it for about a minute before
bringing my finger to my mouth and getting it wet then going under her suit
started rubbing her clit again. Keeping my voice at a whisper near her ear
I began talking to her and asking questions. Does that feel good? She
nodded her head yes. Do you ever rub yourself like this? Another nod yes.
Has anyone else ever done this to you? A pause, but then a slight nod yes.
Who? She shook her head no. Can you tell me who? Again no. If I guess
will you tell me if I am right? No answer. Was it a boy at school? No.
Was it an uncle or cousin? No. Was it your daddy that played with you
like this? No. Was it another man? Again another shake of the head no.
Another girl? A slow nod yes. I increased the speed and pressure on her
clit and got an approving noise from her lips. Who? I can't tell you,
it's a secret, she whispered. One of your girl friends? A shake no. Your
mom? A vigorous shake of the head no. Hmmm, was I on to something here?
So your mom likes to rub your pussy like this? No answer. Have you ever
rubbed her pussy? A slight nod yes. I decided to get really dirty with
her and asked if her mom ever licked her pussy. A nod. Have you licked
your mom. A bigger nod yes. You like doing grown up nasty things with
her? A very vigorous nod yes. Well me and you are going to do a lot of
grown up things together too, would you like that? A faint yes escaped her
lips. All of a sudden she squealed and started cumming, her hips rising
high. I slipped my finger into the entrance of her tiny pussy, pushing
until she winced when my finger hit her cherry. I wanted so much to pop it
but held off. I wanted her mom to be here when I did. She finally went
slack and practically fell asleep on my lap. I had to prod her to get off
me as my legs were falling asleep. She was pretty wobbly on her legs and
took my place on the bar stool, putting her ass on the edge and flopping
her legs wide open and over the arm rests. I stepped into her pushing my
hard cock against her pussy as she wrapped her legs around me. I wished I
had of dropped my shorts but that was a second though as I leaned into her
to kiss her again. I love you, she simply stated before our lips met. Her
legs took up a rhythm of pulling me tighter as I humped into her cunt with
my aching cock, the fabric between us providing a lot of friction. The
blaring ring of the phone broke us apart as we both jumped out of our skin.
It was my wife, her dentist had an emergency and canceled her appointment
and they were on the way back home. After a short conversation I hung up
and informed my now for sure future lover of the news. I suggested we get
in the pool as it was getting hotter. She got off the stool and headed to
the door. Not so fast, I stopped her. I am getting in the pool naked and
suggest you do the same, I told her. We both stripped naked right there in
the garage and left her suit and my cloths on the floor. She asked me to
carry her across the yard and jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs
around me tightly. My hard cock was pushing against the entrance of her
pussy as I walked across the yard but she was too tight for the head to pop
in. By the time we were poolside her pussy was coated with precum and the
head might have went in with a little more work.
I am getting this update out before it is finished as I know the
followers are dying to know what is happening. Comments can go to either
the email address listed in the intro chapter or to the ML "Awww man, it's
gone" thread V0A318C5.
We were in the pool by 10am, and even though it was early it felt great. I
horsed around a bit with her to lighten the mood before going over to the
table to have a smoke and ponder the latest bit of information. A couple
weeks ago the girl had slipped a refrence to not getting caught again, mom
had said they had been through a lot and to be patient with them, and she
watched as I played with her daughter in the pool as well as on the bed.
Now the girl admits her and mom play with each other. I guess I could come
right out and tell mom I know whats been going on but that might put her on
the defensive, worst case seniro them never come over again. No, I think I
better keep pushing slowly and draw her in. If she is a submissive like I
suspect it won't take too long. The girl was on a floating raft when I
heard the car pull up in the drive. I went over and was putting suntain
lotion on her front when the women came around the corner. Having fun, my
wife asked, with an approving smile. WHERE IS YOUR SUIT YOUNG LADY, asked
mom. We left themin the garage, the girl answered sheepishly. Well go get
it and put it on, don't you have any modesty, asked mom. Awww do I have
to? You let me go without it before, and you even had yours off too, the
girl told her. Yeah, ummm, but, well, mom stammered. My wife came to the
rescue and told her it was ok, she knew about it as I told her everything.
You mean you don't mind that your naked husband is putting lotion on my
naked daughter? Of course not, answered my wife, I don't mind what he does
with your daughter, or you for that matter, as long as I at least get to
hear the juicy details. She put emphasis on the Juicy. In fact, I think I
am going to join them if you don't mind, she said. Mom just stood there
speechless as my wife began to strip down. Once she was naked she stepped
up to mom and said Here, let me help you get out of those clothes. Mom
didn't object, she raised her arms as her shirt came off, then stepped out
of her shorts when they came down. My wife ran her hand over moms cunt and
said Nice and smooth, just like we like them. Mom still hadn't uttered a
word, but the look on her face told us all we needed to know. She was In
lust. As my wife got in the pool I locked eyes with mom and bent over and
gave her daughter a kiss, making sure mom knew it was a deep tongue kiss.
