Pro-Tip for downloading MEGA Folder Links:
1.) Select entire folders and select 'download as ZIP'
2.) use Chrome, not Firefox
3.) (temporarily) deactivate being asked to manually select a save location for every download.
The first one helps with transfer speeds as initializing, downloading, decrypting and then saving every single file can severely impact possible download speed.
The second tip follows from the first, as Firefox's Cache wasn't built for multi-gigabyte temp files and likes to crap out a lot with huge MEGA downloads.
The Third one will greatly increase your chances of actually getting the files, as Chrome rarely struggles with the actual download, cache retention or decryption parts of MEGA downloads, but can sometimes hickup in presenting the save dialogue because it has to 'make' the file by decrypting cache data, which in certain cases can take longer than the internal timeout time for the dialogue, and it simply never opening. If you've set it to always put downloads into the same default folder tho, it virtually will never fail to just hand the decrypted file off to the OS's filesystem.