# Fucking Awesome by ## VIP ## Mark .C - 07/21/09 @ 07:01 AM CEST
That's all that needs to be said about the VIP accounts. Keep it classy 7chan.
That's all that needs to be said about the VIP accounts. Keep it classy 7chan.
Fonts have been fixed to avoid Times New Roman mixing with sans-serif.
Additionally the Conductor Cat banner contest is ending Monday at 11 PM, you can find the thread here.
What does it mean to be VIP?
VIP is life worth living, VIP is the pinnacle of existence. What was once your placid life may soon become more than you can ever hope to imagine.
When is VIP?
VIP is now, VIP is the future and overwrites all pasts in this dimension and next. To post like VIP you must not only BE VIP, but you must think like a VIP. How is that you might ask? Well that my simple minded friend is like asking God how he is omnipresent, these things just happen and frankly they cannot be explained in words. You’re either VIP or you’re mediocre, there is no in between.
Where is VIP?
VIP is all around you, you’ve seen it but you can’t describe it. It’s that ever present feeling that someone’s words jump off the page and rape your mind’s comprehension of reality. There is no end to VIP quality nor is there a beginning, only once you witness it firsthand can you realize what you were missing all along.
Who is VIP?
Well my friend I will not answer that question for you may already know the answer. VIP is all around us, perhaps you may already be VIP, although this is most likely not the case. Become a VIP and doors of opportunity will open, colors will be more vivid, life will be more fulfilling, people will find you more attractive and you will succeed in your future goals.
But where do I begin?
Remember that the road to VIP is long but fruitful, never ending but continuing in another plane of quality.
This is VIP.
Ab hinc
We've fixed the video embeds, if they're are any bugs check with us on IRC. Due to security popups and the size of the video windows, they are now enclosed in a collapsible div tag. Additionally the FAQ and the rules have been restored except for their images (hopefully soon).
have fun
Update:We've reinstated the Flash board.
I've been also getting a lot of questions on how to dump a whole directory of images so I've put up a guide in the FAQ, you can find it here.
Expect a lot of changes as we get back 100%. Note that some things may be broken at the moment.
Update: A few video embeds are being tested, they may or may not work. (Hulu is borked atm)