The girl wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me closer, untill I
finally broke it off and wiggled my finger for mom to come in. As mom got
in the pool in a daze I went over to the table where my wife was standing
and started putting lotion on her chest and tits, openly playing with her
hard nipples. I bent down and sucked on one, gently biting it until I got
the reaction I was looking for. Yesss hissed my wife, pulling me closer to
her nipple. I stood up, handed her the bottle and told her to put some on
mom. I watched as she applied the lotion to moms tits, playing with moms
as I had played with hers. My wife copied me and bent to suck moms tittie.
Looking over at the girl I saw she was slowly rubbing her pussy trying to
find the right spot on her clit. I decided she needed help and went to her
side. She moved her hand and let me replace it with mine and opened her
legs wider giving me total access. I told her to pull her knees up and
that exposed her asshole to me. I rubbed her clit until she started
humping back at me a little then I moved my finger tip to her ass. Telling
her to relax, that it would soon feel good, I slowly pressed against her
rosebud until my finger popped in her tight ass. The combination of water
and lotion made entrance easier than I expected. I leaned down and started
french kissing her as I worked my finger in and out of her ass, a little
deeper with each stroke. She moaned into my mouth as my finger finally
slid as deep as it could into her, and I used my thumb on her clit as I
moved my finger slowly in and out. Breaking the kiss I looked up at the
two women and could tell my wife was fingering moms cunt as she sucked on
her nipple, moms head thrown back, eyes closed and her hands pulling my
wife tighter to her nipple. I leanded back down and started my own assult
on the girls tiny pink nipples, using my tongue and teeth to get a littler
reaction from them. They actually began to harden a little until they were
tiny points standing above her chest. Momma, the little girl squealed as
she tried to buck her hips up, momma Im gonna have my feel good.
AAAYYYYIIIIEEE came the hgh pitched noise from deep within her lungs as I
gave my finger one last shove, burring seemingly deeper in her, vigorously
rubbing her clit and sucking a nipple hard between my lips. I cut my eyes
over and saw both women watching us, once again mom had nothing but the
look of pure lust in her eyes. I knew at this point I could forever do
anything I wanted with her or her daughter.
As she came down from her little girl high, I eased my finger out of her
ass and felt her relax beneath me. I think she dozed off instantly due to
the energy drain, so I gave her a light kiss on the lips and went over and
stood behind mom., my hard cock pressing into her ass. My wife began
fingering her cunt again while I wrapped my arms around her and began
playing with both nipples. Did you like watching me finger your daughters
ass I whispered in her ear. Uh-huh, she answered. You wished it was your
ass being fingerd though huh? She nodded her head yes. I instructed her
to reach back and spread her ass cheeks, which she did, and I dropped a
hand down to find and probe her asshole, which was surprisingly tight. My
other hand went down and grabbed my cock, lining it up with it's target.
Yessss, she hissed as she felt the head on her pucker. I removed my finger
and started slowly working the head of my cock into her ass. As soon as I
felt it pop in I grabbed her hips and rammed the entire seven inches up her
at one time. Oh my God she said as she let her body relax and go slack,
the only thing holding her up was my cock in her ass and my wifes fingers
in her cunt. That's what your daughter is going to feel when I fuck her
soon, I began to whisper. Slowly I started stroking in and out of her ass
as I continued describing what I wanted to do. I want her doggie style,
her ass in the air, her tongue on your clit and her fingers in your cunt.
That got a moan out of mom. Maybe even her hand in your cunt, you would
like that huh. She nodded her head yes. You like it when she fingers and
sucks your pussy don't you? Uh-huh she answered, unaware she just admitted
her seceret. Where do you want me to fuck her, to cum in her? I don't
care, she answered, just fuck her. She has never been fucked by anybody
but you has she? No. You haven't broke her cherry have you? I don't
think so, she admitted. I think the first time I fuck her you should lick
her pussy and suck my cock first to get them wet, then guide my cock up in
your daughters virgin cunt. I thought she was going to cum on the spot
hearing that! I'll do anything you want, just fuck me, fuck my ass full of
cum right now, she cried as she began rotating her hips, pushing back
trying to get more cock in her ass. I moved her so she was bent over a
little, grabbing the edge of the pool for support while my wife stepped
back and watched. After I am done with her she is going to sit on your
face so you can lick ever drop of cum out of her pussy, I informed her.
