# Hey Perverts by ponbiki - 01/29/20 @ 01:23 AM CET
Comatoast is coming to delete your threads. How does that make you feel? I bet that it makes you feel bad. Comatoast doesn't care about your feelings. Your threads are as good as gone.
Comatoast is coming to delete your threads. How does that make you feel? I bet that it makes you feel bad. Comatoast doesn't care about your feelings. Your threads are as good as gone.
There are too few updates.
We are only going to say this once, so pay attention.
We realize that you guys are going to be edgy edgelords, and post things that fit into that mindset. That's fine, you're entitled to say stupid shit on the Internet.
However, if you post any threats of violence, be they to an individual, a group, a race, a religion, or anything that could be construed as such, you will lose site privileges permanently.
If you post something (or do something) stupid enough that it generates law enforcement activity, we will cooperate fully with the investigation.
It's OK to vent. It's OK to yell stupid conspiracy theories or strut around in your brand new Chinese-manufactured Nazi uniform. Nobody has to pay attention to you. However, advocating, threatening, or committing violence crosses a line, and we aren't going to tolerate it. This "irony" shit has been going on for far too long, long enough that stupid people are taking it seriously, and it puts us in a spot where we have to put our foot down.