One of my hands went to her clit while the other started tormenting her
nipples as I fucked deeply in and out of her ass. You love eating your
daughters pussy don't you? Yes, God yes I love her tiny pussy. I will
help you fuck her, I will do anything you want just keep fucking my ass I
am almost there, she proclaimed. How about getting her to suck her dad's
cock while I fuck her ass and you eat her pussy? Nooo not her dad,
anything but that! I quit pumping in her ass, holding my cock just barely
inside her ass. I guess you want me to stop then. Nooo she pleaded, I
will do it, I will have the damned dog fuck her, anything, just don't stop,
please don't stop fucking me, I am almost there. I gave a hard shove into
her ass, pinched her clit and that set her off. Oh God yes, I'm cumming,
fuck me, fuck my baby, anything just as long as it feels this good,
ohmygodihavenevercamelikethis she babbled. The contractions of her ass set
me off and I started pumping my cum deep inside of her. Feel that, I
asked, feel my hot cum inside you? That is what your daughter is going to
feel in her cunt and ass soon, was the last thing I said as we both
collapsed against the poolside.
To be continued in Chapter 11. Too much to tell in just one chapter.
After my cock shrank and slipped out of her ass I moved beside her and lit
us both a smoke. My wife got on a floating chair and I looked over at the
girl and saw she was dozing. So how long have you been playing with her?
About a year, I guess, she answered. Your not going to tell anyone are
you, she asked, looking at me with pleading eyes. Are you fucking kidding?
And ruin a good thing? I could see the relief in her eyes and body
language. Does anyone else know I asked her. No, I don't think so, but in
a way it is a relief that you know. You don't know how hard it is to keep
this secret inside. Has anyone else played with her? No, well last year I
caught my brother with his hand in her shorts, but I told him to get the
hell out and never come back. Why me then, I wanted to know. You are nice
and seem safe. I don't get the feeling you would ever hurt her. She
really likes you and it was her idea to see if she could seduce you so to
speak. I never intended to get involved between you and her or with you
and your wife she informed me. But now you are and I think you will like
where we take things, I promised her. With that I went over and kissed the
girl gently until she woke up and put her arms around my neck. I told her
we needed to get out of the pool and go inside. I also told my wife to
keep mom entertained and in the pool and I would come for them when I was
The girl and I got out and dried off, and I led her by the hand to the
bedroom and laid her down. I started making out with her, caressing all
over her body lightly, then worked my way between her thighs until I found
her pussy waiting between her wide spread legs. The more I finger fucked
her and rubbed her clit the more her hips rocked and bucked. Finally I
couldn't take anymore, I had to have a taste. Do you want me to lick you
between your legs like your mom does, I asked. Yes please she squeaked.
Then ask me to. Please lick me between my legs. No, not like that, do you
know what that place is called? She nodded yes. What? My pussy, she said
with a blush. Then ask me to lick that. Would you lick my pussy please?
Please lick my pussy and make it feel good like momma does. I almost shot
off hearing such a request coming from her lips, even though I asked her to
say it. I crawled between her legs, grabbed them behind the knees and
lifted them up and wide. I wanted to go slow and build her up but
couldn't. Maybe next time. I dived right in licking her slit and parting
her lips, finding her tiny clit with the tip of my tongue. I teased it
briefly before plunging my tongue as deep in her cunt as I could. There
was a slight wetness inside her but virtually no taste really. I had my
tongue buried in her and my mouth covering her whole pussy, sucking on it,
raking my teeth lightly across her clit. Occasionally I would pull my
tongue out of her cunt and lsp at her clit as I sucked on it. I didn't
want to take a chance on busting her cherry with my finger so I slowly
began working it in her ass while sucking her cunt. When it was halfway in
her tight ass I really began an assault on her clit. Suddenly she bucked
her hips up so the only thing resting on the bed was her head and neck. As
she was cumming I shoved my finger all the way in, bringing her to a
different level of climax. AAAIIIIYEEEEE Came her high pitched cry, along
with incoherent babbleing. I sucked her clit harder, pounded my finger
harder trying to drive it deeper. As she began to calm down I lessened the
assault on her body and her senses. As she relaxed, signaling the end of
her climax, I slowly withdrew my finger and quit sucking on her tiny cunt.
I went to the restroom and washed my finger off, returned to bed and
cuddled with her. That was the best ever she told me. Even better than
your mom? Yep even better she answered. We lay there silently for a few
minutes before I asked if she would make me feel that good. How, she
questioned. I told her I wanted her to suck on my dick, which she didn't
know what that was. I wrapped her hand around my cock and told her that
was my dick and she should just lick and suck on it. She moved down and
took a lick of the precum and paused while she tasted it. Tastes good
doesn't it I prodded her. Not too bad, different, she answered. Different
than what? Different than how momma tastes. I told her how to lick and
suck on it, and to be careful with her teeth. I wish I could tell you I
got the blowjob of my life but in reality I didn't. She barely got the
head in her mouth when I grabbed the back of her head to hold her on my
cock while I came in her mouth. I told her to swallow all she could. I
think most of it escaped around her lips and coated my cock though. When I
was done cumming I told her to lick up what she spilled out and she did
without question. My cock was so sensitive I had to stop her shortly. I
knew I was spent for a while so I suggest we go join the ladies in the pool
till I recovered. That and I didn't trust myself not to fuck her when I
did recover. I wanted her mom to help me with that pleasure the first
Short update, but company is here